function Error($text) { global $GlobalUser; if (!$GlobalUser) { $GlobalUser = array(); $GlobalUser['player_id'] = 0; } $text = str_replace('\\"', """, $text); $text = str_replace('\'', "’", $text); $text = str_replace('\\`', "‘", $text); $now = time(); $error = array(null, $GlobalUser['player_id'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $text, $now); $id = AddDBRow($error, 'errors'); Logout($_GET['session']); // Завершить сессию. ob_clean(); // Отменить предыдущий HTML. PageHeader("error", true, false); echo "<center><font size=\"3\"><b>\n"; echo "<br /><br />\n"; echo "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Произошла ошибка</font> - {$text}\n"; echo "<br /><br />\n"; echo BackTrace() . "<br /><br />\n"; echo "Аварийное завершение программы.<br/><br/>Обратитесь в Службу поддержки или на форум, в раздел \"Ошибки\".\n"; echo "<br /><br />\n"; echo "Error-ID: {$id}</b></font></center>\n"; //PageFooter (); ob_end_flush(); exit; }
function PlanetDestroyMenu() { global $GlobalUser; $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); PageHeader("renameplanet"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n\n"; echo "<h1>Переименовать/покинуть планету</h1>\n"; echo "<form action=\"index.php?page=renameplanet&session=" . $_GET['session'] . "&pl=" . $aktplanet['planet_id'] . "\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='page' value='renameplanet'>\n"; echo "<center>\n\n"; echo "<table width=\"519\">\n"; echo "<tr><td class=\"c\" colspan=\"3\">Вопросы на всякий случай</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th colspan=\"3\">Уничтожение планеты [" . $aktplanet['g'] . ":" . $aktplanet['s'] . ":" . $aktplanet['p'] . "] подтвердить паролем</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleteid\" value =\"" . $aktplanet['planet_id'] . "\">\n"; echo "<th>Пароль</th><th><input type=\"password\" name=\"pw\"></th>\n"; echo "<th><input type=\"submit\" name=\"aktion\" value=\"Удалить планету!\" alt=\"Покинуть колонию\"></th></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n</form>\n</center>\n\n"; echo "<br><br><br><br>\n"; echo "</center>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<!-- END CONTENT AREA -->\n"; PageFooter(); ob_end_flush(); exit; }
if ($_GET['a'] == 2) { if (key_exists('suchtext', $_POST) && $_POST['suchtext'] !== "") { $result = SearchAllyTag($_POST['suchtext']); AllyPage_SearchResult($result); } } } } // *********************************************************** include "allianzen_main.php"; include "allianzen_members.php"; include "allianzen_ranks.php"; include "allianzen_settings.php"; include "allianzen_circular.php"; include "allianzen_misc.php"; PageHeader("allianzen"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; echo "<script src=\"js/cntchar.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script><script src=\"js/win.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"; if ($GlobalUser['ally_id'] == 0) { $app_id = GetUserApplication($GlobalUser['player_id']); if ($app_id > 0) { AllyPage_Already($app_id); } else { if (key_exists('a', $_GET) && $_GET['a'] == 1) { AllyPage_CreateAlly($_POST['tag'], $_POST['name']); } else { if (key_exists('a', $_GET) && $_GET['a'] == 2) { AllyPage_Search($_POST['suchtext'], $SearchResults); } else {
loca_add("fleet", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; if (method() !== "POST") { MyGoto("flotten1"); } PageHeader("flotten2"); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/flotten.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/ocnt.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getStorageFaktor(){ return 1 }
// Списать ТМ. if ($GlobalUser['dm'] >= $required) { $GlobalUser['dm'] -= $required; } else { $GlobalUser['dmfree'] -= $required - $GlobalUser['dm']; $GlobalUser['dm'] = 0; } $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "users SET dm = '" . $GlobalUser['dm'] . "', dmfree = '" . $GlobalUser['dmfree'] . "' WHERE player_id = " . $GlobalUser['player_id']; dbquery($query); RecruitOfficer($GlobalUser['player_id'], $qcmd[$type], $days * 24 * 60 * 60); $MicropaymentMessage = loca("PREM_OK") . "<br>"; } } } } PageHeader("micropayment"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; // ************************************************************************************ ?> <center> <div id="header" style="background-image:url('img/kasino_600x120.jpg'); width:600px;height:120px;"> <div id="headtext1" style="position:relative; top:25px; left:-160px;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold; color:f3d2b1;"><?php echo loca("PREM_HEAD1"); ?> </div> <div id="headtext2" style="position:relative;float:right;top:23px;left:-240px;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;color:#c2f1fd;"><?php echo loca("PREM_HEAD2");
$not_enough_deut = ($aktplanet['g'] != $coord_g || $aktplanet['s'] != $coord_s) && $aktplanet['d'] < 10; // Списать 10 дейтерия за просмотр не домашней системы (только для обычных пользователей) if (!$not_enough_deut && $GlobalUser['admin'] == 0) { if ($aktplanet['g'] != $coord_g || $aktplanet['s'] != $coord_s) { AdjustResources(0, 0, 10, $aktplanet['planet_id'], '-'); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($aktplanet['planet_id']); } } $result = EnumOwnFleetQueue($GlobalUser['player_id']); $nowfleet = dbrows($result); $maxfleet = $GlobalUser['r108'] + 1; $prem = PremiumStatus($GlobalUser); if ($prem['admiral']) { $maxfleet += 2; } PageHeader("galaxy", true); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n\n"; /***** Скрипты. *****/ ?> <script language="JavaScript"> function galaxy_submit(value) { document.getElementById('auto').name = value; document.getElementById('galaxy_form').submit(); } function fenster(target_url,win_name) { var new_win =,win_name,'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,width=550,height=280,resizable=yes'); new_win.focus();
} } for ($n = 202; $n <= 215; $n++) { if ($RapidFire[$n][$gid] > 1) { $res .= rapidIn($n, $RapidFire[$n][$gid]); } } for ($n = 401; $n <= 408; $n++) { if ($RapidFire[$n][$gid] > 1) { $res .= rapidIn($n, $RapidFire[$n][$gid]); } } return $res; } $gid = intval($_GET['gid']); PageHeader("infos"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; echo "<table width=\"519\">\n"; if ($gid > 200 && $gid < 300) { echo "<!-- begin fleet or defense information -->\n"; echo "<tr><td class=\"c\" colspan=\"2\">Информация о флоте:</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Название</th><th>" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">\n"; echo "<table border=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . UserSkin() . "gebaeude/{$gid}.gif\" width=\"120\" height=\"120\"></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . loca("LONG_{$gid}") . "<br/>" . rapid($gid) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr></table></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Структура</th><th>" . nicenum($UnitParam[$gid][0]) . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Мощность щита</th><th>" . nicenum($UnitParam[$gid][1]) . "</th></tr>\n";
// Стандартные флоты. $MAX = 13; loca_add("menu", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("fleet_templates"); $temp_map = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215); // без сс // Вырезать из строки всякие инжекции. function SecureText($text) { $search = array("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", "'<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", "'([\r\n])[\\s]+'"); // Вырезает пробельные символы $replace = array("", "", "\\1", "\\1"); $str = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); $str = str_replace("`", "", $str); $str = str_replace("'", "", $str); $str = str_replace("\"", "", $str); $str = str_replace("%0", "", $str); return $str; }
// Ракета не может выгрузить во флот топлива меньше, чем он потребляет в указанное количество часов. $DepotError = ""; loca_add("common", $GlobalUni['lang']); loca_add("menu", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("allianzdepot"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; $fleetmap = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215); // Запустить ракету со снабжением $depot_cap = 10000 * pow(2, $aktplanet['b34']); if ($aktplanet['b34']) { $deut_avail = min(floor($aktplanet['d']), $depot_cap); } else { $deut_avail = 0; } $loaded = $deut_avail; // Отправить ракету поочередности к каждому флоту $result = GetHoldingFleets($aktplanet['planet_id']); $rows = dbrows($result);
$f = fopen($fleetlock, 'w'); fclose($f); $fleet_id = DispatchFleet($fleet, $origin, $target, $order, $flighttime, $cargo_m, $cargo_k, $cargo_d, $cons['fleet'] + $cons['probes'], time(), $union_id, $hold_time); $queue = GetFleetQueue($fleet_id); UserLog($aktplanet['owner_id'], "FLEET", "Отправка флота {$fleet_id}: " . GetMissionNameDebug($order) . " " . $origin['name'] . " [" . $origin['g'] . ":" . $origin['s'] . ":" . $origin['p'] . "] -> " . $target['name'] . " [" . $target['g'] . ":" . $target['s'] . ":" . $target['p'] . "]<br>" . DumpFleet($fleet) . "<br>" . "Время полёта: " . BuildDurationFormat($flighttime) . ", удержание: " . BuildDurationFormat($hold_time) . ", затраты дейтерия: " . nicenum($cons['fleet'] + $cons['probes']) . ", союз: " . $union_id); if ($union_id) { $union_time = UpdateUnionTime($union_id, $queue['end'], $fleet_id); UpdateFleetTime($fleet_id, $union_time); } // Поднять флот с планеты. AdjustResources($cargo_m, $cargo_k, $cargo_d + $cons['fleet'] + $cons['probes'], $origin['planet_id'], '-'); AdjustShips($fleet, $origin['planet_id'], '-'); unlink($fleetlock); // echo "<br>"; // print_r ( $queue); PageHeader("flottenversand", false, true, "flotten1", 1); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/flotten.js"></script> <table width="519" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <tr height="20"> <td class="c" colspan="2"> <span class="success">Флот отправлен:</span> </td> </tr> <tr height="20"> <th>Задание</th><th><?php
BuildEnque(intval($_GET['planet']), intval($_GET['techid']), 1); } else { if ($_GET['modus'] === 'remove') { BuildDeque(intval($_GET['planet']), intval($_GET['listid'])); } } } } $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("imperium", true); $planettype = intval($_GET['planettype']); if ($GlobalUni['moons']) { if ($planettype != 1 && $planettype != 3) { $planettype = 1; } } else { if ($planettype != 1) { $planettype = 1; } } // Загрузить список планет/лун. $plist = array(); $moons = $num = 0; if ($planettype == 1 || $planettype == 3) { $result = EnumPlanets();
<?php // Написать сообщение игроку. loca_add("menu", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); PageHeader("writemessages"); function SendNotActivated() { global $GlobalUser; $unitab = LoadUniverse(); $uni = $unitab['num']; echo "<html>\n"; echo " <head>\n"; echo " <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/default.css' />\n"; echo " <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/formate.css' />\n"; echo " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"formate.css\" />\n"; echo " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/combox.css\">\n"; echo " <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"; echo " <title>Вселенная {$uni} ОГейм</title>\n"; echo " </head>\n\n"; echo " <body>\n"; echo " <center><font size=\"3\"><b>\n";
$OverviewError = ""; require_once "overview_events.php"; if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); if ($GlobalUser['admin'] == 0) { UpdateQueue($now); } // Не обновлять Обзор для админов $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("overview"); // ******************************************************************* if (key_exists('lgn', $_GET)) { UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); // Обновить активность на Главной планете при входе в игру. } $uni = $GlobalUni; ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function t_building() { v = new Date();
<?php // Статистика loca_add("menu", $GlobalUser['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("statistics"); $start = -1; if (key_exists("start", $_REQUEST)) { $start = intval($_REQUEST['start']); } $type = ""; if (key_exists("type", $_REQUEST)) { $type = $_REQUEST['type']; } $who = "player"; if (key_exists("who", $_REQUEST)) { $who = $_REQUEST['who']; } ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA -->
if ($exist4) { $query .= "sprod = {$last4}, "; } if ($exist12) { $query .= "fprod = {$last12}, "; } if ($exist212) { $query .= "ssprod = {$last212}, "; } $query .= " type = type WHERE planet_id = {$planet_id}"; dbquery($query); } $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); // перегрузить планету. } PageHeader("resources"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; // *********************************************************************** function get_prod($id, $planet) { switch ($id) { case 1: return 100 * $planet['mprod']; case 2: return 100 * $planet['kprod']; case 3: return 100 * $planet['dprod']; case 4: return 100 * $planet['sprod'];
// Технологии (детали). loca_add("menu", $GlobalUser['lang']); loca_add("techtree", $GlobalUser['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("techtreedetails"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; // ************************************************************************************** // Список объектов что-чему требуется. $reqs = array(1 => array(), 2 => array(), 3 => array(), 4 => array(), 12 => array(3 => 5, 113 => 3), 14 => array(), 15 => array(14 => 10, 108 => 10), 21 => array(14 => 2), 22 => array(), 23 => array(), 24 => array(), 31 => array(), 33 => array(15 => 1, 113 => 12), 34 => array(), 44 => array(21 => 1), 106 => array(31 => 3), 108 => array(31 => 1), 109 => array(31 => 4), 110 => array(113 => 3, 31 => 6), 111 => array(31 => 2), 113 => array(31 => 1), 114 => array(113 => 5, 110 => 5, 31 => 7), 115 => array(113 => 1), 117 => array(113 => 1, 31 => 2), 118 => array(114 => 3), 120 => array(113 => 2), 121 => array(31 => 4, 120 => 5, 113 => 4), 122 => array(113 => 8, 120 => 10, 121 => 5), 123 => array(31 => 10, 108 => 8, 114 => 8), 124 => array(106 => 4, 117 => 3), 199 => array(31 => 12), 202 => array(21 => 2, 115 => 2), 203 => array(21 => 4, 115 => 6), 204 => array(21 => 1, 115 => 1), 205 => array(21 => 3, 111 => 2, 117 => 2), 206 => array(21 => 5, 117 => 4, 121 => 2), 207 => array(21 => 7, 118 => 4), 208 => array(21 => 4, 117 => 3), 209 => array(21 => 4, 115 => 6, 110 => 2), 210 => array(21 => 3, 115 => 3, 106 => 2), 211 => array(117 => 6, 21 => 8, 122 => 5), 212 => array(21 => 1), 213 => array(21 => 9, 118 => 6, 114 => 5), 214 => array(21 => 12, 118 => 7, 114 => 6, 199 => 1), 215 => array(114 => 5, 120 => 12, 118 => 5, 21 => 8), 401 => array(21 => 1), 402 => array(113 => 1, 21 => 2, 120 => 3), 403 => array(113 => 3, 21 => 4, 120 => 6), 404 => array(21 => 6, 113 => 6, 109 => 3, 110 => 1), 405 => array(21 => 4, 121 => 4), 406 => array(21 => 8, 122 => 7), 407 => array(110 => 2, 21 => 1), 408 => array(110 => 6, 21 => 6), 502 => array(44 => 2, 21 => 1), 503 => array(44 => 4, 21 => 1, 117 => 1), 41 => array(), 42 => array(41 => 1), 43 => array(41 => 1, 114 => 7)); // ************************************************************************************** $tree = array(); $filter = array(); $reclevel = -1; $maxreclevel = -1; function walk_tree($arr, $id) { global $reqs, $reclevel, $maxreclevel, $tree; $reclevel++;
if ($resqueue == null) { if (key_exists('bau', $_GET)) { StartResearch($GlobalUser['player_id'], $aktplanet['planet_id'], intval($_GET['bau']), $now); } $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); // обновить состояние планеты. } else { if (key_exists('unbau', $_GET)) { StopResearch($GlobalUser['player_id']); } $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); // обновить состояние планеты. } } } PageHeader("buildings"); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; echo "<title> \n"; echo "Постройки#Gebaeude\n"; echo "</title> \n"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n\n"; echo "function setMax(key, number){\n"; echo " document.getElementsByName('fmenge['+key+']')[0].value=number;\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "</script> \n"; $unitab = LoadUniverse(); $speed = $unitab['speed']; // ************************************************ Верфь ************************************************ $fleetmap = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215);
function HTMLBody() { $page = Page::getInstance(); $html = "<body>"; $html .= "<div id='pageCSS'>" . $page->getCSS() . "</div>"; $html .= "<div id='fs'></div>"; //$html.= file_get_contents("img/icons.svg"); $html .= "<header class='headerContainer' >"; $html .= SiteHeader(); $html .= "</header>"; $html .= "<nav class='menuContainer'>"; $html .= SiteMenu(); $html .= "</nav>"; $html .= "<div class='pageContainer'>"; $html .= "<div class='module module--page pageWrapper'>"; $html .= PageHeader(); $html .= PageNav(); $html .= PageContent(); $html .= PageAds(); $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<footer class='footerContainer'>"; $html .= SiteFooter(); $html .= "</footer>"; //$html.= js('_assets/js/components/es5-shim'); //$html .= "<script>var DEBUG = true, POLYFILLPROMISE = false;</script>"; /* $html .= js('_assets/js/olli/module'); $html .= includelib('_assets/js/olli', 'build.json'); //$html.= js('js/olli'); $html .= js('_assets/js/olli/test'); */ ///* $html .= "<script>var DEBUG = true, FORCE_PROMISE = this['Promise']?false:true;</script>"; $html .= js('_assets/es6/vendors/browser'); $html .= js('_assets/es6/vendors/system-polyfills'); $html .= js('_assets/es6/vendors/system'); $html .= "<script>"; $html .= "System.config({"; $html .= " transpiler: 'babel'"; //$html .= " baseURL: '_assets/es6/olli'"; $html .= " });"; $html .= "System.import('_assets/es6/olli/olli-test.js?cache=" . time() . "');"; $html .= "</script>"; //*/ /* $html.= js('js/olli-dev'); $html .= js('_assets/js/olli/test'); */ $html .= "</body>"; return $html; }
<?php /** * Index page for site * * @copyright 2009 Deckchair UK Ltd * @author Simon Pollard * @version v1.0 */ // included all classes needed include "classes/main.php"; // set up meta description $description = ""; // set up meta keywords $keywords = ""; // load page header - sends to classes/main.php (title, meta desc, meta keyword, css (if needed)) PageHeader("Welcome", $description, $keywords, "indexpage"); echo "<p></p>\n"; // load page footer - sends to classes/main.php PageFooter();
<?php loca_add("menu", $GlobalUser['lang']); loca_add("search", $GlobalUser['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("suche"); $SEARCH_LIMIT = 25; $SearchResult = ""; $searchtext = ""; // Вырезать из строки всякие инжекции. function SecureText($text) { $search = array("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", "'<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", "'([\r\n])[\\s]+'"); // Вырезает пробельные символы $replace = array("", "", "\\1", "\\1"); $str = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); $str = str_replace("`", "", $str); $str = str_replace("'", "", $str); $str = str_replace("\"", "", $str); $str = str_replace("%0", "", $str); return $str;
/** * Forum-specific export format * @todo Project file size / export time and possibly break into multiple files * */ protected function ForumExport($Ex) { // Begin PageHeader(); $Ex->BeginExport('export ' . date('Y-m-d His') . '.txt.gz', 'Vanilla 1.x'); // Users $User_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Email' => 'Email', 'CountComments' => 'CountComments'); $Ex->ExportTable('User', "SELECT * FROM :_User", $User_Map); // ":_" will be replaced by database prefix // Roles /* 'RoleID' => 'int', 'Name' => 'varchar(100)', 'Description' => 'varchar(200)' */ $Role_Map = array('RoleID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description'); $Ex->ExportTable('Role', 'select * from :_Role', $Role_Map); // UserRoles /* 'UserID' => 'int', 'RoleID' => 'int' */ $UserRole_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'RoleID' => 'RoleID'); $Ex->ExportTable('UserRole', 'select UserID, RoleID from :_User', $UserRole_Map); // Categories /* 'CategoryID' => 'int', 'Name' => 'varchar(30)', 'Description' => 'varchar(250)', 'ParentCategoryID' => 'int', 'DateInserted' => 'datetime', 'InsertUserID' => 'int', 'DateUpdated' => 'datetime', 'UpdateUserID' => 'int' */ $Category_Map = array('CategoryID' => 'CategoryID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description'); $Ex->ExportTable('Category', "select CategoryID, Name, Description from :_Category", $Category_Map); // Discussions /* 'DiscussionID' => 'int', 'Name' => 'varchar(100)', 'CategoryID' => 'int', 'Body' => 'text', 'Format' => 'varchar(20)', 'DateInserted' => 'datetime', 'InsertUserID' => 'int', 'DateUpdated' => 'datetime', 'UpdateUserID' => 'int', 'Score' => 'float', 'Announce' => 'tinyint', 'Closed' => 'tinyint' */ $Discussion_Map = array('DiscussionID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'CategoryID' => 'CategoryID', 'Body' => 'Body', 'DateInserted' => 'DateCreated', 'InsertUserID' => 'AuthUserID', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateLastActive', 'UpdateUserID' => 'LastUserID', 'Closed' => 'Closed'); $Ex->ExportTable('Discussion', "\n SELECT d.*,c.Body FROM :_Discussion d\n LEFT JOIN :_Comment c ON (c.CommentID = d.FirstCommentID)", $Discussion_Map); // Comments /* 'CommentID' => 'int', 'DiscussionID' => 'int', 'DateInserted' => 'datetime', 'InsertUserID' => 'int', 'DateUpdated' => 'datetime', 'UpdateUserID' => 'int', 'Format' => 'varchar(20)', 'Body' => 'text', 'Score' => 'float' */ $Comment_Map = array('CommentID' => 'CommentID', 'DiscussionID' => 'DiscussionID', 'InsertUserID' => 'AuthUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateCreated', 'UpdateUserID' => 'EditUserID', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateEdited', 'Body' => 'Body'); $Ex->ExportTable('Comment', "\n SELECT * FROM :_Comment c\n WHERE c.WhisperUserID = 0", $Comment_Map); // Conversations /* 'ConversationID' => 'int', 'FirstMessageID' => 'int', 'DateInserted' => 'datetime', 'InsertUserID' => 'int', 'DateUpdated' => 'datetime', 'UpdateUserID' => 'int' */ $Conversation_Map = array('ConversationID' => 'DiscussionID', 'InsertUserID' => 'AuthUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateCreated', 'UpdateUserID' => 'EditUserID', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateEdited'); $Ex->ExportTable('Conversation', "SELECT DISTINCT DiscussionID, AuthUserID, DateCreated, EditUserID, DateEdited \n FROM :_Comment c\n WHERE c.WhisperUserID > 0\n GROUP BY DiscussionID", $Conversation_Map); // ConversationMessage /* 'MessageID' => 'int', 'ConversationID' => 'int', 'Body' => 'text', 'InsertUserID' => 'int', 'DateInserted' => 'datetime' */ $ConversationMessage_Map = array('MessageID' => 'CommentID', 'ConversationID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Body' => 'Body', 'InsertUserID' => 'AuthUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateCreated'); $Ex->ExportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n SELECT CommentID, DiscussionID, AuthUserID, DateCreated, Body FROM :_Comment c\n WHERE c.WhisperUserID > 0", $ConversationMessage_Map); // UserConversation $Ex->Query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VanillaExportUserConversations (`UserID` INT NOT NULL ,`ConversationID` INT NOT NULL)"); $Ex->Query("\n INSERT INTO VanillaExportUserConversations (ConversationID, UserID) \n SELECT DISTINCT DiscussionID AS ConversationID, AuthUserID AS UserID FROM :_Comment \n WHERE WhisperUserID > 0\n GROUP BY DiscussionID"); $Ex->Query("\n INSERT INTO VanillaExportUserConversations (ConversationID, UserID) \n SELECT DISTINCT DiscussionID AS ConversationID, WhisperUserID AS UserID FROM :_Comment\n WHERE WhisperUserID > 0\n GROUP BY DiscussionID"); /* 'UserID' => 'int', 'ConversationID' => 'int', 'LastMessageID' => 'int' */ $UserConversation_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'ConversationID' => 'ConversationID'); $Ex->ExportTable('UserConversation', "SELECT ConversationID, UserID FROM VanillaExportUserConversations", $UserConversation_Map); // End $Ex->EndExport(); PageFooter(); }
} } if (key_exists('union_name', $_POST) && $uni['acs'] > 0) { $fleet_id = intval($_POST['flotten']); $union_id = CreateUnion($fleet_id, "KV" . $fleet_id); RenameUnion($union_id, $_POST['union_name']); // переименовать } if (key_exists('user_name', $_POST) && $uni['acs'] > 0) { $fleet_id = intval($_POST['flotten']); $union_id = CreateUnion($fleet_id, "KV" . $fleet_id); $FleetError = AddUnionMember($union_id, $_POST['user_name']); // добавить игрока } } PageHeader("flotten1"); $result = EnumOwnFleetQueue($GlobalUser['player_id']); // Количество флотов $nowfleet = $rows = dbrows($result); $maxfleet = $GlobalUser['r108'] + 1; $prem = PremiumStatus($GlobalUser); if ($prem['admiral']) { $maxfleet += 2; } $expnum = GetExpeditionsCount($GlobalUser['player_id']); // Количество экспедиций $maxexp = floor(sqrt($GlobalUser['r124'])); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'>
if ($galaxy > $uni['galaxies']) { $galaxy = $uni['galaxies']; } if ($system < 1) { $system = 1; } if ($system > $uni['systems']) { $system = $uni['systems']; } if ($planet < 0) { $planet = 0; } if ($planet > 16) { $planet = 16; } PageHeader("flotten3"); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/flotten.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getStorageFaktor(){ return 1; } </script>
<?php // Список заявок на вступление в альянс. loca_add("menu", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); $session = $_GET['session']; PageHeader("bewerbungen"); $ally = LoadAlly($GlobalUser['ally_id']); $show = 0; if (key_exists('show', $_GET)) { $show = intval($_GET['show']); } $sort = 1; if (key_exists('sort', $_GET)) { $sort = intval($_GET['sort']) & 1; } if (method() === "POST") { if ($_POST['aktion'] === "Принять" && $show > 0) { $app = LoadApplication($show); $ally_id = $ally['ally_id']; $player_id = $app['player_id']; $newcomer = LoadUser($player_id);
$YPos -= 1 * $line_height; $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(300, $YPos, 300, $FontSize2, ''); } elseif (count($Split) == 2) { $YPos -= 1 * $line_height; $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(300, $YPos, 300, $FontSize2, $Split[$i]); } elseif (count($Split) >= 3) { $YPos -= 1 * $line_height; $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(300, $YPos, 300, $FontSize2, $Split[$i]); } } /*end for*/ } } /*end if full descriptions*/ if ($YPos < $Bottom_Margin + $line_height) { PageHeader(); } } /*end inventory valn while loop */ $FontSize = 10; /*Print out the category totals */ $FileName = $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_' . _('Price_List') . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf'; ob_clean(); $pdf->OutputD($FileName); $pdf->__destruct(); } else { /*The option to print PDF was not hit */ $title = _('Price Listing'); include 'includes/'; echo '<p class="page_title_text"><img src="' . $rootpath . '/css/' . $theme . '/images/customer.png" title="' . _('Price List') . '" alt="" /> ' . ' ' . _('Print a price list') . '</p>';
} } function IsSelected($option, $value) { global $GlobalUser; if ($GlobalUser[$option] == $value) { return "selected"; } else { return ""; } } function isValidEmail($email) { return eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$", $email); } PageHeader("options"); $unitab = LoadUniverse(); $speed = $unitab['speed']; $prem = PremiumStatus($GlobalUser); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <table width="519"> <?php // Выключить Режим Отпуска. if (method() === "POST") { if (time() >= $GlobalUser['vacation_until'] && $_POST['urlaub_aus'] === "on" && $GlobalUser['vacation']) { $OptionsError = va(loca("OPTIONS_MSG_VMDISABLED"), $GlobalUser['oname']) . "\n<br/>\n";
include "admin_queue.php"; include "admin_uni.php"; include "admin_errors.php"; include "admin_debug.php"; include "admin_sim.php"; include "admin_broadcast.php"; include "admin_expedition.php"; include "admin_logins.php"; include "admin_checksum.php"; include "admin_bots.php"; include "admin_battle.php"; include "admin_userlogs.php"; include "admin_botedit.php"; include "admin_coupons.php"; // ======================================================================================== PageHeader("admin", true); echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; echo "<table width=\"750\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n\n"; if ($mode === "Home") { Admin_Home(); } else { if ($mode === "Fleetlogs") { Admin_Fleetlogs(); } else { if ($mode === "Browse") { Admin_Browse(); } else { if ($mode === "Reports") { Admin_Reports();
/*----------Vars----------------*/ /*------------------------------*/ $sAction = $_REQUEST['action']; $sError = ''; define('BX_SKIP_INSTALL_CHECK', true); // -------------------------------------------- if ($sAction == 'step6' || $sAction == 'step7' || $sAction == 'compile_languages') { require_once '../inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; } // -------------------------------------------- require_once '../inc/classes/BxDolIO.php'; $sInstallPageContent = InstallPageContent($sError); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); echo PageHeader($sAction, $sError); echo $sInstallPageContent; echo PageFooter($sAction); function InstallPageContent(&$sError) { global $aConf, $confFirst, $aDbConf, $aGeneral; $sRet = ''; switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'compile_languages': performInstallLanguages(); $sRet .= 'Default Dolphin language was recompiled'; break; case 'step7': $sRet .= genMainDolphinPage(); break; case 'step6':
<?php // Сообщения (пока вариант без Командира). loca_add("menu", $GlobalUni['lang']); if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { SelectPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id'], intval($_GET['cp'])); } $GlobalUser['aktplanet'] = GetSelectedPlanet($GlobalUser['player_id']); $now = time(); UpdateQueue($now); $aktplanet = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['aktplanet']); $aktplanet = ProdResources($aktplanet, $aktplanet['lastpeek'], $now); UpdatePlanetActivity($aktplanet['planet_id']); UpdateLastClick($GlobalUser['player_id']); PageHeader("messages"); // ******************************************************************* $MAXMSG = 25; // Количество сообщений на странице. $uni = LoadUniverse(); DeleteExpiredMessages($GlobalUser['player_id']); // Удалить сообщения которые хранятся дольше 24 часов. // Заголовок таблицы echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n"; echo "<div id='content'>\n"; echo "<center>\n"; //echo "GET: "; print_r ($_GET); echo "<br>"; //echo "POST: "; print_r ($_POST); echo "<br>"; if (method() === "POST") { //print_r ($_POST); $player_id = $GlobalUser['player_id']; if ($_POST['deletemessages'] === "deleteall") {
if ($id) { $ShowActivateDlg = true; $coupon = LoadCoupon($id); } else { $CouponError = "Неверный код или купон уже погашен"; } //Код более не действителен. //Неверный код } else { if ($_POST['action'] === "activate") { ActivateCoupon($GlobalUser, $code); MyGoto("micropayment"); } } } PageHeader("payment"); ?> <!-- CONTENT AREA --> <div id='content'> <center> <?php if ($ShowActivateDlg) { ?> <form action="" method="POST" accept-charset="text/plain; charset=utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="activate"> <input type="hidden" name="couponcode" value="<?php echo $coupon['code']; ?>