Beispiel #1
 function OnlineUsers()
     $this->plugin_name = "OnlineUsers";
     // set this to the name of the plugin. Case sensitive. Must be exactly the same as the directory name and class name
     // initalize JB_Plugins
     // Prepare the config variables
     // we simply extract them from the serialized variable like this:
     if ($this->config == null) {
         // older versions of jamit did not init config
         $config = unserialize(JB_PLUGIN_CONFIG);
         $this->config = $config[$this->plugin_name];
     # initialize the priority
     if ($this->config['priority'] == '') {
         $this->config['priority'] = 10;
     if ($this->config['frame_border'] == '') {
         $this->config['frame_border'] = 'NO';
     if ($this->is_enabled()) {
         // register all the callback
         // Here we assign the show_status() method to the 'side_bar_bottom' callback hook
         // this callback hook can be found in the index-sidebar.php theme file.
         // $this->config['priority'] stores the piority for this plugin
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_sidebar_top', array($this->plugin_name, 'show_stats'), $this->config['priority']);
         // Note the method to call is being passed as an array like this:
         // array('OnlineUsers','show_stats')
         // The StatsBox is the name of the class and the show_stats is
         // the method to call
Beispiel #2
 function JobsFiller()
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/JobsFillerXMLParser.php';
     $this->plugin_name = "JobsFiller";
     // set this to the name of the plugin. Case sensitive. Must be exactly the same as the directory name and class name!
     // initalize JB_Plugins
     // Prepare the config variables
     // we simply extract them from the serialized variable like this:
     if ($this->config == null) {
         // older versions of jamit did not init config
         $config = unserialize(JB_PLUGIN_CONFIG);
         $this->config = $config[$this->plugin_name];
     $this->config['fill'] = 'C';
     # initialize the priority
     if (!isset($this->config['priority'])) {
         $this->config['priority'] = 5;
     if (!isset($this->config['k'])) {
         $this->config['k'] = 'php';
     if (!isset($this->config['l'])) {
         $this->config['l'] = '';
     if (!isset($this->config['k_tag'])) {
         $this->config['k_tag'][] = 'TITLE';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['k_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['k_tag']);
     if (!isset($this->config['l_tag'])) {
         $this->config['l_tag'][] = 'LOCATION';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['l_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['l_tag']);
     if (!isset($this->config['id'])) {
         $this->config['id'] = '2451470435917521';
     if ($this->config['map']) {
         //$this->config['map'] = '2=jobtitle,5=description,6=class,8=company,15=location';
         // convert  in to
         // array.
         $temp = explode(',', $this->config['map']);
         //echo $this->config['map'];
         if (sizeof($temp)) {
             foreach ($temp as $item) {
                 $pair = explode('=', $item);
                 $map_array[$pair[0]] = $pair[1];
             $this->config['map'] = $map_array;
     if (!isset($this->config['src'])) {
         $this->config['src'] = array('JobServe');
     } else {
         //$this->config['src'] = explode (',', $this->config['src']);
     if (!isset($this->config['cnt'])) {
         $this->config['cnt'] = array('US');
     } else {
         //$this->config['cnt'] = explode (',', $this->config['cnt']);
         //echo $this->config['cnt'];
     if (!isset($this->config['typ'])) {
         $this->config['typ'] = 'ALL';
     if (!sizeof($this->config['map'])) {
         $this->config['map'] = array('2' => 'jobtitle', '5' => 'description', '6' => 'class', '8' => 'company', '15' => 'location');
     /*	if ($this->config['lim']=='') { // limit
     $this->config['lim'] = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
     $this->config['s'] = '';
     // jamit rocks!
     if ($this->config['curl'] == '') {
         // cURL
         $this->config['curl'] = 'N';
     if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
         $this->config['curl'] = 'N';
     $this->config['ad'] = base64_decode($this->config['ad']);
     if ($this->is_enabled()) {
         // register all the callbacks
         //if ($this->config['fill']=='S') {
         //	JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count'), $this->config['priority']);
         //} else {
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_extra_meta_tags', array($this->plugin_name, 'meta_tags'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_data_val', array($this->plugin_name, 'job_list_data_val'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_back_fill', array($this->plugin_name, 'list_back_fill'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'keyword_page'), $this->config['priority']);
         //JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_menu_job_post', array($this->plugin_name, 'admin_menu'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'admin_main_page'), $this->config['priority']);
         //JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_custom_query', array($this->plugin_name, 'blank_query'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('home_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'post_page'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_set_meta_title', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_page_title'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_set_meta_descr', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_page_descr'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_set_meta_kwords', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_page_kwords'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('display_custom_2col_field', array($this->plugin_name, 'blank_field'), $this->config['priority']);
Beispiel #3
 function CareerJet()
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/Services_Careerjet.php';
     $this->plugin_name = "CareerJet";
     // set this to the name of the plugin. Case sensitive. Must be exactly the same as the directory name and class name!
     // initalize JB_Plugins
     // Prepare the config variables
     // we simply extract them from the serialized variable like this:
     if ($this->config == null) {
         // older versions of jamit did not init config
         $config = unserialize(JB_PLUGIN_CONFIG);
         $this->config = $config[$this->plugin_name];
     # initialize the priority
     if ($this->config['priority'] == '') {
         $this->config['priority'] = 5;
     if ($this->config['k'] == '') {
         $this->config['k'] = 'php';
     if (!$this->config['so']) {
         $this->config['so'] = 'date';
         // sort type
     if ($this->config['h'] == '') {
         $this->config['h'] = '0';
         // highlight keywrods?
     if ($this->config['l'] == '') {
         $this->config['l'] = '';
     if ($this->config['k_tag'] == '') {
         $this->config['k_tag'][] = 'TITLE';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['k_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['k_tag']);
     if ($this->config['l_tag'] == '') {
         $this->config['l_tag'][] = 'LOCATION';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['l_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['l_tag']);
     if (!$this->config['att']) {
         $this->config['att'] = 'Y';
     if ($this->config['id'] == '') {
         $this->config['id'] = '09d1598b91e4e0b87d0dd7dcf75a180e';
     /*	if ($this->config['lim']=='') { // limit
     $this->config['lim'] = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
     if ($this->config['curl'] == '') {
         // cURL
         $this->config['curl'] = 'N';
     if ($this->config['fill'] == '') {
         // results fill mode
         $this->config['fill'] = 'S';
     if ($this->is_enabled()) {
         // register all the callbacks
         if ($this->config['fill'] == 'S') {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count'), $this->config['priority']);
         } else {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count2'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_extra_meta_tags', array($this->plugin_name, 'meta_tags'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_data_val', array($this->plugin_name, 'job_list_data_val'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_back_fill', array($this->plugin_name, 'list_back_fill'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'keyword_page'), $this->config['priority']);
Beispiel #4
 function IndeedXML()
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/IndeedXMLParser.php';
     $this->plugin_name = "IndeedXML";
     // set this to the name of the plugin. Case sensitive. Must be exactly the same as the directory name and class name!
     // initalize JB_Plugins
     // Prepare the config variables
     // we simply extract them from the serialized variable like this:
     if ($this->config == null) {
         // older versions of jamit did not init config
         $config = unserialize(JB_PLUGIN_CONFIG);
         $this->config = $config[$this->plugin_name];
     # initialize the priority
     if (empty($this->config['priority'])) {
         $this->config['priority'] = 5;
     if (empty($this->config['k'])) {
         $this->config['k'] = 'php';
     if ($this->config['age'] < 1 || $this->config['age'] > 30) {
         $this->config['age'] = '30';
         // filter results?
     if (empty($this->config['r'])) {
         $this->config['r'] = '25';
         // filter results?
     if (empty($this->config['so'])) {
         $this->config['so'] = 'date';
         // sort type
     if (empty($this->config['f'])) {
         $this->config['f'] = '1';
         // filter results?
     if (empty($this->config['h'])) {
         $this->config['h'] = '0';
         // highlight keywrods?
     if (empty($this->config['l'])) {
         $this->config['l'] = '';
     if (empty($this->config['k_tag'])) {
         $this->config['k_tag'][] = 'TITLE';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['k_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['k_tag']);
     if (empty($this->config['l_tag'])) {
         $this->config['l_tag'][] = 'LOCATION';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['l_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['l_tag']);
     if (empty($this->config['c'])) {
         $this->config['c'] = 'us';
     if (empty($this->config['lim'])) {
         $this->config['lim'] = '10';
     if ($this->config['id'] == '') {
         $this->config['id'] = '2451470435917521';
     /*	if ($this->config['lim']=='') { // limit
     $this->config['lim'] = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
     //if ($this->config['s']=='') { // server
     $this->config['s'] = '';
     if ($this->config['curl'] == '') {
         // cURL
         $this->config['curl'] = 'N';
     if ($this->config['fill'] == '') {
         // results fill mode
         $this->config['fill'] = 'S';
     if ($this->is_enabled()) {
         // register all the callbacks
         if ($this->config['fill'] == 'S') {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count'), $this->config['priority']);
         } else {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count2'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_extra_meta_tags', array($this->plugin_name, 'meta_tags'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_data_val', array($this->plugin_name, 'job_list_data_val'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_back_fill', array($this->plugin_name, 'list_back_fill'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'keyword_page'), $this->config['priority']);
function JB_get_form_id_by_table_name($tname)
    switch ($tname) {
        case "posts_table":
            $form_id = 1;
        case "resumes_table":
            $form_id = 2;
        case "profiles_table":
            $form_id = 3;
        case "users":
            $form_id = 5;
        case "employers":
            $form_id = 4;
            $form_id = false;
            JBPLUG_register_callback('get_form_id_by_table_name', $form_id, $table_name);
            return $form_id;
    return $form_id;
 function SimplyHiredXML()
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/SimplyHiredXMLParser.php';
     $this->plugin_name = "SimplyHiredXML";
     // set this to the name of the plugin. Case sensitive. Must be exactly the same as the directory name and class name!
     // initalize JB_Plugins
     // Prepare the config variables
     // we simply extract them from the serialized variable like this:
     if ($this->config == null) {
         // older versions of jamit did not init config
         $config = unserialize(JB_PLUGIN_CONFIG);
         $this->config = $config[$this->plugin_name];
     # initialize the priority
     if ($this->config['priority'] == '') {
         $this->config['priority'] = 5;
     if ($this->config['k'] == '') {
         $this->config['k'] = 'manager';
         // default keyword
     if ($this->config['age'] < 1 || $this->config['age'] > 30) {
         $this->config['age'] = '30';
         // default age
     if (!$this->config['r']) {
         $this->config['r'] = '25';
         // distance (radius) in miles
     if (!$this->config['so']) {
         $this->config['so'] = 'rd';
         // sort order (default: relevance descending)
     if ($this->config['f'] == '') {
         $this->config['f'] = '1';
         // filter results?
     if ($this->config['h'] == '') {
         $this->config['h'] = '0';
         // highlight keywrods?
     if ($this->config['l'] == '') {
         $this->config['l'] = '';
     if ($this->config['k_tag'] == '') {
         $this->config['k_tag'][] = 'TITLE';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['k_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['k_tag']);
     if ($this->config['l_tag'] == '') {
         $this->config['l_tag'][] = 'LOCATION';
     } else {
         // convert to array
         $this->config['l_tag'] = explode(',', $this->config['l_tag']);
     // SimplyHired publisher ID (version 2 only)
     if ($this->config['id'] == '') {
         $this->config['id'] = '12281';
     $this->config['lim'] = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
     $this->config['s'] = '';
     // for version 2
     //$this->config['s'] = ''; // for version 1
     if ($this->config['curl'] == '') {
         // cURL
         $this->config['curl'] = 'N';
     if ($this->config['fill'] == '') {
         // results fill mode
         $this->config['fill'] = 'S';
     if ($this->config['c'] == '') {
         // country
         $this->config['c'] = 'c';
     if ($this->config['ssty'] == '') {
         // search style
         $this->config['ssty'] = '2';
     if ($this->config['day'] == '') {
         // show days
         $this->config['day'] = 'Y';
     if ($this->is_enabled()) {
         // register all the callbacks
         if ($this->config['fill'] == 'S') {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count'), $this->config['priority']);
         } else {
             JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_set_count', array($this->plugin_name, 'set_count2'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('index_extra_meta_tags', array($this->plugin_name, 'meta_tags'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_data_val', array($this->plugin_name, 'job_list_data_val'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('job_list_back_fill', array($this->plugin_name, 'list_back_fill'), $this->config['priority']);
         JBPLUG_register_callback('admin_plugin_main', array($this->plugin_name, 'keyword_page'), $this->config['priority']);