Beispiel #1
function CtkBukti()
    global $_lf;
    //include "terbilang.php";
    $nmf = "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.dwoprn";
    $maxcol = 80;
    //$div = str_pad('-',$maxcol,'-').$_;
    $f = fopen($nmf, 'w');
    $Periode = $_REQUEST['tahun'];
    $PMBID = $_REQUEST['pmbid'];
    $bal = $_REQUEST['biaya'];
    $BYR = $_REQUEST['byr'];
    $REG = $_REQUEST['regs'];
    $_bal = number_format($bal);
    $x = GetFields("pmb left outer join prodi on prodi.ProdiID = pmb.ProdiID", 'PMBID', $PMBID, 'pmb.Nama as NMHS, prodi.Nama as PRD');
    fwrite($f, chr(27) . chr(18) . chr(27) . chr(108) . chr(0) . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, str_pad("BUKTI PENGEMBALIAN PEMBAYARAN P.M.B.", $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, str_pad("PERIODE " . NamaTahunPMB($Periode), $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf);
    $isi = str_pad('PMBID                  : ' . $PMBID, 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('NAMA                   : ' . $x['NMHS'], 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('PRODI                  : ' . $x['PRD'], 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('BIAYA YG SUDAH DIBAYAR : Rp. ' . number_format($BYR), 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('BIAYA ADMINISTRASI     : Rp. ' . $REG, 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('NILAI YG DIKEMBALIKAN  : Rp. ' . $_bal, 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('TERBILANG              :' . ucwords(Terbilang($bal)) . "Rupiah", 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('KETERANGAN             : ' . $Keterangan, 60, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('Jakarta, ' . date("d-m-Y"), 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . str_pad('Bagian Keuangan,', 50, ' ') . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf;
    fwrite($f, $isi);
    fwrite($f, "Dicetak Oleh : " . $_SESSION['_Login']);
    //fwrite($f, $div);
    fwrite($f, chr(12));
    echo "<iframe src='dwoprn.php?f={$nmf}' height=0 width=0 frameborder=0>\n    </iframe>";
function Headerxx($tahun, $status__, $div, $maxcol, &$hal)
    global $_lf;
    if ($status__ == 'B') {
        $TTL = "DITERIMA";
    } elseif ($status__ == 'P') {
        $TTL = "PINDAHAN";
    } else {
        $TTL = "PSSB";
    $hdr .= str_pad('*** PENGUMUMAN PENERIMAAN MAHASISWA BARU **', $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= str_pad("--- STATUS :  {$TTL} ---", $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf . $_lf;
    $hdr .= "Periode : " . NamaTahunPMB($tahun);
    $hdr .= str_pad('Halaman : ' . $hal, 42, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= $div;
    $hdr .= str_pad("NO. URUT", 10) . str_pad("NO. TES", 12) . str_pad("NAMA CALON MAHASISWA", 35) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= $div;
    return $hdr;
function Daftar()
    global $_lf;
    $s = "select p.Nama, pm.* from pmbmundur pm\r\n        left outer join pmb p on p.PMBID = pm.PMBID\r\n        where pm.PMBPeriodID = '{$_SESSION['pmbperiod']}'\r\n        order by pm.PMBID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $maxcol = 120;
    $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.dwoprn";
    $f = fopen($nmf, 'w');
    fwrite($f, chr(27) . chr(15));
    $div = str_pad('-', $maxcol, '-') . $_lf;
    $n = 0;
    $brs = 0;
    $maxbrs = 50;
    $hdr = str_pad('*** Validitas PMB Mundur ***', $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf . $_lf;
    $hdr .= "Periode : " . NamaTahunPMB($_SESSION['pmbperiod']) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= $div;
    $hdr .= str_pad('NO.', 4) . str_pad('PMBID', 12) . str_pad('NAMA', 30) . str_pad('TGL PROSES', 12) . str_pad('NO SURAT', 10) . str_pad('TGL SURAT', 12) . str_pad('ALASAN', 20) . str_pad('BIAYA ADMINISTRASI', 18) . $_lf . $div;
    fwrite($f, $hdr);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($brs >= $maxbrs) {
            fwrite($f, $div);
            fwrite($f, "Bersambung ke ...");
            fwrite($f, chr(12));
            $brs = 1;
            fwrite($f, $hdr);
        $isi = str_pad($n . '.', 4) . str_pad($w['PMBID'], 12) . str_pad($w['Nama'], 30) . str_pad($w['TglProses'], 12) . str_pad($w['NoSurat'], 10) . str_pad($w['TglSurat'], 12) . str_pad($w['Alasan'], 20) . str_pad(number_format($w['BiayaAdministrasi']), 18, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $_lf;
        fwrite($f, $isi);
    fwrite($f, $div);
    fwrite($f, str_pad("Dicetak Oleh : " . $_SESSION['_Login'] . ', ' . date("d-m-Y H:i"), 40) . str_pad("Akhir Laporan", 73, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, chr(12));
    TampilkanFileDWOPRN($nmf, "?");
// *** Tanggal ***
if (isset($_REQUEST['Tampilkan'])) {
    $pmbtglfilter = GetSetVar('pmbtglfilter', 'Y');
    if (empty($_REQUEST['pmbtglfilter'])) {
        $pmbtglfilter = 'N';
        $_SESSION['pmbtglfilter'] = 'N';
$pmbtgl_y = GetSetVar('pmbtgl_y', date('Y'));
$pmbtgl_m = GetSetVar('pmbtgl_m', date('m'));
$pmbtgl_d = GetSetVar('pmbtgl_d', date('d'));
$_SESSION['pmbtgl'] = "{$pmbtgl_y}-{$pmbtgl_m}-{$pmbtgl_d}";
// *** Filter ***
$crfrm = GetSetVar('crfrm');
$crfrmkey = GetSetVar('crfrmkey');
if ($crfrmkey == 'Reset') {
    $crfrmkey = '';
    $crfrm = '';
    $_SESSION['crfrmkey'] = '';
    $_SESSION['crfrm'] = '';
// *** Parameters ***
$pmbfid = GetSetVar('pmbfid');
$pmbaktif = GetaField('pmbperiod', 'NA', 'N', 'PMBPeriodID');
$gos = empty($_REQUEST['gos']) ? 'DftrFrm' : $_REQUEST['gos'];
// *** Main ***
$NTahunPMB = NamaTahunPMB($pmbaktif);
TampilkanJudul("Daftar Formulir {$NTahunPMB}");
function HeaderMUN($tahun, $prodi, $div, $maxcol, &$hal)
    global $_lf;
    $hdr = str_pad('*** DAFTAR PEMBAYARAN MAHASISWA BARU (STATUS MUNDUR) ***', $maxcol, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf . $_lf . $_lf;
    $hdr .= "Tahun Akademik : " . NamaTahunPMB($tahun) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= "Prodi          : {$prodi}" . str_pad('Halaman : ' . $hal, 160, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= $div;
    $hdr .= str_pad("NO", 4) . str_pad("PMBID", 11) . str_pad("NIM", 11) . str_pad("NAMA", 33) . str_pad('ALAMAT', 60) . str_pad('TELEPON/HP', 20) . str_pad('STATUS', 9) . str_pad('KEWAJIBAN', 15) . str_pad('BIAYA REG', 8) . str_pad('PEMBAYARAN', 14) . str_pad('BALANCE', 12) . str_pad('NO BPM', 12) . str_pad('TGL', 16) . str_pad('NILAI', 12) . $_lf;
    $hdr .= $div;
    return $hdr;
function TampilkanDftrPMB()
    $whr = '';
    $whr .= empty($_SESSION['stawl']) ? '' : " and p.StatusAwalID='{$_SESSION['stawl']}' ";
    $whr .= empty($_SESSION['jnsek']) ? '' : " and p.JenisSekolahID='{$_SESSION['jnsek']}' ";
    $s = "select p.PMBID, p.Nama, p.JenisSekolahID, p.LulusUjian, NomerSurat,\r\n    sa.Nama as STAWL, bpt.Nama as BPT\r\n    from pmb p\r\n      left outer join statusawal sa on p.StatusAwalID=sa.StatusAwalID\r\n      left outer join bipot bpt on p.BIPOTID=bpt.BIPOTID\r\n    where p.ProdiID='{$_SESSION['prodi']}' and PMBPeriodID='{$_SESSION['pmbaktif']}' {$whr}\r\n    order by p.NilaiUjian DESC, p.PMBID ASC, p.Nama ASC";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    echo "<p><b>Catatan:</b> Perhatikan Master Biaya & Potongan (BIPOT) calon mahasiswa. Jika masih kosong, maka harus diset terlebih dahulu oleh Kepala Admisi.</p>";
    echo "<form action='cetak/pmb.pemberitahuan1.php' method=POST target=_blank>\r\n    <input type=hidden name='pmbaktif' value='{$_SESSION['pmbaktif']}'>\r\n    <input type=hidden name='prn' value='{$prn}'>";
    echo "<p><table class=box cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4>\r\n    <tr><th class=ttl>No.</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>No. PMB</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>Nama</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>Status</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>Sekolah</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>Lulus?</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>BIPOT</th>\r\n    <th class=ttl><input type=submit name='Cetak' value='Cetak'></th>\r\n    <th class=ttl>Cetak<br />Individual</th>\r\n    </tr>";
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        $c = $w['LulusUjian'] == 'Y' ? 'class=ul' : 'class=nac';
        $chk = $w['LulusUjian'] == 'Y' ? "checked" : '';
        echo "<tr><td class=inp1>{$n}</td>\r\n      <td {$c}>{$w['PMBID']}</td>\r\n      <td {$c}>{$w['Nama']}</td>\r\n      <td {$c}>{$w['STAWL']}</td>\r\n      <td {$c}>{$w['JenisSekolahID']}&nbsp;</td>\r\n      <td {$c} align=center><img src='img/{$w['LulusUjian']}.gif'></td>\r\n      <td {$c}>{$w['BPT']}</td>\r\n      <td {$c} align=center><input type=checkbox name='pmbid[]' value='{$w['PMBID']}' {$chk}></td>\r\n      <td {$c} align=center><a href='cetak/pmb.pemberitahuan1.php?Lulus={$w['LulusUjian']}&pmbid[]={$w['PMBID']}&pmbaktif={$_SESSION['pmbaktif']}&Sekolah={$w['JenisSekolahID']}' target=_blank>Cetak</a></td>\r\n      </tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan=7>&nbsp;</td>\r\n    <td class=ul><input type=submit name='Cetak' value='Cetak'></td></tr>\r\n    </table></p>";
    echo "</form>";
// *** Parameters ***
$pmbaktif = GetSetVar('pmbaktif');
$_stawl = GetSetVar('stawl');
$_prodi = GetSetVar('prodi');
$_jnsek = GetSetVar('jnsek');
$gos = empty($_REQUEST['gos']) ? 'DftrPMB' : $_REQUEST['gos'];
// *** Main ***
$NamaTPMB = NamaTahunPMB($_SESSION['pmbaktif']);
TampilkanJudul("Pemberitahuan Lulus USM - {$NamaTPMB}");