Beispiel #1
    echo $f_NEW_GUEST == "Y" ? "<font class=\"newguest\">" . GetMessage("STAT_NEW_GUEST") . "&nbsp;" : "<span class=\"stat_oldguest\">" . GetMessage("STAT_OLD_GUEST") . "</span>&nbsp;";
    echo "[<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_SESSION_LIST") . "\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"session_list.php?lang=" . LANG . "&amp;find_guest_id=" . $f_GUEST_ID . "&amp;find_guest_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y\">" . $f_GUEST_ID . "</a>]";
		<td valign="top" nowrap><?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_IP");
    $arr = explode(".", $f_IP);
    echo GetWhoisLink($f_IP);
&nbsp;[<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_ADD_TO_STOPLIST_TITLE");
" href="stoplist_edit.php?lang=<?php 
    echo LANGUAGE_ID;
    echo $arr[0];
    echo $arr[1];
    echo $arr[2];
 $res["FOR_JS"]["AUTHOR_NAME"] = Cutil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($res["~AUTHOR_NAME"]));
 $res["FOR_JS"]["POST_MESSAGE"] = Cutil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($res["~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT"]));
 /************** Author info/****************************************/
 /************** Panels *********************************************/
 $res["PANELS"] = array("MODERATE" => $arResult["PANELS"]["MODERATE"], "DELETE" => $arResult["PANELS"]["DELETE"], "SUPPORT" => $arResult["PANELS"]["SUPPORT"] == "Y" && $res["AUTHOR_ID"] > 0 ? "Y" : "N", "EDIT" => $arResult["PANELS"]["EDIT"], "STATISTIC" => $arResult["PANELS"]["STATISTIC"] == "Y" && intVal($res["GUEST_ID"]) > 0 ? "Y" : "N", "MAIN" => $arResult["PANELS"]["MAIN"] == "Y" && $res["AUTHOR_ID"] > 0 ? "Y" : "N", "MAIL" => $arResult["PANELS"]["MAIL"], "VOTES" => $res["VOTING"] != "N" ? "Y" : "N");
 // here should be a trigger for turning off edit right for the archive group even for message author
 if ($arResult["USER"]["RIGHTS"]["ADD_MESSAGE"] == "Y" && $res["PANELS"]["EDIT"] != "Y" && $USER->IsAuthorized() && $res["AUTHOR_ID"] == $USER->GetId() && (COption::GetOptionString("forum", "USER_EDIT_OWN_POST", "N") == "Y" || $arResult["TOPIC"]["iLAST_TOPIC_MESSAGE"] == intVal($res["ID"]))) {
     $res["PANELS"]["EDIT"] = "Y";
 $res["SHOW_PANEL"] = in_array("Y", $res["PANELS"]) ? "Y" : "N";
 if ($arParams["PERMISSION_ORIGINAL"] >= "Q") {
     $bIP = preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\$/", $res["~AUTHOR_IP"]) ? true : false;
     $res["AUTHOR_IP"] = $bIP ? GetWhoisLink($res["~AUTHOR_IP"], "") : $res["AUTHOR_IP"];
     $bIP = preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\$/", $res["~AUTHOR_REAL_IP"]) ? true : false;
     $res["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"] = $bIP ? GetWhoisLink($res["~AUTHOR_REAL_IP"], "") : $res["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"];
     $res["IP_IS_DIFFER"] = $res["AUTHOR_IP"] != $res["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"] ? "Y" : "N";
 /************** Panels/*********************************************/
 /************** Urls ***********************************************/
 $res["URL"] = array("~USER" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["AUTHOR_ID"])), "~AUTHOR" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["AUTHOR_ID"])), "~EDITOR" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["EDITOR_ID"])), "~MESSAGE" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_MESSAGE"], array("UID" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "TID" => $arParams["TID"], "GID" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "MID" => $res["ID"])), "~MESSAGE_EDIT" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_TOPIC_EDIT"], array("UID" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "TID" => $arParams["TID"], "GID" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "MID" => $res["ID"])), "USER" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["AUTHOR_ID"])), "AUTHOR" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["AUTHOR_ID"])), "EDITOR" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW"], array("UID" => $res["EDITOR_ID"])), "MESSAGE" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_MESSAGE"], array("UID" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "TID" => $arParams["TID"], "GID" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "MID" => $res["ID"])), "MESSAGE_EDIT" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_TOPIC_EDIT"], array("UID" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "TID" => $arParams["TID"], "GID" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "MID" => $res["ID"])));
 $res["URL"]["MESSAGE_EDIT"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["~MESSAGE_EDIT"], array("MID" => $res["ID"], "ACTION" => "EDIT", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "EDIT"));
 $res["URL"]["MESSAGE_DELETE"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["~MESSAGE"], array("MID" => $res["ID"], "ACTION" => "del", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "EDIT"));
 $res["URL"]["MESSAGE_SHOW"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["~MESSAGE"], array("MID" => $res["ID"], "ACTION" => $res["APPROVED"] == "Y" ? "hide" : "show", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "EDIT"));
 $res["URL"]["MESSAGE_SUPPORT"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["~MESSAGE"], array("MID" => $res["ID"], "ACTION" => "support", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "EDIT", "sessid" => bitrix_sessid()));
 $res["URL"]["AUTHOR_VOTE"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["MESSAGE"], array("UID" => $res["AUTHOR_ID"], "MID" => $res["ID"], "VOTES" => intVal($arResult["USER"]["RANK"]["VOTES"]), "VOTES_TYPE" => $res["VOTING"] == "VOTE" ? "V" : "U", "ACTION" => "VOTE4USER"));
 $res["URL"]["MESSAGE_SPAM"] = ForumAddPageParams($res["URL"]["~MESSAGE"], array("MID" => $res["ID"], "ACTION" => "spam", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "EDIT"));
 /************** Urls/***********************************************/
 if ($number == 2 && $bNeedFirstMessage) {
     $arResult["MESSAGE_FIRST"] = $res;
 } else {
Beispiel #3
    echo $arr[3];
    echo GetMessage("STAT_STOP");
		<td nowrap><?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_IP_LAST");
    $arr = explode(".", $f_IP_LAST);
    echo GetWhoisLink($f_IP_LAST);
&nbsp;[<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_ADD_TO_STOPLIST_TITLE");
" href="stoplist_edit.php?lang=<?php 
    echo LANGUAGE_ID;
    echo $arr[0];
    echo $arr[1];
    echo $arr[2];
Beispiel #4
 } else {
     $str .= GetMessage("STAT_NOT_REGISTERED");
 $str .= "<br>[<a href=\"guest_list.php?lang=" . LANG . "&amp;find_id=" . $f_GUEST_ID . "&amp;find_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y\">" . $f_GUEST_ID . "</a>]&nbsp;";
 $str .= $f_NEW_GUEST == "Y" ? "<span class=\"stat_newguest\">" . GetMessage("STAT_NEW_GUEST") . "</span>" : "<span class='stat_oldguest'>" . GetMessage("STAT_OLD_GUEST") . "</span>";
 $row->AddViewField("USER_ID", $str);
 $str = "";
 $hours = IntVal($f_SESSION_TIME / 3600);
 if ($hours > 0) {
     $str .= $hours . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_HOURS") . "&nbsp;";
     $f_SESSION_TIME = $f_SESSION_TIME - $hours * 3600;
 $str .= IntVal($f_SESSION_TIME / 60) . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_MIN");
 $str .= " " . $f_SESSION_TIME % 60 . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_SEC");
 $row->AddViewField("SESSION_TIME", $str);
 $row->AddViewField("IP_LAST", GetWhoisLink($f_IP_LAST));
 if (strlen($f_CITY_ID) > 0) {
     $row->AddViewField("CITY_ID", "[" . $f_CITY_ID . "] " . $f_CITY_NAME);
 $str = "<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_HITS_LIST_2") . "\"  href=\"hit_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&amp;find_session_id=" . $f_ID . "&amp;find_session_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y&amp;rand=" . rand() . "\">" . $f_HITS . "</a>";
 $row->AddViewField("HITS", $str);
 $str = "<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_EVENTS") . "\"  href=\"event_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&amp;find_session_id=" . $f_ID . "&amp;find_session_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y&amp;rand=" . rand() . "\">" . $f_C_EVENTS . "</a>";
 $row->AddViewField("C_EVENTS", $str);
 if (intval($f_ADV_ID) > 0) {
     $str = "<a href=\"adv_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&find_id=" . $f_ADV_ID . "&find_id_exact_match=Y&set_filter=Y\">" . $f_ADV_ID . "</a>";
     if ($f_ADV_BACK == "Y") {
         $str .= "*";
     $str .= "<br>" . $f_REFERER1 . " / " . $f_REFERER2 . "<br>" . $f_REFERER3;
     $row->AddViewField("ADV_ID", $str);
Beispiel #5
                $arrUsers[$f_USER_ID]["LOGIN"] = $LOGIN;
            } else {
                $USER_NAME = $arrUsers[$f_USER_ID]["USER_NAME"];
                $LOGIN = $arrUsers[$f_USER_ID]["LOGIN"];
            $str .= "[<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_EDIT_USER") . "\" href=\"user_edit.php?lang=" . LANG . "&amp;ID=" . $f_USER_ID . "\">" . $f_USER_ID . "</a>]&nbsp;";
            if (strlen($LOGIN) > 0) {
                $str .= "(" . $LOGIN . ") " . $USER_NAME . "";
        $str .= $f_USER_AUTH != "Y" ? "<br><nobr><span class=\"stat_notauth\">" . GetMessage("STAT_NOT_AUTH") . "</span></nobr>" : "";
    } else {
        $str .= GetMessage("STAT_NOT_REGISTERED");
    $row->AddViewField("USER_ID", $str);
    $row->AddViewField("IP", GetWhoisLink($f_IP));
    $str = "<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_SESSION_LIST") . "\" href=\"guest_list.php?lang=" . LANG . "&amp;find_id=" . $f_GUEST_ID . "&amp;find_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y\">" . $f_GUEST_ID . "</a>";
    $row->AddViewField("GUEST_ID", $str);
    $str = "<a href=\"session_list.php?lang=" . LANG . "&amp;find_id=" . $f_SESSION_ID . "&amp;find_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y\">" . $f_SESSION_ID . "</a>";
    $row->AddViewField("SESSION_ID", $str);
    if (strlen($f_CITY_ID) > 0) {
        $row->AddViewField("CITY_ID", "[" . $f_CITY_ID . "] " . $f_CITY_NAME);
    $row->AddViewField("", $str);
    $row->AddViewField("URL", StatAdminListFormatURL($arRes["URL"], array("new_window" => false, "attention" => $f_URL_404 == "Y", "max_display_chars" => "default", "chars_per_line" => "default", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W")));
    $arActions = array();
    $arActions[] = array("ICON" => "list", "TEXT" => GetMessage("STAT_DETAIL"), "ACTION" => "javascript:CloseWaitWindow(); jsUtils.OpenWindow('hit_detail.php?lang=" . LANG . "&ID=" . $f_ID . "', '700', '550');", "DEFAULT" => "Y");
$lAdmin->AddFooter(array(array("title" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_SELECTED"), "value" => $rsData->SelectedRowsCount())));
Beispiel #6
    echo StatAdminListFormatURL($arGuest["LAST_URL_LAST"], array("new_window" => true, "attention" => $f_LAST_URL_LAST_404 == "Y", "chars_per_line" => 40, "line_delimiter" => "<wbr>", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W"));
		<td nowrap><?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_IP");
    $arr = explode(".", $f_LAST_IP);
    echo GetWhoisLink($f_LAST_IP);
&nbsp;[<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
    echo GetMessage("STAT_ADD_TO_STOPLIST_TITLE");
" href="stoplist_edit.php?lang=<?php 
    echo LANGUAGE_ID;
    echo $arr[0];
    echo $arr[1];
    echo $arr[2];
} else {
    echo $str_STAT_SESSION_ID;
		<td  ><?php 
echo GetMessage("VOTE_F_IP");
		<td ><?php 
echo GetWhoisLink($str_IP);
echo GetMessage("VOTE_VALID");
		<td nowrap><input type="checkbox" value="Y" name="valid" <?php 
if ($str_VALID == "Y") {
    echo "checked";
Beispiel #8
 $row =& $lAdmin->AddRow($arComment["ID"], $arComment, $path, GetMessage("BLB_VIEW_ALT"));
 $row->AddField("ID", '<a href="' . $path . '" title="' . GetMessage("BLB_VIEW_ALT") . '">' . $arComment["ID"] . '</a>');
 $row->AddField("DATE_CREATE", $arComment["DATE_CREATE"]);
 $row->AddField("POST_TEXT", "<a href=\"" . $path . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialcharsEx($arComment["POST_TEXT"]) . "\">" . htmlspecialcharsEx(TruncateText($arComment["POST_TEXT"], 150)) . "</a>");
 $row->AddField("POST_TITLE", "<span title=\"" . htmlspecialcharsEx($arComment["POST_TITLE"]) . "\">" . htmlspecialcharsEx(TruncateText($arComment["POST_TITLE"], 50)) . "</span>");
 $row->AddField("PUBLISH_STATUS", $arComment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == "P" ? GetMessage("BLB_YES") : GetMessage("BLB_NO"));
 if (IntVal($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) {
     $row->AddField("AUTHOR_ID", "[<a href=\"/bitrix/admin/user_edit.php?ID=" . $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"] . "&lang=" . LANG . "\">" . $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"] . "</a>] " . htmlspecialcharsEx("(" . $arComment["USER_LOGIN"] . ") " . $arComment["USER_NAME"] . " " . $arComment["USER_LAST_NAME"]));
 } elseif (strlen($arComment["AUTHOR_NAME"]) > 0) {
     $row->AddField("AUTHOR_ID", htmlspecialcharsEx($arComment["AUTHOR_NAME"] . " (" . $arComment["AUTHOR_EMAIL"] . ")"));
 if (IntVal($arComment["BLOG_ID"]) > 0) {
     $row->AddField("BLOG_ID", "[<a href=\"/bitrix/admin/blog_blog_edit.php?ID=" . $arComment["BLOG_ID"] . "&lang=" . LANG . "\">" . $arComment["BLOG_ID"] . "</a>] " . htmlspecialcharsEx($arComment["BLOG_NAME"] . ""));
 if (Strlen($arComment["AUTHOR_IP"]) > 0) {
     $ip = GetWhoisLink($arComment["AUTHOR_IP"]) . (strlen($arComment["AUTHOR_IP1"]) > 0 ? " / " . GetWhoisLink($arComment["AUTHOR_IP1"]) : "");
     if (CModule::IncludeModule("statistic")) {
         $arr = explode(".", $arComment["AUTHOR_IP"]);
         if (count($arr) == 4) {
             $ip .= '<br><a href="stoplist_edit.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&amp;net1=' . intval($arr[0]) . '&amp;net2=' . intval($arr[1]) . '&amp;net3=' . intval($arr[2]) . '&amp;net4=' . intval($arr[3]) . '">[' . GetMessage("BLB_STOP_LIST") . ']<a>';
     $row->AddField("AUTHOR_IP", $ip);
 $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->AddUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $arComment, $row);
 $arActions = array();
 if ($arComment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == "P") {
     $arActions[] = array("ICON" => "hide", "TEXT" => GetMessage("BLB_HIDE_ALT"), "ACTION" => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($arComment["ID"], "hide"));
 } else {
     $arActions[] = array("ICON" => "show", "TEXT" => GetMessage("BLB_SHOW_ALT"), "ACTION" => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($arComment["ID"], "show"));
Beispiel #9
            $bIP = False;
            if (ereg("^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\$", $arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"])) {
                $bIP = True;
            if ($bIP) {
                $arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"] = GetWhoisLink($arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"], "");
            } else {
                $arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"] = htmlspecialchars($arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"]);
            $bIP = False;
            if (ereg("^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\$", $arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"])) {
                $bIP = True;
            if ($bIP) {
                $arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"] = GetWhoisLink($arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"], "");
            } else {
                $arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"] = htmlspecialchars($arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"]);
					<font class="forumheadcolor">IP
            if ($arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"] != $arMessage["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"]) {
                echo GetMessage("FR_REAL_IP");
: </font><?php 
            echo $arMessage["AUTHOR_IP"];
Beispiel #10
            if ($bIP) {
                echo GetWhoisLink($ar_Message["AUTHOR_IP"]);
            } else {
                echo $ar_Message["AUTHOR_IP"];
			<nobr>IP (реальный): 
            $bIP = False;
            if (ereg("^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\$", $ar_Message["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"])) {
                $bIP = True;
            if ($bIP) {
                echo GetWhoisLink($ar_Message["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"]);
            } else {
                echo $ar_Message["AUTHOR_REAL_IP"];
	<td width="100%">
		<font class="forumbodytext">
        $arAllow["SMILES"] = $arForum["ALLOW_SMILES"];
        if ($ar_Message["USE_SMILES"] != "Y") {
Beispiel #11
 if ($arRes["NEW_GUEST"] == "Y") {
     $str .= '<span class="stat_newguest">' . GetMessage("STAT_NEW_GUEST") . '</span>';
 } else {
     $str .= '<span class="stat_oldguest">' . GetMessage("STAT_OLD_GUEST") . '</span>';
 $str .= '&nbsp;[<a href="' . htmlspecialcharsbx(CHTTP::urlAddParams("guest_list.php", array('lang' => LANGUAGE_ID, 'find_id' => $arRes["GUEST_ID"], 'find_id_exact_match' => 'Y', 'set_filter' => 'Y'), array("encode" => true))) . '">' . htmlspecialcharsEx($arRes["GUEST_ID"]) . '</a>]';
 $row->AddViewField("LAST_USER_ID", $str);
 $row->AddViewField("URL_LAST", StatAdminListFormatURL($arRes["URL_LAST"], array("new_window" => true, "attention" => $arRes["URL_LAST_404"] == "Y", "max_display_chars" => "default", "chars_per_line" => "default", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W")));
 if ($arRes["URL_FROM"] != '') {
     $row->AddViewField("URL_FROM", StatAdminListFormatURL($arRes["URL_FROM"], array("new_window" => true, "max_display_chars" => "default", "chars_per_line" => "default", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W")));
 if ($arRes["FIRST_URL_FROM"] != '') {
     $row->AddViewField("FIRST_URL_FROM", StatAdminListFormatURL($arRes["FIRST_URL_FROM"], array("new_window" => true, "max_display_chars" => "default", "chars_per_line" => "default", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W")));
 $row->AddViewField("HITS", '<a href="' . htmlspecialcharsbx(CHTTP::urlAddParams("hit_list.php", array('lang' => LANGUAGE_ID, 'find_guest_id' => $arRes["GUEST_ID"], 'find_guest_id_exact_match' => 'Y', 'set_filter' => 'Y'), array("encode" => true))) . '">' . htmlspecialcharsEx($arRes["HITS"]) . '</a>');
 $row->AddViewField("IP_LAST", GetWhoisLink($arRes["IP_LAST"]));
 if ($arRes["COUNTRY_ID"] != '') {
     $row->AddViewField("COUNTRY_ID", htmlspecialcharsEx("[" . $arRes["COUNTRY_ID"] . "] " . $arRes["COUNTRY_NAME"]));
 if ($arRes["CITY_ID"] > 0) {
     $row->AddViewField("CITY_ID", htmlspecialcharsEx("[" . $arRes["CITY_ID"] . "] " . $arRes["CITY_NAME"]));
 $str = "";
 $duration = $arRes["SESSION_TIME"];
 $hours = intval($duration / 3600);
 if ($hours > 0) {
     $str .= $hours . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_HOUR") . " ";
     $duration = $duration - $hours * 3600;
 $str .= intval($duration / 60) . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_MIN") . " ";
 $str .= intval($duration % 60) . "&nbsp;" . GetMessage("STAT_SEC");
AdminListCheckDate($lAdmin, array("find_date1" => $find_date1, "find_date2" => $find_date2));
$arFilter = array("ID" => $find_id, "URL" => $find_url, "SITE_ID" => $find_site_id, "URL_404" => $find_url_404, "SEARCHER" => $find_searcher, "SEARCHER_ID" => $find_searcher_id, "DATE1" => $find_date1, "DATE2" => $find_date2, "IP" => $find_ip, "USER_AGENT" => $find_user_agent);
$arFilter = array_merge($arFilter, array_convert_name_2_value($arrExactMatch));
$rsData = CSearcherHit::GetList($by, $order, $arFilter, $is_filtered);
$rsData = new CAdminResult($rsData, $sTableID);
$lAdmin->AddHeaders(array(array("id" => "ID", "content" => "ID", "sort" => "s_id", "default" => true), array("id" => "DATE_HIT", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_DATE"), "sort" => "s_date_hit", "default" => true), array("id" => "SEARCHER_ID", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_SEARCHER"), "sort" => "s_searcher_id", "default" => true), array("id" => "USER_AGENT", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_USER_AGENT"), "sort" => "s_user_agent", "default" => true), array("id" => "IP", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_IP"), "sort" => "s_ip", "default" => true), array("id" => "SITE_ID", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_PAGE"), "sort" => "s_url", "default" => true)));
while ($arRes = $rsData->NavNext(true, "f_")) {
    $row =& $lAdmin->AddRow($f_ID, $arRes);
    $txt = "[<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_SRCH_LIST") . "\" href=\"searcher_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&amp;find_id={$f_SEARCHER_ID}&amp;find_id_exact_match=Y&amp;set_filter=Y\">{$f_SEARCHER_ID}</a>]&nbsp;{$f_SEARCHER_NAME}";
    $row->AddViewField("SEARCHER_ID", $txt);
    $row->AddViewField("USER_AGENT", TxtToHTML($f_USER_AGENT));
    $arr = explode(".", $f_IP);
    $txt = GetWhoisLink($f_IP) . " [<a title=\"" . GetMessage("STAT_ADD_TO_STOPLIST_TITLE") . "\" href=\"stoplist_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&amp;net1={$arr['0']}&amp;net2={$arr['1']}&amp;net3={$arr['2']}&amp;net4={$arr['3']}\">" . GetMessage("STAT_STOP") . "</a>]";
    $row->AddViewField("IP", $txt);
    $row->AddViewField("SITE_ID", '[' . $arSites[$f_SITE_ID] . '] ' . StatAdminListFormatURL($arRes["URL"], array("title" => GetMessage("STAT_LINK_OPEN"), "new_window" => false, "max_display_chars" => "default", "chars_per_line" => "default", "kill_sessid" => $STAT_RIGHT < "W")));
$lAdmin->AddFooter(array(array("title" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_SELECTED"), "value" => $rsData->SelectedRowsCount())));
$APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage("STAT_RECORDS_LIST", array("#STATISTIC_DAYS#" => COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "SEARCHER_HIT_DAYS"))));
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php";
<a name="tb"></a>
<form name="form1" method="GET" action="<?php 
echo $APPLICATION->GetCurPage();
Beispiel #13
    if (intval($f_LAST_ADV_ID) > 0) {
        $str = '<a href="adv_list.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&find_id=' . $f_LAST_ADV_ID . '&find_id_exact_match=Y&set_filter=Y">' . $f_LAST_ADV_ID . '</a>' . ($f_LAST_ADV_BACK == "Y" ? "*" : "") . ' (<a title="' . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_1") . '" href="session_list.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&find_referer1=' . urlencode("\"" . $f_LAST_REFERER1 . "\"") . '&find_referer12_exact_match=Y&set_filter=Y">' . $f_LAST_REFERER1 . '</a> / <a title="' . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_2") . '" href="session_list.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&find_referer2=' . urlencode("\"" . $f_LAST_REFERER2 . "\"") . '&find_referer12_exact_match=Y&set_filter=Y">' . $f_LAST_REFERER2 . '</a> / <a title="' . GetMessage("STAT_VIEW_SESSIONS_LIST_BY_REF_3") . '" href="session_list.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&find_referer3=' . urlencode("\"" . $f_LAST_REFERER3 . "\"") . '&find_referer3_exact_match=Y&set_filter=Y">' . $f_LAST_REFERER3 . '</a>)';
    $row->AddViewField("LAST_ADV_ID", $str);
    if (strlen($f_LAST_COUNTRY_ID) > 0) {
        if (strlen($f_LAST_COUNTRY_NAME) > 0) {
            $str = "[" . $f_LAST_COUNTRY_ID . "] " . $f_LAST_COUNTRY_NAME;
        } else {
            $str = $f_LAST_COUNTRY_ID;
        $row->AddViewField("LAST_COUNTRY_ID", $str);
    if (strlen($f_LAST_CITY_ID) > 0) {
        $row->AddViewField("LAST_CITY_ID", "[" . $f_LAST_CITY_ID . "] " . $f_LAST_CITY_NAME);
    $row->AddViewField("LAST_IP", GetWhoisLink($f_LAST_IP));
    $arActions = array();
    $arActions[] = array("ICON" => "list", "TEXT" => GetMessage("STAT_DETAIL"), "ACTION" => "javascript:CloseWaitWindow(); jsUtils.OpenWindow('guest_detail.php?lang=" . LANG . "&ID=" . $f_ID . "', '700', '550');", "DEFAULT" => "Y");
$lAdmin->AddFooter(array(array("title" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_SELECTED"), "value" => $rsData->SelectedRowsCount())));
$STORED_DAYS = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "GUEST_DAYS");
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php";

<form name="form1" method="GET" action="<?php 
echo $APPLICATION->GetCurPage();