Beispiel #1
 * RevertPageToPreviousByTag
 * Reverts a page to the version immediately preceding the "latest"
 * version. New page is created with previous version's metadata.
 * @param object $wakka Wakka class instantiation
 * @param string $tag Page tag
 * @param string $comment Page comment (defaults to T_("Reverting last edit by %s [%d] to previous version [%d]"))
 * @return string T_("Reverted to previous version") or T_("Reversion to previous version FAILED!")
function RevertPageToPreviousByTag($wakka, $tag, $comment = '')
    $message = T_("Reversion to previous version FAILED!");
    $tag = mysql_real_escape_string($tag);
    $comment = mysql_real_escape_string($comment);
    if (TRUE === $wakka->IsAdmin()) {
        // Select current version of this page and version immediately preceding
        $res = LoadLastTwoPagesByTag($wakka, $tag);
        if ($res) {
            // $res[0] is current page, $res[1] is page we're reverting to
            // Set default comment
            if (TRUE === empty($comment)) {
                $comment = sprintf(T_("Reverting last edit by %s [%d] to previous version [%d]"), $res[0]['user'], $res[0]['id'], $res[1]['id']);
            // Save reverted page
            $wakka->SavePage($tag, $res[1]['body'], $comment, $res[1]['owner']);
            $message = T_("Reverted to previous version");
        } else {
            $message = T_("Reversion to previous version FAILED!");
    return $message;
Beispiel #2

 * Revert link menulet (admin-only)
 * Displays a link allowing admins to revert the current page to the previous
 * version.
 * Syntax: {{revertlink}}
 * @package		Actions
 * @subpackage	Menulets
 * @name		Revert link
 * @author		{@link Dario Taraborelli}
 * @todo	Use a new HasRevisions() method instead of loading admin class
if ($this->IsAdmin()) {
    include_once $this->BuildFullpathFromMultipath('..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin.lib.php', $this->GetConfigValue('action_path'));
    $res = LoadLastTwoPagesByTag($this, $this->GetPageTag());
    if (null !== $res) {
        echo '<a href="' . $this->Href('revert') . '" title="Click to revert this page to the previous revision">' . T_("[Revert]") . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo '<span class="disabled" title="' . T_("This is the oldest known version for this page") . '">' . T_("[Revert]") . '</span>';
Beispiel #3
 #not implemented
 $data_table = '<table id="adminpages" summary="' . T_("List of pages on this server") . '" border="1px" class="data">' . "\n" . '<thead>' . "\n" . '	<tr>' . "\n" . '		<th> </th>' . "\n" . '		<th>' . $tagheader . '</th>' . "\n" . '		<th>' . $ownerheader . '</th>' . "\n" . '		<th>' . $userheader . '</th>' . "\n" . '		<th>' . $lasteditheader . '</th>' . "\n" . '		<th' . ($c_color == 1 ? ' class="c1"' : '') . ' title="' . T_("Hits") . '"><img src="images/icons/star.png" alt="' . T_("Hits") . '" /></th>' . "\n" . '		<th' . ($c_color == 1 ? ' class="c2"' : '') . ' title="' . T_("Revisions") . '"><img src="images/icons/edit.png" alt="' . T_("Revisions") . '" /></th>' . "\n" . '		<th' . ($c_color == 1 ? ' class="c3"' : '') . ' title="' . T_("Comments") . '"><img src="images/icons/comment.png" alt="' . T_("Comments") . '" /></th>' . "\n" . '		<th' . ($c_color == 1 ? ' class="c4"' : '') . ' title="' . T_("Backlinks") . '"><img src="images/icons/link.png" alt="' . T_("Backlinks") . '" /></th>' . "\n" . '		<th' . ($c_color == 1 ? ' class="c5"' : '') . ' title="' . T_("Referrers") . '"><img src="images/icons/world.png" alt="' . T_("Referrers") . '" /></th>' . "\n" . '		<th>' . T_("Actions") . '</th>' . "\n" . '	</tr>' . "\n" . '</thead>' . "\n";
 // feed table with data
 foreach ($pagedata as $page) {
     // truncate long page names
     $pagename = strlen($page['tag']) > ADMINPAGES_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH ? substr($page['tag'], 0, ADMINPAGES_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH) . ADMINPAGES_DEFAULT_TERMINATOR : $page['tag'];
     // build handler links
     $lastedit = '<a class="datetime" href="' . $this->Href('revisions', $page['tag'], '') . '">' . $page['time'] . '</a>';
     if ($pagename != $page['tag']) {
         $showpage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . $page['tag'] . '">' . $pagename . '</a>';
     } else {
         $showpage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('', $page['tag'], '') . '">' . $pagename . '</a>';
     // Disable revert link if only one page revision exists
     $revertpage = '';
     $res = LoadLastTwoPagesByTag($this, $page['tag']);
     if (null === $res) {
         $revertpage = "<span class='disabled'>" . T_("revert") . "</span>";
     } else {
         $revertpage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('revert', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . sprintf(T_("Revert %s to previous version"), $page['tag']) . '">' . T_("revert") . '</a>';
     $editpage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('edit', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . sprintf(T_("Edit %s"), $page['tag']) . '">' . T_("edit") . '</a>';
     $deletepage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('delete', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . sprintf(T_("Delete %s"), $page['tag']) . '">' . T_("delete") . '</a>';
     $clonepage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('clone', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . sprintf(T_("Clone %s"), $page['tag']) . '">' . T_("clone") . '</a>';
     $aclpage = '<a href="' . $this->Href('acls', $page['tag'], '') . '" title="' . sprintf(T_("Change Access Control List for %s"), $page['tag']) . '">' . T_("acl") . '</a>';
     // get page owner
     if ($page['owner']) {
         // is the owner a registered user?
         if ($this->LoadUser($page['owner'])) {
             // does user's homepage exist?
             if ($this->ExistsPage($page['owner'])) {