Beispiel #1
 public static function friendly_url($text)
     $friendlyurl = Str_Replace(' ', '-', AddSlashes($text));
     $tbl = array("á" => "a", "ä" => "a", "č" => "c", "ď" => "d", "é" => "e", "ě" => "e", "í" => "i", "ľ" => "l", "ĺ" => "l", "ň" => "n", "ó" => "o", "ö" => "o", "ő" => "o", "ô" => "o", "ř" => "r", "ŕ" => "r", "š" => "s", "ť" => "t", "ú" => "u", "ů" => "u", "ü" => "u", "ű" => "u", "ý" => "y", "ž" => "z", "Á" => "A", "Ä" => "A", "Č" => "C", "Ď" => "D", "É" => "E", "Ě" => "E", "Í" => "I", "Ľ" => "L", "Ĺ" => "L", "Ň" => "N", "Ó" => "O", "Ö" => "O", "Ő" => "O", "Ô" => "O", "Ř" => "R", "Ŕ" => "R", "Š" => "S", "Ť" => "T", "Ú" => "U", "Ů" => "U", "Ü" => "U", "Ű" => "U", "Ý" => "Y", "Ž" => "Z", "'" => "", ",-" => "kc");
     $url = StrTr($friendlyurl, $tbl);
     $text = StrTr($url, "ÁÄČÇĎÉĚËÍŇÓÖŘŠŤÚŮÜÝŽáäčçďéěëíňóöřšťúůüýž", "AACCDEEEINOORSTUUUYZaaccdeeeinoorstuuuyz");
     // somehow I wasnt able to add following characters to previous StrTr strings:
     $text = StrTr($text, "& .,?!_+", "--------");
     //$text = Preg_Replace ("/[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]/", "-", $text);
     $text = Trim($text, "-");
     $text = Preg_Replace("/[-]+/", "-", $text);
     return strtolower($text);
Beispiel #2
 public function __construct($Option)
     $this->AppStart = MicroTime(true);
     if ($Option === 'force') {
         $this->UseCache = false;
     $UrlsPath = __DIR__ . '/urls.json';
     $ApiKeyPath = __DIR__ . '/.support/apikey.txt';
     $ETagsPath = __DIR__ . '/.support/etags.txt';
     if (!File_Exists($ApiKeyPath)) {
         $this->Log('{lightred}Missing ' . $ApiKeyPath);
     } else {
         if (!File_Exists($UrlsPath)) {
             $this->Log('{lightred}Missing ' . $UrlsPath);
     if ($this->UseCache && File_Exists($ETagsPath)) {
         $this->ETags = JSON_Decode(File_Get_Contents($ETagsPath), true);
     $this->APIKey = Trim(File_Get_Contents($ApiKeyPath));
     $this->CurrentTime = Time();
     $Data = File_Get_Contents($UrlsPath);
     // Strip comments
     $Data = Preg_Replace('#^([\\s]?//.*)#m', '', $Data);
     $Data = JSON_Decode($Data, true);
     foreach ($Data as $File => $URL) {
         $this->URLsToFetch[] = array('URL' => $URL, 'File' => $File);
     unset($Data, $URL, $File);
     $Tries = 5;
     do {
         $URLs = $this->URLsToFetch;
         $this->Log('{yellow}' . Count($URLs) . ' urls to be fetched...');
         $this->URLsToFetch = array();
         $this->Fetch($URLs, $Tries);
     } while (!empty($this->URLsToFetch) && $Tries-- > 0);
     File_Put_Contents($ETagsPath, JSON_Encode($this->ETags, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     if ($this->ExtractClientArchives) {
         $this->Log('{lightblue}Extracting client archives and doing voodoo magic');
         // Let's break all kinds of things! :(
         System('bash ' . __DIR__ . '/');
Beispiel #3
function CleanUpElem(&$elem_name, &$cfg_file, &$template)
    // Fixes HEX strings to look like 0xABCDEF12345 rather than 0Xabc or 0xaf
    if (Preg_Match("/(0x)([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i", $elem_name, $matches)) {
        $elem_name = Preg_Replace("/(0x)([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i", "0x" . StrToUpper($matches[2]), $elem_name);
    print "    Cleaning up elem '{$elem_name}'\n";
    $cfg_elem = FindConfigElem($cfg_file, $elem_name);
    $cfg_elem = array_change_key_case($cfg_elem, CASE_LOWER);
    $new_elem = array();
    $last_label = 0;
    foreach ($template as $indice => $line) {
        if (Preg_Match('/\\[Label=([[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]+)\\]/', $line, $matches)) {
            if ($last_label) {
            $matches[1] = Preg_Replace("/%s/i", " ", $matches[1]);
            $line = "//{$matches[1]}";
            if ($indice > 1) {
                $line = "\n\t{$line}";
            $last_label = $line;
            $new_elem[$line] = array("");
        } else {
            $property = StrToLower($line);
            if ($cfg_elem[$property]) {
                $new_elem[$line] = $cfg_elem[$property];
                $last_label = 0;
    if (Count($cfg_elem) > 0) {
        $new_elem["\n\t//Custom Values"] = array("");
        // Lines not in the template go at the end as custom values
        foreach ($cfg_elem as $key => $value) {
            $new_elem[$key] = $value;
    if ($last_label) {
    return $new_elem;
Beispiel #4
function BuildItemDesc($file)
    print " * Loading multis config file...\n";
    $cfg_file = ReadConfigFile($file);
    if ($cfg_file == FALSE) {
        print "Cant open {$file} ({$php_errormsg}). Blame Stephen Donald.\n";
    print " * Purging itemdesc.cfg for new write...\n";
    $handle = FOpen("itemdesc.cfg", "w");
    $handle = FOpen("itemdesc.cfg", "a");
    print " * Finding elem names...";
    $elem_names = GetConfigStringKeys($cfg_file, CLASS_LABELS_ON);
    print "(" . Count($elem_names) . ")\n";
    foreach ($elem_names as $elem_name) {
        if (!Preg_Match("/^House\\s+/i", $elem_name)) {
        $multi_id = Preg_Replace("/^House\\s+/i", "", $elem_name);
        $objtype = HexDec($multi_id);
        $objtype += 16384;
        // 0x4000
        $objtype = "0x" . DecHex($objtype);
        FWrite($handle, "House {$objtype}\n");
        FWrite($handle, "{\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\t// Main Stuff\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\tName\t\tHouse{$objtype}\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\tGraphic\t\t{$objtype}\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\t// Multi Info\n");
        FWrite($handle, "\tMultiID\t\t{$multi_id}\n");
        FWrite($handle, "}\n\n");
    return 1;
Beispiel #5
 case 'error':
     return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 case 'exception':
     # No more...
 case 'array':
     foreach ($Profiles as $Profile) {
         $Attribs = $Profile['Attribs'];
         $Attribs['pCountry'] = $Attribs['Country'];
         $Attribs['pState'] = $Attribs['State'];
         $Attribs['pCity'] = $Attribs['City'];
         $Attribs['pAddress'] = Trim(Preg_Replace('/ул./iu', '', $Attribs['Address']));
         $Attribs['AddressEn'] = Translit($Attribs['pAddress']);
         $Attribs['pIndex'] = $Attribs['PostIndex'];
         $Attribs['pRecipient'] = $Attribs['Recipient'];
         $Attribs['PasportWhom'] = $Attribs['PasportWhom'];
         $Attribs['PasportDate'] = $Attribs['PasportDate'];
         if (Preg_Match('/(.*)\\s(.*)$/', $Attribs['PasportNum'], $Matches)) {
             $Attribs['PasportLine'] = Str_Replace(' ', '', $Matches[1]);
             $Attribs['PasportNum'] = $Matches[2];
Beispiel #6
function GetConfigMaxIntKey(&$cfg_file)
    $high_num = 0;
    foreach ($cfg_file as $cfg_line) {
        $cfg_line = RTrim($cfg_line);
        //Only check lines that are not blank.
        if (!$cfg_line) {
            // Blank line
        } elseif (Preg_Match("/^(\\/\\/|#)/", $cfg_line)) {
            //Comment lines
        } elseif (Preg_Match("/^[[:alnum:]]+\\s+{$elem_name}/i", $cfg_line)) {
            //An elem key was found.
            //Remove the first word from the line and check if it is an Integer
            //type element. If so, tuck it into an array.
            $cfg_line = Preg_Replace("/^[[:alnum:]]+\\s+/", "", $cfg_line);
            if (Is_Numeric($cfg_line) ? IntVal($cfg_line) == $cfg_line : false) {
                if ($cfg_line > $high_num) {
                    $high_num = IntVal($cfg_line);
    return $high_num;
Beispiel #7
function UnikData($data = '', $db = 'titre', $size = 10)
    $res = '';
    $sup = $_ENV['ksup'];
    $s[] = "origindata:" . $data;
    if (RS == 404) {
    if (!isgoodurl() or preg_match("|image/png;|base64|/(adtech|iframeproxy)~", U) or e(',badurl', 1)) {
    static $trig;
    if (!$trig) {
        $trig = 1;
    #Returns only unique Array Data ! For Titles + descriptions (1Mo + 13ms)
    if (strpos(u3, '.jpg')) {
    $rev = 1342976292;
    $u = $db . ':' . hu3;
    if ($y = param($data, '&')) {
    #extraction paramètres ...?
    $origin = Rem($data, CLT(surl));
    $data = trim(str_replace(array('»', 'Â', '£', 'N%253BO=D'), ' ', $data), '!?»,. ');
    if (!$_ENV['auth']) {
        $u = Preg_Replace("~(#|\\?|&).*~", '', $u);
    } else {
        $u = Preg_Replace("~[#|\\?|&][^(&|\\?)" . $_ENV['auth'] . "]+~", '', $u);
    #!genius!really nice syntax-"~(#|\?|&)[^(".$_ENV['auth'].")].*~"
    while (strlen($data) < $size && $sup) {
        $next = Array_shift($sup);
        if (!stripos($data, $next)) {
            $data .= ' ' . $next;
    #push ksup inside
    if (strpos(SURL, '?', 0)) {
        Preg_match_all("~=([^&]+)~is", SURL, $t);
        if ($t) {
            $t = $t[1];
            $data .= ' ' . implode(' ', $t);
    #si titre similaire, pusher le query string
    $ret = $data;
    #av("data:$data db:$db ret:$ret".pre($s));
    ###Si pas de résultats : invalider le record en placant un "1" dessus
    if (1 or H == '') {
        $arg = 'no=1,bd=' . sip;
        $prev = array();
        #previously db -> comes to mysql  unikdata:id,url,db,data,score
        $s[] = "select sql_cache data from " . DB . ".unikdata where url=\"{$u}\"";
        $x = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], "bd=" . sip) or $noexist = 1;
        $s[] = "result:" . count($x) . "/" . $x . "/data:" . $data;
        if ($x == $data) {
            return $data;
        } else {
            #on défini le score puis On recherche si des correspondances existent déjà
            if (!Q && e('tprio,forcetitre', 1)) {
                $score[$u] = 0;
            } else {
                $score[$u] = substr_count(u, '/') * 20 + substr_count(u, '?') * 10 + substr_count(u, '&') * 10 + strlen(u);
            /*Score de lui même*/
            $datas[$u] = $data;
            $s[] = "select sql_cache url,score from " . DB . ".unikdata where data=\"{$data}\" and url<>\"{$u}\" and left(url,6) rlike'{$db}:" . H . ".*' order by score asc";
            $y = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], $arg);
            select * from ben.unikdata where url='';
            select sql_cache url,score from ben.unikdata where data="Webcams Ski Haute Savoie" and url<>"" and left(url,6) rlike'*' order by score asc
            insert into ben.unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES("","Webcams Ski Haute Savoie","32")
            #Si une ou plusieurs Pages have the same results
            if ($y) {
                if (!is_array($y)) {
                    $y = [$y];
                foreach ($y as $t) {
                    $score[$t['url']] = $t['score'];
                    $datas[$t['url']] = $data;
            if (count($score) == 1) {
                if ($noexist) {
                    return $data;
                    $s[] = "insert ignore into " . DB . ".unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES(\"{$u}\",\"{$data}\",\"{$score[$u]}\")";
                    sql5(end($s), $arg);
                } else {
                    return $data;
                    $s[] = "update " . DB . ".unikdata set data=\"{$data}\",score=\"{$score[$u]}\" where url=\"{$u}\"";
                    $x = sql5(end($s), $arg);
                #Non car le score est unique !
                #if($db=='titre')DbM('unikdata',surl."<li>db?$db / ".hu3."->$data<li>noexist?$noexist<li>sql:".pre($s)."<li>score:".pre($score)."<li>datas:".pre($datas)."<li>res:".pre($res)."<li>GT:".pre($_ENV['dbt']),1);
                return $data;
            } else {
                #si plusieurs résultats pour mêmes données, il peut exister des similarités ..
                $s[] = "select sql_cache url,data,score from " . DB . ".unikdata where data rlike(\"{$data}*\") and url rlike'{$db}:" . H . ".*' and url<>\"{$u}\" order by score asc";
                $y = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], $arg);
                #les autres résultats proches, on s'en tape !
                if ($y) {
                    foreach ($y as $t) {
                        $score[$t['url']] = $t['score'];
                        $datas[$t['url']] = $t['data'];
                foreach ($score as $url => $v) {
                    #calcul des doublons et population de la matrice des résultats
                    $n = 0;
                    $t2 = $temp = $datas[$url];
                    while (in_Array(accents(strtolower($t2)), $prev) && $n < 20) {
                        #déjà un doublon de score inférieur - 20 opérations maximum
                        if ($trig != 'chiffres' && Preg_match_all("~([0-9]+)~", u, $m)) {
                            $i = implode('', $m[1]);
                            $t2 = $temp . " {$i}";
                            $trig = 'chiffres';
                        $t2 = $temp . " {$i}";
                        #sinon on incrémente
                    $res[$url] = $t2;
                    $prev[] = accents(strtolower($t2));
                    #les scores les plus pourris ramassent la merde
                    if ($url == $u) {
                        $ret = $t2;
                    #calcule le retour pour l'url courante
                foreach ($res as $url => $v) {
                    if ($noexist && $url == $u) {
                        $s[] = "insert into " . DB . ".unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES(\"{$u}\",\"{$v}\",\"{$score[$u]}\")";
                        sql5(end($s), $arg);
                    $s[] = "update " . DB . ".unikdata set data=\"{$v}\" where url=\"{$url}\"";
                    sql5(end($s), $arg);
                    #Il est possible que l'url courante n'aie pas d'enregistrements !!!
            if ($db == 'titre') {
                DbM('unikdata', surl . "<li>db?{$db} / " . hu3 . "->{$data}<li>noexist?{$noexist}<li>sql:" . pre($s) . "<li>score:" . pre($score) . "<li>datas:" . pre($datas) . "<li>res:" . pre($res) . "<li>GT:" . pre($_ENV['dbt']), 1);
            return $ret;
    } else {
        $u = u3;
        #local db mode
        if ($db == 'titre' && filemtime(DR . $db . '.db') < $rev) {
            Unlink(DR . $db . '.db');
        #Unlink the whole file
        #if(!strpos(u3,'=')&&$_ENV['soloQ'])$u=Preg_replace("~\?(?!({$_ENV['soloQ']})).*~is",'',u3);#déjà calculée dans autoappend
        #Determine unique Array 1
        while (strlen($data) < $size && $_ENV['ksup']) {
            $next = Array_shift($_ENV['ksup']);
            if (!stripos($data, $next)) {
                $data .= ' ' . $next;
        #push ksup inside
        Rem($key, $u, 'index');
        $x = FGC(DR . $db . '.db');
        if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
            return $x[$key];
        #Si la clé date d'avant la dernière révision on la retourne
        if ($x[$key] != $data) {
            #différente ou non définie
            $score[$key] = substr_count(u, '/') * 20 + substr_count(u, '?') * 10 + substr_count(u, '&') * 10 + strlen(u);
            #Score de lui même
            if (strpos($_ENV['args'], ',tprio')) {
                $score[$key] = 0;
            if (strpos(surl, '?', 0)) {
                Preg_match_all("~=([^&]+)~is", surl, $t);
                if ($t) {
                    $t = $t[1];
                    $data .= ' ' . implode(' ', $t);
                #si titre similaire, ajouter le query string
            #Cas 1 : il y a un chiffre dans l'url et il est différent des titres des autres, s'il y a déjà un chiffre, on remplace ce dernier par 156
            if (is_Array($x)) {
            } else {
                dbM("x is not array-no f*****g way:{$x[$key]}§" . pre($x));
            #elseif(!$x){dbM("uniktitre:x is null ?? wtf ??");return;}
            $y = Array_map('strtolower', $x);
            $e = print_r(error_get_last(), 1);
            #if(stripos($e,'array given'))dBM("uniktitre:$db:{$x[$key]}\n<br>err:".pre($e)."\n<Br>y:".pre($y)."<Br>x:".pre($x));
            $found = array_keys($y, strtolower($data));
            #Arrive très souvent..;
            if (count($found) && Preg_match_all("~([0-9]+)~", u, $m)) {
                #avec des chiffres à injecter dans le titre
                $i = implode('', $m[1]);
                $data = $origin . " {$i}";
                $found = array_keys($y, strtolower($data));
                #last verif
                if (count($found) < 1) {
                    FAP("tx=1&file=" . DR . $db . '.db', array($u => $data));
                    db('found:numbers injected in title');
                    return $data;
                #Ok si aucun doublon
            if (count($found)) {
                #des doublons de titres ont été trouvés
                foreach ($found as $k2) {
                    #si les scores sont égaux, on ne pourra la comparer à un autre numéro..
                    $score[$k2] = substr_count($k2, '/') * 20 + substr_count($k2, '?') * 10 + substr_count($k2, '&') * 10 + strlen($k2);
                    if ($k2 == 'index') {
                        $score[$k2] = 0;
                    #raz page 0
                $os = $score;
                foreach ($score as $k => $v) {
                    #Remplacer le score par les valeurs titre
                    while (in_array($data, $score) && $n < 10) {
                        $data = $origin . " {$i}";
                    if ($n > 10) {
                        Dbm("{$db} n:{$n}; data:" . pre($data) . "score:" . pre($score));
                    $score[$k] = $data;
                    #crée autant
                #if($score[0]==$score[self])Best=1;swap titles
                FAP("tx=2,{$key}&file=" . dr . $db . '.db', $score);
                return $score[$key];
            if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
                return $x[$key];
        #swap those values pour url prioritaire!!!
        if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
            return $x[$key];
        #ajouter ici les valeurs des query strings !
        if ($data && $key) {
            FAP("tx=3,{$key}&file=" . dr . $db . '.db', $key, $data);
            gt('l' . __LINE__);
            return $data;
        DB(surl . ':notitle found:' . count($found) . 'x[key]' . $x[$key] . 'data:' . $data . 'origin:' . $origin);
Beispiel #8
$Args = isset($Args) ? $Args : Args();
$DomainName = (string) @$Args['DomainName'];
$JSON = (bool) @$Args['JSON'];
$DomainName = Trim($DomainName);
$Regulars = Regulars();
$Config = Config();
if ($DomainName) {
    $DomainName = Preg_Replace('/[^a-zа-я0-9-\\.]/u', '-', Mb_StrToLower($DomainName, 'UTF-8'));
Debug(SPrintF('[comp/www/DomainWhoIs]: DomainName = %s', $DomainName));
$DOM = new DOM();
$Links =& Links();
# Коллекция ссылок
$Links['DOM'] =& $DOM;
if (Is_Error($DOM->Load('Base'))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$InvoiceID = (int) @$Args['InvoiceID'];
$IsRemote = (bool) @$Args['IsRemote'];
$Mobile = (string) @$Args['Mobile'];
if (Is_Error(System_Load('modules/Authorisation.mod', 'classes/DOM.class.php', 'libs/Upload.php'))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Regulars = Regulars();
if ($Mobile) {
    # удаляем из телефона всё кроме цифр
    $Mobile = Preg_Replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $Mobile);
    if (!Preg_Match($Regulars['SMS'], $Mobile)) {
        Debug(SPrintF('[comp/www/InvoiceDocument]: WRONG_MOBILE = %s', $Mobile));
        return new gException('WRONG_MOBILE', 'Номер мобильного телефона указан неверно');
    if (!SetCookie('Mobile', $Mobile, Time() + 364 * 24 * 3600, '/')) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
Beispiel #10
 $Table = array(array(new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Head'), 'Тип договора'), new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Head'), 'Сумма балансов'), new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Head'), 'Кол-во')));
 $Config = Config();
 $Types = $Config['Contracts']['Types'];
 $Total = 0.0;
 $dPiece = $lPiece = array();
 foreach ($Contracts as $Contract) {
     $String = $Type = $Types[$Contract['TypeID']]['Name'];
     $String = Preg_Replace('/\\s+/', "\n", $String);
     $dPiece[] = $Contract['Count'];
     $lPiece[] = $String;
     $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Currency', $Contract['Balance']);
     if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     $Table[] = array($Type, $Comp, (int) $Contract['Count']);
     $Total += $Contract['Balance'];
 $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Currency', $Total);
Beispiel #11
function stripcont($x, $xp = '')
    GT('l' . __LINE__);
    if (!$xp) {
        $xp = CONTBANNED;
    if (preg_match("~{$xp}~i", $x)) {
        $x = Preg_Replace("~{$xp}~is", '', $x);
    GT('l' . __LINE__);
    return $x;
    #$x=explode('|',$xp);foreach($x as $v){sql('update portail.zpages2 set contenu=replace(contenu,'$v','');}#
Beispiel #12
 $Attribs['SournameEn'] = Translit($Attribs['dSourname']);
 $Attribs['jCountry'] = $Attribs['Country'];
 $Attribs['pCountry'] = $Attribs['Country'];
 $Attribs['jState'] = $Attribs['State'];
 $Attribs['pState'] = $Attribs['State'];
 $Attribs['StateEn'] = Translit($Attribs['State']);
 $Attribs['jCity'] = $Attribs['City'];
 $Attribs['pCity'] = $Attribs['City'];
 $Attribs['CityEn'] = Translit($Attribs['City']);
 $Attribs['jAddress'] = Trim(Preg_Replace('/(ул|пр)\\./iu', '', $Attribs['jAddress']));
 $Attribs['pAddress'] = Trim(Preg_Replace('/(ул|пр)\\./iu', '', $Attribs['jAddress']));
 $Attribs['AddressEn'] = Translit($Attribs['jAddress']);
 $Attribs['jIndex'] = $Attribs['PostIndex'];
 $Attribs['pIndex'] = $Attribs['PostIndex'];
 $CompanyName = $Attribs['CompanyName'];
 $CompanyName = Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $CompanyName);
 $Attribs['Form'] = Current($CompanyName);
 $CompanyName = Implode(' ', $CompanyName);
 $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Standard'), $Comp));
 # для JBS-512
 $Comp = Comp_Load(SPrintF('Colors/%s', $ModeID), $StatusHistory['StatusID']);
 if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
     return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 $Style = array('class' => 'Standard', 'style' => SPrintF('background-color:%s;', $Comp['bgcolor']));
 $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', $Style, $Statuses[$StatusHistory['StatusID']]['Name']));
 $Initiator = $GLOBALS['__USER']['IsAdmin'] ? $StatusHistory['Initiator'] : Preg_Replace('/\\s(\\(\\H+\\))$/', '', $StatusHistory['Initiator']);
 $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Standard'), $Initiator));
 $Comment = $StatusHistory['Comment'] ? $StatusHistory['Comment'] : '-';
 $Comment = Comp_Load('Formats/String', $Comment, 45);
 if (Is_Error($Comment)) {
     return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Standard'), $Comment));
 $Table[] = $Tr;
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        if (!$Count) {
            return new gException('CONTRACT_WITHOUT_PROFILE', 'У выбранного договора отсутствует профиль. Выберите другой договор, или, пусть клиент создаст и назначит профиль для этого договора.');
# TODO: надо бы налепить проверок соответствия сервера и заказа....
$IExtraIPOrder = array('Login' => $Login, 'SchemeID' => $ExtraIPScheme['ID'], 'DependOrderID' => Preg_Replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $DependOrder));
if ($ExtraIPOrderID) {
    $ExtraIPOrder = DB_Select('ExtraIPOrders', 'OrderID', array('UNIQ', 'ID' => $ExtraIPOrderID));
    switch (ValueOf($ExtraIPOrder)) {
        case 'error':
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        case 'exception':
            return new gException('ExtraIP_ORDER_NOT_FOUND', 'Заказ на ExtraIP не найден');
        case 'array':
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
Beispiel #15
$String = preg_replace("#(^|\\s|>)((http|https|news|ftp)://\\w+[^\\s\\[\\]\\<]+)#i", !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? "\\1<A href=\"\\2\" target=\"blank\">\\2</A>" : '\\1\\2', $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\[link](.+)\\[\\/link\\]/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<A href="\\1" target="blank">\\1</A>' : '\\1', $String);
$String = Preg_Replace("(\\[link\\=[\"']?((http|ftp|https):\\/\\/[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+([\\w.,@?^=%&amp;:\\/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&amp;\\/~+#-])?)[\"']?\\](.+?)\\[/link\\])", isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? "\$5 \$1" : "<a target=\"blank\" href=\"\$1\">\$5</a>", $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\[b](.+)\\[\\/b\\]/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<B>\\1</B>' : '\\1', $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\[p](.+)\\[\\/p\\]\\n/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<P>\\1</P>' : '\\1', $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\[marker](.+)\\[\\/marker\\]\\n/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<TABLE  style="margin-left:15px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><TR><TD valign="top" style="padding-top:5px;"><IMG alt="+" width="8px" height="8px" src="/styles/root/Images/Ul.png" /></TD><TD>\\1</TD></TR></TABLE>' : '\\1', $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\n--\\n/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<HR align="left" width="90%" size="1" />' : "\n--\n", $String);
$String = Preg_Replace('/\\[bg=([a-z]+)\\](.+)\\[\\/bg\\]/sU', !isset($Params['IsEmail']) ? '<DIV style="padding:5px;background-color:\\1;">\\2</DIV>' : '\\2', $String);
if (!isset($Params['IsEmail'])) {
    $Smiles = System_XML('config/Smiles.xml');
    if (Is_Error($Smiles)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    foreach (Array_Keys($Smiles) as $SmileID) {
        $Smile = $Smiles[$SmileID];
        $String = Str_Replace($Smile['Pattern'], SPrintF('<IMG alt="%s" src="%s" style="display:inline;" />', $Smile['Name'], SPrintF('SRC:{Images/Smiles/%s.gif}', $SmileID)), $String);
Beispiel #16
 $Config = Config();
 $Type = $Config['Tasks']['Types'][$TypeID];
 $Params = $Task['Params'];
 if (Count($Params)) {
     $Table[] = 'Параметры';
     foreach (Array_Keys($Params) as $ParamID) {
         if (Is_String($Params[$ParamID])) {
             $Text = Str_Replace("\n", '<BR />', HtmlSpecialChars(Trim($Params[$ParamID])));
             $Text = Preg_Replace('/(http\\:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\/\\:\\?\\&\\=\\@\\-\\.\\;\\_]+)/', '<A href="\\1">[ссылка]</A>', $Text);
             $Td = new Tag('TD', array('class' => 'Standard', 'style' => 'max-width:400px;'));
             $Td->AddHTML(SPrintF('<SPAN>%s</SPAN>', $Text));
             if (isset($Type['Params'][$ParamID])) {
                 $Table[] = array($Type['Params'][$ParamID], $Td);
             } else {
                 $Table[] = array($ParamID, $Td);
 $Table[] = 'Текущее состояние';
Beispiel #17
function IO_RmDir($Folder)
    $Folder = Preg_Replace('/\\/{2,}/', '/', rTrim($Folder, '/'));
    if (StrPos(SPrintF('/%s/', $Folder), SYSTEM_PATH) === FALSE) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[IO_RmDir]: ошибка безопасности при удалении (%s)', $Folder));
    $Entities = IO_Scan($Folder, FALSE);
    if (Is_Error($Entities)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[IO_RmDir]: не удалось получить содержимое папки');
    if (Count($Entities)) {
        foreach ($Entities as $Entity) {
            $Entity = SPrintF('%s/%s', $Folder, $Entity);
            if (Is_Dir($Entity)) {
                if (Is_Error(IO_RmDir($Entity))) {
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[IO_RmDir]: ошибка рекурсивного вызова при удалении (%s)', $Entity));
            } else {
                if (!UnLink($Entity)) {
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[IO_RmDir]: ошибка при удалении файла (%s)', $Entity));
    if (!@RmDir($Folder)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[IO_RmDir]: ошибка при удалении директории (%s)', $Folder));
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #18
function WhoIs_Check($DomainName, $ZoneName, $IsAvalible = FALSE)
    Debug(SPrintF('[system/libs/WhoIs]: run function WhoIs_Check, Domain = %s.%s', $DomainName, $ZoneName));
    $CacheID = SPrintF('WhoIs-%s.%s', $DomainName, $ZoneName);
    $Answer = CacheManager::get($CacheID);
    if (!$Answer) {
        # смотрим доменную зону, на предмет того использовать ли данные whois сервера, или юзать запросы к регистратору
        $DomainZones = System_XML('config/DomainZones.xml');
        if (Is_Error($DomainZones)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[comp/www/API/WhoIs]: не удалось загрузить базу WhoIs серверов');
        $IsSuppoted = FALSE;
        foreach ($DomainZones as $Zone) {
            if ($Zone['Name'] == $ZoneName) {
                $IsSuppoted = TRUE;
        if (!$IsSuppoted || $Zone['IsUseRegistratorWhoIs']) {
            if (!$IsSuppoted) {
                Debug(SPrintF('[comp/www/API/WhoIs]: доменная зона не поддерживается'));
            if ($IsSuppoted && $Zone['IsUseRegistratorWhoIs']) {
                Debug(SPrintF('[comp/www/API/WhoIs]: принудительное использование WhoIs регистратора'));
            # чекаем доменную зону
            $Regulars = Regulars();
            if (!Preg_Match($Regulars['DomainZone'], $ZoneName)) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[comp/www/API/WhoIs]: неверная доменная зона (%s)', $ZoneName));
            # достаём список серверов на которых есть такой тариф
            $Servers = DB_Select('DomainSchemes', array('ServerID'), array('Where' => SPrintF('`Name` = "%s"', $ZoneName)));
            switch (ValueOf($Servers)) {
                case 'error':
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
                case 'exception':
                    return new gException('REGISTRATOR_SERVER_NOT_FOUND', 'Не найдены активные сервера регистраторов');
                case 'array':
                    $Array = array();
                    foreach ($Servers as $Server) {
                        $Array[] = $Server['ServerID'];
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
            # достаём список активных серверов регистраторов
            $Servers = DB_Select('Servers', array('ID', 'Address', 'Params'), array('Where' => array(SPrintF('`ID` IN (%s)', Implode(',', $Array)), '`IsActive` = "yes"'), 'SortOn' => 'Address'));
            switch (ValueOf($Servers)) {
                case 'error':
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
                case 'exception':
                    return new gException('REGISTRATOR_SERVER_NOT_FOUND', 'Не найдены активные сервера регистраторов');
                case 'array':
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
            # перебираем регистраторов
            $UseServer = FALSE;
            foreach ($Servers as $iServer) {
                # если это не проверка доступности и в настройках сервера не стоит галка про получение WhoIs - пропускаем
                if (!$IsAvalible) {
                    if (!$iServer['Params']['IsFetchWhoIs']) {
                # достаём использованные запросы к регистратору, на данную минуту
                $RatelimitID = SPrintF('ratelimit-%s-%s-00', $iServer['Address'], Date('H-i'));
                $Ratelimit = CacheManager::get($RatelimitID);
                # если из кэша что-то досталось и оно больше разрешённой частоты запросов - пропускаем цикл
                if ($Ratelimit && $Ratelimit >= $iServer['Params']['RatelimitAPI']) {
                    Debug(SPrintF('[comp/www/API/WhoIs]: превышена частота запросов к серверу %s (разрешено %u, использовано %u)', $iServer['Address'], $iServer['Params']['RatelimitAPI'], $Ratelimit));
                # сохраняем, на пару минут, в кэш новое число запросов к регистратору
                CacheManager::add($RatelimitID, IntVal($Ratelimit) + 1, 120);
                $UseServer = $iServer;
            # если не задан сервер - частота превышена для всех серверов
            if (!$UseServer) {
                return new gException('REGISTRATOR_SERVER_RATELIMIT', 'Превышена максимальная частота запросов к интерфейсу регистратора');
            # выбираем сервер регистратора
            if (Is_Error(System_Load('classes/DomainServer.class.php'))) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
            $Server = new DomainServer();
            $IsSelected = $Server->Select((int) $UseServer['ID']);
            switch (ValueOf($IsSelected)) {
                case 'error':
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
                case 'exception':
                    return new gException('CANNOT_SELECT_REGISTRATOR', 'Не удалось выбрать регистратора');
                case 'true':
                    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
            # делаем запрос к API - функция в зависимости от $IsAvalible
            if ($IsAvalible) {
                $DomainCheck = $Server->DomainCheck($DomainName, $ZoneName);
                switch (ValueOf($DomainCheck)) {
                    case 'error':
                        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
                    case 'exception':
                        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(400);
                    case 'true':
                        return TRUE;
                    case 'false':
                        return array();
                    case 'array':
                        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
            } else {
                $DomainWhoIs = $Server->DomainWhoIs($DomainName, $ZoneName);
                switch (ValueOf($DomainWhoIs)) {
                    case 'error':
                        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
                    case 'exception':
                        # a функции нет ... вылезаем на обычную проверку whois
                    case 'true':
                        return TRUE;
                    case 'string':
                        CacheManager::add($CacheID, $DomainWhoIs, 1800);
                        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
    $Config = Config();
    $UseSystemApplication = $Config['Other']['Libs']['WhoIs']['UseSystemApplication'];
    $Regulars = Regulars();
    if (!Preg_Match($Regulars['DomainName'], $DomainName)) {
        return new gException('WRONG_DOMAIN_NAME', 'Неверное доменное имя');
    $DomainZones = System_XML('config/DomainZones.xml');
    if (Is_Error($DomainZones)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: не удалось загрузить базу WhoIs серверов');
    $IsSuppoted = FALSE;
    foreach ($DomainZones as $DomainZone) {
        if ($DomainZone['Name'] == $ZoneName) {
            $IsSuppoted = TRUE;
    if (!$IsSuppoted && !isset($DomainWhoIs)) {
        return FALSE;
    if (Mb_StrLen($DomainName) < ($MinChars = $DomainZone['MinChars'])) {
        return new gException('WRONG_DOMAIN_NAME_LENGTH', SPrintF('Длина доменного имени должна быть не менее %u символа(ов)', $MinChars));
    $Domain = SPrintF('%s.%s', $DomainName, $DomainZone['Name']);
    $Answer = CacheManager::get($CacheID);
    if (!$Answer) {
        $IDNAConverter = new IDNAConvert();
        if ($UseSystemApplication) {
            $IsExec = Exec(SPrintF('whois %s', $IDNAConverter->encode($Domain)), $Answer);
            $Answer = Implode("\n", $Answer);
        } else {
            $Socket = @FsockOpen($DomainZone['Server'], 43, $nError, $sError, 5);
            if (!$Socket) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: ошибка соединения с сервером WhoIs');
            if (!@Fputs($Socket, SPrintF("%s\r\n", $IDNAConverter->encode($Domain)))) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: ошибка работы с серверов WhoIs');
            $Answer = '';
            do {
                $Line = @Fgets($Socket, 10);
                $Answer .= $Line;
            } while ($Line);
            CacheManager::add($CacheID, $Answer, 1800);
        Debug(SPrintF('[system/libs/WhoIs.php]: Answer = %s', print_r($Answer, true)));
    if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', $DomainZone['Available']), $Answer)) {
        return TRUE;
    if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', $DomainZone['NotAvailable']), $Answer)) {
        return new gException('DOMAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE', 'Доменное имя не доступно для регистрации');
    $Result = array('Info' => Preg_Replace('/\\n\\s+\\n/sU', "\n", Preg_Replace('/\\%.+\\n/sU', '', $Answer)), 'ExpirationDate' => 0);
    $ExpirationDate = $DomainZone['ExpirationDate'];
    if ($ExpirationDate) {
        if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', $ExpirationDate), $Answer, $Mathes)) {
            if (Count($Mathes) < 2) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: шаблон поиска даты окончания задан неверно');
            $ExpirationDate = $Mathes[1];
            $Months = array('jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec');
            if (Preg_Match('/^[0-9]{4}\\.[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{2}$/', $ExpirationDate)) {
                $Date = Array_Combine(array('Year', 'Month', 'Day'), Explode('.', $ExpirationDate));
                $ExpirationDate = MkTime(0, 0, 0, $Date['Month'], $Date['Day'], $Date['Year']);
            } elseif (Preg_Match('/^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}$/', $ExpirationDate)) {
                $Date = Array_Combine(array('Year', 'Month', 'Day'), Explode('-', $ExpirationDate));
                $ExpirationDate = MkTime(0, 0, 0, $Date['Month'], $Date['Day'], $Date['Year']);
            } elseif (Preg_Match('/^[0-9]{2}\\-[a-zA-Z]{3}\\-[0-9]{4}$/', $ExpirationDate)) {
                $Date = Array_Combine(array('Day', 'Month', 'Year'), Explode('-', $ExpirationDate));
                $Month = Array_Search(StrToLower($Date['Month']), $Months);
                $ExpirationDate = MkTime(0, 0, 0, $Month + 1, $Date['Day'], $Date['Year']);
            } elseif (Preg_Match('/^[0-9]{2}\\s[a-zA-Z]{2,10}\\s[0-9]{4}$/', $ExpirationDate)) {
                $Months = array('january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'octember', 'november', 'decemeber');
                $Date = Array_Combine(array('Day', 'Month', 'Year'), Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $ExpirationDate));
                $Month = Array_Search(StrToLower($Date['Month']), $Months);
                $ExpirationDate = MkTime(0, 0, 0, $Month + 1, $Date['Day'], $Date['Year']);
            } else {
                $Date = Array_Combine(array('Week', 'Month', 'Day', 'Time', 'GMT', 'Year'), Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $ExpirationDate));
                $Month = Array_Search(StrToLower($Date['Month']), $Months);
                $ExpirationDate = MkTime(0, 0, 0, $Month + 1, $Date['Day'], $Date['Year']);
            $Result['ExpirationDate'] = $ExpirationDate;
    $NsName = $DomainZone['NsName'];
    if ($NsName) {
        if (Preg_Match_All(SPrintF('/%s/', $NsName), $Answer, $Mathes)) {
            if (Count($Mathes) < 2) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: шаблон поиска именных серверов задан неверно');
            $NsNames = $Mathes[1];
            for ($i = 0; $i < Count($NsNames); $i++) {
                $NsName = Trim(StrToLower($NsNames[$i]), '.');
                $Result[SPrintF('Ns%uName', $i + 1)] = $NsName;
                if ($NsName) {
                    if (Mb_SubStr($NsName, -Mb_StrLen($Domain)) == $Domain) {
                        $IP = GetHostByName($NsName);
                        if ($IP != $NsName) {
                            $Result[SPrintF('Ns%uIP', $i + 1)] = $IP;
    $Registrar = $DomainZone['Registrar'];
    if ($Registrar) {
        if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', $Registrar), $Answer, $Mathes)) {
            if (Count($Mathes) < 2) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[WhoIs_Check]: шаблон поиска регистратора серверов задан неверно');
            $Registrar = Next($Mathes);
            $Result['Registrar'] = $Registrar;
    return $Result;
Beispiel #19
     if (Is_Error($Hash)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 # надо ли вырезать цитаты из текста
 if ($Settings['CutQuotes']) {
     $textPlain = Trim(Preg_Replace('#^>(.*)$#m', '', $textPlain));
     $textPlain = preg_replace("/\r/", "\n", $textPlain);
     $textPlain = trim(preg_replace('/[\\n]+/m', "\n", $textPlain));
 } else {
     $textPlain = Trim(Preg_Replace('/\\n(\\>.*(\\n\\>.*)*)/', "\n[quote]\\1[/quote]", $textPlain));
 # надо ли отпиливать подпись из сообщения
 if ($Settings['CutSign']) {
     $Texts = Explode("\n", $textPlain);
     $textPlain = array();
     foreach ($Texts as $Text) {
         $textPlain[] = Trim($Text);
Beispiel #20
#csf as sqlite database
#Définitions - variables de base du framework - FIN DE LA CUSTOMISATION !!!!
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');
#php.ini => date.timezone = "Europe/Whatever"
Rem($ndate, UcFirst(strftime("%A %d %B %Y %T")), date("Y m d H:i:s"));
#pat(PHP_OS,,strftime("%A %d %B %Y %T"));
#Vendredi 27 Septembre 2013 16:49:36
$D = array('ndate' => "<a id=ndate>" . $ndate . "</a>", 'deblockurl' => '!*%$%M', 'vit' => LOGS . 'Vitale.db', 'starter' => $starter, 'logs' => $a['logs'], 'tmp' => $a['tmp'], 'rt' => $a['rt']);
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
e(RU . H . U . $a['args']);
#note surl is obselete
$D = array('bots' => isbot(), 'mu' => mu(H . U), 'u2' => Preg_Replace("~(\\?|&).*~", '', U), 'ipf' => IPSTORE . IP . ".db", 'fkeyword' => TMP . 'keyw/' . IP, 'u3' => BadQ(U));
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
$D = array('hu3' => H . '/' . U3, 'hu4' => '//' . H . '/' . U3, 'seed' => alpha2num(u2), 'su2' => SR . U2, 'CACHEPATH' => TMP . 'cache/' . MU . '.ca');
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    redef($k, $v, 1);
$_ENV['c']['cachetime'] = 3600 * 100;
#100h par seconde de calcul-1h pour 10ms
$D = array('lasttime' => 0, 'lastmemusage' => 0, 'lastkey' => 0, 'maxop' => 4000, 'mu' => MU, 'script' => $a['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'Mem' => array(), 'dbt' => array(), 'yt' => array('host' => RH, 'ip' => IP, 'dlp' => SU, 'u' => SU, 'r' => REFE, 'ref' => REFE));
foreach ($D as $k => $v) {
    $_ENV[$k] = $v;
Beispiel #21
function Build_Query($Query = array(), $Params)
    if (In_Array($Params['DomainZone'], array('ru', 'su', 'рф'))) {
        switch ($Params['PersonID']) {
            case 'Natural':
                $Query['person'] = SPrintF('%s %s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['Name']), Mb_SubStr(Translit($Params['Person']['Lastname']), 0, 1), Translit($Params['Person']['Sourname']));
                $Query['private_person'] = $Params['IsPrivateWhoIs'] ? '1' : '0';
                $Query['person_r'] = SPrintF('%s %s %s', $Params['Person']['Sourname'], $Params['Person']['Name'], $Params['Person']['Lastname']);
                $Query['passport'] = SPrintF('%s %s выдан %s %s', $Params['Person']['PasportLine'], $Params['Person']['PasportNum'], $Params['Person']['PasportWhom'], $Params['Person']['PasportDate']);
                $Query['residence'] = SPrintF('%s, %s, %s, %s %s', $Params['Person']['pIndex'], $Params['Person']['pState'], $Params['Person']['pCity'], $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']);
                $Query['birth_date'] = $Params['Person']['BornDate'];
                $Query['country'] = isset($Params['Person']['PasportCountry']) ? $Params['Person']['PasportCountry'] : $Params['Person']['pCountry'];
                $Query['p_addr'] = SPrintF('%s, %s, %s, %s %s, %s', $Params['Person']['pIndex'], $Params['Person']['pState'], $Params['Person']['pCity'], $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress'], $Params['Person']['pRecipient']);
                $Query['phone'] = $Params['Person']['Phone'];
                $Query['cell_phone'] = Preg_Replace('/\\s+/', '', $Params['Person']['CellPhone']);
                $Query['fax'] = $Params['Person']['Fax'];
                $Query['e_mail'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
            case 'Juridical':
                $Query['org'] = SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyName']), Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']));
                $Query['org_r'] = SPrintF('%s "%s"', $Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull'], $Params['Person']['CompanyName']);
                $Query['code'] = $Params['Person']['Inn'];
                $Query['kpp'] = $Params['Person']['Kpp'];
                $Query['country'] = $Params['Person']['jCountry'];
                $Query['address_r'] = SPrintF('%s, %s, %s, %s %s', $Params['Person']['jIndex'], $Params['Person']['pState'], $Params['Person']['jCity'], $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']);
                $Query['p_addr'] = SPrintF('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s %s, %s "%s"', $Params['Person']['pIndex'], $Params['Person']['pState'], $Params['Person']['pCountry'], $Params['Person']['pCity'], $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress'], $Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull'], $Params['Person']['CompanyName']);
                $Query['phone'] = $Params['Person']['Phone'];
                $Query['cell_phone'] = Preg_Replace('/\\s+/', '', $Params['Person']['CellPhone']);
                $Query['fax'] = $Params['Person']['Fax'];
                $Query['e_mail'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                if (In_Array($Params['DomainZone'], array('ru', 'su', 'рф'))) {
                    $Query['ogrn_org'] = $Params['Person']['Ogrn'];
                return new gException('WRONG_PROFILE_ID', 'Неверный идентификатор профиля');
    } elseif (In_Array($Params['DomainZone'], array('moscow', 'москва', 'by', 'tatar', 'дети'))) {
        # Общие поля для организации и физ.лица
        $Phone = $Params['Person']['Phone'];
        $Phone = Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $Phone);
        $Phone = SPrintF('%s.%s%s', Current($Phone), Next($Phone), Next($Phone));
        $Query['o_phone'] = $Phone;
        $Query['addr_lang'] = isset($Params['Person']['jCountry']) ? $Params['Person']['jCountry'] : (isset($Params['Person']['PasportCountry']) ? $Params['Person']['PasportCountry'] : $Params['Person']['pCountry']);
        $Query['o_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
        $Query['addr_cc'] = $Query['addr_lang'];
        $Query['country'] = $Query['addr_lang'];
        $Query['descr'] = 'Для представительских функций';
        switch ($Params['PersonID']) {
            case 'Natural':
                $Query['person_r'] = SPrintF('%s %s %s', $Params['Person']['Sourname'], $Params['Person']['Name'], $Params['Person']['Lastname']);
                $Query['birth_date'] = $Params['Person']['BornDate'];
                $Query['passport'] = SPrintF('%s %s выдан %s %s', $Params['Person']['PasportLine'], $Params['Person']['PasportNum'], $Params['Person']['PasportWhom'], $Params['Person']['PasportDate']);
                $Query['addr_street'] = SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']);
                $Query['addr_city'] = $Params['Person']['pCity'];
                $Query['addr_sp'] = $Params['Person']['pState'];
                $Query['addr_pc'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
            case 'Juridical':
                #Контактные данные организации (только при регистрации домена на организацию!)
                $Query['company_name'] = SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['CompanyName'], $Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']);
                $Query['company_tin'] = $Params['Person']['Inn'];
                $Query['addr_street'] = SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']);
                $Query['addr_city'] = $Params['Person']['pCity'];
                $Query['addr_sp'] = $Params['Person']['pState'];
                $Query['addr_pc'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
                $Query['legal_lang'] = 'RU';
                $Query['legal_street'] = SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']);
                $Query['legal_city'] = $Params['Person']['jCity'];
                $Query['legal_sp'] = $Params['Person']['jState'];
                $Query['legal_pc'] = $Params['Person']['jIndex'];
                return new gException('WRONG_PERSON_TYPE_ID_2', 'Неверный идентификатор типа персоны');
    } else {
        # для .kz - Местонахождение серверного оборудования... Москва, пл. Дзержинского, д. 2 =)
        $Query['street'] = 'ploschad Dzerzinskogo, dom 2';
        $Query['city'] = 'Moscow';
        $Query['sp'] = 'Moscow';
        switch ($Params['PersonID']) {
            case 'Natural':
                $Query['o_company'] = 'Private person';
                $Query['a_company'] = 'Private person';
                $Query['t_company'] = 'Private person';
                $Query['b_company'] = 'Private person';
                $Query['o_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['pCountry'];
                $Query['a_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['pCountry'];
                $Query['t_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['pCountry'];
                $Query['b_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['pCountry'];
                $Query['o_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
                $Query['a_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
                $Query['t_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
                $Query['b_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['pIndex'];
                $Query['o_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Name']);
                $Query['a_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Name']);
                $Query['t_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Name']);
                $Query['b_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Name']);
                $Query['o_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Sourname']);
                $Query['a_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Sourname']);
                $Query['t_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Sourname']);
                $Query['b_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['Sourname']);
                $Query['o_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['a_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['t_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['b_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['o_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']));
                $Query['a_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']));
                $Query['t_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']));
                $Query['b_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['pType'], $Params['Person']['pAddress']));
                $Query['o_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pCity']);
                $Query['a_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pCity']);
                $Query['t_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pCity']);
                $Query['b_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pCity']);
                $Query['o_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pState']);
                $Query['a_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pState']);
                $Query['t_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pState']);
                $Query['b_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['pState']);
            case 'Juridical':
                $Query['o_company'] = SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyName']), Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']));
                $Query['a_company'] = SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyName']), Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']));
                $Query['t_company'] = SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyName']), Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']));
                $Query['b_company'] = SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyName']), Translit($Params['Person']['CompanyFormFull']));
                $Query['o_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['jCountry'];
                $Query['a_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['jCountry'];
                $Query['t_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['jCountry'];
                $Query['b_country_code'] = $Params['Person']['jCountry'];
                $Query['o_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['jIndex'];
                $Query['a_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['jIndex'];
                $Query['t_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['jIndex'];
                $Query['b_postcode'] = $Params['Person']['jIndex'];
                $Query['o_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dName']);
                $Query['a_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dName']);
                $Query['t_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dName']);
                $Query['b_first_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dName']);
                $Query['o_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dSourname']);
                $Query['a_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dSourname']);
                $Query['t_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dSourname']);
                $Query['b_last_name'] = Translit($Params['Person']['dSourname']);
                $Query['o_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['a_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['t_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['b_email'] = $Params['Person']['Email'];
                $Query['o_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']));
                $Query['a_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']));
                $Query['t_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']));
                $Query['b_addr'] = Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Params['Person']['jType'], $Params['Person']['jAddress']));
                $Query['o_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jCity']);
                $Query['a_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jCity']);
                $Query['t_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jCity']);
                $Query['b_city'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jCity']);
                $Query['o_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jState']);
                $Query['a_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jState']);
                $Query['t_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jState']);
                $Query['b_state'] = Translit($Params['Person']['jState']);
                return new gException('WRONG_PERSON_TYPE_ID', 'Неверный идентификатор типа персоны');
        $Phone = $Params['Person']['Phone'];
        if ($Phone) {
            $Phone = Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $Phone);
            $Phone = SPrintF('%s.%s%s', Current($Phone), Next($Phone), Next($Phone));
            $Query['o_phone'] = $Phone;
            $Query['a_phone'] = $Phone;
            $Query['t_phone'] = $Phone;
            $Query['b_phone'] = $Phone;
        } else {
            $Query['o_phone'] = '';
            $Query['a_phone'] = '';
            $Query['t_phone'] = '';
            $Query['b_phone'] = '';
        $Fax = $Params['Person']['Fax'];
        if ($Fax) {
            $Fax = Preg_Split('/\\s+/', $Fax);
            $Fax = SPrintF('%s.%s%s', Current($Fax), Next($Fax), Next($Fax));
            $Query['o_fax'] = $Fax;
            $Query['a_fax'] = $Fax;
            $Query['t_fax'] = $Fax;
            $Query['b_fax'] = $Fax;
        } else {
            $Query['o_fax'] = '';
            $Query['a_fax'] = '';
            $Query['t_fax'] = '';
            $Query['b_fax'] = '';
    $Query['ns0'] = $Params['Ns1Name'];
    $Query['ns1'] = $Params['Ns2Name'];
    if ($Params['Ns3Name']) {
        $Query['ns3'] = $Params['Ns3Name'];
    if ($Params['Ns4Name']) {
        $Query['ns4'] = $Params['Ns4Name'];
    if ($Params['Ns1IP'] && $Params['Ns2IP']) {
        $Query['ns0ip'] = $Params['Ns1IP'];
        $Query['ns1ip'] = $Params['Ns2IP'];
    if ($Params['Ns3IP']) {
        $Query['ns3ip'] = $Params['Ns3IP'];
    if ($Params['Ns4IP']) {
        $Query['ns4ip'] = $Params['Ns4IP'];
    if ($Params['DomainZone'] == 'aero') {
        $Query['aerodata'] = SPrintF('%s.%s', $Params['DomainName'], $Params['DomainZone']);
    return $Query;