Beispiel #1
function latex_docs($db)
    $messages = "";
    // Instanciate a template object
    $tpl = new Template(".");
    $config = GetConfig($db);
    $tex_dir = $config['uploadDir'] . "/";
    InstanciateConfigVars($config, $tpl);
    // OK, now load the template files
    $tpl->set_file(array("proceedings" => TPLDIR . "texProceedings.tpl", "latex" => TPLDIR . "latex.tpl", "booklet" => TPLDIR . "texBooklet.tpl"));
    // Extract the templates
    $tpl->set_block("latex", "PCMember", "PCMembers");
    $tpl->set_var("PCMembers", "");
    $messages .= "Now creating the PC committee list...";
    // Output a file with the program committee
    $pclist = parsePC($tpl, "PCMember", $db);
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "pc.tex", $pclist);
    // Abstracts
    $messages .= "Now creating the list of abstracts...";
    $abstracts = parseAbstracts($tpl, "texAbstracts.tpl", $db);
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "abstracts.tex", $abstracts);
    // Program of the conference
    $messages .= "Now creating the program of the conference...";
    $program = parseProgram($tpl, "texProgram.tpl", $db);
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "program.tex", $program);
    // Booklet of abstracts
    $messages .= "Now creating the booklet of abstracts...";
    $tpl->parse("BODY", "booklet");
    $contents = $tpl->get_var("BODY");
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "booklet.tex", $contents);
    // Papers for the proceedings
    $messages .= "Now creating the list of papers for the proceedings...";
    $papers = parsePapers($tpl, "texProcPapers.tpl", $db, $messages);
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "papers.tex", $papers);
    // Output the proceedings
    $messages .= "Now creating the proceedings...";
    $tpl->parse("BODY", "proceedings");
    $contents = $tpl->get_var("BODY");
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "proceedings.tex", $contents);
    // CD ROM
    $messages .= "Now creating the CD ROM...";
    $tpl->set_file(array("CDROM" => TPLDIR . "texCDROM.tpl"));
    $tpl->parse("BODY", "CDROM");
    $contents = $tpl->get_var("BODY");
    $messages .= write_tex($tex_dir, "CDROM.tex", $contents);
    return $messages;
Beispiel #2
function ShowInvoice($person, $db, &$tpl, $template)
    // Show the invoice
    $tpl->set_file($template, TPLDIR . $template);
    $tpl->set_block($template, "ROW_CHOICE", "ROWS_CHOICES");
    $tpl->set_block($template, "PAYPAL_PAYMENT");
    $tpl->set_block($template, "OTHER_PAYMENT");
    $tpl->set_block("PAYPAL_PAYMENT", "PAYPAL_ITEM", "PAYPAL_ITEMS");
    $tpl->set_var("ROWS_CHOICES", "");
    $tpl->set_var("PAYPAL_ITEMS", "");
    // InstantiatePersonVars ($person, $tpl, $db);
    $config = GetConfig($db);
    InstanciateConfigVars($config, $tpl);
    $tpl->set_var("PAYPAL_BUSINESS", $config["paypal_account"]);
    $tpl->set_var("PAYPAL_CURRENCY", $config["currency"]);
    $tpl->set_var("REGISTRATION_ID", $person->id);
    $total = 0.0;
    $q_invoice = "SELECT c.id_question, question, choice, cost " . " FROM RegQuestion q, RegChoice c, PersonChoice p " . " WHERE AND c.id_question=p.id_question " . " AND c.id_choice=p.id_choice AND p.id_person='{$person->id}'";
    $r_invoice = $db->execRequete($q_invoice);
    while ($l_invoice = $db->objetSuivant($r_invoice)) {
        $tpl->set_var("REG_QUESTION", $l_invoice->question);
        $tpl->set_var("REG_CHOICE", $l_invoice->choice);
        $tpl->set_var("REG_COST", $l_invoice->cost);
        $tpl->set_var("ITEM_NAME", $l_invoice->question . " - " . $l_invoice->choice);
        $tpl->set_var("ITEM_ID", $l_invoice->id_question);
        $tpl->set_var("ITEM_AMOUNT", $l_invoice->cost);
        $total += $l_invoice->cost;
        $tpl->parse("ROWS_CHOICES", "ROW_CHOICE", true);
        $tpl->parse("PAYPAL_ITEMS", "PAYPAL_ITEM", true);
    $tpl->set_var("TOTAL_COST", $total);
    if ($person->payment_mode != PAYPAL) {
        $tpl->set_var("PAYPAL_PAYMENT", "");
    } else {
        $tpl->set_var("OTHER_PAYMENT", "");
    $tpl->parse("RESULT", $template);
    return $tpl->get_var("RESULT");