fclose($fp); } } echo "<tr><td>".$maintext."<br /><br /><br /><hr /><br />"; echo "<small><b>"._WFS_DATE."</b> ".$datetime."<br /><b>" ._WFS_TOPICC."</b> ".$story->categoryTitle()."<br /><b>" ._WFS_URLFORSTORY."</b> ".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/article.php?articleid=".$story->articleid() ."</small><br /></td></tr>"; echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n </td></tr></table> </body> </html> "; } // -------------------------------------------------------- // main routine // bug fix : you can print some articles you should NOT see // PrintPage($articleid); include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() .'/include/groupaccess.php'; $article = new WfsArticle($articleid); if (checkAccess($article->groupid)) { PrintPage($articleid);} else { redirect_header("index.php", 2, _NOPERM); exit(); } ?>
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/* 2003 chatserv */ /* http://www.nukefixes.com -- http://www.nukeresources.com */ /************************************************************************/ if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die("You can't access this file directly..."); } require_once "mainfile.php"; $module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); get_lang($module_name); if (!isset($sid)) { exit; } function PrintPage($sid) { global $site_logo, $nukeurl, $sitename, $datetime, $prefix, $db, $module_name; $sid = intval($sid); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, time, hometext, bodytext, topic, notes FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); $title = stripslashes(check_html($row['title'], "nohtml")); $time = $row['time']; $hometext = stripslashes($row['hometext']); $bodytext = stripslashes($row['bodytext']); $topic = intval($row['topic']); $notes = stripslashes($row['notes']); $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT topictext FROM " . $prefix . "_topics WHERE topicid='{$topic}'")); $topictext = stripslashes($row2['topictext']); formatTimestamp($time); echo "<html>\n\t <head><title>{$sitename} - {$title}</title></head>\n\t <body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\">\n\t <table border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td>\n\t\n\t <table border=\"0\" width=\"640\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"><tr><td>\n\t <table border=\"0\" width=\"640\" cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><tr><td>\n\t <center>\n\t <img src=\"images/{$site_logo}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br><br>\n\t <font class=\"content\">\n\t <b>{$title}</b></font><br>\n\t <font class=tiny><b>" . _PDATE . "</b> {$datetime}<br><b>" . _PTOPIC . "</b> {$topictext}</font><br><br>\n\t </center>\n\t <font class=\"content\">\n\t {$hometext}<br><br>\n\t {$bodytext}<br><br>\n\t {$notes}<br><br>\n\t </font>\n\t </td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n\t <br><br><center>\n\t <font class=\"content\">\n\t " . _COMESFROM . " {$sitename}<br>\n\t <a href=\"{$nukeurl}\">{$nukeurl}</a><br><br>\n\t " . _THEURL . "<br>\n\t <a href=\"{$nukeurl}/modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}\">{$nukeurl}/modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}</a>\n\t </font>\n\t </td></tr></table>\n\t </body>\n\t </html>"; die; } PrintPage($sid);