function Delete_unit($unit_id, $bd) { $deps = List_Departments('', '', $unit_id, $bd); if ($deps) { return 0; } else { $query = "DELETE FROM units WHERE unit_id = {$unit_id}"; $result = $bd->Query($query); return 1; } }
} if (!isset($num_errors)) { $num_errors = 0; } if (!isset($num_alerts)) { $num_alerts = 0; } if (Validate_Session($complete_sess_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $bd)) { Get_Account_Id($sess_id, $account_id, $bd); if ($account_id != 'admin') { $error[$num_errors++] = "You are not the administrator"; include "logout.php"; exit; } $units = List_Units('', '', $bd); $departments = List_Departments('', '', '', $bd); } else { $error[$num_errors++] = "Invalid Session ID"; include "logout.php"; exit; } $result_xsl = "xsl/" . $default_xsl . "/adm_departments.xsl"; $smarty->assign("nrpTransform", $result_xsl); $smarty->assign("nrpSchErrors", $error); $smarty->assign("nrpSchAlerts", $alert); $smarty->assign("nrpMasterSessId", $master_session); $smarty->assign("nrpSessId", $complete_sess_id); $smarty->assign("nrpUserId", $account_id); $smarty->assign("nrpUnits", $units); $smarty->assign("nrpDepartments", $departments); $result_xml = $smarty->fetch("xml/adm_departments.xml");
} if (!empty($_POST['submit_conf_yes']) || !empty($_POST['submit_conf_no'])) { if (!empty($_POST['submit_conf_yes'])) { if (Delete_Department($_POST['dep_id'], $bd) == 1) { $alert[$num_alerts++] = 'Department deleted successfully'; } else { $error[$num_errors++] = 'There are users linked to this department, so it cannot be removed'; } } else { $alert[$num_alerts++] = 'Department deletion cancelled'; } include "adm_departments.php"; exit; } else { if (!empty($_GET['dep_id'])) { $departments = List_Departments($_GET['dep_id'], '', '', $bd); } } $result_xsl = "xsl/" . $default_xsl . "/adm_departments_remove.xsl"; } else { $error[$num_errors++] = "Invalid Session ID"; include "logout.php"; exit; } $smarty->assign("nrpTransform", $result_xsl); $smarty->assign("nrpSchErrors", $error); $smarty->assign("nrpSchAlerts", $alert); $smarty->assign("nrpMasterSessId", $master_session); $smarty->assign("nrpSessId", $complete_sess_id); $smarty->assign("nrpUserId", $account_id); $smarty->assign("nrpUnits", $units);
$departments[0][0] = ''; $departments[0][1] = $_POST['name']; $departments[0][2] = $_POST['acronym']; $departments[0][3] = $_POST['description']; $departments[0][4] = $_POST['unit_id']; $unit = List_Units($departments[0][4], '', $bd); $departments[0][5] = $unit[0][1]; switch (User_Validate_Simple_Field($departments[0][1], 50)) { case 0: $error[$num_errors++] = "The Name must be filled"; break; case -2: $error[$num_errors++] = "There are invalid characteres at the name"; break; case 1: $current = List_Departments('', $departments[0][1], '', $bd); if ($current) { $error[$num_errors++] = "This department name is already in use"; } break; } switch (User_Validate_Simple_Field($departments[0][2], 15)) { case 0: $error[$num_errors++] = "The Acronym must be filled"; break; case -2: $error[$num_errors++] = "There are invalid characteres at the acronym"; break; } if (empty($error)) { Insert_Department($departments[0][1], $departments[0][2], $departments[0][3], $departments[0][4], $bd);