* Copyright 2003 Mark O'Sullivan
* This file is part of Vanilla.
* Vanilla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Vanilla; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
* The latest source code for Vanilla is available at www.lussumo.com
* Contact Mark O'Sullivan at mark [at] lussumo [dot] com
* Description: File used by Dynamic Data Management object to change the order of roles
include '../appg/settings.php';
include '../appg/init_ajax.php';
$PostBackKey = ForceIncomingString('PostBackKey', '');
if ($PostBackKey = '' || $PostBackKey !== $Context->Session->GetCsrfValidationKey()) {
if (!$Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_SORT_ROLES')) {
$Sql = 'update ' . GetTableName('Role', $DatabaseTables, $Configuration["DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX"]) . ' set ' . $DatabaseColumns['Role']['Priority'] . " = '//1' where " . $DatabaseColumns['Role']['RoleID'] . " = '//2';";
$SortOrder = ForceIncomingArray('RoleID', array());
$ItemCount = count($SortOrder);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ItemCount; $i++) {
    $RoleID = ForceInt($SortOrder[$i], null);
    if ($RoleID !== null) {
        $ExecSql = str_replace(array('//1', '//2'), array($i, $RoleID), $Sql);
        $Context->Database->Execute($ExecSql, 'AJAX', 'ReorderRoles', 'Failed to reorder roles', 0);
echo $SortOrder;
Beispiel #2
// Define a constant to prevent a register_globals attack on the configuration paths
define('IN_VANILLA', '1');
//upgrade database
if ($Configuration['DATABASE_VERSION'] < 2) {
    include_once $Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] . 'appg/database.php';
    include_once $Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'];
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Functions.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.Database.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.' . $Configuration['DATABASE_SERVER'] . '.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.MessageCollector.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.ErrorManager.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.ObjectFactory.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.StringManipulator.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.Context.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Framework/Framework.Class.Delegation.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'Vanilla/Vanilla.Functions.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . $Configuration['AUTHENTICATION_MODULE'];
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'People/People.Class.Session.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'People/People.Class.PasswordHash.php';
    include_once $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] . 'People/People.Class.User.php';
    $Context = new Context($Configuration);
    $Context->DatabaseTables =& $DatabaseTables;
    $Context->DatabaseColumns =& $DatabaseColumns;
    $Query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . GetTableName('User', $DatabaseTables, $Configuration["DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX"]) . ' CHANGE ' . $DatabaseColumns['User']['Password'] . ' ' . $DatabaseColumns['User']['Password'] . ' VARBINARY( 34 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL';
    if ($Context->Database->Execute($Query, '', '', '', 0)) {
        AddConfigurationSetting($Context, 'DATABASE_VERSION', '2');
    unset($Context, $Query);
Beispiel #3
 if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info($Connection), '4.1.0', '>=')) {
     mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8"', $Connection);
     $DatabaseCharacterEncoding = 'utf8';
 // Make sure there are no conflicting tables in the database
 $TableData = @mysql_query('show tables', $Connection);
 if (!$TableData) {
     $Context->WarningCollector->Add('We had some problems identifying the tables already in your database: ' . mysql_error($Connection));
 } else {
     $TableConflicts = array();
     $TableToCompare = array();
     while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array($TableData)) {
         $TableToCompare[] = strtolower($Row[0]);
     foreach ($DatabaseTables as $TableKey => $TableName) {
         $TableName = GetTableName($TableKey, $DatabaseTables, $DBTablePrefix);
         $TableName = strtolower(iif($TableKey == 'User', $DBTablePrefix, '') . $TableName);
         if (in_array($TableName, $TableToCompare)) {
             $TableConflicts[] = $TableName;
     if (count($TableConflicts) == count($DatabaseTables)) {
         $Context->WarningCollector->Add('It appears as though you&#8217;ve already got Vanilla installed. If you are attempting to upgrade your existing installation of Vanilla, you should be using the <a href="upgrader.php">upgrade script</a>.');
         $AllowNext = 1;
     } elseif (count($TableConflicts) > 0) {
         $Context->WarningCollector->Add('There appear to be some tables already in your database that conflict with the tables Vanilla would need to insert. Those tables are: <code>' . implode(', ', $TableConflicts) . '</code>If you are attempting to upgrade your existing installation of Vanilla, you should be using the <a href="upgrader.php">upgrade script</a>.');
     } else {
         // Go ahead and install the database tables
         // Open the database file & retrieve sql
         $SqlLines = @file($WorkingDirectory . 'mysql.sql');
         if (!$SqlLines) {
function GetID($var, $adm = true)
    $de = bindechex($var, 3);
    $num = strlen($de);
    $num2 = $num - 2;
    $num3 = $num2 - 2;
    $type = substr($de, $num2 - 2, $num2);
    $type = GetItemType(substr($type, 0, 2));
    $item = substr($de, 0, $num2 - 2);
    $code = bindechex($item, 5);
    if ($type == '') {
        return lang('off_emptyslot');
    } else {
        return GetItemID(GetTableName($type), $code, $adm);
  * Set main table
  * @param string $TableName Table name
  * @param string $TableAlias Table reference
  * @param string $CustomTablePrefix
  * @return void
  * <b>Usage example:</b>
  * <code>
  * $sql->SetMainTable('Discussion','Discussion');
  * </code>
  * <b>Complete examples</b>
  * For complete workable examples check out the {@link http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:development:sqlbuilder Sqlbuilder wiki page}
 function SetMainTable($TableName, $TableAlias = '', $CustomTablePrefix = '')
     $CustomTablePrefix = $CustomTablePrefix == '' ? $this->TablePrefix : $CustomTablePrefix;
     $MapKey = $TableAlias == "" ? $TableName : $TableAlias;
     $this->TableMap[$MapKey] = $TableName;
     $this->MainTable = array("TableName" => GetTableName($TableName, $this->Context->DatabaseTables, $CustomTablePrefix), "TableAlias" => $TableAlias);