Beispiel #1
                $ox = str_replace('{IDENT}', $ident, $ox);
                echo $ox;
                echo "</body></html>";
$oldident = $ident;
if (!empty($_COOKIE['pJJChat_Banned'])) {
    $ident = $_COOKIE['pJJChat_Banned'];
if (CheckBan($ident, $chatpath) == 0) {
    $ident = $oldident;
    if ($proxyblock == 1 && empty($_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'])) {
        $bl = Proxy_IsProxy($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        if ($bl !== false) {
            echo "This chat blocks open proxies, and you are using one. You have been banned for 8 hours.";
            echo "<br>The list that caught you is: <a href='{$bl}'>{$bl}</a>";
            echo "</body></html>";
            AddBan($ident, time() + 28800, '[proxy]', $chatpath);
            setcookie("pJJChat_Banned", $ident, time() + 604800);
} else {
    setcookie("pJJChat_Banned", $ident, time() + 604800);
    echo "<html><head></head>\n{$cbodytag}";
    echo $language[12];
    echo "</body></html>";
Beispiel #2
         echo "<tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td>{$uun['username']}</td>";
         echo "<td><a href='{$uun['ip']}'>{$uun['ip']}</a><div><a href='{$uun['proxyip']}'><i>{$uun['proxyip']}</i></a></div></td>";
         echo "<td>{$uun['ident']}</td>";
         echo "<td>" . gethostbyaddr($uun['ip']) . "<div><i>" . @gethostbyaddr($uun['proxyip']) . "</i></div>{$proxy}</td></tr>";
         $known[$uun['ip']] = $uun['username'];
         $known[$uun['proxyip']] = $uun['username'];
     echo "</table>";
     $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT INET_NTOA(ip) as ip,INET_NTOA(proxyip) as pip, user_agent as ua FROM uo_chat WHERE chat='{$realpath}' ORDER BY ip ASC", $handler);
     echo "<p><b>Lurkers, Viewers, Everybody Else:</b><br>";
     echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 border=0 bgcolor=#000000>";
     echo "<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee><td>#</td><td><b>Chatter</b></td><td><b>IPs</b></td><td><b>Hostnames</b><td><b>User Agent</b></td></tr>";
     for ($i = 1; $uun = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++) {
         $proxy = '';
         $isproxy = Proxy_IsProxy($uun['ip']);
         if ($isproxy !== false) {
             $proxy = '<br>Possible proxy, see <a href="' . $isproxy . '">' . $isproxy . '</a>';
         echo "<tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td>{$i}</td><td>";
         if (!empty($known[$uun['ip']])) {
             echo $known[$uun['ip']];
         echo "</td><td><a href='{$uun['ip']}'>{$uun['ip']}</a><div><a href='{$uun['pip']}'><i>{$uun['pip']}</i></a></div></td>";
         echo "<td>" . @gethostbyaddr($uun['ip']) . "<div><i>" . @gethostbyaddr($uun['pip']) . "</i></div>{$proxy}</td><td>" . htmlentities($uun['ua']) . "</td></tr>";
     echo "</table>";
 } else {
     if ($adminaction == "chain") {
         $xchan = $_REQUEST['xchan'];