/** * Constructor of class Joom_AdminMigration * * @return Joom_AdminMigration */ function Joom_AdminMigration() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'adminclasses' . DS . 'admin.migration.class.php'; $migration = Joom_mosGetParam('migration', ''); $action = Joom_mosGetParam('migration_action', 'check'); if ($migration != '') { if (JFile::exists(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'adminclasses' . DS . 'admin.migrate' . $migration . '.class.php')) { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'adminclasses' . DS . 'admin.migrate' . $migration . '.class.php'; $classname = 'Joom_Migrate_' . $migration; $migrateclass = new $classname($action); } } //check if not in running migration if ($action != 'start' && $action != 'continue') { //show migration manager require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'admin.migration.html.php'; $files = JFolder::files(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'adminclasses' . DS, '.php$'); $other = array('admin.migration.class.php', 'admin.upload.class.php', 'admin.tabs.class.php'); foreach ($files as $key => $file) { if (in_array($file, $other)) { unset($files[$key]); } } $htmladminmigration = new HTML_Joom_AdminMigration($files); } }
function Joom_Comments(&$func, &$id) { $user =& JFactory::getUser(); // anstatt global $my; include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'joom.comments.html.php'; $this->jg_code = Joom_FixUserEntrie2(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_code', '', 'post')); $this->cmtname = Joom_FixUserEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('cmtname', '', 'post')); $this->cmttext = Joom_FixUserEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('cmttext', '', 'post')); $this->jg_captcha_id = JRequest::getInt('jg_captcha_id', '', 'post'); $this->cmtid = JRequest::getInt('cmtid', 0); $this->userid = $user->get('id'); // do not save username when registered user: if ($this->userid > 0) { $this->cmtname = ''; } $this->cmtpic = JRequest::getInt('cmtpic', 0, 'post'); if ($this->cmtpic == '') { $this->cmtpic = JRequest::getInt('cmtpic', ''); } switch ($func) { case 'commentpic': $this->Joom_CommentPic($id); break; case 'deletecomment': $this->Joom_DeleteComment(); break; } }
/** * Show all or specific comments in comment manager * */ function Joom_ShowComments() { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); //Prepare pagelimit choices $limit = JRequest::getInt('limit', 10, 'post'); $limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0, 'post'); //Prepare search choices $search = trim(strtolower(Joom_mosGetParam('search', '', 'post'))); $where = array(); if ($search) { $where[] = "LOWER(cmttext) LIKE '%{$search}%' OR LOWER(u.username) LIKE '%{$search}%' OR LOWER(cmtname) LIKE '%{$search}%' "; } //Get total number of records $database->setQuery("SELECT count(*)\n FROM #__joomgallery_comments AS a " . "LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON userid = u.id " . (count($where) ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '')); $total = $database->loadResult(); echo $database->getErrorMsg(); if ($limit > $total) { $limitstart = 0; } //new PageNavigation jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit); // do the main database query $database->setQuery("SELECT *\n FROM #__joomgallery_comments " . "LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON userid = u.id " . (count($where) ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . " ORDER BY cmtdate DESC", $pageNav->limitstart, $pageNav->limit); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if ($database->getErrorNum()) { echo $database->stderr(); return false; } //Bring it all to the screen HTML_Joom_AdminComments::Joom_ShowComments_HTML($rows, $search, $pageNav); }
/** * Constructor for class Joom_AdminVotes * Vote manager * * @return Joom_AdminVotes */ function Joom_AdminVotes() { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); //cpanel echo "<script language = \"javascript\" type = \"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "<!--\n"; echo "function submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n"; echo " var form = document.adminForm;\n"; echo " if (pressbutton == 'cpanel') {\n"; echo " location.href = \"index.php?option=" . _JOOM_OPTION . "\";\n"; echo " }\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "//-->\n"; echo "</script>\n"; $sync = Joom_mosGetParam('votes_sync', '', 'post'); $reset = Joom_mosGetParam('votes_reset', '', 'post'); if ($sync) { //Synchronize user-votes $query = "DELETE v from #__joomgallery_votes AS v \n" . "LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON v.userid = u.id \n" . "WHERE v.userid != 0 \n" . "AND u.id IS NULL"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; return false; } $query = "UPDATE #__joomgallery AS p set \n" . "p.imgvotes = \n" . "(select count(*) FROM #__joomgallery_votes as v \n" . "WHERE v.picid = p.id), \n" . "p.imgvotesum = \n" . "(select sum(vote) FROM #__joomgallery_votes as v \n" . "WHERE v.picid = p.id)"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; return false; } $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&act=votes', JText::_('JGA_USERVOTES_SYNCHRONIZED')); } else { if ($reset) { //delete all votes $query = "DELETE FROM #__joomgallery_votes"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; return false; } $query = "UPDATE #__joomgallery SET imgvotes = 0, imgvotesum = 0"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; return; } //done: $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&act=votes', JText::_('JGA_ALL_VOTES_DELETED')); } } require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'admin.votes.html.php'; $htmladminvotes = new HTML_Joom_AdminVotes(); }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $task type of upload * @param int $catid destination category * @return Joom_Upload */ function Joom_Upload($task, $catid) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $this->debug = JRequest::getInt('debug', 0); $this->batchul = JRequest::getInt('batchul', 0); $this->subdirectory = Joom_mosGetParam('subdirectory', DS, 'post'); $this->gentitle = Joom_mosGetParam('gentitle', '', 'post'); $this->gendesc = Joom_FixUserEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('gendesc', '')); $this->photocred = Joom_FixUserEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('photocred', '')); $this->filecounter = Joom_mosGetParam('filecounter', '', 'post'); $this->file_delete = Joom_mosGetParam('file_delete', '', 'post'); $this->original_delete = Joom_mosGetParam('original_delete', '', 'post'); $this->create_special_gif = Joom_mosGetParam('create_special_gif', '', 'post'); $this->arrscreenshot = Joom_mosGetParam('arrscreenshot', '', 'files'); $this->zippack = Joom_mosGetParam('zippack', '', 'files'); $this->ftpfiles = Joom_mosGetParam('ftpfiles', '', 'post'); $this->imgname_separator = '_'; switch ($task) { //Single upload case 'uploadhandler': $this->Upload_Singles_Backend($catid); break; //ZIP upload //ZIP upload case 'batchuploadhandler': $this->Upload_Batch($catid); break; //FTP upload //FTP upload case 'ftpuploadhandler': $this->Upload_FTP($catid); break; //JAVA upload //JAVA upload case 'juploadhandler_receive': $this->Upload_AppletReceive_Backend($catid); break; default: jexit('Wrong Task'); break; } }
/** * Constructor of class Joom_AdminCssEdit * editing indvidual CSS settings in backend and save them in joom.local.css * * @param string $task * @return Joom_AdminCssEdit */ function Joom_AdminCssEdit($task) { $this->cssPath = JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'css' . DS; $this->localCssFile = $this->cssPath . 'joom_local.css'; $filecontent = Joom_mosGetParam("csscontent", ''); switch ($task) { case "cancelcss": $this->cancelCss(); break; case "savecss": $this->saveCss($filecontent); break; case "deletecss": $this->deleteCss(); break; default: $this->displayCssEdit(); } }
function getJoomId($Itemid_modul = '') { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $Itemid_param = JRequest::getInt('Itemid', ''); if (trim(Joom_mosGetParam('option', '')) == 'com_joomgallery' && $Itemid_param != '' && $Itemid_param != 0 && $Itemid_param != 99999) { return "&Itemid=" . $Itemid_param; } elseif ($Itemid_modul != '') { return "&Itemid=" . $Itemid_modul; } else { $database->setQuery(" SELECT \n id \n FROM \n #__menu \n WHERE \n link LIKE '%com_joomgallery%' \n AND (published = '1' OR published = '0') \n AND access = '0' \n ORDER BY \n id DESC \n Limit 1\n "); $Itemid_jg = $database->loadResult(); if ($Itemid_jg == '' || $Itemid_jg == NULL) { $database->setQuery(" SELECT \n id \n FROM \n #__menu \n WHERE \n link LIKE '%com_joomgallery%' \n AND (published = '1' OR published = '0') \n AND access = '1' \n ORDER BY \n id DESC \n Limit 1\n "); $Itemid_jg = $database->loadResult(); } $Itemid_jg = $Itemid_jg == '' || $Itemid_jg == NULL ? "" : "&Itemid=" . $Itemid_jg; return $Itemid_jg; } }
/** * Constructor of class Joom_AdminUploads * single upload * batch upload (zip) * FTP upload * JAVA upload * * @param string $task * @return Joom_AdminUploads */ function Joom_AdminUploads($task) { $this->debug = JRequest::getInt('debug', 0); $this->subdirectory = stripslashes(Joom_mosGetParam('subdirectory', DS, 'post')); switch ($task) { case 'upload': $this->Joom_ShowUpload(); break; case 'batchupload': $this->Joom_ShowBatchUpload(); break; case 'ftpupload': $this->Joom_ShowFTPUpload(); break; case 'jupload': $this->Joom_ShowJUpload(); break; } }
function Joom_CategoryView(&$catid) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'joom.viewcategory.html.php'; $this->catstartpage = JRequest::getInt('startpage', 0); $this->substartpage = JRequest::getInt('substartpage', 0); //User ordered view $this->order_dir = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('orderdir', '')); $this->order_by = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('orderby', '')); if ($this->order_dir == '') { $this->order_dir = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('orderdir', '', 'post')); } if ($this->order_by == '') { $this->order_by = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('orderby', '', 'post')); } $this->catid = $catid; $this->viewcategory_url = 'index.php?option=com_joomgallery&func=viewcategory&catid='; $this->assetsimages_url = _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . 'components/com_joomgallery/assets/images/'; //Cooliris $this->cooliris = JRequest::getInt('cooliris', 0); }
/** * Class Joom_Upload * @param func * @param Category ID */ function Joom_Upload($func, $catid) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $this->filecounter = Joom_mosGetParam('filecounter', '', 'post'); $this->original_delete = Joom_mosGetParam('original_delete', '', 'post'); $this->create_special_gif = Joom_mosGetParam('create_special_gif', '', 'post'); $this->arrscreenshot = Joom_mosGetParam('arrscreenshot', '', 'files'); if ($user->get('usertype') == 'Administrator' || $user->get('usertype') == 'Super Administrator') { $this->adminlogged = true; } else { $this->adminlogged = false; } switch ($func) { case 'uploadhandler': $this->Upload_Singles($catid); break; default: die('Wrong'); break; } }
/** * fetches an update zip file from JoomGallery server and extracts it */ function Joom_AutoUpdate() { $extension = Joom_mosGetParam('extension', 0, 'get'); $extensions = Joom_CheckUpdate(); if (!isset($extensions[$extension]['updatelink']) || !extension_loaded('curl')) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION, 'Could not fetch update zip', 'error'); } //create curl resource $ch = curl_init($extensions[$extension]['updatelink']); //some settings for curl curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //create the zip file jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $config = Joom_getConfig(); $output = curl_exec($ch); JFile::write(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathtemp . 'update.zip'), $output); //close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close($ch); //extract the zip file include JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'pcl' . DS . 'pclzip.lib.php'; $zipfile = new PclZip(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathtemp . 'update.zip')); $folder = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathtemp . 'update'); $zipfile->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $folder); if ($zipfile->error_code != 1) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION, $zipfile->errorInfo(), 'error'); } JError::raiseNotice('301', JText::_('JGA_REDIRECT_NOTE')); //let's ask Joomla! to do the rest ?> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="JoomUpdateForm"> <input type="hidden" name="installtype" value="folder" /> <input type="hidden" name="install_directory" value="<?php echo $folder; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="doInstall" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_installer" /> <?php echo JHTML::_('form.token'); ?> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> document.JoomUpdateForm.submit(); </script> <?php }
/** * get all necessary data for creation of a new picture (NEW in picture manager) * and calls Joom_ShowNewPicture_HTML() */ function Joom_ShowNewPicture() { $config = Joom_getConfig(); $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); //If the category of picture or thumb had been changed the site will be //refreshed. Then get the new values from $_POST or $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest //Title $this->imgtitle = Joom_mosGetParam('imgtitle', '', 'post'); //Destination category $this->newcatid = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("newcatid{" . _JOOM_OPTION . "}", 'catid', 0); //Description $this->imgtext = Joom_mosGetParam('imgtext', '', 'post'); //Author $this->imgauthor = Joom_mosGetParam('imgauthor', '', 'post'); // Owner $this->owner = Joom_mosGetParam('owner', '', 'post'); //Source category for original and detail picture $this->pcatid = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("pcatid{" . _JOOM_OPTION . "}", 'pcatid', 0); //Name of original and/or detail picture $this->imgfilename = Joom_mosGetParam('imgfilename', '', 'post'); //Source category for thumbnail $this->tcatid = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("tcatid{" . _JOOM_OPTION . "}", 'tcatid', 0); //Name of thumbnail $this->imgthumbname = Joom_mosGetParam('imgthumbname', '', 'post'); //creation of dropdown list for new category $Lists['clist'] = Joom_ShowDropDownCategoryList($this->newcatid, 'catid', 'size="1"'); //creation of dropdown list for original and detail picture $Lists['cplist'] = Joom_ShowDropDownCategoryList($this->pcatid, 'pcatid', "class=\"inputbox\" size=\"1\" " . "onchange=\"document.adminForm.submit();\""); //get path for original and detail picture $ppath = Joom_GetCatPath($this->pcatid); // Zusammensetzen des absoluten Kategorie-Pfades fuer Original- und Detailbild $pcatpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathimages . $ppath; //read the folder for original and detail pictures $imgFiles = JFolder::files($pcatpath); //array of pictures $images = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '', JText::_('JGA_PLEASE_SELECT_IMAGE'))); foreach ($imgFiles as $file) { // if prefix one of bmp, gif, jpg, png, jpeg oder jpe hat... if (eregi("bmp|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|jpe", $file)) { //add them to array $images[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $file); } } $Lists['imagelist'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $images, 'imgfilename', "class=\"inputbox\" size=\"1\" " . "onchange=\"javascript:" . "if (document.forms[0].imgfilename.options[selectedIndex].value!='') {" . "document.imagelib2.src='../" . $config->jg_pathimages . $ppath . "' " . "+ document.forms[0].imgfilename.options[selectedIndex].value;" . "document.adminForm.submit();" . "} else {" . "document.imagelib2.src='../images/M_images/blank.png'" . "}\"", 'value', 'text', $this->imgfilename); //if original exists if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $ppath . $this->imgfilename)) { //show them as existent $original_message = 1; } else { if (!JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $ppath . $this->imgfilename)) { //or not existent $original_message = 0; } } //drop down list for choosing original $yesno[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('YES')); $yesno[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('NO')); $Lists['copy_original'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $yesno, 'copy_original', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', $this->copy_original); //categorie drop down for thumbnail $Lists['ctlist'] = Joom_ShowDropDownCategoryList($this->tcatid, 'tcatid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" " ."onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"'); //catpath for thumbnail $tpath = Joom_GetCatPath($this->tcatid); //compose absolute catpath to thumbnail $tcatpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $config->jg_paththumbs . $tpath; //read folder of thumbails $thuFiles = JFolder::files($tcatpath); $thumbs = array(JHTML::_('select.option', '', JText::_('JGA_PLEASE_SELECT_THUMBNAIL'))); foreach ($thuFiles as $tfile) { //if extension one of bmp, gif, jpg, png, jpeg oder jpe ... if (eregi("bmp|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|jpe", $tfile)) { //add them to array $thumbs[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $tfile); } } $Lists['thumblist'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $thumbs, 'imgthumbname', "class=\"inputbox\" size=\"1\"" . " onchange=\"javascript:" . "if (document.forms[0].imgthumbname.options[selectedIndex].value!='') {" . "document.imagelib.src='../" . $config->jg_paththumbs . $tpath . "' " . "+ document.forms[0].imgthumbname.options[selectedIndex].value" . "} else {" . "document.imagelib.src='../images/M_images/blank.png'" . "}\"", 'value', 'text', $this->imgthumbname); // Build User select list $selname = $config->jg_realname ? "name" : "username"; $sql = "SELECT id as value, {$selname} as text" . "\n FROM #__users" . "\n ORDER BY {$selname}"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { echo $database->stderr(); return; } // set owner to current admin user, if none set: $owner = $this->owner ? $this->owner : $user->get('id'); $Lists['users'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $database->loadObjectList(), 'owner', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', $owner); HTML_Joom_AdminPictures::Joom_ShowNewPicture_HTML($Lists, $original_message); }
/** * Read any changed configuration variables from $_POST * */ function Joom_LoadConfigPost_and_SaveConfig() { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); //read existing configuration $config = Joom_getConfig(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); //read from $_POST //Description of Tabs in german //*** Grundlegende Einstellungen *** //Grundlegende Einstellungen->Pfade und Verzeichnisse if (isset($_POST['jg_pathimages'])) { $this->jg_pathimages = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pathimages', 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/img_pictures/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_pathoriginalimages'])) { $this->jg_pathoriginalimages = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pathoriginalimages', 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/img_originals/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_paththumbs'])) { $this->jg_paththumbs = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_paththumbs', 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/img_thumbnails/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_pathftpupload'])) { $this->jg_pathftpupload = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pathftpupload', 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/ftp_upload/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_pathtemp'])) { $this->jg_pathtemp = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pathtemp', 'administrator/components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/temp/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_wmpath'])) { $this->jg_wmpath = Joom_FixPathEntrie(Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_wmpath', 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/assets/images/', 'post'))); } if (isset($_POST['jg_wmfile'])) { $this->jg_wmfile = Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_wmfile', 'watermark.png', 'post')); } if (isset($_POST['jg_dateformat'])) { $this->jg_dateformat = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_dateformat', '%d-%m-%Y%H:%M:%S', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_checkupdate'])) { $this->jg_checkupdate = JRequest::getInt('jg_checkupdate', 1, 'post'); } //Grundlegende Einstellungen->Ersetzungen if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamewithjs'])) { $this->jg_filenamewithjs = JRequest::getInt('jg_filenamewithjs', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamesearch'])) { $this->jg_filenamesearch = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_filenamesearch', '', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamereplace'])) { $this->jg_filenamereplace = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_filenamereplace', '', 'post'); } //Grundlegende Einstellungen->Bildmanipulation if (isset($_POST['jg_thumbcreation'])) { $this->jg_thumbcreation = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_thumbcreation', 'gd2', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_fastgd2thumbcreation'])) { $this->jg_fastgd2thumbcreation = JRequest::getInt('jg_fastgd2thumbcreation', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_impath'])) { $this->jg_impath = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_impath', '', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_resizetomaxwidth'])) { $this->jg_resizetomaxwidth = JRequest::getInt('jg_resizetomaxwidth', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxwidth'])) { $this->jg_maxwidth = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxwidth', 400, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_picturequality'])) { $this->jg_picturequality = JRequest::getInt('jg_picturequality', 100, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_useforresizedirection'])) { $this->jg_useforresizedirection = JRequest::getInt('jg_useforresizedirection', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_thumbwidth'])) { $this->jg_thumbwidth = JRequest::getInt('jg_thumbwidth', 133, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_thumbheight'])) { $this->jg_thumbheight = JRequest::getInt('jg_thumbheight', 100, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_thumbquality'])) { $this->jg_thumbquality = JRequest::getInt('jg_thumbquality', 75, 'post'); } //Grundlegende Einstellungen->Backend-Upload if (isset($_POST['jg_uploadorder'])) { $this->jg_uploadorder = JRequest::getInt('jg_uploadorder', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_useorigfilename'])) { $this->jg_useorigfilename = JRequest::getInt('jg_useorigfilename', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamenumber'])) { $this->jg_filenamenumber = JRequest::getInt('jg_filenamenumber', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_delete_original'])) { $this->jg_delete_original = JRequest::getInt('jg_delete_original', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_wrongvaluecolor'])) { $this->jg_wrongvaluecolor = Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_wrongvaluecolor', 'red', 'post')); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamewithjs'])) { $this->jg_filenamewithjs = JRequest::getInt('jg_filenamewithjs', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamesearch'])) { $this->jg_filenamesearch = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_filenamesearch', '', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_filenamereplace'])) { $this->jg_filenamereplace = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_filenamereplace', '', 'post'); } //Grundlegende Einstellungen->Zusaetzliche Funktionen if (isset($_POST['jg_combuild'])) { $this->jg_combuild = JRequest::getInt('jg_combuild', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_realname'])) { $this->jg_realname = JRequest::getInt('jg_realname', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_bridge'])) { $this->jg_bridge = JRequest::getInt('jg_bridge', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_cooliris'])) { $this->jg_cooliris = JRequest::getInt('jg_cooliris', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_coolirislink'])) { $this->jg_coolirislink = JRequest::getInt('jg_coolirislink', 0, 'post'); } //*** Benutzer-Rechte *** //Benutzer-Rechte->Benutzer-Upload ueber "Meine Galerie" if (isset($_POST['jg_userspace'])) { $this->jg_userspace = JRequest::getInt('jg_userspace', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_approve'])) { $this->jg_approve = JRequest::getInt('jg_approve', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_usercat'])) { $this->jg_usercat = JRequest::getInt('jg_usercat', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_usercategory'])) { $this->jg_usercategory = array(); $usercats = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_usercategory', 0, 'post'); foreach ($usercats as $usercat) { $usercat = intval($usercat); if ($usercat > 0) { array_push($this->jg_usercategory, $usercat); } } $this->jg_usercategory = implode(',', $this->jg_usercategory); } if (isset($_POST['jg_usercatacc'])) { $this->jg_usercatacc = JRequest::getInt('jg_usercatacc', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxusercat'])) { $this->jg_maxusercat = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxusercat', 10, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_userowncatsupload'])) { $this->jg_userowncatsupload = JRequest::getInt('jg_userowncatsupload', 400, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxuserimage'])) { $this->jg_maxuserimage = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxuserimage', 400, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxfilesize'])) { $this->jg_maxfilesize = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxfilesize', 2000000, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_category'])) { $this->jg_category = array(); $cats = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_category', '', 'post'); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $cat = intval($cat); if ($cat > 0) { array_push($this->jg_category, $cat); } } $this->jg_category = implode(',', $this->jg_category); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxuploadfields'])) { $this->jg_maxuploadfields = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxuploadfields', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_useruploadnumber'])) { $this->jg_useruploadnumber = JRequest::getInt('jg_useruploadnumber', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_special_gif_upload'])) { $this->jg_special_gif_upload = JRequest::getInt('jg_special_gif_upload', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_delete_original_user'])) { $this->jg_delete_original_user = JRequest::getInt('jg_delete_original_user', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_newpiccopyright'])) { $this->jg_newpiccopyright = JRequest::getInt('jg_newpiccopyright', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_newpicnote'])) { $this->jg_newpicnote = JRequest::getInt('jg_newpicnote', 0, 'post'); } //Benutzer-Rechte->Bewertungen if (isset($_POST['jg_showrating'])) { $this->jg_showrating = JRequest::getInt('jg_showrating', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_maxvoting'])) { $this->jg_maxvoting = JRequest::getInt('jg_maxvoting', 5, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_onlyreguservotes'])) { $this->jg_onlyreguservotes = JRequest::getInt('jg_onlyreguservotes', 1, 'post'); } //Benutzer-Rechte->Kommentare if (isset($_POST['jg_showcomment'])) { $this->jg_showcomment = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcomment', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_anoncomment'])) { $this->jg_anoncomment = JRequest::getInt('jg_anoncomment', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_namedanoncomment'])) { $this->jg_namedanoncomment = JRequest::getInt('jg_namedanoncomment', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_approvecom'])) { $this->jg_approvecom = JRequest::getInt('jg_approvecom', 2, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_secimages'])) { $this->jg_secimages = JRequest::getInt('jg_secimages', 2, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_bbcodesupport'])) { $this->jg_bbcodesupport = JRequest::getInt('jg_bbcodesupport', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_smiliesupport'])) { $this->jg_smiliesupport = JRequest::getInt('jg_smiliesupport', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_anismilie'])) { $this->jg_anismilie = JRequest::getInt('jg_anismilie', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_smiliescolor'])) { $this->jg_smiliescolor = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_smiliescolor', 'grey', 'post'); } //*** Frontend Einstellungen *** //Frontend Einstellungen->Anordnung der Bilder if (isset($_POST['jg_firstorder'])) { $this->jg_firstorder = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_firstorder', 'ordering ASC', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_secondorder'])) { $this->jg_secondorder = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_secondorder', 'imgdate DESC', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_thirdorder'])) { $this->jg_thirdorder = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_thirdorder', 'imgtitle DESC', 'post'); } //Frontend Einstellungen->Seitentitel if (isset($_POST['jg_pagetitle_cat'])) { $this->jg_pagetitle_cat = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pagetitle_cat', '', 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_pagetitle_detail'])) { $this->jg_pagetitle_detail = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_pagetitle_detail', '', 'post'); } //Frontend Einstellungen->Kopf- und Fussbereich if (isset($_POST['jg_showgalleryhead'])) { $this->jg_showgalleryhead = JRequest::getInt('jg_showgalleryhead', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showpathway'])) { $this->jg_showpathway = JRequest::getInt('jg_showpathway', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_completebreadcrumbs'])) { $this->jg_completebreadcrumbs = JRequest::getInt('jg_completebreadcrumbs', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_search'])) { $this->jg_search = JRequest::getInt('jg_search', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showallpics'])) { $this->jg_showallpics = JRequest::getInt('jg_showallpics', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showallhits'])) { $this->jg_showallhits = JRequest::getInt('jg_showallhits', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showbacklink'])) { $this->jg_showbacklink = JRequest::getInt('jg_showbacklink', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_suppresscredits'])) { $this->jg_suppresscredits = JRequest::getInt('jg_suppresscredits', 1, 'post'); } //Frontend Einstellungen->Meine Galerie if (isset($_POST['jg_showuserpanel'])) { $this->jg_showuserpanel = JRequest::getInt('jg_showuserpanel', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showallpicstoadmin'])) { $this->jg_showallpicstoadmin = JRequest::getInt('jg_showallpicstoadmin', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showminithumbs'])) { $this->jg_showminithumbs = JRequest::getInt('jg_showminithumbs', 1, 'post'); } //Frontend Einstellungen->Toplisten if (isset($_POST['jg_showtoplist'])) { $this->jg_showtoplist = JRequest::getInt('jg_showtoplist', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_toplist'])) { $this->jg_toplist = JRequest::getInt('jg_toplist', 10, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_topthumbalign'])) { $this->jg_topthumbalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_topthumbalign', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_toptextalign'])) { $this->jg_toptextalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_toptextalign', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_whereshowtoplist'])) { $this->jg_whereshowtoplist = JRequest::getInt('jg_whereshowtoplist', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_toplistcols'])) { $this->jg_toplistcols = JRequest::getInt('jg_toplistcols', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showrate'])) { $this->jg_showrate = JRequest::getInt('jg_showrate', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showlatest'])) { $this->jg_showlatest = JRequest::getInt('jg_showlatest', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcom'])) { $this->jg_showcom = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcom', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showthiscomment'])) { $this->jg_showthiscomment = JRequest::getInt('jg_showthiscomment', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showmostviewed'])) { $this->jg_showmostviewed = JRequest::getInt('jg_showmostviewed', 1, 'post'); } //Frontend Einstellungen->PopUp-Funktionen if (isset($_POST['jg_openjs_padding'])) { $this->jg_openjs_padding = JRequest::getInt('jg_openjs_padding', 10, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_openjs_background'])) { $this->jg_openjs_background = Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_openjs_background', '#fff', 'post')); } if (isset($_POST['jg_dhtml_border'])) { $this->jg_dhtml_border = Joom_FixAdminEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_dhtml_border', '#808080', 'post')); } if (isset($_POST['jg_show_title_in_dhtml'])) { $this->jg_show_title_in_dhtml = JRequest::getInt('jg_show_title_in_dhtml', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_show_description_in_dhtml'])) { $this->jg_show_description_in_dhtml = JRequest::getInt('jg_show_description_in_dhtml', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_lightbox_speed'])) { $this->jg_lightbox_speed = JRequest::getInt('jg_lightbox_speed', 5, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_lightbox_slide_all'])) { $this->jg_lightbox_slide_all = JRequest::getInt('jg_lightbox_slide_all', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_resize_js_image'])) { $this->jg_resize_js_image = JRequest::getInt('jg_resize_js_image', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_disable_rightclick_original'])) { $this->jg_disable_rightclick_original = JRequest::getInt('jg_disable_rightclick_original', 1, 'post'); } //*** Galerie-Ansicht *** //Galerie-Ansicht->Generelle Einstellungen if (isset($_POST['jg_showgallerysubhead'])) { $this->jg_showgallerysubhead = JRequest::getInt('jg_showgallerysubhead', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showallcathead'])) { $this->jg_showallcathead = JRequest::getInt('jg_showallcathead', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_colcat'])) { $this->jg_colcat = JRequest::getInt('jg_colcat', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_catperpage'])) { $this->jg_catperpage = JRequest::getInt('jg_catperpage', 10, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_ordercatbyalpha'])) { $this->jg_ordercatbyalpha = JRequest::getInt('jg_ordercatbyalpha', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showgallerypagenav'])) { $this->jg_showgallerypagenav = JRequest::getInt('jg_showgallerypagenav', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatcount'])) { $this->jg_showcatcount = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatcount', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatthumb'])) { $this->jg_showcatthumb = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatthumb', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showrandomcatthumb'])) { $this->jg_showrandomcatthumb = JRequest::getInt('jg_showrandomcatthumb', 2, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_ctalign'])) { $this->jg_ctalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_ctalign', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showtotalcathits'])) { $this->jg_showtotalcathits = JRequest::getInt('jg_showtotalcathits', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatasnew'])) { $this->jg_showcatasnew = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatasnew', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_catdaysnew'])) { $this->jg_catdaysnew = JRequest::getInt('jg_catdaysnew', 7, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_rmsm'])) { $this->jg_rmsm = JRequest::getInt('jg_rmsm', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showrmsmcats'])) { $this->jg_showrmsmcats = JRequest::getInt('jg_showrmsmcats', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showsubsingalleryview'])) { $this->jg_showsubsingalleryview = JRequest::getInt('jg_showsubsingalleryview', 0, 'post'); } //*** Kategorie-Ansicht *** //Kategorie-Ansicht->Generelle Einstellungen if (isset($_POST['jg_showcathead'])) { $this->jg_showcathead = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcathead', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_usercatorder'])) { $this->jg_usercatorder = JRequest::getInt('jg_usercatorder', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_usercatorderlist'])) { $this->jg_usercatorderlist = implode(',', Joom_mosGetParam('jg_usercatorderlist', 'date,title', 'post')); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatdescriptionincat'])) { $this->jg_showcatdescriptionincat = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatdescriptionincat', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showpagenav'])) { $this->jg_showpagenav = JRequest::getInt('jg_showpagenav', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showpiccount'])) { $this->jg_showpiccount = JRequest::getInt('jg_showpiccount', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_perpage'])) { $this->jg_perpage = JRequest::getInt('jg_perpage', 9, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_catthumbalign'])) { $this->jg_catthumbalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_catthumbalign', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_colnumb'])) { $this->jg_colnumb = JRequest::getInt('jg_colnumb', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_detailpic_open'])) { $this->jg_detailpic_open = JRequest::getInt('jg_detailpic_open', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_lightboxbigpic'])) { $this->jg_lightboxbigpic = JRequest::getInt('jg_lightboxbigpic', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showtitle'])) { $this->jg_showtitle = JRequest::getInt('jg_showtitle', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showpicasnew'])) { $this->jg_showpicasnew = JRequest::getInt('jg_showpicasnew', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_daysnew'])) { $this->jg_daysnew = JRequest::getInt('jg_daysnew', 7, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showhits'])) { $this->jg_showhits = JRequest::getInt('jg_showhits', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showauthor'])) { $this->jg_showauthor = JRequest::getInt('jg_showauthor', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showowner'])) { $this->jg_showowner = JRequest::getInt('jg_showowner', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatcom'])) { $this->jg_showcatcom = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatcom', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatrate'])) { $this->jg_showcatrate = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatrate', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcatdescription'])) { $this->jg_showcatdescription = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcatdescription', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcategorydownload'])) { $this->jg_showcategorydownload = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcategorydownload', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcategoryfavourite'])) { $this->jg_showcategoryfavourite = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcategoryfavourite', 0, 'post'); } //Kategorie-Ansicht->Unterkategorien if (isset($_POST['jg_showsubcathead'])) { $this->jg_showsubcathead = JRequest::getInt('jg_showsubcathead', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showsubcatcount'])) { $this->jg_showsubcatcount = JRequest::getInt('jg_showsubcatcount', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_colsubcat'])) { $this->jg_colsubcat = JRequest::getInt('jg_colsubcat', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_subperpage'])) { $this->jg_subperpage = JRequest::getInt('jg_subperpage', 2, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showpagenavsubs'])) { $this->jg_showpagenavsubs = JRequest::getInt('jg_showpagenavsubs', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_subcatthumbalign'])) { $this->jg_subcatthumbalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_subcatthumbalign', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showsubthumbs'])) { $this->jg_showsubthumbs = JRequest::getInt('jg_showsubthumbs', 2, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showrandomsubthumb'])) { $this->jg_showrandomsubthumb = JRequest::getInt('jg_showrandomsubthumb', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_ordersubcatbyalpha'])) { $this->jg_ordersubcatbyalpha = JRequest::getInt('jg_ordersubcatbyalpha', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_subcatdetailsalign'])) { $this->jg_subcatdetailsalign = JRequest::getInt('jg_subcatdetailsalign', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showtotalsubcathits'])) { $this->jg_showtotalsubcathits = JRequest::getInt('jg_showtotalsubcathits', 1, 'post'); } //*** Detail-Ansicht *** //Detail-Ansicht->Generelle Einstellungen if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailpage'])) { $this->jg_showdetailpage = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailpage', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailnumberofpics'])) { $this->jg_showdetailnumberofpics = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailnumberofpics', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_cursor_navigation'])) { $this->jg_cursor_navigation = JRequest::getInt('jg_cursor_navigation', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_disable_rightclick_detail'])) { $this->jg_disable_rightclick_detail = JRequest::getInt('jg_disable_rightclick_detail', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailtitle'])) { $this->jg_showdetailtitle = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailtitle', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetail'])) { $this->jg_showdetail = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetail', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailaccordion'])) { $this->jg_showdetailaccordion = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailaccordion', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetaildescription'])) { $this->jg_showdetaildescription = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetaildescription', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetaildatum'])) { $this->jg_showdetaildatum = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetaildatum', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailhits'])) { $this->jg_showdetailhits = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailhits', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailrating'])) { $this->jg_showdetailrating = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailrating', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailfilesize'])) { $this->jg_showdetailfilesize = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailfilesize', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetailauthor'])) { $this->jg_showdetailauthor = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetailauthor', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showoriginalfilesize'])) { $this->jg_showoriginalfilesize = JRequest::getInt('jg_showoriginalfilesize', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showdetaildownload'])) { $this->jg_showdetaildownload = JRequest::getInt('jg_showdetaildownload', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_downloadfile'])) { $this->jg_downloadfile = JRequest::getInt('jg_downloadfile', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_downloadwithwatermark'])) { $this->jg_downloadwithwatermark = JRequest::getInt('jg_downloadwithwatermark', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_watermark'])) { $this->jg_watermark = JRequest::getInt('jg_watermark', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_watermarkpos'])) { $this->jg_watermarkpos = JRequest::getInt('jg_watermarkpos', 9, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_bigpic'])) { $this->jg_bigpic = JRequest::getInt('jg_bigpic', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_bigpic_open'])) { $this->jg_bigpic_open = JRequest::getInt('jg_bigpic_open', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_bbcodelink'])) { $this->jg_bbcodelink = JRequest::getInt('jg_bbcodelink', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcommentsunreg'])) { $this->jg_showcommentsunreg = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcommentsunreg', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_showcommentsarea'])) { $this->jg_showcommentsarea = JRequest::getInt('jg_showcommentsarea', 3, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_send2friend'])) { $this->jg_send2friend = JRequest::getInt('jg_send2friend', 1, 'post'); } //Detail-Ansicht->Motiongallery if (isset($_POST['jg_minis'])) { $this->jg_minis = JRequest::getInt('jg_minis', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_motionminis'])) { $this->jg_motionminis = JRequest::getInt('jg_motionminis', 1, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_motionminiWidth'])) { $this->jg_motionminiWidth = JRequest::getInt('jg_motionminiWidth', 400, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_motionminiHeight'])) { $this->jg_motionminiHeight = JRequest::getInt('jg_motionminiHeight', 50, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_miniWidth'])) { $this->jg_miniWidth = JRequest::getInt('jg_miniWidth', 30, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_miniHeight'])) { $this->jg_miniHeight = JRequest::getInt('jg_miniHeight', 30, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_minisprop'])) { $this->jg_minisprop = JRequest::getInt('jg_minisprop', 0, 'post'); } //Detail-Ansicht->Namensschilder if (isset($_POST['jg_nameshields'])) { $this->jg_nameshields = JRequest::getInt('jg_nameshields', 0, 'post'); 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} } $this->jg_ifdotags = implode(',', $this->jg_ifdotags); } } if (isset($_POST['jg_gpstags'])) { $this->jg_gpstags = array(); $gpstags = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_gpstags', '', 'post'); if ($gpstags != NULL) { foreach ($gpstags as $gpstag) { $gpstag = intval($gpstag); if ($gpstag >= 0) { array_push($this->jg_gpstags, $gpstag); } } $this->jg_gpstags = implode(',', $this->jg_gpstags); } } //Detail-Ansicht->IPTC-Daten if (isset($_POST['jg_showiptcdata'])) { $this->jg_showiptcdata = JRequest::getInt('jg_showiptcdata', 0, 'post'); } if (isset($_POST['jg_iptctags'])) { $this->jg_iptctags = array(); $iptctags = Joom_mosGetParam('jg_iptctags', '', 'post'); if ($iptctags != NULL) { foreach ($iptctags as $iptctag) { $iptctag = intval($iptctag); if ($iptctag >= 0) { array_push($this->jg_iptctags, $iptctag); } } $this->jg_iptctags = implode(',', $this->jg_iptctags); } } //*** Favouriten *** //Favouriten->Generelle Einstellungen if (isset($_POST['jg_favourites'])) { $this->jg_favourites = JRequest::getInt('jg_favourites', 0, 'post'); 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} if (!isset($this->jg_usercatorder)) { $this->jg_usercatorder = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_usercatorderlist) || $this->jg_usercatorderlist == '') { $this->jg_usercatorderlist = 'date, title'; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcatdescriptionincat)) { $this->jg_showcatdescriptionincat = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showpagenav)) { $this->jg_showpagenav = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showpiccount)) { $this->jg_showpiccount = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_perpage) || $this->jg_perpage == 0) { $this->jg_perpage = 9; } if (!isset($this->jg_catthumbalign)) { $this->jg_catthumbalign = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_colnumb) || $this->jg_colnumb == 0) { $this->jg_colnumb = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_detailpic_open)) { $this->jg_detailpic_open = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_lightboxbigpic)) { $this->jg_lightboxbigpic = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showtitle)) { $this->jg_showtitle = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showpicasnew)) { $this->jg_showpicasnew = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_daysnew) || $this->jg_daysnew == 0) { $this->jg_daysnew = 7; } if (!isset($this->jg_showhits)) { $this->jg_showhits = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showauthor)) { $this->jg_showauthor = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showowner)) { $this->jg_showowner = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcatcom)) { $this->jg_showcatcom = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcatrate)) { $this->jg_showcatrate = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcatdescription)) { $this->jg_showcatdescription = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcategorydownload)) { $this->jg_showcategorydownload = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcategoryfavourite)) { $this->jg_showcategoryfavourite = 0; } //Kategorie-Ansicht->Unterkategorien if (!isset($this->jg_showsubcathead)) { $this->jg_showsubcathead = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showsubcatcount)) { $this->jg_showsubcatcount = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_colsubcat)) { $this->jg_colsubcat = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_subperpage) || $this->jg_subperpage == 0) { $this->jg_subperpage = 2; } if (!isset($this->jg_showpagenavsubs)) { $this->jg_showpagenavsubs = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_subcatthumbalign)) { $this->jg_subcatthumbalign = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showsubthumbs)) { $this->jg_showsubthumbs = 2; } if (!isset($this->jg_showrandomsubthumb)) { $this->jg_showrandomsubthumb = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_ordersubcatbyalpha)) { $this->jg_ordersubcatbyalpha = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showtotalsubcathits)) { $this->jg_showtotalsubcathits = 1; } //Detail-Ansicht //Detail-Ansicht->Generelle Einstellungen if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailpage)) { $this->jg_showdetailpage = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailnumberofpics)) { $this->jg_showdetailnumberofpics = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_cursor_navigation)) { $this->jg_cursor_navigation = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_disable_rightclick_detail)) { $this->jg_disable_rightclick_detail = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailtitle)) { $this->jg_showdetailtitle = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetail)) { $this->jg_showdetail = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailaccordion)) { $this->jg_showdetailaccordion = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetaildescription)) { $this->jg_showdetaildescription = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetaildatum)) { $this->jg_showdetaildatum = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailhits)) { $this->jg_showdetailhits = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailrating)) { $this->jg_showdetailrating = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailfilesize)) { $this->jg_showdetailfilesize = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailauthor)) { $this->jg_showdetailauthor = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showoriginalfilesize)) { $this->jg_showoriginalfilesize = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetaildownload)) { $this->jg_showdetaildownload = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_downloadfile)) { $this->jg_downloadfile = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_downloadwithwatermark)) { $this->jg_downloadwithwatermark = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_watermark)) { $this->jg_watermark = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_watermarkpos) || $this->jg_watermarkpos == 0) { $this->jg_watermarkpos = 9; } if (!isset($this->jg_bigpic)) { $this->jg_bigpic = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_bigpic_open)) { $this->jg_bigpic_open = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_bbcodelink)) { $this->jg_bbcodelink = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcommentsunreg)) { $this->jg_showcommentsunreg = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcommentsarea)) { $this->jg_showcommentsarea = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_send2friend)) { $this->jg_send2friend = 1; } //Detail-Ansicht->Motiongallery if (!isset($this->jg_minis)) { $this->jg_minis = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_motionminis)) { $this->jg_motionminis = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_motionminiWidth) || $this->jg_motionminiWidth == 0) { $this->jg_motionminiWidth = 400; } if (!isset($this->jg_motionminiHeight) || $this->jg_motionminiHeight == 0) { $this->jg_motionminiHeight = 50; } if (!isset($this->jg_miniWidth) || $this->jg_miniWidth == 0) { $this->jg_miniWidth = 28; } if (!isset($this->jg_miniHeight) || $this->jg_miniHeight == 0) { $this->jg_miniHeight = 28; } if (!isset($this->jg_minisprop)) { $this->jg_minisprop = 0; } //Detail-Ansicht->Namensschilder if (!isset($this->jg_nameshields)) { $this->jg_nameshields = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_nameshields_unreg)) { $this->jg_nameshields_unreg = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_show_nameshields_unreg)) { $this->jg_show_nameshields_unreg = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_nameshields_height)) { $this->jg_nameshields_height = 12; } if (!isset($this->jg_nameshields_width)) { $this->jg_nameshields_width = 8; } //Detail-Ansicht->Slideshow if (!isset($this->jg_slideshow)) { $this->jg_slideshow = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_slideshow_timer) || $this->jg_slideshow_timer == 0) { $this->jg_slideshow_timer = 5; } if (!isset($this->jg_slideshow_usefilter)) { $this->jg_slideshow_usefilter = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_slideshow_filterbychance)) { $this->jg_slideshow_filterbychance = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_slideshow_filtertimer) || $this->jg_slideshow_filtertimer == 0) { $this->jg_slideshow_filtertimer = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_showsliderepeater)) { $this->jg_showsliderepeater = 1; } //Detail-Ansicht->Exif-Daten if (!isset($this->jg_showexifdata)) { $this->jg_showexifdata = 0; } //For all array based variables, e.g. EXIF //1. when there are changes in one or more of the tags, $jg_*tags will be an array and filled with the $_POST content // $jg_*tags2 contains the actualized activated tags in a string formerly read and changed to string // from $jg_*tags // so use the content of $jg_*tags2 for writing in config file // //2. when there are now changes in the data $jg_*tags2 will be empty // and $jg_*tags is an string including the formerly read config not an array // so use the content of $jg_*tags for writing in config file if (!isset($this->jg_subifdtags)) { $this->jg_subifdtags = ''; } if (!isset($this->jg_ifdotags)) { $this->jg_ifdotags = ''; } if (!isset($this->jg_gpstags)) { $this->jg_gpstags = ''; } //Detail-Ansicht->IPTC-Daten if (!isset($this->jg_showiptcdata)) { $this->jg_showiptcdata = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_iptctags)) { $this->jg_iptctags = ''; } //Toplisten //Toplisten->Generelle Einstellungen if (!isset($this->jg_showtoplist)) { $this->jg_showtoplist = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_toplist) || $this->jg_toplist == 0) { $this->jg_toplist = 10; } if (!isset($this->jg_topthumbalign)) { $this->jg_topthumbalign = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_toptextalign)) { $this->jg_toptextalign = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_toplistcols) || $this->jg_toplistcols == 0) { $this->jg_toplistcols = 3; } if (!isset($this->jg_whereshowtoplist)) { $this->jg_whereshowtoplist = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showrate)) { $this->jg_showrate = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showlatest)) { $this->jg_showlatest = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showcom)) { $this->jg_showcom = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showthiscomment)) { $this->jg_showthiscomment = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_showmostviewed)) { $this->jg_showmostviewed = 1; } //Favourites //Favouriten->Generelle Einstellungen if (!isset($this->jg_favourites)) { $this->jg_favourites = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_showdetailfavourite)) { $this->jg_showdetailfavourite = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_favouritesshownotauth)) { $this->jg_favouritesshownotauth = 0; } if (!isset($this->jg_maxfavourites)) { $this->jg_maxfavourites = 30; } if (!isset($this->jg_zipdownload)) { $this->jg_zipdownload = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_usefavouritesforpubliczip)) { $this->jg_usefavouritesforpubliczip = 1; } if (!isset($this->jg_usefavouritesforzip)) { $this->jg_usefavouritesforzip = 0; } //save in database and redirect $this->Joom_SaveConfig($this); $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&act=configuration', JText::_('JGA_SETTINGS_SAVED')); }
** JoomGallery 1.5 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 M. Andreas Boettcher ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \******************************************************************************/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'joom.viewspecial.html.php'; //Parameter $sorting = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('sorting', '')); //Suche $sstring = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('sstring', '', 'post')); if ($sstring == '') { $sstring = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('sstring', '')); } function strtolower_utf8($inputstring) { $outputString = utf8_decode($inputstring); $outputString = strtolower($outputString); $outputString = utf8_encode($outputString); return $outputString; } switch ($sorting) { case 'find': $searchstring = trim(strtolower_utf8($sstring)); $searchstring2 = htmlentities(trim(strtolower_utf8($sstring)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $query1 = " SELECT \n a.*,\n a.owner AS owner,\n u.username, \n ca.name AS name\n FROM \n #__joomgallery AS a, \n #__joomgallery_catg AS ca, \n #__users AS u\n WHERE \n a.catid = ca.cid \n AND a.owner = u.id \n AND (u.username LIKE '%{$searchstring}%'\n OR a.imgtitle LIKE '%{$searchstring}%'\n OR a.imgtext LIKE '%{$searchstring2}%')\n AND a.published = '1' \n AND ca.published = '1' \n AND a.approved = '1' \n AND ca.access <= " . $user->get('aid') . "\n GROUP BY \n a.id\n ORDER BY \n a.id DESC \n "; $tl_title = JText::_('JGS_SEARCH_RESULTS') . "<b> {$sstring}</b>"; break;
/** * New Category * * @param string $publist * @param string $glist * @param string $Lists * @param string $orderlist * @param string $jg_wrongvaluecolor */ function Joom_ShowNewCategory_HTML(&$publist, $glist, $Lists, $orderlist, $jg_wrongvaluecolor) { //TODO need of this values? $name = Joom_FixUserEntrie(Joom_mosGetParam('name', '')); $description = Joom_mosGetParam('description', ''); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'cancelcatg') { submitform(pressbutton); return; } // do field validation form.name.style.backgroundColor = ''; var ffwrong = '<?php echo $jg_wrongvaluecolor; ?> '; try { document.adminForm.onsubmit(); } catch(e){} if (form.name.value == '' || form.name.value == null) { alert('<?php echo JText::_('JGA_ALERT_CATEGORY_MUST_HAVE_TITLE', true); ?> '); form.name.style.backgroundColor = ffwrong; form.name.focus(); } else { <?php $editor =& JFactory::getEditor(); echo $editor->getContent('description'); ?> submitform(pressbutton); } } </script> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm"> <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminform"> <tr class="row0"> <td width="200"> <?php echo JText::_('JGA_TITLE') . ':'; ?> </td> <td> <input class="inputbox" type="text" name="name" size="25" value="<?php echo $name; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr class="row1"> <td valign="top" > <?php echo JText::_('JGA_PARENT_CATEGORY') . ':'; ?> </td> <td nowrap > <?php echo $Lists["catgs"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td valign="top"> <?php echo JText::_('JGA_DESCRIPTION') . ':'; ?> </td> <td> <?php // parameters : areaname, content, hidden field, width, height, rows, cols echo $editor->display('description', str_replace('&', '&', $description), '620', '200', '70', '10', false); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row1"> <td valign="top" > <?php echo JText::_('JGA_HIT') . ':'; ?> </td> <td nowrap> <?php echo $glist; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td valign="top" > <?php echo JText::_('JGA_PUBLISHED') . ':'; ?> </td> <td nowrap> <?php echo $publist; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row1"> <td valign="top" > <?php echo JText::_('JGA_ORDERING') . ':'; ?> </td> <td nowrap > <?php echo $orderlist; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo _JOOM_OPTION; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="catimage" value="" /> </form> <?php }
/** * Class constructor * */ function Joom_DetailView() { include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'joom.viewdetails.html.php'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $this->_mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site'); $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $config = Joom_getConfig(); $this->id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); $this->slideshow = trim(Joom_mosGetParam('jg_slideshow', '', 'post')); if ($config->jg_showdetailaccordion) { $this->toggler = 'class="joomgallery-toggler"'; $this->slider = 'class="joomgallery-slider"'; } else { $this->toggler = 'class="joomgallery-notoggler"'; $this->slider = ''; } $database->setQuery(" SELECT\n c.access AS access,\n c.name AS name,\n c.cid AS cid\n FROM\n #__joomgallery_catg AS c\n LEFT JOIN\n #__joomgallery AS a ON a.catid = c.cid\n WHERE\n a.id = {$this->id}\n "); if (!($catinfo = $database->loadObject())) { $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomgallery&view=gallery' . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_ALERT_NOT_ALLOWED_VIEW_PICTURE')); } $this->c_access = $catinfo->access; $this->cattitle = $catinfo->name; if ($user->get('aid') < $this->c_access) { $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomgallery&view=gallery' . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_ALERT_NOT_ALLOWED_VIEW_PICTURE')); } $database->setQuery(" SELECT\n a.id,\n a.catid,\n a.imgtitle,\n a.imgauthor,\n a.imgtext,\n a.imgdate,\n a.imgcounter,\n a.imgvotes,\n a.imgvotesum,\n a.published,\n a.imgfilename,\n a.imgthumbname,\n a.checked_out,\n a.owner,\n a.approved,\n a.useruploaded,\n a.ordering,\n u.username,\n ROUND(imgvotesum/imgvotes, 2) AS rating\n FROM\n #__joomgallery AS a\n LEFT JOIN\n #__users AS u ON u.id = a.owner\n WHERE\n a.id = " . $this->id . "\n AND a.approved = '1'\n AND a.published = '1'\n "); $result1 = $database->loadObject(); $this->id = $result1->id; $this->catid = $result1->catid; $this->imgtitle = $result1->imgtitle; $this->imgauthor = $result1->imgauthor; $this->imgtext = $result1->imgtext; $this->imgdate = $result1->imgdate; $this->imgcounter = $result1->imgcounter; $this->imgvotes = $result1->imgvotes; $this->imgvotesum = $result1->imgvotesum; $this->published = $result1->published; $this->imgfilename = $result1->imgfilename; $this->imgthumbname = $result1->imgthumbname; $this->checked_out = $result1->checked_out; $this->imgowner = $result1->owner; $this->approved = $result1->approved; $this->useruploaded = $result1->useruploaded; $this->ordering = $result1->ordering; $this->imgownerid = $result1->username; $this->rating = $result1->rating; if ($this->published != 1 && $this->approved != 1) { $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomgallery&view=gallery' . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_ALERT_NOPICTURE_OR_NOTAPPROVED')); } $this->catpath = Joom_GetCatPath($this->catid); $this->joom_thumbnailpath = $config->jg_paththumbs . $this->catpath; $this->joom_picturepath = $config->jg_pathimages . $this->catpath; $this->joom_originalpath = $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $this->catpath; $this->joom_thumbnailsource = $config->jg_paththumbs . $this->catpath . $this->imgfilename; $this->joom_picturesource = $config->jg_pathimages . $this->catpath . $this->imgfilename; $this->joom_originalsource = $config->jg_pathoriginalimages . $this->catpath . $this->imgfilename; $this->joom_componenturl = 'index.php?option=com_joomgallery'; $this->joom_assetspath = 'components/com_joomgallery/assets/'; $this->picture_src = ''; if ($config->jg_watermark == 1) { $this->picture_src = _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . $this->joom_componenturl . '&func=watermark&catid=' . $this->catid . '&id=' . $this->id . str_replace('&', '&', _JOOM_ITEMID); } else { $this->picture_src = _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . $this->joom_picturesource; } if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_originalsource)) { $imginfo_ori = getimagesize(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_originalsource)); $this->originalimgsize = filesize(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_originalsource)); $this->foriginalimgsize = number_format($this->originalimgsize / 1024, 2, ",", ".") . " KB"; } else { $imginfo_ori[0] = 0; $imginfo_ori[1] = 0; $this->foriginalimgsize = JText::_('JGS_NO_ORIGINAL_FILE'); } $imginfo = getimagesize(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_picturesource)); $imgsize = filesize(JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_picturesource)); $this->fimgsize = number_format($imgsize / 1024, 2, ',', '.') . ' KB'; $this->srcWidth_ori = $imginfo_ori[0]; $this->srcHeight_ori = $imginfo_ori[1]; $this->srcWidth = $imginfo[0]; $this->srcHeight = $imginfo[1]; $this->fimgdate = strftime($config->jg_dateformat, $this->imgdate); $this->frating = number_format($this->rating, 2, ',', '.'); if ($config->jg_secondorder != '' && $config->jg_thirdorder == '') { $orderclause = $config->jg_firstorder . ', ' . $config->jg_secondorder; } elseif ($config->jg_secondorder != '' && $config->jg_thirdorder != '') { $orderclause = $config->jg_firstorder . ', ' . $config->jg_secondorder . ', ' . $config->jg_thirdorder; } else { $orderclause = $config->jg_firstorder; } $database->setQuery(" SELECT\n *\n FROM\n #__joomgallery\n WHERE\n catid = " . $this->catid . "\n AND approved = '1'\n AND published = '1'\n ORDER BY\n {$orderclause}\n "); $this->rows = $database->loadObjectList(); ?> <a name="joomimg"></a> <?php if ($config->jg_showdetailtitle == 1) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowPictureTitle_HTML(); } if (($config->jg_bigpic == 1 && $user->get('aid') > 0 || $config->jg_bigpic == 2) && !$this->slideshow && JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $this->joom_originalsource) && ($this->srcWidth_ori > $this->srcWidth && $this->srcHeight_ori > $this->srcHeight)) { $this->link = Joom_OpenImage($config->jg_bigpic_open, $this->id, $this->catpath, $this->catid, $this->imgfilename, $this->imgtitle, $this->imgtext); } else { $this->link = ''; } if ($this->slideshow == false) { Joom_LightboxImages(0, 1, 0, $this->catid, $this->id); } $this->Joom_ShowPicture(); if ($config->jg_slideshow) { $this->Joom_ShowSlideshow(); } $this->Joom_PagingCategory(); if (!$this->slideshow) { Joom_LightboxImages(0, 2, 0, $this->catid, $this->id); } if ($config->jg_minis) { $this->Joom_ShowMinis(); } if ($config->jg_showdetailtitle == 2) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowPictureTitle_HTML(); } $modules = Joom_getModules('detailbtm'); if (count($modules)) { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module'); $style = -2; $params = array('style' => $style); foreach ($modules as $module) { ?> <div class="jg_module"> <?php if ($module->showtitle) { ?> <div class="sectiontableheader"> <h4> <?php echo $module->title; ?> </h4> </div> <?php } echo $renderer->render($module, $params); ?> </div> <?php } } if ($config->jg_showdetail) { $this->Joom_ShowPictureData(); } # Update View counter $this->imgcounter++; if ($config->jg_watermark == 0) { $database->setQuery(" UPDATE\n #__joomgallery\n SET\n imgcounter = " . $this->imgcounter . "\n WHERE\n id = " . $this->id . "\n "); $database->query(); } if ($config->jg_slideshow) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowSlideshow_HTML(); } //****************************************************************************** //wenn die Slideshow aktiviert ist, sind die folgenden Abfragen hinfaellig if ($this->slideshow) { return; } //****************************************************************************** $modules = Joom_GetModules('detailpane'); if (count($modules)) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowModules_HTML($modules); } if ($config->jg_showexifdata && extension_loaded('exif') && function_exists('exif_read_data')) { include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'exif' . DS . 'joom.exifdata.php'; } if ($config->jg_showiptcdata) { include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'iptc' . DS . 'joom.iptcdata.php'; } if ($config->jg_showrating) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowVotingArea_HTML(); } if ($config->jg_bbcodelink) { $show_img = false; $show_url = false; if ($config->jg_bbcodelink == 1 || $config->jg_bbcodelink == 3) { $show_img = true; } if ($config->jg_bbcodelink == 2 || $config->jg_bbcodelink == 3) { $show_url = true; } HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowBBCodeLink_HTML($this->picture_src, $show_img, $show_url); } if ($config->jg_showcomment) { //darf der Besucher Kommentare eingeben if ($config->jg_anoncomment || !$config->jg_anoncomment && $user->get('id')) { $allowcomment = 1; } else { $allowcomment = 0; } HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowCommentsHead_HTML(); if ($config->jg_showcommentsarea == 2) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowCommentsArea_HTML($allowcomment); HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_BuildCommentsForm_HTML($allowcomment); } else { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_BuildCommentsForm_HTML($allowcomment); HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowCommentsArea_HTML($allowcomment); } HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowCommentsEnd_HTML(); } if ($config->jg_send2friend) { HTML_Joom_Detail::Joom_ShowSend2FriendArea_HTML(); } }
//Kategorie Navi im Footer if ($config->jg_showpagenav == 2 || $config->jg_showpagenav == 3) { $categoryclass->Joom_ShowCategoryPageNav(); } //title-tag $pagetitle = Joom_MakePagetitle($config->jg_pagetitle_cat, $categoryclass->catname, ''); $document->setTitle(JText::_('JGS_GALLERY') . " - " . $pagetitle); break; case 'uploadhandler': include JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'upload.class.php'; $uploadclass = new Joom_Upload($func, $catid); break; case 'send2friend': //TODO $send2friendname = Joom_mosGetParam('send2friendname', '', 'post'); $send2friendemail = Joom_mosGetParam('send2friendemail', '', 'post'); #$from2friendname = Joom_mosGetParam( 'from2friendname', '', 'post' ); #$from2friendemail = Joom_mosGetParam( 'from2friendemail', '', 'post' ); #$id = JRequest::getInt( 'post', 'id', '' ); $text = $user->get('name') . ' (' . $user->get('email') . ')' . ' ' . JText::_('JGS_INVITE_YOU_VIEW_PICTURE') . "\r \n"; $text .= _JOOM_LIVE_SITE . 'index.php?option=com_joomgallery&func=detail&id=' . $id . _JOOM_ITEMID . "\r\n"; $subject = $mainframe->getCfg('sitename') . ' - ' . JText::_('JGS_RECOMMENDED_PICTURE_FROM_FRIEND'); JUtility::sendMail($mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom'), $mainframe->getCfg('fromname'), $send2friendemail, $subject, $text); $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomgallery&func=detail&id=' . $id . _JOOM_ITEMID, false), JText::_('JGS_MAIL_SENT')); break; case 'download': include JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'joom.specialimages.php'; $download = new Joom_SpecialImages(); $download->Joom_CreateDownload($id, $orig, $catid); break; case 'addpicture':
/** * The following function was taken from admin.frontpage.php Joomla 1.0 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * modification aHa - additional saveorder for categories * @see admin.joomgallery.php // only backend * @param int $cid * @param unknown_type $catg */ function Joom_SaveOrder(&$cid, &$catg) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $returntask = Joom_mosGetParam('returntask', null); if ($returntask == 'pictures') { $total = count($cid); $order = Joom_mosGetParam('order', array(0), 'post'); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { //get catid $database->setQuery("SELECT catid\n FROM #__joomgallery\n WHERE id={$cid[$i]}"); $piccatid = $database->loadResult(); $query = "UPDATE #__joomgallery\n SET ordering = {$order[$i]}\n WHERE id = {$cid[$i]}"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "');\n window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } // update ordering $row = new mosjoomgallery($database); $row->load($cid[$i]); $row->reorder('catid=' . $piccatid); } $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&act=pictures', JText::_('JG_NEW_ORDERING_SAVED')); } else { $total = count($catg); $order = Joom_mosGetParam('order', array(0), 'post'); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $query = "UPDATE #__joomgallery_catg\n SET ordering = {$order[$i]}\n WHERE cid = {$catg[$i]}"; $database->setQuery($query); if (!$database->query()) { echo "<script> alert('" . $database->getErrorMsg() . "');\n window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } // update ordering $row = new mosjoomgallery($database); $row->load($catg[$i]); $row->reorder(''); } $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . _JOOM_OPTION . '&act=categories', JText::_('JG_NEW_ORDERING_SAVED')); } }