     * This Methode is called on loadtime.
     * After all variables initiated, it calls the block dependent init methode.
     * Finaly the css is loaded if exist
    function pmxc_AdmArticle_loadinit()
        $this->smf_groups = PortaMx_getUserGroups();
        // get all usergroups
        $this->title_icons = PortaMx_getAllTitleIcons();
        // get all title icons
        $this->custom_css = PortaMx_getCustomCssDefs();
        // custom css definitions
        $this->usedClass = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(false, true);
        // default class types
        $this->categories = PortaMx_getCategories();
        // exist categories
        if ($this->cfg['ctype'] == 'php') {
            addInlineJavascript(str_replace("\n", "\n\t", PortaMx_compressJS('
			function php_syntax(elmid)
				document.getElementById("check_" + elmid).className = "info_frame";
				var result = pmx_setCookie("pmx_php_check", document.getElementById(elmid).value, "php_snytax", false);
				result = result.replace(/@elm@/g, elmid);
				document.getElementById("check_" + elmid).innerHTML = result;
				Show_help("check_" + elmid);

				var errLine = /(on\\sline\\s)(\\d+)(.*)/;
				errLine = RegExp.$2;
				php_showerrline(elmid, errLine);
			function php_showerrline(elmid, errLine)
				if(errLine != "" && !isNaN(errLine))
					var lines = document.getElementById(elmid).value.split("\\n");
					var count = 0;
					for(var i = 0; i < errLine -1; i++)
						count += lines[i].length +1;

						document.getElementById(elmid).setSelectionRange(count, count+lines[i].length);
					else if(document.getElementById(elmid).createTextRange)
						range.moveStart("character", count);
						range.moveEnd("character", count+lines[i].length);
  * This Methode is called on loadtime.
  * After all variables initiated, it calls the block dependent init methode.
  * Finaly the css is loaded if exist
 function pmxc_AdmCategories_loadinit()
     $this->smf_groups = PortaMx_getUserGroups();
     // get all usergroups
     $this->title_icons = PortaMx_getAllTitleIcons();
     // get all title icons
     $this->custom_css = PortaMx_getCustomCssDefs();
     // custom css definitions
     $this->usedClass = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(false, true);
     // default class types
     $this->categories = PortaMx_getCategories();
     // exist categories
  * AdmBlock_init().
  * Setup caching and get categories.
 function pmxc_AdmBlock_init()
     $this->can_cached = 1;
     // enable caching
     $this->categories = PortaMx_getCategories();
* Get all Category detais
function pmx_getAllCatDetais($allcats, &$detais)
    global $txt;
    foreach ($allcats as $cat) {
        $detais[$cat['id']] = PortaMx_getCatDetails($cat, PortaMx_getCategories());
        if (!empty($cat['childs'])) {
            pmx_getAllCatDetais($cat['childs'], $detais);
    $detais[0] = array('class' => 'cat_none', 'level' => '0', 'parent' => $txt['pmx_categories_none'], 'name' => $txt['pmx_categories_none']);
* Insert categories
function pmx_insert_cat($place, $id, $category)
    global $smcFunc, $pmxCacheFunc;
    // get max catorder
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT MAX(catorder)
		FROM {db_prefix}portamx_categories', array());
    list($maxorder) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
    // category table empty?
    if (empty($maxorder)) {
        $category['catorder'] = 1;
        return $category;
    // handle the placement
    $allcats = PortaMx_getCategories();
    if ($category['id'] == $id) {
        $placeCat = $category;
    } else {
        $placeCat = PortaMx_getCatByID($allcats, $id);
    // insert before
    if ($place == 'before') {
        $category['catorder'] = $placeCat['catorder'];
        $category['parent'] = $placeCat['parent'];
        $category['level'] = $placeCat['level'];
    } elseif ($place == 'after') {
        $lastFnd = $placeCat;
        if (($placeCat['level'] < $category['level'] || $placeCat['level'] == 0) && is_array($placeCat['childs'])) {
            while (is_array($lastFnd['childs']) || !empty($lastFnd['parent'])) {
                $lastFnd = PortaMx_getCatByOrder($allcats, PortaMx_getNextCat($lastFnd['catorder']));
        } else {
            $lastFnd['catorder'] = PortaMx_getNextCat($lastFnd['catorder']);
        if (empty($lastFnd)) {
            $category['catorder'] = $maxorder + 1;
            $category['parent'] = 0;
            $category['level'] = 0;
        } else {
            $category['catorder'] = $lastFnd['catorder'];
            $category['parent'] = $placeCat['parent'];
            $category['level'] = $placeCat['level'];
    } elseif ($place == 'child') {
        $category['catorder'] = PortaMx_getNextCat($placeCat['catorder']);
        $category['parent'] = $placeCat['id'];
        $category['level'] = $placeCat['level'] + 1;
    // shiftup the catorder
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}portamx_categories
		SET catorder = catorder + 1
		WHERE catorder >= {int:corder}', array('corder' => $category['catorder']));
    // cleanup..
    // clear cache
    return $category;
* AdmArticleOverview
* Called for each artile.
function PmxArticleOverview($article, &$cfg_titleicons, &$cfg_smfgroups, $categories)
    global $context, $user_info, $txt;
    if (empty($article['config']['title_align'])) {
        $article['config']['title_align'] = 'left';
    if (empty($article['config']['title_icon'])) {
        $article['config']['title_icon'] = 'none.png';
    if (!empty($article['acsgrp'])) {
        list($grpacs, $denyacs) = Pmx_StrToArray($article['acsgrp'], ',', '=');
    } else {
        $grpacs = $denyacs = array();
    // ID row
    echo '
							<div class="pmx_tbl_tr">
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid" id="RowMove-' . $article['id'] . '">';
    if (count($context['pmx']['article_rows']) > 1) {
        echo '
									<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (allowPmx('pmx_articles, pmx_admin') ? ' pmx_moveimg" title="' . $txt['pmx_rowmove_updown'] . '" onclick="pmxArtMove(\'' . $article['id'] . '\', \'<b>' . $article['name'] . '</b> - [' . (empty($article['cat']) ? $txt['pmx_default_none'] : $article['cat']) . ']\')"' : '"') . '>
										<div style="padding-left:20px;margin-top:-2px;width:22px;">' . $article['id'] . '</div>
    echo '
    // title row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid" id="pWind.ypos.' . $article['id'] . '">
									<div onclick="pmxSetTitle(\'' . $article['id'] . '\')"  title="' . $txt['pmx_click_edit_ttl'] . '" style="cursor:pointer;">
										<img id="uTitle.icon.' . $article['id'] . '" style="padding-right:4px;" src="' . $context['pmx_Iconsurl'] . $article['config']['title_icon'] . '" alt="*" title="' . substr($txt['pmx_edit_titleicon'], 0, -1) . '" />
										<img id="uTitle.align.' . $article['id'] . '" src="' . $context['pmx_imageurl'] . 'text_align_' . $article['config']['title_align'] . '.gif" alt="*" title="' . $txt['pmx_edit_title_align'] . $txt['pmx_edit_title_align_types'][$article['config']['title_align']] . '" />
										<span id="sTitle.text.' . $article['id'] . '.">' . (isset($article['config']['title'][$context['pmx']['currlang']]) ? htmlspecialchars($article['config']['title'][$context['pmx']['currlang']], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '</span>';
    foreach ($context['pmx']['languages'] as $lang => $sel) {
        echo '
										<input id="sTitle.text.' . $lang . '.' . $article['id'] . '." type="hidden" value="' . (isset($article['config']['title'][$lang]) ? htmlspecialchars($article['config']['title'][$lang], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '" />';
    echo '
										<input id="sTitle.icon.' . $article['id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . $article['config']['title_icon'] . '" />
										<input id="sTitle.align.' . $article['id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . $article['config']['title_align'] . '" />
    // type row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid">
									<div style="cursor:default;" title="' . $context['pmx']['RegBlocks'][$article['ctype']]['blocktype'] . ' ' . $context['pmx']['RegBlocks'][$article['ctype']]['description'] . '"><img style="padding-right:5px;" src="' . $context['pmx_imageurl'] . 'type_' . $article['ctype'] . '.gif" alt="*" title="' . $article['ctype'] . '" /><span style="cursor:default;">' . $context['pmx']['RegBlocks'][$article['ctype']]['description'] . '</span></div>
    $detais = array();
    $cat = !empty($article['catid']) ? $article['catid'] : '0';
    pmx_getAllCatDetais(PortaMx_getCategories(), $detais, $txt['pmx_chg_articlcats']);
    $detais['0'] = array('class' => 'cat_none', 'level' => '0', 'parent' => $txt['pmx_categories_none'], 'name' => $txt['pmx_categories_none']);
    // category row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid">
									<input id="pWind.catid.' . $article['id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . $cat . '" />
									<div onclick="pmxSetCats(\'' . $article['id'] . '\')" style="cursor:pointer;">';
    foreach ($detais as $cid => $catsDetais) {
        echo '
										<div id="pWind.cat.' . $cid . '.' . $article['id'] . '" title="' . $catsDetais['parent'] . $txt['pmx_chg_articlcats'] . '" class="' . $catsDetais['class'] . '"  style="display:' . ($cid == $cat ? 'block' : 'none') . ';">
											<b>' . $catsDetais['level'] . '</b>
											<span><span class="cat_names">' . $catsDetais['name'] . '</span></span>
    echo '
    // create acs groups for acs Popup
    if (!empty($article['acsgrp'])) {
        list($grpacs, $denyacs) = Pmx_StrToArray($article['acsgrp'], ',', '=');
    } else {
        $grpacs = $denyacs = array();
    // options row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid">
									<input id="grpAcs.' . $article['id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . implode(',', $grpacs) . '" />
									<input id="denyAcs.' . $article['id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . implode(',', $denyacs) . '" />
									<div id="pmxSetArtDelete.' . $article['id'] . '"><span id="pmxSetArtClone.' . $article['id'] . '"></span>
										<div id="pWind.grp.' . $article['id'] . '" class="pmx_clickrow' . (!empty($article['acsgrp']) ? ' pmx_access" title="' . $txt['pmx_article_groupaccess'] : '') . '"></div>
										<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (!empty($article['config']['can_moderate']) ? ' pmx_moderate"  title="' . $txt['pmx_article_modaccess'] : '') . '"></div>
										<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (!empty($article['config']['check_ecl']) ? ' pmx_eclsettings" title="' . $txt['pmx_have_artecl_settings'] : '') . '"></div>
										<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (!empty($article['config']['cssfile']) ? ' pmx_custcss" title="' . $txt['pmx_article_cssfile'] : '') . '"></div>
    // status row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid">
									<div class="pmx_clickrow' . ($article['approved'] ? ' pmx_approved" title="' . $txt['pmx_article_approved'] : ' pmx_notapproved" title="' . $txt['pmx_article_not_approved']) . (allowPmx('pmx_articles, pmx_admin') ? ' - ' . $txt['pmx_status_change'] . '" onclick="pToggleArtStatus(this,' . $article['id'] . ',\'approved\')' : '" style="cursor:default') . '"></div>
									<div class="pmx_clickrow' . ($article['active'] ? ' pmx_active" title="' . $txt['pmx_status_activ'] : ' pmx_notactive" title="' . $txt['pmx_status_inactiv']) . ' - ' . $txt['pmx_status_change'] . '" onclick="pToggleArtStatus(this,' . $article['id'] . ',\'active\')"></div>
    // functions row
    echo '
								<div class="pmx_tbl_tdgrid">
									<div class="pmx_clickrow pmx_pgedit" title="' . $txt['pmx_edit_article'] . '" onclick="FormFunc(\'edit_article\', \'' . $article['id'] . '\')"></div>
									<div class="pmx_clickrow pmx_grpacs" title="' . $txt['pmx_chg_articleaccess'] . '" onclick="pmxSetAcs(\'' . $article['id'] . '\')"></div>
									<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (allowPmx('pmx_admin, pmx_articles') || allowPmx('pmx_create') && $article['owner'] == $user_info['id'] ? ' pmx_pgclone" title="' . $txt['pmx_clone_article'] . '" onclick="pmxSetArtClone(\'' . $article['id'] . '\')"' : '"') . '></div>
									<div class="pmx_clickrow' . (allowPmx('pmx_admin, pmx_articles') || allowPmx('pmx_create') && $article['owner'] == $user_info['id'] ? ' pmx_pgdelete" title="' . $txt['pmx_delete_article'] . '" onclick="pmxSetArtDelete(\'' . $article['id'] . '\')"' : '"') . '></div>