/** * @package MaxDelivery * @subpackage image * * This library defines functions that need to be available to * the ai delivery script * */ function MAX_imageServe($aCreative, $filename, $contenttype) { // Check if the browser sent a If-Modified-Since header and if the image was // modified since that date if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) || $aCreative['t_stamp'] > strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { MAX_header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $aCreative['t_stamp']) . ' GMT'); if (isset($contenttype) && $contenttype != '') { switch ($contenttype) { case 'swf': MAX_header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash; name=' . $filename); break; case 'dcr': MAX_header('Content-type: application/x-director; name=' . $filename); break; case 'rpm': MAX_header('Content-type: audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin; name=' . $filename); break; case 'mov': MAX_header('Content-type: video/quicktime; name=' . $filename); break; default: MAX_header('Content-type: image/' . $contenttype . '; name=' . $filename); break; } } echo $aCreative['contents']; } else { // Send "Not Modified" status header MAX_sendStatusCode(304); } }
function MAX_redirect($url) { if (!preg_match('/^(?:javascript|data):/i', $url)) { $host = @parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (function_exists('idn_to_ascii')) { $idn = idn_to_ascii($host); if ($host != $idn) { $url = preg_replace('#^(.*?://)' . preg_quote($host, '#') . '#', '$1' . $idn, $url); } } header('Location: ' . $url); MAX_sendStatusCode(302); } }
function MAX_redirect($url) { if (!preg_match('/^(?:javascript|data):/i', $url)) { header('Location: ' . $url); MAX_sendStatusCode(302); } }
function MAX_redirect($url) { header('Location: ' . $url); MAX_sendStatusCode(302); }
require_once '../../init-delivery.php'; // Required files require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Delivery/adSelect.php'; require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Delivery/flash.php'; require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Delivery/javascript.php'; // No Caching MAX_commonSetNoCacheHeaders(); //Register any script specific input variables MAX_commonRegisterGlobalsArray(array('layerstyle')); if (!isset($layerstyle) || empty($layerstyle)) { $layerstyle = 'geocities'; } $plugin = MAX_PATH . $conf['pluginPaths']['plugins'] . 'invocationTags/oxInvocationTags/layerstyles/' . $layerstyle . '/layerstyle.inc.php'; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]{1,64}$/Di', $layerstyle) || !@(include $plugin)) { // Don't generate output when plugin layerstyleisn't available,just send javascript comment on fail MAX_sendStatusCode(404); echo '// Cannot load required layerstyle file. Check if openXInvocationTags plugin is installed'; exit; } //Register any script specific input variables MAX_commonRegisterGlobalsArray(array('block', 'blockcampaign', 'exclude', 'mmm_fo', 'q')); if (isset($context) && !is_array($context)) { $context = MAX_commonUnpackContext($context); } if (!is_array($context)) { $context = array(); } $limitations = MAX_layerGetLimitations(); MAX_commonSendContentTypeHeader("application/x-javascript", $charset); if ($limitations['compatible']) { $output = MAX_adSelect($what, $campaignid, $target, $source, $withtext, $charset, $context, $limitations['richmedia'], $GLOBALS['ct0'], $GLOBALS['loc'], $GLOBALS['referer']);