Beispiel #1
if ($layout != "router") {
/* detect interface */
$i = 1;
while ($i < 4) {
    $WANSTR = "WAN-" . $i;
    $WANDEV = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($WANSTR);
    ///echo "loop".$i.$waninf."=".$WANDEV."\n";
    if ($WANDEV != "") {
$LANSTR = "LAN-1";
$LANDEV = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($LANSTR);
$s1 = "echo Interface is wanif=" . $WANDEV . " lanif=" . $LANDEV . " ";
if ($WANDEV == "" || $LANDEV == "") {
    $s2 = " ... Error!!! \n";
} else {
    $s2 = " ... OK \n";
fwrite("a", $START, $s1 . $s2);
fwrite("a", $STOP, $s1 . $s2);
if ($WANDEV == "" || $LANDEV == "") {
/* tc debug */
$TC = "echo tc";
$TC = "tc";
$K = kbps;
Beispiel #2
function dhcp_client($mode, $inf, $devnam, $opt, $router, $dns)
    $hlp = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $pid = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $cfg = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "-dhcp6c.cfg";
    /* DHCP over PPP session ? */
    $previnf = XNODE_get_var($inf . "_PREVINF");
    XNODE_del_var($inf . "_PREVINF");
    /* dslite ? */
    $nextinf = XNODE_get_var($inf . "_NEXTINF");
    XNODE_del_var($inf . "_NEXTINF");
    //if ($mode=="PPPDHCP" && $_GLOBALS["PREVINF"]!="")
    //msg("mode is ".$mode.", previnf is ".$previnf);
    msg("mode is " . $mode . ", previnf is " . $previnf . ", nextinf is " . $nextinf);
    if ($mode == "PPPDHCP" && $previnf != "") {
        //$pppdev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($_GLOBALS["PREVINF"]);
        $pppdev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($previnf);
        if ($pppdev == "") {
            return error("no PPP device.");
        msg("PPP device = " . $pppdev);
    msg("dhcpopt: " . $opt);
    /* Gererate DHCP-IAID from 32-bit of mac address*/
    $mac = PHYINF_getphymac($inf);
    $mac1 = cut($mac, 3, ":");
    $mac2 = cut($mac, 0, ":");
    $mac3 = cut($mac, 1, ":");
    $mac4 = cut($mac, 2, ":");
    $iaidstr = $mac1 . $mac2 . $mac3 . $mac4;
    $iaid = strtoul($iaidstr, 16);
    /* Generate configuration file. */
    if ($mode == "INFOONLY") {
        $send = "\tinformation-only;\n";
        $idas = "";
    } else {
        //check if we have pd hint
        $stsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", $inf, 0);
        $pdhint_enable = query($stsp . "/pdhint/enable");
        $pdhintmsg = "\n";
        if ($pdhint_enable == "1") {
            $pdhint_network = query($stsp . "/pdhint/network");
            $pdhint_prefix = query($stsp . "/pdhint/prefix");
            $pdhint_plft = query($stsp . "/pdhint/preferlft");
            $pdhint_vlft = query($stsp . "/pdhint/validlft");
            if ($pdhint_vlft != "") {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pdhint_network . "/" . $pdhint_prefix . " " . $pdhint_plft . " " . $pdhint_vlft . ";\n";
            } else {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pdhint_network . "/" . $pdhint_prefix . " " . $pdhint_plft . ";\n";
        //check if we got the prefix before
        $pre_pd_network = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdnetwork");
        if ($pre_pd_network != "") {
            $pre_pd_prefix = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdprefix");
            $pre_pd_plft = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdplft");
            $pre_pd_vlft = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdvlft");
            if ($pre_pd_vlft != "") {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pre_pd_network . "/" . $pre_pd_prefix . " " . $pre_pd_plft . " " . $pre_pd_vlft . ";\n";
            } else {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pre_pd_network . "/" . $pre_pd_prefix . " " . $pre_pd_plft . ";\n";
        } else {
            $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix  ::/56 0 0;\n";
        //if (strstr($opt,"IA-NA")!="") {$send=$send."\tsend ia-na 0;\n"; $idas=$idas."id-assoc na {\n};\n";}
        if (strstr($opt, "IA-NA") != "") {
            $send = $send . "\tsend ia-na " . $iaid . ";\n";
            $idas = $idas . "id-assoc na " . $iaid . "{\n};\n";
        //if (strstr($opt,"IA-PD")!="") {$send=$send."\tsend ia-pd 0;\n"; $idas=$idas."id-assoc pd {\n};\n";}
        if (strstr($opt, "IA-PD") != "") {
            $send = $send . "\tsend ia-pd 0;\n";
            $idas = $idas . "id-assoc pd {\n" . $pdhintmsg . "};\n";
    if ($mode == "PPPDHCP") {
        $dname = $pppdev;
    } else {
        $dname = $devnam;
    $nextinfp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $nextinf, 0);
    $nextinet = query($nextinfp . "/inet");
    $nextinetp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("inet", "entry", "uid", $nextinet, 0);
    $nextmode = query($nextinetp . "/ipv4/ipv4in6/mode");
    if ($nextinf != "" && $nextmode == "dslite") {
        $rqstmsg = "\trequest aftr-server-domain-name;\n";
    } else {
        $rqstmsg = "";
    fwrite(w, $cfg, "interface " . $dname . " {\n" . $send . "\trequest domain-name-servers;\n" . "\trequest domain-name;\n" . "\trequest ntp-servers;\n" . $rqstmsg . "\tscript \"" . $hlp . "\";\n" . "};\n" . $idas);
    /* generate callback script */
    fwrite(w, $hlp, "#!/bin/sh\n" . 'if [ $new_addr != "" ] || [ $new_pd_prefix != "" ]; then\\n' . "\techo [\$0]: [{$new_addr}] [{$new_pd_prefix}] [{$new_pd_plen}] [{$new_pd_pltime}] [{$new_pd_vltime}] > /dev/console\n" . "else\n" . "\texit 0\n" . "fi\n" . "phpsh /etc/services/INET/inet6_dhcpc_helper.php" . " INF=" . $inf . " MODE=" . $mode . " DEVNAM=" . $dname . " GATEWAY=" . $router . " DHCPOPT=" . $opt . ' "NAMESERVERS=$new_domain_name_servers"' . ' "DOMAIN=$new_domain_name"' . ' "NEW_ADDR=$new_addr"' . ' "NEW_PD_PREFIX=$new_pd_prefix"' . ' "NEW_PD_PLEN=$new_pd_plen"' . ' "NEW_PD_PLTIME=$new_pd_pltime"' . ' "NEW_PD_VLTIME=$new_pd_vltime"' . ' "DNS=' . $dns . '"' . ' "NEW_AFTR_NAME=$new_aftr_name"' . ' "NTPSERVER=$new_ntp_servers"' . "\n");
    /* Start DHCP client */
    cmd("chmod +x " . $hlp);
    if ($pppdev == "") {
        cmd("dhcp6c -c " . $cfg . " -p " . $pid . " -t LL -n " . $inf . " " . $devnam);
    } else {
        cmd("dhcp6c -c " . $cfg . " -p " . $pid . " -t LL -o " . $devnam . " -n " . $inf . " " . $pppdev);
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
       If we name the same name on several interfaces,
       the dnsmasq will return the first match interface but not the specific interface (input interface).
       For this, we should seperate  different interfaces to use individual dnsmasq daemon.
       By Enos. 2010/07/19  */
    $i = 1;
    while ($i > 0) {
        /* get LAN path */
        $lan = "LAN-" . $i;
        $linfp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $lan, 0);
        $lstsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", $lan, 0);
        if ($lstsp == "" || $linfp == "") {
            $i = 0;
        /* Get phyinf */
        $laninf = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($lan);
        $infdncmd = $infdncmd . " --interface-name=" . $hdn . "," . $laninf;
$hostname = query("/device/hostname");
$mac = PHYINF_getmacsetting("LAN-1");
$macstr = cut($mac, 4, ":") . cut($mac, 5, ":");
fwrite("a", $hosts, $RouterLANIP . " " . $hostname . " " . $hostname . $macstr . "\n" . $RouterLANIP . " " . $hostname . ".local \n" . $RouterLANIP . " " . $hostname . ".localdomain" . " " . $hostname . $macstr . ".localdomain" . "\n");
//jef add +   for support use shareport.local to access shareportmobile
$web_file_access = query("/webaccess/enable");
if ($web_file_access == 1) {
    fwrite("a", $hosts, $RouterLANIP . " shareport\n");
    fwrite("a", $hosts, $RouterLANIP . " shareport.local\n");
//jef add -
Beispiel #4
function IPTLAN_build_command($name)
    fwrite("w", $_GLOBALS["START"], "#!/bin/sh\n");
    fwrite("w", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "#!/bin/sh\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "iptables -t nat -F PRE." . $name . "\n");
    /* if snmp open wan, drop udp port 161 from lan port */
    $snmp_inf = query("/snmp/inf");
    $enable_snmp = query("/snmp/active");
    $iptcmdNAT = "iptables -t nat -A PRE." . $name;
    $dev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($name);
    if ($enable_snmp == "1") {
        if ($snmp_inf != $name) {
            $path = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $snmp_inf, 0);
            $inet = query($path . "/inet");
            $inetp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/inet", "entry", "uid", $inet, 0);
            $ipaddr = query($inetp . "/ipv4/ipaddr");
            if ($ipaddr != "") {
                fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdNAT . " -i " . $dev . "  -p udp --dport 161 -d " . $ipaddr . " -j DROP\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "iptables -t nat -A PRE." . $name . " -j ACCEPT\n");
    /* firewall */
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "echo -1 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "iptables -t filter -F FWD." . $name . "\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "iptables -t filter -F INP." . $name . "\n");
    $iptcmdFWD = "iptables -t filter -A FWD." . $name;
    $iptcmdIN = "iptables -t filter -A INP." . $name;
    $path = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $name, 0);
    if ($path != "") {
        $macf = XNODE_get_var("MACF." . $name . ".USED");
        $urlf = XNODE_get_var("URLF." . $name . ".USED");
        $fw = XNODE_get_var("FIREWALL.USED");
        $fw2 = XNODE_get_var("FIREWALL-2.USED");
        $fw3 = XNODE_get_var("FIREWALL-3.USED");
        $pptppt = query("/device/passthrough/pptp");
        $ipsecpt = query("/device/passthrough/ipsec");
        $rtsppt = query("/device/passthrough/rtsp");
        $sip = query("/device/passthrough/sip");
        /* Outbound filter will be run faster to drop some packets. */
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j FWD.OBFILTER\n");
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdIN . " -j INP.OBFILTER\n");
        if ($macf > 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j MACF." . $name . "\n" . $iptcmdIN . " -j MACF." . $name . "\n");
        if ($fw > 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j FIREWALL\n");
        if ($fw2 > 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j FIREWALL-2\n");
        if ($fw3 > 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j FIREWALL-3\n");
        if ($urlf > 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -p tcp --dport 80 -j URLF." . $name . "\n" . "echo 80 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n" . "event SW.FASTNAT.DOWN\n");
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "event SW.FASTNAT.UP\n");
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -j FOR_POLICY\n");
        if ($pptppt == 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -p tcp --dport 1723 -j DROP\n" . "echo 1723 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n");
        if ($ipsecpt == 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -p udp --dport 500 -j DROP\n" . "echo 500 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n" . $iptcmdFWD . " -p udp --dport 4500 -j DROP\n" . "echo 4500 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n" . $iptcmdFWD . " -p ah -j DROP\n" . $iptcmdFWD . " -p esp -j DROP\n");
        if ($rtsppt == 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -p tcp --dport 554 -j DROP\n" . "echo 554 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n");
        if ($sip == 0) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], $iptcmdFWD . " -p udp --dport 5060 -j DROP\n" . "echo 5060 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], "exit 0\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "iptables -t nat -F PRE." . $name . "\n");
    /* firewall */
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "echo -1 > /proc/fastnat/forskipsupport\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "iptables -t filter -F FWD." . $name . "\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "iptables -t filter -F INP." . $name . "\n");
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], "exit 0\n");
Beispiel #5
     $del_ipt = "iptables -t nat -D " . $ipt_cmd;
     $add_ipt = "iptables -t nat -A " . $ipt_cmd;
   if($ext_ip != "")
 $ipt_cmd = "";
 $wan_ip = query("/runtime/webaccess/wanip");
 $wan_st = query("/runtime/webaccess/wanst");
 $mask = query("/runtime/webaccess/mask");
 /*  if($C_IP==$ext_ip)
 $laninf = PHYINF_getruntimeifname("LAN-1");
 if ($SSL == '0') {
     $ipt_cmd = "PRE.WFA -i " . $laninf . " -p tcp --dport " . $E_PORT . " -j DNAT --to-destination " . $wan_ip . ":" . query("/webaccess/httpport") . " &";
 } else {
     $ipt_cmd = "PRE.WFA -i " . $laninf . " -p tcp --dport " . $E_PORT . " -j DNAT --to-destination " . $wan_ip . ":" . query("/webaccess/httpsport") . " &";
 if ($ipt_cmd != "") {
     $del_ipt = "iptables -t nat -D " . $ipt_cmd;
     $add_ipt = "iptables -t nat -A " . $ipt_cmd;
 //if($wan_st!="public" && $mask != "")
 if ($wan_st != "ppp" && $mask != "") {
     $host_ip = ipv4networkid($wan_ip, $mask);
     if ($SSL == '0') {