function storeData($sql, $eMore)
    $eMore = "";
    $hn = 'localhost';
    $user = '******';
    $pw = 'password123';
    $cn = MySQL_connect($hn, $user, $pw);
    if ($cn) {
        $dbname = 'advocacy_db';
        $connect = MySQL_select_db($dbname);
        if ($connect) {
            $return = MySQL_query($sql, $cn);
            if ($return == TRUE) {
            } else {
                $eMore .= "Query (return) was not successful.\n";
        } else {
            $eMore .= "DB selection was not successful.\n";
    } else {
        $eMore .= "Connection to db was not successful.\n";
    return $eMore;
function show_search_results()
    global $user, $config, $keyword, $search_mode, $page_name;
    #santize sql keyword in case anyone reads xkcd...
    $keyword = mysql_real_escape_string($keyword);
    #perform the search
    #full text search in boolean mode
    #$sql = "SELECT * from files where MATCH(path, file) AGAINST('$keyword' in boolean mode)";    #<<----- orignal search command
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.name, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online, path, file, size, MATCH(path, file) AGAINST("' . $keyword . '") AS relevance
	FROM ' . $config[dbfiles] . ' 
	JOIN ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' ON ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.ip = ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip
	WHERE MATCH(path, file) AGAINST("' . $keyword . '" IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
    #add file type filters if requested
    #video needs to be bigger than 1MB, this eliminates most spurious results. I don't think a filesize filter can be applied to music though without
    #adverse effects
    if ($search_mode == 'video') {
        $sql = $sql . ' AND (file LIKE "%.avi" OR file LIKE "%.mpg" OR file LIKE "%.mpeg" OR file LIKE "%.ogm" OR file LIKE "%.wmv" OR file LIKE "%.mkv" OR file LIKE "%.mp4" OR file LIKE "%.ogg" OR file LIKE "%.ogv") AND (size > 1000000)';
    if ($search_mode == 'music') {
        $sql = $sql . ' AND (file LIKE "%.mp3" OR file LIKE "%.ogg" OR file LIKE "%.aac" OR file LIKE "%.mp4" OR file LIKE "%.wav" OR file LIKE "%.flac" OR file LIKE "%.m4a" OR file LIKE "%.oga")';
    if ($search_mode == 'documents') {
        $sql = $sql . ' AND (file LIKE "%.doc" OR file LIKE "%.xls" OR file LIKE "%.ppt" OR file LIKE "%.pdf" OR file LIKE "%.odt" OR file LIKE "%.txt" OR file LIKE "%.rtf" OR file LIKE "%.ods" OR file LIKE "%.odp")';
    if ($search_mode == 'disk_images') {
        $sql = $sql . ' AND (file LIKE "%.iso" OR file LIKE "%.bin" OR file LIKE "%.cue" OR file LIKE "%.vdi" OR file LIKE "%.vhd" OR file LIKE "%.wim" OR file LIKE "%.ima" OR file LIKE "%.img")';
    #remove nuisance files (thumbs.db, .lnk files, etc.)
    #I doubt anyone wants to look for these
    #add another condition if theres a type of usless file that's spoiling search results
    #we have to be careful not to make this too strict though as there is no intuitive option to disable it yet
    if ($_GET['spamfilter']) {
        $sql = $sql . ' AND (file NOT LIKE "%.db" AND file NOT LIKE "%.ini" AND file NOT LIKE "%.dll" AND file NOT LIKE "%.lnk" AND file NOT LIKE "%.scf" AND file NOT LIKE "%.DS_Store%" AND file NOT LIKE ".directory" AND file NOT LIKE "folder.jpg" AND file NOT LIKE "AlbumArt_%" AND file NOT LIKE "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" )';
    #order the results with preferance for online hosts
    #then by relevance
    $sql = $sql . ' ORDER BY (' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online = 1) DESC, relevance DESC';
    #dispaly all films on network if this is requested. have moved this after the order by line as having it before causes errors (relevance DESC is
    #meaningless as this query string doesn't have a relevance variable)
    if ($search_mode == 'all_films') {
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.name, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online, path, file, size 
		FROM ' . $config[dbfiles] . ' 
		JOIN ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' ON ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.ip = ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip

		WHERE (size > 600000000) AND (file LIKE "%.avi" OR file LIKE "%.mpg" OR file LIKE "%.mpeg" OR file LIKE "%.ogm" OR file LIKE "%.wmv" OR file LIKE "%.mkv" OR file LIKE "%.mp4" OR file LIKE "%.ogg" OR file LIKE "%.ogv") ORDER BY (' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online = 0), (' . $config[dbfiles] . '.file)
        #online then offline, each alphabetical
    if ($search_mode == 'extension') {
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.name, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online, path, file, size 
		FROM ' . $config[dbfiles] . ' 
		JOIN ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' ON ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.ip = ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip

		WHERE (file LIKE "%.' . $keyword . '") ORDER BY (' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online = 0), (' . $config[dbfiles] . '.file)
        #online then offline, each alphabetical
    if ($search_mode == 'show_my_files') {
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.name, ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.online, path, file, size 
		FROM ' . $config[dbfiles] . ' 
		JOIN ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' ON ' . $config[dbhosts] . '.ip = ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip

		WHERE ' . $config[dbfiles] . '.ip like "' . $user->info[ip] . '"';
    #send query to mysql
    $res = MySQL_query($sql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
        if ($search_mode != 'show_my_files') {
            if ($user->can_use_site == false) {
                echo '<a href="wiki/index.php?title=Sharing">Share</a> your files to activate these links<br><br>';
            if ($user->can_use_site == true and $user->can_see_computers == false) {
                echo '<a href="wiki/index.php?title=Sharing">Share</a> your files to see the computer names<br><br>';
			<td align="left"><b>File</b></td>
			<td align="center"><b>Computer</b></td>
			<td align="center"><b>Size (MB)</b></td>

    #put the results into a table, with clickable links for each file
    $table_row_number = 0;
    while ($row = MySQL_fetch_array($res)) {
        #colour the table rows alternately, and grey out offline computers
        $online_status = $row['online'] ? 'online' : 'offline';
        $even_or_odd = $table_row_number % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
        $class = 'class = "' . $online_status . '_' . $even_or_odd . '"';
        if (eregi("windows", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            $file_link = 'file://///' . $row['ip'] . '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $row['path']) . '\\';
            $computer_link = 'file://///' . $row['ip'] . '/';
        } else {
            $file_link = 'smb://' . $row['ip'] . '/' . $row['path'] . '/';
            $computer_link = 'smb://' . $row['ip'] . '/';
        echo "<tr {$class} >";
        #link to file
        echo '<td>';
        if ($user->can_use_site or $search_mode == 'show_my_files') {
            echo '<a class=' . $online_status . ' href="' . $file_link . '">' . $row['file'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            echo $row['file'];
        echo '</td>';
        #link to computer
        echo '<td align="center">';
        if ($user->can_use_site and $user->can_see_computers or $search_mode == 'show_my_files') {
            echo '<a class=' . $online_status . ' href="' . $computer_link . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            echo '?';
        echo '</td>';
        #size of file
        echo '<td align="center">';
        echo round($row['size'] / 1000000, 2);
        echo '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        #produce readable HTML by having a new line here
        echo "\r\n";
        #increment row count
    echo '</table>';
    #show the number of files
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
        echo '<h3 align="center">';
        echo '0 files found';
        echo '</h3>';
Beispiel #3
#	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#	GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#	You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#	along with Trufflepig.  If not, see <>.

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';

include 'common.php';
$sql = 'SELECT author, message, time, ip FROM ' . $config[dbwall] . ' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 40';
$wall = MySQL_query($sql);

<rss version="2.0">

echo "\r\n";
echo '<title>' . $config[website_name] . '</title>';
echo '<link>' . $config[web_address] . '</link>';
echo '<description>Feed for comments on the ' . $config[website_name] . ' wall</description>';
echo "\r\n";
while ($row = MySQL_fetch_array($wall)) {
    echo '<item>';
    echo '<title>' . safe_html($row['author']) . '</title>';
Beispiel #4
 private function connect()
     $this->conn = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass) or die("数据库连接错误");
     MySQL_query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");
     mysql_select_db($this->db_database, $this->conn) or die("没有找到" . $this->db_database . "这个数据库");
Beispiel #5

require 'config/config.php';
require_once CORE_DIR . '/kernel.php';
mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
MySQL_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
class tools extends kernel
    var $system;
    var $db;
    function tools()
        $this->system =& $GLOBALS['system'];
        $this->db =& $this->system->database();
    function updateGoodsIntro($newURL, $oldURL)
        $table = DB_PREFIX . 'goods';
        $sql = "update " . $table . " set intro=replace(intro,'" . $oldURL . "','" . $newURL . "')";
$do = new tools();
if ($_POST['submit']) {
    $newURL = trim($_POST['newURL']);
    $oldURL = trim($_POST['oldURL']);
    $do->updateGoodsIntro($newURL, $oldURL);
    echo '修改成功!';
} else {
 public function getConn()
     $this->conn = MySQL_query($this->username, $this->username, $this->userpwd);
     return $this->conn;
Beispiel #7
function blog_visit_fnc($blog_id, $visit_id, $cookie_val, $connect)
    $n_date = date('Ymd');
    //하루 동안 부여하는 쿠키가 없을 때, 즉 오늘 처음 올 때
    if (!$cookie_val) {
        $chk = "select vnum from blog_visit_count where user_id = '{$blog_id}' And visit_date='{$n_date}'";
        $cres = mysql_query($chk, $connect);
        $crows = mysql_fetch_array($cres);
        //온ㄹ ㅏ운터가 있으면 업데이트
        if ($crows) {
            $qry2 = "update blog_visit_count set visit_count = visit_count+1\r\n\t\t\t          where user_id = '{$blog_id}'And visit_date = '{$n_date}'";
            $res2 = MySQL_query($qry2, $connect);
        } else {
            //데이터가 없으면 INSERT
            $qry2 = "insert into blog_visit_count(user_id,visit_date, visit_count)values('{$blog_id}','{$n_date}',1)";
            $res2 = mysql_query($qry2, $connect);
    //새로 쿠키를 부여
    SetCookie("v_id", $n_date, time() + 3600 * 24, "/");
    //자신이 아닌 로그인된 사용자가 접속했을 때
    if ($visit_id && $visit_id != $blog_id) {
        //오늘 ㅓㅂ속한 사용자가 있는지 확인
        $chk = "select mnum from blog_visit_member where user_id = '{$blog_id}'And\r\n\t\tvisit_date='{$n_date}'And\r\n\t\tvisit_id = '{$visit_id}";
        $cres = MySQL_query($chk, $connect);
        $crows = mysql_fetch_array($cres);
        //오늘 방문 기록이 없을 경우에만 저장
        if (!$crows) {
            $qry2 = "insert into blog_visit_member(user_id,visit_date,visit_id)\r\n\t\t\tvalues('{$blog_id}','{$n_date}','{$visit_id}')";
            $res2 = MySQL_query($qry2, $connect);
Beispiel #8
 //for each user get contacts
 $q = "select contact from " . $config->table_location . " where username='******'";
 $res2 = mySQL_query($q);
 if (!$res2) {
     echo "error in SQL query, line: " . __LINE__ . "\n";
 $send_na = true;
 $user_icao_cache = array();
 //for each contact get meter data and send it
 while ($row2 = MySQL_Fetch_Object($res2)) {
     $domain = $reg->get_domainname($row2->contact);
     //get icao for domain
     $q = "select icao from " . $config->table_netgeo_cache . " where domainname='{$domain}'";
     $res3 = MySQL_query($q);
     if (!$res3) {
         echo "error in SQL query, line: " . __LINE__ . "\n";
     $row3 = MySQL_Fetch_Object($res3);
     if (!$row3) {
     $icao = $row3->icao;
     // if domain isn't in cache, continue with next contact
     if (!$icao) {
     // if icao for this domain isn't in cache, continue with next contact
     if (in_array($icao, $user_icao_cache)) {
Beispiel #9
 function change_hitcount()
     global $config;
     if ($this->info[hit_count] != -1) {
         if ($this->info[total_size] <= $config[cut_off]) {
             if ($config[encourage] == true) {
                 $sql = 'update ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' set hit_count = hit_count + 1 where ip like "' . $this->info[ip] . '"';
                 $res = MySQL_query($sql);
                 $this->info[hit_count] = $this->info[hit_count] + 1;
         } else {
             if ($this->info[hit_count] > round($config[max_hit] / 2, 0)) {
                 $this->info[hit_count] = round($config[max_hit] / 2, 0);
                 $sql = 'update ' . $config[dbhosts] . ' set hit_count = ' . $this->info[hit_count] . ' where ip like "' . $this->info[ip] . '"';
                 $res = MySQL_query($sql);
Beispiel #10
 function zobrazdielo($subor, $nazov, $autor, $koment, $id)
     echo '<table class="hra-galerydetail"><tr>';
     echo '<td width="40%"><a href="diela/', $subor, '"><img src="diela/', $subor, '" style="border: 1px solid black; max-width:500px;" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($nazov) . '" /></a></td><td valign="top">';
     echo '<h2>', $nazov, '</h2>';
     echo '<strong>autor:</strong> ', $autor, '<br />';
     echo '<strong>komentár:</strong> ', $koment;
     $q = MySQL_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hra_galeria_hlasy WHERE reg='" . mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['logname']) . "';");
     $pocet = MySQL_result($q, 0);
     $q = MySQL_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hra_galeria_hlasy WHERE galid={$id} AND reg='" . mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['logname']) . "';");
     $uzsom = MySQL_result($q, 0);
     if ($uzsom == 1) {
         echo '<br /><br />Za toto dielo si už hlasoval';
     } elseif ($autor == 'zenitova_sestra' or $autor == 'Zenit') {
         echo '';
     } elseif ($_SESSION['logged'] == 0) {
         echo '';
     } elseif ($pocet < 2) {
         echo '<br /><br /><a href="hra.php?action=hlasujw&amp;hlas=' . $id . '">hlasuj za toto dielo</a> (máš ešte ' . (2 - $pocet) . ' hlasy)';
     } else {
         echo '<br /><br />už si hlasoval 2x';
     echo '</td></tr></table>';
Beispiel #11

$userid = $_GET['userid'];
$btype = $_GET['btype'];
$dbs = MySQL_connect("", "toryzen", "q1w2e3r4");
MySQL_select_db("qqnotic", $dbs);
mysql_query("set names utf8");
$now = time();
if ($userid && $btype) {
    $sql1 = "INSERT INTO qqnotic VALUES ('NULL','{$btype}','{$userid}','',0,'{$now}',0)";
    $result = MySQL_query($sql1);
    echo "ok";
} else {
    echo "erro";