public function test() { pr(App::themePath('purple')); pr(App::path('Model')); debug(App::paths()); pr(App::path('Component', 'DebugKit')); debug(env('document_root')); debug(h('fengjie ; fengjie ')); LogError('fengjie'); pr(array('fengjie', 'fengjie')); debug(h('fengjie ; fengjie ')); pr(YEAR); pr(HOUR); }
/** * Query the data source. * <p>This class makes no assumption about the content of the query * object, but the behavior of the resulting Cursor object should be * consistent between data source implementations. * @param mixed $query Some sort of query that will be understood by * the implemented data source. * @return Cursor The result of the query, FALSE otherwise (though this * is unlikely to occur because of the fatal error event when a query * fails). */ function &query($query) { if (!($rv =& parent::query($query))) { $result = mysql_query($query, $this->myLink); if ($result) { $rv = new MySQLCursor($result, $this); } else { LogError("MySQL query failed: \n" . $query . "\n" . mysql_error()); LogFatal("MySQL query failed"); $rv = FALSE; } } return $rv; }
/** * Query the data source. * <p>This class makes no assumption about the content of the query * object, but the behavior of the resulting Cursor object should be * consistent between data source implementations. * @param mixed $query Some sort of query that will be understood by * the implemented data source. * @return Cursor The result of the query, FALSE if the query failed. */ function &query($query) { if ($this->isConnected) { if (IsLogEnabled('DEBUG')) { LogDebug("querying for: \n" . print_r($query, TRUE), $this); } $rv = FALSE; return $rv; } else { if (IsLogEnabled('ERROR')) { LogError("Cannot run query: \n" . print_r($query, TRUE) . "\ndata source is not connected: " . print_r($this, TRUE)); } LogFatal("Error running query."); } }
function ErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { LogError(debug_backtrace()); /* echo 'Into '.__FUNCTION__.'() at line '.__LINE__. "\n\n---ERRNO---\n". print_r( $errno, true). "\n\n---ERRSTR---\n". print_r( $errstr, true). "\n\n---ERRFILE---\n". print_r( $errfile, true). "\n\n---ERRLINE---\n". print_r( $errline, true). "\n\n---ERRCONTEXT---\n".print_r( $errcontext, true). "\n\nBacktrace of errorHandler()\n". print_r( debug_backtrace(), true); */ return true; }
function encryptData($text, $key, $compress = true) { if (!function_exists('mcrypt_get_iv_size')) { MSGError("Encryption error -- mcrypt not installed -- contact an admin (" . getFunctionName() . ")"); LogError("Encryption error -- mcrypt not installed -- contact an admin (" . getFunctionName() . ")"); return ""; } $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); $key = myhash($key . "123456789012345678901234567890"); // . myhash($key); $grade = '##'; if ($compress) { $text = zipstr($text); $grade = '@#'; } $crypttext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, substr(pack("H*", $key), 0, 32), $text . myshorthash($text) . $grade, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv); return base64_encode($crypttext . $iv); }
/** * Log an error message. * @param string $message The message. */ function error($message) { LogError($message, $this); }
$sql .= "WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}"; //Run UPDATE query if (ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { //Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) { LogWarning("More than one row updated during admin OOC update (admin_edit_ooc.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } //Do not redirect if there are any warnings (required fields not filled in, etc) if ($sWarn == '') { //Make up URL & redirect $sURL = fnSystemURL() . "admin_viewdetails.php?pid={$admin_player_id}&green=" . urlencode("OOC details updated"); header("Location: {$sURL}"); } } else { $sWarn = "There was a problem updating the OOC details"; LogError("Error updating OOC information (admin_edit_ooc.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } } //Get existing details if there are any $sql = "SELECT plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress1, '{$key}') AS dAddress1, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress2, '{$key}') AS dAddress2, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress3, '{$key}') AS dAddress3, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress4, '{$key}') AS dAddress4, " . "AES_DECRYPT(plePostcode, '{$key}') AS dPostcode, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleTelephone, '{$key}') AS dTelephone, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMobile, '{$key}') AS dMobile, " . "plEmail, " . "plDOB, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMedicalInfo, '{$key}') AS dMedicalInfo, " . "plEmergencyName, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleEmergencyNumber, '{$key}') AS dEmergencyNumber, " . "plEmergencyRelationship, " . "plCarRegistration, " . "plDietary, " . "plNotes, " . "plAdminNotes, " . "plEventPackByPost, " . "plRefNumber, " . "plMarshal " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $playerrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); include '../inc/inc_head_html.php'; include '../inc/inc_js_forms.php'; ?> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?> - Admin OOC Edit</h1>
function error($msg) { LogError($msg); }
function DBGetFullProblemData($contestnumber, $freeproblems = false) { $c = DBConnect(); DBExec($c, "begin work", "GetFullProblemData"); $r = DBExec($c, "select p.problemnumber as number, p.problemname as name, p.problemfullname as fullname, " . "p.problembasefilename as basefilename, p.fake as fake, " . "p.problemcolor as color, p.problemcolorname as colorname, " . "p.probleminputfilename as inputfilename, p.probleminputfile as inputoid, p.probleminputfilehash as inputhash " . " from problemtable as p " . "where p.contestnumber={$contestnumber} order by p.problemnumber", "DBGetFullProblemData(get problem)"); // and p.problemfullname !~ '(DEL)' $n = DBnlines($r); if ($n == 0) { LOGLevel("No problems defined in the database ({$contestnumber})", 1); } $cf = globalconf(); $a = array(); $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ($ds == "") { $ds = "/"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $a[$i] = array_merge(array(), DBRow($r, $i)); if (strpos($a[$i]['fullname'], '(DEL)') !== false) { continue; } $nn = $a[$i]['number']; $ptmp = $_SESSION["locr"] . $ds . "private" . $ds . "problemtmp" . $ds . "contest" . $contestnumber . "-problem" . $nn; $ck = myshorthash(''); if (is_readable($ptmp . ".hash")) { $ck = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".hash")); } if ($ck != $a[$i]['inputhash']) { @unlink($ptmp . ".name"); @unlink($ptmp . ".hash"); $a[$i]['basefilename'] = ''; $a[$i]['descfilename'] = ''; $a[$i]['fullname'] = ''; } if ($freeproblems && $a[$i]['fake'] != 't') { if (is_readable($ptmp . ".name")) { $a[$i]['descfilename'] = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".name")); if ($a[$i]['descfilename'] != '') { $a[$i]['descoid'] = -1; } } else { @unlink($ptmp . ".name"); @unlink($ptmp . ".hash"); $randnum = session_id() . "_" . rand(); $dir = $ptmp . '-' . $randnum; @mkdir($dir, 0770, true); $failed = 0; if (($ret = DB_lo_export($contestnumber, $c, $a[$i]["inputoid"], $dir . $ds . "")) === false) { LogError("FreeProblems: Unable to read problem package from database (problem={$nn}, contest={$contestnumber})"); $failed = 1; } if (!$failed) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($dir . $ds . "") === true) { $zip->extractTo($dir); $zip->close(); if (($info = @parse_ini_file($dir . $ds . "description" . $ds . '')) === false) { $failed = 2; } if (!$failed) { $descfile = ''; if (isset($info['descfile'])) { $descfile = trim(sanitizeText($info['descfile'])); } $basename = trim(sanitizeText($info['basename'])); $fullname = trim(sanitizeText($info['fullname'])); if ($basename == '' || $fullname == '') { $failed = 3; } } } else { $failed = 4; } if (!$failed) { @mkdir($ptmp); if ($descfile != '') { if (file_put_contents($ptmp . $ds . $descfile, encryptData(file_get_contents($dir . $ds . "description" . $ds . $descfile), $cf['key']), LOCK_EX) === FALSE) { $failed = 5; } if (!$failed) { file_put_contents($ptmp . ".name", $ptmp . $ds . $descfile); file_put_contents($ptmp . ".hash", $a[$i]['inputhash']); if (is_readable($ptmp . ".name")) { $a[$i]['descfilename'] = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".name")); if ($a[$i]['descfilename'] != '') { $a[$i]['descoid'] = -1; } } } } else { @unlink($ptmp . ".name"); @unlink($ptmp . ".hash"); } if (!$failed) { DBExec($c, "update problemtable set problemfullname='{$fullname}', problembasefilename='{$basename}' where problemnumber={$nn} and contestnumber={$contestnumber}", "DBGetFullProblemData(free problem)"); $a[$i]['basefilename'] = $basename; $a[$i]['fullname'] = $fullname; } } } if ($failed) { $a[$i]['basefilename'] = ''; $a[$i]['descfilename'] = ''; @unlink($ptmp . ".name"); @unlink($ptmp . ".hash"); DBExec($c, "update problemtable set problemfullname='', problembasefilename='' where problemnumber={$nn} and contestnumber={$contestnumber}", "DBGetFullProblemData(unfree problem)"); if ($failed != 4) { LogError("Failed to unzip problem package (failcode={$failed}, problem={$nn}, contest={$contestnumber})"); if ($failed == 1) { $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(ERROR READING FROM DATABASE, OR DIRECTORY PERMISSION PROBLEM)'; } else { $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(PROBLEM PACKAGE SEEMS INVALID)'; } } else { if ($ret == 1) { $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(PROBABLY ENCRYPTED FILE)'; } if ($ret == 2) { $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(FILE IS NOT A ZIP)'; } } } cleardir($dir, false, true); } } } DBExec($c, "commit", "GetFullProblemData"); return $a; }
function WriteFragment($download, &$opt) { $this->frags[$download['id']] = $download; $available = count($this->frags); for ($i = 0; $i < $available; $i++) { if (isset($this->frags[$this->lastFrag + 1])) { $frag = $this->frags[$this->lastFrag + 1]; if ($frag['response'] !== false) { LogDebug("Writing fragment " . $frag['id'] . " to flv file"); if (!isset($opt['file'])) { $opt['debug'] = false; if ($this->play) { $outFile = STDOUT; } else { if ($this->outFile) { if ($opt['filesize']) { $outFile = JoinUrl($this->outDir, $this->outFile . '-' . $this->fileCount++ . ".flv"); } else { $outFile = JoinUrl($this->outDir, $this->outFile . ".flv"); } } else { if ($opt['filesize']) { $outFile = JoinUrl($this->outDir, $this->baseFilename . '-' . $this->fileCount++ . ".flv"); } else { $outFile = JoinUrl($this->outDir, $this->baseFilename . ".flv"); } } } $this->InitDecoder(); $this->DecodeFragment($frag['response'], $frag['id'], $opt); $opt['file'] = WriteFlvFile($outFile, $this->audio, $this->video); if ($this->metadata) { WriteMetadata($this, $opt['file']); } $opt['debug'] = $this->debug; $this->InitDecoder(); } $flvData = $this->DecodeFragment($frag['response'], $frag['id'], $opt); if (strlen($flvData)) { $status = fwrite($opt['file'], $flvData, strlen($flvData)); if (!$status) { LogError("Failed to write flv data"); } if (!$this->play) { $this->filesize = ftell($opt['file']) / (1024 * 1024); } } $this->lastFrag = $frag['id']; } else { $this->lastFrag += 1; LogDebug("Skipping failed fragment " . $this->lastFrag); } unset($this->frags[$this->lastFrag]); } else { break; } if ($opt['tDuration'] and $opt['duration'] + $this->duration >= $opt['tDuration']) { LogInfo(""); LogInfo($opt['duration'] + $this->duration . " seconds of content has been recorded successfully.", true); return STOP_PROCESSING; } if ($opt['filesize'] and $this->filesize >= $opt['filesize']) { $this->filesize = 0; $opt['duration'] += $this->duration; fclose($opt['file']); unset($opt['file']); } } if (!count($this->frags)) { unset($this->frags); } return true; }
$sql_select = "SELECT plFirstName, plSurname, plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = " . $item_number; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql_select); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); //Send e-mail $sBody = "Your payment for the upcoming event has been received.\n"; if (PAYPAL_AUTO_MARK_PAID) { $sBody .= "You are now fully booked.\n\n"; } else { $sBody .= "You will be fully booked once your booking has been confirmed by a system administrator.\n\n"; } $sBody .= "Thank you.\n\n"; $sBody .= "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $iPlayerID) . "\n"; $sBody .= "OOC Name: " . $row['plFirstName'] . " " . $row['plSurname']; if ($bEmailPaymentReceived) { mail($row['plEmail'], SYSTEM_NAME . ' - payment received', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } //Clear any payment requests for this booking $sql = "delete from {$db_prefix}paymentrequests where prBookingID = " . $custom; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); } } else { if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { // log for manual investigation LogError("There was a problem with PayPal payment - PayPal returned 'INVALID' when verifying payment.\n" . "Item name; '{$item_name}'"); fnMailer("There was a problem with PayPal payment - PayPal returned 'INVALID' when verifying payment." . "Payment will have to be manually processed.\n" . "Item name; '{$item_name}'", True); } } } fclose($fp); } include 'inc/inc_foot.php';
function ForwardData(&$pcGPS, $ExtraModuleData) { //In this function we extract and forward the information we want from the //module data. //Notice @ usage in this function to avoid HTML error/warning output //because any text output will be sent to the module that called the script //and will not appear on screen in a browser. //Do *NOT* abort the script or generate output //(e.g. exit/die/echo/print/PHP-errors/...) because then the module will //not receive a proper response. //Also do *NOT* make the module wait too long either for a response, //because that too will make it time-out waiting and will retry sending the //same data (possibly over and over) again. //Assuming that you only want to forward position information from the //module, you need check the Switch value (CGPS:GetSwitch() function) to //determine if the received data actually contains position information. //In this example we simply use the CanGet...() functions of the CGPS class //to determine which information is available. //Then we forward the extracted data if available or the text that you put //in the $NotAvailable variable below instead. $NotAvailable = ""; //### NOTE/CHANGE ### An empty string should be sufficient, but can be anything that the receiving side likes. global $ForwardHost, $ForwardScript, $ForwardPort, $ForwardAcknowledgeResponse; $ProcessedDataParts = 0; //Create a variable starting at value 0 that we increase per processed data part for (; $ProcessedDataParts < $pcGPS->GetDataPartCount(); $ProcessedDataParts++) { //Select next data part in the class if the module combined multiple transmissions. if (!$pcGPS->SelectDataPart($ProcessedDataParts) || !$pcGPS->IsValid()) { LogError($pcGPS->GetLastError() . '. Data string: ' . $pcGPS->GetHttpData()); continue; } //Now extract those items from the received module data with the CGPS //class that you want to forward. //When the CanGet...() function returns false, the variable is filled //with "NotAvailable" that you have set above. //Otherwise, the variable is filled with the result of the same //Get...() function of the same type. //See CGPS class API documentation for detailed information about the //information that is returned by the Get...() functions that are used //above. //You might see functions that return information that you want to //forward too. //This can be easily done by adding some extra items to the extraction //part below. $Imei = $pcGPS->GetImei(); //Unique serial number which you can use to identify the module. $DateTime = $pcGPS->GetUtcTimeMySQL(); //UTC date/time as yyyymmddhhmmss text. $Switch = $pcGPS->GetSwitch(); //The Switch value that tells which info is available. $Latitude = $pcGPS->CanGetLatLong() ? $pcGPS->GetLatitudeFloat() : $NotAvailable; //Latitude position as floating point coordinate. $Longitude = $pcGPS->CanGetLatLong() ? $pcGPS->GetLongitudeFloat() : $NotAvailable; //Longitude position as floating point coordinate. $Heading = $pcGPS->CanGetHeading() ? $pcGPS->GetHeading() : $NotAvailable; //Heading direction in degrees. $Speed = $pcGPS->CanGetSpeed() ? $pcGPS->GetSpeedKPH() : $NotAvailable; //Speed in kilometers per hour. $IO = $pcGPS->CanGetIO() ? $pcGPS->GetIO() : $NotAvailable; //Status of the digital IO lines. //When needed, the module includes extra data with a transmission. //This example already forwards this extra module data together with //your preferred extractions above via an HTTP POST below. //But if the receiver of the forwarded data does not support HTTP POST //or you need something dedicated, you could save this extra module //data to a disk file and forward the name of that file instead. //Here is an example that shows you how to write the extra module data //that are JPEG photos to disk. /***** Begin of example to save extra module data directly to a file ***** $JpegPhoto=$NotAvailable; //Same system as used above. if(($pcGPS->GetSwitch()==SV_Photo) || ($pcGPS->GetSwitch()==SV_PhotoGps)) //SV_Photo or SV_PhotoGps type Switch? { //Received JPEG picture data as extra module data, so create disk file name "<Module IMEI number> <Date/Time>.jpg" and write the extra module data in it. $FileName=$pcGPS->GetImei()." ".$pcGPS->GetUtcTimeMySQL().".jpg"; //Construct the file name. if($hFile=@fopen($FileName, 'wb')) //Create a new file with this name. { if(@fwrite($hFile, $ExtraModuleData)==strlen($ExtraModuleData)) //Write extra module data into the created file. $JpegPhoto=$FileName; //Success, so change "NotAvailable" into the disk file name. else LogError("Error writing to picture file '$FileName' (are server settings properly set to allow this script to write to files?)"); @fclose($hFile); //Close the file. } else LogError("Error creating picture file '$FileName' (are server settings properly set to allow this script to create files?)"); } ***** End of example to save extra module data directly to a file *****/ //Now we combine all module data extracted above together in a HTTP URL //compatible way. //The variable $HttpData will be filled with something like: // "Imei=123456789012345&DateTime=...&Switch=...&Latitude=........." //Even the original module data string is included in this example as //"Data=...", so you can store it too. //If you later decide that you need extra info from old receptions, you //still have all the data. $HttpData = 'Imei=' . urlencode($Imei) . '&DateTime=' . urlencode($DateTime) . '&Switch=' . urlencode($Switch) . '&Latitude=' . urlencode($Latitude) . '&Longitude=' . urlencode($Longitude) . '&Heading=' . urlencode($Heading) . '&Speed=' . urlencode($Speed) . '&IO=' . urlencode($IO) . '&Data=' . $pcGPS->GetHttpData(); //Now forward the extracted information and if extra module data was //received, include that too. //On the receiving side, the type of extra data in the HTTP POST //(if any), can be determined from the Switch value. //With a Switch value of SV_Photo or SV_PhotoGps for example, the extra //binary data is a photo in JPEG format. //Notice the @ usage below to suppress error/warning output in case any //occurs because the module would receive it. $Response = ''; //This variable will be filled with the response to the data that we forward if ($hSocket = @fsockopen($ForwardHost, $ForwardPort, $errno, $errstr, 5)) { //Construct standard HTTP POST command that contains the binary //data that we received from the module (e.g. data block or photo) //and all items that you have put in the $HttpData variable above. $Post = "POST {$ForwardScript}{$HttpData} HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: {$ForwardHost}:{$ForwardPort}\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen($ExtraModuleData) . "\r\n\r\n" . $ExtraModuleData; if (@fwrite($hSocket, $Post) == strlen($Post)) { while (!feof($hSocket)) { $Response .= @fread($hSocket, 1024); } //Read full response from the receiver } else { LogError("Unable to transmit a full HTTP POST to forward the data. The receiving party allows a connection, but the receiving program/script does not (exist?)"); } //Write to error log @fclose($hSocket); } else { LogError($errstr); } //Write the error about not being able to connect to the error log. if (!strlen($Response)) { break; } //Stop forwarding data until the module tries to send it again. //Now check the response from the receiver of the HTTP POST above to //see if it contains the data that you defined for //$ForwardAcknowledgeResponse above in its response to signal a //successful reception. //This response is expected to be returned immediately, because when //the combined time for all data parts that are forwarded take too //long, the module will time-out waiting for his acknowledge too and //will send a new transmission resending the same data again. if (strpos($Response, $ForwardAcknowledgeResponse) === false) { //The response to the forwarded data does not contain the positive //acknowledge. //So we stop processing and forwarding further data parts, so //we don't acknowledge them to the module and that will make it //resend the same data again. LogError('The response that was received in answer to the forwarded data does not contain the expected positive acknowledge string' . PHP_EOL . '--- Forward transmission: ' . $ForwardScript . $HttpData . PHP_EOL . '--- Expected positive acknowledge string: ' . $ForwardAcknowledgeResponse . PHP_EOL . '--- Received response:' . PHP_EOL . $Response); break; //break the your processing loop } } return $ProcessedDataParts; //Return the number processed data parts }
/** * Get a configuration object. * @param mixed $initialConfig The external configuration object or array to * use for setting up initial values. May be an existing Configuration * object, in which case no other is constructed. */ function &GetConfigurationRef(&$initialConfig) { global $GETCONFIGURATION_HELPER; if (is_a($initialConfig, "AtsumiObject")) { $chelp = $initialConfig; } else { $GETCONFIGURATION_HELPER->setref($initialConfig); $chelp = $GETCONFIGURATION_HELPER; } if ($chelp->has('configuration-class')) { $configclass = $chelp->get('configuration-class'); } else { $configclass = 'Configuration'; } if (!class_exists($configclass)) { if (IsLogEnabled('ERROR')) { LogError("Configuration class {$configclass} is not defined:\n" . print_r($initialConfig, TRUE)); } LogFatal("Invalid configuration"); $rv = FALSE; return $rv; } else { if (is_a($initialConfig, $configclass)) { $rv =& $initialConfig; } elseif (is_a($initialConfig, 'Configuration')) { $ic =& $initialConfig->get(); $rv = new $configclass($ic); } else { $rv = new $configclass($initialConfig); } if (!is_a($rv, 'Configuration')) { if (IsLogEnabled('ERROR')) { LogError("{$configclass} is not a Configuration subclass:\n" . print_r($initialConfig, TRUE)); } LogFatal("Invalid configuration"); $rv = FALSE; } return $rv; } }
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Last modified 05/aug/2012 by require 'header.php'; if (($ct = DBContestInfo($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"])) == null) { ForceLoad("{$loc}/index.php"); } if (isset($_GET["delete"]) && is_numeric($_GET["delete"])) { $param["number"] = $_GET["delete"]; if (!DBDeleteAnswer($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], $param)) { MSGError('Error deleting answer'); LogError('Error deleting answer'); } ForceLoad("answer.php"); } if (isset($_POST["Submit3"]) && isset($_POST["answernumber"]) && is_numeric($_POST["answernumber"]) && isset($_POST["answername"]) && $_POST["answername"] != "" && isset($_POST["answeryes"])) { if ($_POST["confirmation"] == "confirm") { $param["number"] = $_POST["answernumber"]; $param["name"] = $_POST["answername"]; $param["yes"] = $_POST["answeryes"]; DBNewAnswer($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], $param); } ForceLoad("answer.php"); } ?> <br> <script language="javascript">
/** * Remove an object. * @param ChunsuObject $removeme The object to remove. * @param DataSource $source The data source to remove the object from. * @return bool TRUE is successful, FALSE otherwise. */ function remove(&$removeme, $source) { parent::remove($removeme, $source); $gen = new SQLGenerator($removeme->getCore()); $removequeries = $gen->delete($this->config); foreach ($removequeries as $rq) { $cursor =& $source->query($rq); $rv = $cursor->getNext(); if (!$rv) { LogError("remove query failed! removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE)); return FALSE; } } $rv = $cursor->getNext(); if (!$rv) { LogError("Remove failed! Removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE)); return FALSE; } if ($rows = $cursor->get('affected-rows') > 1) { LogWarning("{$rows} records deleted removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE)); } $removeme->is_new = $removeme->config->get('create-on-save'); return TRUE; }
//ba_db_query ($link, $sql); //Send e-mail $sBody = "Your OOC details have been entered at " . SYSTEM_NAME . ".\n\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $PLAYER_ID) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $_POST['txtFirstName'] . " " . $_POST['txtSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); if ($bEmailOOCChange) { $sql = "Select plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $playerrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); mail($playerrow['plEmail'], SYSTEM_NAME . ' - OOC details', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } //Make up URL & redirect to index.php with message $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'start.php?green=' . urlencode('Your OOC details have been updated'); header("Location: {$sURL}"); } } else { $sWarn = "There was a problem updating your OOC details"; LogError("Error updating OOC information. Player ID: {$PLAYER_ID}\nSQL: {$sql}"); } } //Get existing details if there are any $sql = "SELECT plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress1, '{$key}') AS dAddress1, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress2, '{$key}') AS dAddress2, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress3, '{$key}') AS dAddress3, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress4, '{$key}') AS dAddress4, " . "AES_DECRYPT(plePostcode, '{$key}') AS dPostcode, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleTelephone, '{$key}') AS dTelephone, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMobile, '{$key}') AS dMobile, " . "plEmail, " . "plDOB, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMedicalInfo, '{$key}') AS dMedicalInfo, " . "plEmergencyName, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleEmergencyNumber, '{$key}') AS dEmergencyNumber, " . "plEmergencyRelationship, " . "plCarRegistration, " . "plDietary, " . "plEventPackByPost, " . "plRefNumber, " . "plMarshal, "; //if (AUTO_ASSIGN_BUNKS == False) // $sql .= "plBunkRequested, "; $sql .= "plNotes " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $playerrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); include 'inc/inc_head_html.php'; include 'inc/inc_js_forms.php'; ?> <h1><?php echo TITLE;
} //Deals with whether this is a queued booking or not $pid = $PLAYER_ID; $queuebooking = 0; $dbprefix = DB_PREFIX; if (USE_QUEUE > 0) { $sql = "SELECT chFaction, plBookAs FROM {$dbprefix}characters, {$dbprefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$pid} AND chPlayerID = {$pid}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row['plBookAs'] == 'Player' && $row['chFaction'] != DEFAULT_FACTION) { $queuebooking = 1; } } $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}bookings SET bkInQueue = {$queuebooking} WHERE bkPlayerID = {$pid}"; if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { LogError("Error updating queue type of booking.\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); } //Get user's e-mail address $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT plFirstName, plSurname, plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); $email = $row['plEmail']; //Set up e-mail body $sBody = "Your IC details have been confirmed at " . SYSTEM_NAME . ". " . "Both IC and OOC details must be confirmed before you can finalise your booking.\n\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $PLAYER_ID) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $row['plFirstName'] . " " . $row['plSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); //Send e-mail if ($bEmailICChange) { mail($email, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - IC details', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } //Make up URL & redirect $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'start.php?green=' . urlencode('Your IC details have been confirmed'); header("Location: {$sURL}"); }
/** * メールを直送信 * * @return bool 成功 or 失敗 */ public function sendMailDirect() { // 埋め込みタグ変換:定型文の埋め込みタグを変換して、メール生文にする $this->mailAssignTag->assignTagReplace(); $this->body = $this->mailAssignTag->fixedPhraseBody; $this->subject = $this->mailAssignTag->fixedPhraseSubject; if ($this->body == '') { $logMessage = 'Mail body is empty.'; LogError($logMessage . ' [' . __METHOD__ . '] ' . __FILE__ . ' (line ' . __LINE__ . ')'); return false; } // メール本文の共通ヘッダー文、署名追加 $this->body = $this->mailAssignTag->addHeaderAndSignature($this->body); // 改行対応 $this->brReplace(); parent::subject($this->subject); $messages = parent::send($this->body); return $messages; }
function HandleError($message) { echo "ERROR:" . $message; LogError("ERROR: " . $message); }
require '../inc/inc_root.php'; include '../inc/inc_head_html.php'; $db_prefix = DB_PREFIX; if ($_GET['action'] != '' && CheckReferrer('root_admins.php')) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'revoke') { $sAccess = ''; } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'add') { $sAccess = 'admin'; } //Cast the player ID to an integer, since it should be an integer anyway $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plAccess = '{$sAccess}' WHERE plPlayerID = {$id}"; //LogWarn ($sql); if (ba_db_query($link, $sql) == False) { $sWarn = "Error making user (ID {$id}) an administrator"; LogError($sWarn); } } ?> <script src="../inc/sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?> - Administrators</h1> <p> <a href = 'admin.php'>Admin</a> </p> <?php
function ValidateTeam($Team, $Levels) { // Получаем список записей результатов из TeamLevels foreach ($Levels['level_id'] as $n => $level_id) { $sql = "select * from TeamLevels where level_id = {$level_id} and team_id = {$Team['team_id']} and teamlevel_hide = 0"; $Result = MySqlQuery($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($Result) > 1) { die('Несколько записей на один этап для команды ' . $Team['team_id']); } $Row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Result); if ($Row) { $TeamLevels[$n] = $Row; } mysql_free_result($Result); } // Проверяем все этапы, о которых есть записи в таблицах $team_result = 0; $team_progress = 0; $finished = 1; if (isset($TeamLevels)) { foreach ($TeamLevels as $n => $teamlevel) { $begtime = strtotime($teamlevel['teamlevel_begtime']); $endtime = strtotime($teamlevel['teamlevel_endtime']); // проверяем абсолютную корректность времени старта и финиша if ($begtime && ($begtime < $Levels['level_begtime'][$n] || $begtime > $Levels['level_maxbegtime'][$n])) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 1); } if (!$begtime && $Levels['level_starttype'][$n] == 1) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 2); } if ($begtime && ($Levels['level_starttype'][$n] == 2 || $Levels['level_starttype'][$n] == 3)) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 3); } if ($endtime && ($endtime < $Levels['level_minendtime'][$n] || $endtime > $Levels['level_endtime'][$n])) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 4); } // вычисляем время старта, если он общий или в момент финиша на пред.этапе if ($Levels['level_starttype'][$n] == 2) { $begtime = $Levels['level_begtime'][$n]; } if ($Levels['level_starttype'][$n] == 3 && isset($TeamLevels[$n - 1])) { $begtime = strtotime($TeamLevels[$n - 1]['teamlevel_endtime']); } // сравниваем время старта и финиша if ($begtime && $endtime && $begtime >= $endtime) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 5); } if ($begtime && $endtime && $endtime - $begtime < 3 * 3600) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], -1); } /* if ($begtime && $endtime && (($endtime - $begtime) > 23*3600)) return(LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], -2)); */ // проверяем корректность прогресса на дистанции if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_begtime'] && $teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] == 0) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 6); } if ($endtime && $teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] != 2) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 7); } if (!$endtime && $teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] == 2) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 8); } // проверяем наличие времени финиша и списка КП у финишировавшей команды if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_endtime'] == "" && !(strpos($teamlevel['teamlevel_points'], "1") === false)) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 12); } if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_endtime'] != "" && $teamlevel['teamlevel_points'] == "") { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 13); } // проверяем длину списка КП и пересчитываем штраф $level_pointpenalties = explode(',', $Levels['level_pointpenalties'][$n]); $level_discountpoints = explode(',', $Levels['level_discountpoints'][$n]); if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_points'] == "") { unset($teamlevel_points); foreach ($level_pointpenalties as $penalty) { $teamlevel_points[] = "0"; } } else { $teamlevel_points = explode(',', $teamlevel['teamlevel_points']); } if (count($teamlevel_points) != count($level_pointpenalties)) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 9); } $teamlevel_penalty = 0; $teamlevel_selectpenalty = 0; foreach ($teamlevel_points as $npoint => $point) { if (empty($level_pointpenalties[$npoint])) { $NowLevelPointPenalty = 0; } else { $NowLevelPointPenalty = (int) $level_pointpenalties[$npoint]; } if ($point == "0" && $NowLevelPointPenalty > 0 || $point == "1" && $NowLevelPointPenalty < 0) { if (!empty($level_discountpoints[$npoint])) { $teamlevel_selectpenalty += $NowLevelPointPenalty; } else { $teamlevel_penalty += $NowLevelPointPenalty; } } } if ($Levels['level_discount'][$n]) { $teamlevel_selectpenalty -= $Levels['level_discount'][$n]; if ($teamlevel_selectpenalty < 0) { $teamlevel_selectpenalty = 0; } } $teamlevel_penalty += $teamlevel_selectpenalty; if ($teamlevel_penalty != $teamlevel['teamlevel_penalty']) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 10); } // пока считаем, что ошибок на этапе нет LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 0); // добавляем результаты этапа к общему результату if ($begtime && $endtime) { $team_result += ($endtime - $begtime) / 60; } $team_result += $teamlevel_penalty; $team_progress += (int) $teamlevel['teamlevel_progress']; if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] != 2) { $finished = 0; } } } // Считаем, что на отсутствующие в базе записи о прохождении этапов команда не выходила foreach ($Levels['level_id'] as $n => $level_id) { if (!isset($TeamLevels[$n])) { $TeamLevels[$n]['teamlevel_progress'] = 0; $finished = 0; } } // Смотрим, чтобы после схода команда опять не появлялась на дистанции foreach ($TeamLevels as $n => $teamlevel) { if ($n > 1) { if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] > $TeamLevels[$n - 1]['teamlevel_progress']) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 11); } if ($teamlevel['teamlevel_progress'] == 1 && $TeamLevels[$n - 1]['teamlevel_progress'] == 1) { return LogError($teamlevel['teamlevel_id'], 11); } } } // Сверяем итоговые прогресс и результат команды if (!$finished) { $team_result = ""; } else { $team_result = sprintf("%d:%02d:00", $team_result / 60, $team_result % 60); } if ($team_result != $Team['team_result']) { echo "Ошибка подсчета итогового времени у команды {$Team['team_id']}: правильное={$team_result}, в базе={$Team['team_result']}<br/>"; } if ($team_progress != $Team['team_progress']) { echo "Ошибка подсчета степени продвижения по дистанции у команды {$Team['team_id']}: правильное={$team_result}, в базе={$Team['team_result']}<br/>"; } // Ошибок в результатах команды не обнаружено return 0; }
$updateQuery .= "cnEVENT_CONTACT_NAME = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEVENT_CONTACT_NAME']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnEVENT_CONTACT_MAIL = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEVENT_CONTACT_MAIL']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnTECH_CONTACT_NAME = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtTECH_CONTACT_NAME']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnTECH_CONTACT_MAIL = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtTECH_CONTACT_MAIL']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnTITLE = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtTITLE']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnSYSTEM_NAME = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtSYSTEM_NAME']) . "', "; $updateQuery .= "cnMIN_PASS_LEN = " . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, (int) $_POST['txtMIN_PASS_LEN']) . ", "; $updateQuery .= "cnSEND_PASSWORD = "******"SELECT plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = " . ROOT_USER_ID; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); $root_email = $row['plEmail']; if (!ba_db_query($link, $updateQuery)) { $sWarn = "There was a problem updating the config details"; LogError("There was a problem updating the config details. Admin ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); //E-mail root $subject = SYSTEM_NAME . " - Error updating config details"; $body = "Someone tried to change the config details, but an error was encountered. See the log for more details"; mail($root_email, $subject, $body, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } else { $sMessage = "The config settings have been successfully updated."; //E-mail root $subject = SYSTEM_NAME . " - Config details updated"; $body = "The config details have been changed"; mail($root_email, $subject, $body, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } } elseif ($_POST['btnSubmit'] != '' && $_POST['txtKey'] != CRYPT_KEY) { $sWarn = "The value given for CRYPT_KEY was wrong. Settings not updated"; } //Get config information from database
if ($UseOldSalt == 1) { $sPass = sha1($_POST['txtPassword'] . PW_SALT); $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plPassword = '******', plOldSalt = 0 " . "WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sEmail) . "'"; if (ba_db_query($link, $sql) == False) { LogError("Player logged in using old password salt. Unable to update plPassword and plOldSalt.\nSQL:\n{$sql}"); } } //Store player ID & login time in cookies $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); $sErr = ''; //Get values to store in cookies & sessions table $iPlayerID = $row['plPlayerID']; //Record login date $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plLastLogin = '******'Y-m-d') . "' WHERE plPlayerID = {$iPlayerID}"; if (ba_db_query($link, $sql) == False) { LogError("Unable to record login date for user ID {$iPlayerID}.\nSQL:\n{$sql}"); } //Random string is appended to login time (down to microsecond), then combined string is hashed. //Hash is stored in sessions table and in cookie $sLoginTime = sha1(microtime() . RandomString(10, 20)); $iLastAccess = time(); //Set cookies if (setcookie('BA_PlayerID', $iPlayerID) === False) { $sErr = "<br>\nYou must have cookies enabled to login"; } if (setcookie('BA_LoginTime', $sLoginTime) === False) { $sErr = "<br>\nYou must have cookies enabled to login"; } if ($sErr == '') { //Cookies set OK. Reset login counter $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plLoginCounter = 0 WHERE plPlayerID = {$iPlayerID}";
/** * test LogError() * * @return void */ public function testLogError() { @unlink(LOGS . 'error.log'); // disable stderr output for this test if (CakeLog::stream('stderr')) { CakeLog::disable('stderr'); } LogError('Testing LogError() basic function'); LogError("Testing with\nmulti-line\nstring"); if (CakeLog::stream('stderr')) { CakeLog::enable('stderr'); } $result = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log'); $this->assertRegExp('/Error: Testing LogError\\(\\) basic function/', $result); $this->assertNotRegExp("/Error: Testing with\nmulti-line\nstring/", $result); $this->assertRegExp('/Error: Testing with multi-line string/', $result); }
function ItemChildParent( $itemid=0 ) { global $db; if ( $itemid == 0 ) { $items[] = 0;//parent $items[] = 0;//child return $items; } $query = "select ParentItemID, ItemID from itmParentLink where ( ParentItemID = ".$itemid." || ItemID = ".$itemid." )"; if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) ) { LogError( 16147, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() ); return 0; } if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $items[] = 0;//parent $items[] = 0;//child } else { $row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ); $items[] = $row[ "ParentItemID" ]; $items[] = $row[ "ItemID" ]; } return $items; }
//OSPs list: Delete existing rows from ospstaken, then run INSERT queries $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken WHERE otPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { $sWarn = "There was a problem updating your IC details"; LogError("Error deleting existing OSPs from ospstaken table during update of IC information. Player ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); } else { $os = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) == "hospID") { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}ospstaken (otPlayerID, otOspID, otAdditionalText) VALUES ({$PLAYER_ID}, '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $value) . "', '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST["ospAdditionalText{$value}"]) . "')"; if ($sql != '' && !in_array($value, $os)) { $os[] = $value; //Run the INSERT query if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { $sWarn = "There was a problem updating the IC details"; LogError("Error inserting osps taken (ic_form.php). Player ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); } } } } } $sNonCriticalWarn = IC_Check_NonCritical(); $sWarn .= $sNameWarn . $sSkillWarn . $sNonCriticalWarn; if ($sWarn != '') { $sWarn = "The following problems were found:<br>\n" . $sWarn; } //Do not redirect if there are any warnings (required fields not filled in, etc) if ($sWarn == '') { //Get user's e-mail address $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT plFirstName, plSurname, plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
/** * Query the user input. Recognizes this minimal SQL statement form: * * select key1,key2,key3,etc * from assoc_array * where id_key = value * * TODO: Currently does not recognize update, insert, or delete queries * though a short leap of logic could imagine that update and insert * queries might thunk HTML output for displaying/editing a persistent * object. I'm not sure that logic can leap so far as to delete a an * object from the user. * * @param string $query An SQL select statment of the format noted * above. * @return Cursor The result of the query, FALSE otherwise (though this * is unlikely to occur because of the fatal error event when a query * fails). */ function &query($query) { if (!($rv =& parent::query($query))) { $parts = array(); if (eregi("select(.*)from(.*)where(.*)", $query, $parts)) { $fields = array(); $table = trim($parts[2]); $where = trim($parts[3]); $wparts = array(); if (eregi("(.*)=(.*)", $where, $wparts)) { #LogDebug( $wparts ); $idfield = ExtractFieldAlias($table, $wparts[1]); $idmatch = trim($wparts[2]); $tmp = array(); if (ereg("^\\'(.*)\\'\$", $idmatch, $tmp)) { $idmatch = $tmp[1]; } } elseif (eregi("(.*) is null", $where, $wparts)) { $idfield = ExtractFieldAlias($table, $wparts[1]); $idmatch = NULL; } else { LogError("Invalid user input where clause: {$query}"); LogFatal("Invalid user input where clause"); } $gotid = FALSE; foreach (split(',', $parts[1]) as $field) { $alias = ExtractFieldAlias($table, $field); if ($idfield == $alias) { $gotid = TRUE; } $fields[] = $alias; } } else { LogError("Invalid user input query: {$query}"); LogFatal("Invalid user input query"); } $rv = array(); if (array_key_exists($table, $_REQUEST) && is_array($tin = $_REQUEST[$table])) { #LogDebug( "--$idfield--" ); #LogDebug( $tin ); if (array_key_exists($idfield, $tin)) { if ($rec = ExtractRecordFromRequest($table, $idfield, $idmatch, $fields, $tin)) { $rv[] = $rec; } } else { foreach ($tin as $trow) { if ($rec = ExtractRecordFromRequest($table, $idfield, $idmatch, $fields, $trow)) { $rv[] = $rec; } } } } else { if ($rec = ExtractRecordFromRequest($table, $idfield, $idmatch, $fields, $_REQUEST)) { $rv[] = $rec; } } } $r = new ArrayCursor(&$rv, &$this); #LogDebug($r); return $r; }
//Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) { LogWarning("More than one row updated during password reset (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } //Get user's e-mail address $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}"); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); $sEmail = $row['plEmail']; if (SEND_PASSWORD) { //E-mail user with new password $sBody = "Your password for " . SYSTEM_NAME . " has been changed. " . "Your new details are below:\n\n" . "E-mail: {$sEmail}\nPassword: {$_POST[txtPassword1]}\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $admin_player_id) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $row['plFirstName'] . " " . $row['plSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); mail($sEmail, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - password change', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } } else { $sWarn = "There was a problem resetting the password<br>\n"; LogError("Error updating OOC information (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } //Redirect to start page $sURL = fnSystemURL() . '../start.php?green=' . urlencode('Password has been reset, and account enabled, for player ID ' . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $admin_player_id)); if (SEND_PASSWORD) { $sURL .= '. The new password has been e-mailed to the player'; } header("Location: {$sURL}"); } } include '../inc/inc_head_html.php'; ?> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?>
/** * test LogError() * * @access public * @return void */ function testLogError() { @unlink(LOGS . 'error.log'); LogError('Testing LogError() basic function'); LogError("Testing with\nmulti-line\nstring"); $result = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log'); $this->assertPattern('/Error: Testing LogError\\(\\) basic function/', $result); $this->assertNoPattern("/Error: Testing with\nmulti-line\nstring/", $result); $this->assertPattern('/Error: Testing with multi-line string/', $result); }
function ba_db_log_error($sErr) { $sErr .= "\nFile name: {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']}"; $sErr .= "\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"; LogError($sErr); }