Beispiel #1
    include "search_data.php";
    //$sql .= " 1=1 order by create_date desc";
    $sql .= " 1=1 and ( control>" . $_SESSION["admin_info"]["control"] . " OR (control=" . $_SESSION["admin_info"]["control"] . " AND id=" . $_SESSION["admin_info"]["id"] . ")) order by create_date desc";
    $data = $conn->PageExecute($sql, $per_page_qty, $page);
    if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($v as $k_2 => $v_2) {
                $data_temp[$k][$k_2] = $v_2;
            //存入新陣列 給與 smarty section 使用
            //$data_temp[$k]["status"] = $_SETUP["status"][$data_temp[$k]["status"]];
            /*foreach($group as $k_2 => $v_2)
            		if($data_temp[$k]["group_id"] == $v_2["id"])
            			 $data_temp[$k]["group_html"] = $v_2["name"];
            $data_temp[$k]["group_html"] = '<select name="group_id_' . $data_temp[$k]["id"] . '">' . Make_sql_list($group, $data_temp[$k]["group_id"]) . '</select>';
            $data_temp[$k]["status_html"] = Make_radio($_SETUP["status"], $data_temp[$k]["status"], "status_" . $data_temp[$k]["id"]);
        $tpl->assign("page_table", Page_table($data, $per_page_qty));
        $data = $data_temp;
    $_SESSION["admin_info"]["view"] = "list";
include_once "index.php";
//assign 所有資料、共用頁面
$tpl->assign("content", ROOT_PATH . $admin_path . "templates/admin.html");
$tpl->display(ROOT_PATH . $admin_path . "templates/index.html");

Beispiel #2
        if ($ajx["class_id"] == 10) {
            $sql = "select * from " . PREFIX . "products WHERE recommend=1";
    } else {
        $sql = "select * from " . PREFIX . "products WHERE " . quotes($ajx["row"]) . "=" . quotes($ajx["class_id"]);
    $tmp = array();
    $tmp = $conn->GetArray($sql);
    echo '<option value="">請選擇產品</option>' . Make_sql_list($tmp, NULL);
//樹狀分類 分層 篩選
if ($call == "category_select") {
    $sql = "select * from " . PREFIX . "category WHERE parent_id=" . quotes($ajx["id"]) . " order by lft,rgt";
    echo Make_sql_list($conn->GetArray($sql), NULL);
if ($call == "registered_send") {
    $sql = " select * from " . PREFIX . "setting WHERE lang = '" . quotes($lang) . "'";
    $tmp = $conn->GetArray($sql);
    $web_set["title"] = deQuotes($tmp["0"]["detail"], -1);
    $web_set["keyword"] = deQuotes($tmp["1"]["detail"], -1);
    $web_set["receive_email"] = $tmp["2"]["detail"];
    $web_set["default_email_title"] = $tmp["3"]["detail"];
    $web_set["send_email"] = $tmp["4"]["detail"];
    $web_set["favorite_url"] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
    $sql = "Select * from " . PREFIX . "member WHERE id=" . quotes($ajx["member_id"]);
    $add = $conn->GetRow($sql);
    $add["n"] = $ajx["member_id"];