/** * Handle an xml request and perform actions based on the type of request * * @param string the raw xml request * * @return void **/ public function HandleRequest($xml_response) { //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( 'xmlresponse: ".print_r($xml_response,true)."')"); list($root, $data) = $this->response->GetParsedXML($xml_response); $this->response->SetMerchantAuthentication($this->module->GetValue('merchantid'), $this->module->GetValue('merchanttoken')); $status = $this->response->HttpAuthentication(); if (!$status) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutHandlerInvalidAuth'), isc_html_escape(GetIp()))); die; } $this->module->DebugLog($xml_response); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemDebug($this->logtype, 'Authenticated request of type ' . isc_html_escape($root) . ' recieved.'); switch ($root) { case "request-received": case "error": case "diagnosis": case "checkout-redirect": break; case "new-order-notification": $this->module->cartid = $data[$root]['shopping-cart']['merchant-private-data']['VALUE']; $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemDebug($this->logtype, 'New order notification recieved for cart id: ' . isc_html_escape($this->module->cartid)); $this->CreateOrder(); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case "order-state-change-notification": //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '1: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->HandleStateChange($data[$root]); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case "charge-amount-notification": //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '2: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case "chargeback-amount-notification": //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '3: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case "refund-amount-notification": //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '4: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case "risk-information-notification": //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '5: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemSuccess($this->logtype, GetLang('GoogleCheckoutHandlerGotRiskInfo')); $this->ProcessRiskInformation($data[$root]); $this->response->SendAck(); break; case 'merchant-calculation-callback': //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '6: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->HandleMerchantCallback($data); break; default: //mysql_query("INSERT INTO isc_orderlogs(ordervalue) VALUES ( '7: ".print_r($data,true)."')"); $this->response->SendBadRequestStatus("Invalid or not supported Message"); break; } }
public function Add() { if ($this->_POST) { //提交添加 $Data['UserName'] = trim($this->_POST['UserName']); $PassWord = trim($this->_POST['PassWord']); $Data['PassWord'] = md5($PassWord); $Data['EnterpriseName'] = trim($this->_POST['EnterpriseName']); $Data['ContactName'] = trim($this->_POST['ContactName']); $Data['ContactTel'] = trim($this->_POST['ContactTel']); $Data['ContactEmail'] = trim($this->_POST['ContactEmail']); $Data['ContactAddress'] = trim($this->_POST['ContactAddress']); $Data['Remarks'] = trim($this->_POST['Remarks']); $Data['RegTime'] = time(); $Data['FromIP'] = GetIp(); $Data['FengXinAgentPriceID'] = trim($this->_POST['FengXinAgentPriceID']); $Data['GBaoPenAgentPriceID'] = trim($this->_POST['GBaoPenAgentPriceID']); if (strlen($Data['PassWord']) < 3 || strlen($PassWord) < 6) { $this->__Message('信息填写不完整!'); } $AgentModule = new AgentModule(); $AgentInfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys(array('UserName' => $Data['UserName'])); if (!empty($AgentInfo)) { $this->__Message('该用户名已经被使用过!'); } if ($Data['EnterpriseName'] == '' || $Data['ContactName'] == '' || $Data['ContactTel'] == '') { $this->__Message('信息填写不完整!'); } if ($AgentModule->InsertArray($Data)) { $this->__Message('添加代理商成功!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Lists', true), '继续操作'); } else { $this->__Message('添加代理商失败,请再一次尝试!'); } } else { include 'Include/LevelArray.php'; $AgentPriceModule = new AgentPriceModule(); //风信代理 $LevelArray = $AgentPriceModule->GetLists('where ProjectID=7'); $this->LevelArray = $LevelArray; //G宝盆代理 $GBaoPenLevelArray = $AgentPriceModule->GetLists('where ProjectID=1'); $this->GBaoPenLevelArray = $GBaoPenLevelArray; } }
function GetIpLookup($ip = '') { if (empty($ip)) { $ip = GetIp(); } $res = @file_get_contents('http://int.dpool.sina.com.cn/iplookup/iplookup.php?format=js&ip=' . $ip); if (empty($res)) { return false; } $jsonMatches = array(); preg_match('#\\{.+?\\}#', $res, $jsonMatches); if (!isset($jsonMatches[0])) { return false; } $json = json_decode($jsonMatches[0], true); if (isset($json['ret']) && $json['ret'] == 1) { $json['ip'] = $ip; unset($json['ret']); } else { return false; } return $json; }
for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) { if ($i == 1) { $id_session = substr($allchars, rand(0, 35), 1); } $id_session .= substr($allchars, rand(0, 35), 1); } $queryOTROID = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios WHERE id_session = '{$id_session}'"; $ResultOTROID = mysql_query($queryOTROID) or die("mysql_query failed (index.php)<BR>" . $queryOTROID . "<br>" . mysql_error()); $num_filas_otro_id = mysql_num_rows($ResultOTROID); } while ($num_filas_otro_id != 0); if ($RowSEL['camuflaje'] == 0) { $online = 1; } else { $online = 0; } $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_usuarios SET id_session='" . $id_session . "', online = " . $online . ", last_conex = " . time() . ", ip = '" . GetIp() . "', navegador = " . $nav . " WHERE id_u = " . $RowSEL['id_u']; $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); if (time() - $RowSEL['last_conex'] > $RowCONF['session_usuarios'] * 60) { $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_usuarios SET visitas = visitas + 1 WHERE id_u = " . $RowSEL['id_u']; $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); } $queryDEL = "DELETE FROM kdc_usuarios_invitados WHERE id_session = '" . $id_session_invitados . "'"; $ResultDEL = mysql_query($queryDEL); setcookie("ssivtd"); setcookie("ssivtd", $id_session, time() + 20 * 60, "", "", 0); ?> <script>window.opener.location="kdc.php?id_session=<?php echo $id_session; ?> ";window.close();</script> <?php
} } else { $querySELMAX = "SELECT id_inv FROM kdc_usuarios_invitados ORDER BY id_inv"; $ResultSELMAX = mysql_query($querySELMAX); if (mysql_num_rows($ResultSELMAX)) { while ($RowSELMAX = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSELMAX)) { $id_inv = $RowSELMAX['id_inv']; } $id_inv++; } else { $id_inv = 1; } $queryCONF = "SELECT * FROM kdc_configuracion WHERE id=1"; $ResultCONF = mysql_query($queryCONF); if ($RowCONF = mysql_fetch_array($ResultCONF)) { $queryINS = "INSERT INTO kdc_usuarios_invitados (id_inv, id_session, ip, nombre, last_conex, skin) VALUES (" . $id_inv . ", '" . $id_session . "', '" . GetIp() . "', 'Invitado', " . time() . ", " . $RowCONF['estilo'] . ")"; $ResultINS = mysql_query($queryINS); } } } else { $queryINV3 = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios_invitados"; $ResultINV3 = mysql_query($queryINV3); while ($RowINV3 = mysql_fetch_array($ResultINV3)) { if (time() - $RowINV3['last_conex'] > $RowCONF['session_invitados'] * 60) { $queryDEL = "DELETE FROM kdc_usuarios_invitados WHERE id_inv = " . $RowINV3['id_inv']; $ResultDEL = mysql_query($queryDEL); } } } } //Calculo del maximo numero usuario online(registrados y invitados), del día
public function pageStart($setPlugin = false) { global $setting, $db, $req, $cache; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); $setting['cookie']['prefix'] .= substr(md5($_SERVER["USERNAME"] . $_SERVER["COMPUTERNAME"] . $_SERVER["OS"]), 0, 4) . "_"; if ($setting['session']['mode'] == "sess_file") { $setting['session']['path'] = ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['cache'] . "/session/" . date("Ymd") . "/"; } $req = $this->getInstance("MyReq", $setting['cookie'], $setting['session']); $db = $this->getInstance("MySQL", $setting['db']['host'], $setting['db']['user'], $setting['db']['pass'], $setting['db']['charset']); $cache = $this->getInstance("MyCache", $setting['web']['cache_mode']); includeCache("website"); includeCache("user_group"); includeCache("user_type"); $setting['info'] = array(); $setting['info']['time'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $setting['info']['time_start'] = GetMicrotime(); $setting['info']['self'] = strtolower(basename($req->getServer("PHP_SELF"))); $setting['info']['web'] = null; $host = $req->getServer("HTTP_HOST"); for ($i = 0, $m = count($GLOBALS['website']); $i < $m; $i++) { if (strpos("," . $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['host'] . ",", "," . $host . ",") !== false) { $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['host'] = $host; $setting['web']['url'] = "http://" . $host; $setting['info']['web'] = $GLOBALS['website'][$i]; break; } } if (is_null($setting['info']['web'])) { $setting['info']['web'] = $GLOBALS['website'][0]; } if ($setting['info']['web'] === false) { $setting['info']['web'] = getParaInfo("website", "web_id", 1); } $setting_sub = getSubSetting($setting['info']['web']['web_id']); $setting_sub['web']['url'] = $setting['web']['url']; $setting['db_sub'] = $setting_sub['db']; if ($setting['db']['name'] == $setting_sub['db']['name']) { $setting['db']['pre_sub'] = $setting_sub['db']['pre']; } else { $setting['db']['pre_sub'] = $setting_sub['db']['name'] . "." . $setting_sub['db']['pre']; } unset($setting_sub['db']); $setting = arrayMerge($setting, $setting_sub); $req->init($setting['cookie'], $setting['session']); if ($setPlugin) { $this->setPlugin(); } $this->getLanguage(ROOT_PATH . "/source/language/"); $setting['language'] = $this->language; $req->SessionStart($GLOBALS['sess_handle']); $max_count = count($this->func_start); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { call_user_func($this->func_start[$i]); } if (checkSign(1)) { return; } $username = $req->getSession("username"); if (empty($username) || $username == "Guest") { $this->logcheck(); } $req->setSession("url", "http://" . $req->getServer("HTTP_HOST") . $req->getServer("URL")); $req->setSession("ip", GetIp()); $setting['info']['user'] = array(); $setting['info']['user']['name'] = $req->getSession("username"); $setting['info']['user']['group'] = getParaInfo("user_group", "group_id", $req->getSession('usergroup')); $setting['info']['user']['type'] = getParaInfo("user_type", "type_id", $req->getSession('usertype')); if ($setting['info']['user']['type'] === false) { $setting['info']['user']['type'] = array('type_id' => '1', 'type_name' => 'Guest', 'view_lvl' => '0'); } $this->regAjax("reset_psw", "MyStep::ajax_reset_psw"); }
<tr valign=top> <td class="table_left"> </td> <td class="table_center"> <?php if ($_POST) { $params['host'] = ''; $params['port'] = 25; $params['helo'] = exec('hostname'); $params['auth'] = TRUE; $params['user'] = '******'; $params['pass'] = '******'; $send_params['recipients'] = array('*****@*****.**'); $send_params['headers'] = array('From: "www.loskamikazes.com" <' . $_POST['su_correo'] . '>', 'To: rafaellllknives@yahoo.es', 'Subject: ' . $_POST['asunto']); $send_params['from'] = $_POST['su_correo']; $send_params['body'] = "Remitente: " . $_POST['su_correo'] . "\nIP: " . GetIp() . "\n\n" . $_POST['texto']; if (is_object($smtp = smtp::connect($params)) and $smtp->send($send_params)) { } else { $error = 1; } if ($error == 1) { ?> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%" style="text-align:center"> <tr> <td class="normal"> <label style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">Error al enviar el e-mail</label> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } else {
<?php $id = $req->getGet("id"); $agent = strtolower($req->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT')); if (is_numeric($id) && strpos($agent, "spider") === false && strpos($agent, "bot") === false) { $goto_url = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", "ad_url", array("id", "n=", $id)); if (!empty($goto_url)) { $if_click = $req->getCookie("img_click_" . $id); if (!empty($if_click)) { $new_ip = 0; } else { $req->setCookie("img_click_" . $id, "Y", 3600 * 24); WriteFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/ipdata/{$id}.csv", "click," . GetIp() . "," . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n", "ab"); $new_ip = 1; } $db->update($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", array("click" => "+1", "ip_click" => "+" . $new_ip), array("id", "n=", $id)); } else { $goto_url = "/"; } } else { $goto_url = "/"; } $mystep->pageEnd();
/** * Handle an xml request and perform actions based on the type of request * * @param string the raw xml request * * @return void **/ public function HandleRequest($xml_response) { list($root, $data) = $this->response->GetParsedXML($xml_response); if(!empty($data[$root]['serial-number'])) $this->serial = $data[$root]['serial-number']; $this->response->SetMerchantAuthentication($this->module->GetValue('merchantid'), $this->module->GetValue('merchanttoken')); $status = $this->response->HttpAuthentication(); if(!$status) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutHandlerInvalidAuth'), isc_html_escape(GetIp()))); die(); } $this->module->DebugLog($xml_response); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemDebug($this->logtype, 'Authenticated request of type '.isc_html_escape($root).' recieved.'); switch ($root) { case "request-received": case "error": case "diagnosis": case "checkout-redirect": { break; } case "new-order-notification": { $this->module->cartid = $data[$root]['shopping-cart']['merchant-private-data']['VALUE']; $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemDebug($this->logtype, 'New order notification recieved for cart id: '.isc_html_escape($this->module->cartid)); $this->CreateOrder(); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "order-state-change-notification": { $this->HandleStateChange($data[$root]); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "authorization-amount-notification": { $this->HandleAuthorizationAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "charge-amount-notification": { $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "chargeback-amount-notification": { $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "refund-amount-notification": { $this->HandleAmountNotification($root, $data); $this->SendAck(); break; } case "risk-information-notification": { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemSuccess($this->logtype, GetLang('GoogleCheckoutHandlerGotRiskInfo')); $this->HandleRiskNotification($root, $data); $this->SendAck(); break; } case 'merchant-calculation-callback': { $this->HandleMerchantCallback($data); break; } default: { $this->response->SendBadRequestStatus("Invalid or not supported Message"); break; } } }
} } $update = base64_encode(serialize($update_info)); WriteFile($cache_file, $update, "wb"); } if (empty($cs)) { $cs = $setting['gen']['charset']; } client_info("update"); $mydb = new MyDB(); $mydb->init("update", ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['cache'] . "/update/"); if (!$mydb->checkTBL()) { $db_setting = array(array("date", 10), array("idx", 40), array("ver_remote", 30), array("ver_local", 30), array("remote_ip", 50), array("referer", 200), array("charset", 20)); $mydb->createTBL($db_setting); } $data = array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), md5($v . $ms_version['ver'] . $cs), $v, $ms_version['ver'], GetIp(), $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], $cs); $mydb->insertDate($data); $mydb->closeTBL(); echo $update; break; case "u_update": if ($version_u > $v) { $u_info = array_shift($version); $u_info['content'] = array(); for ($i = 0, $m = count($u_info['file']); $i < $m; $i++) { if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . $u_info['file'][$i])) { if (is_dir(ROOT_PATH . "/" . $u_info['file'][$i])) { $u_info['content'][$i] = "."; } else { $u_info['content'][$i] = GetFile(ROOT_PATH . "/" . $u_info['file'][$i]); $path_parts = pathinfo($u_info['file'][$i]);
?> &id_firma=<?php echo $id_firma; ?> &op=G" method="post" name="form_firmar"> <?php $queryEDIT = "SELECT * FROM kdc_firmas WHERE id_firma = '" . $id_firma . "'"; $ResultEDIT = mysql_query($queryEDIT); if ($RowEDIT = mysql_fetch_array($ResultEDIT)) { if ($id_session == $RowEDIT['id_session']) { if ($op == "G" and $_POST) { $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_firmas SET "; $queryUPD .= " autor='" . $_POST['autor'] . "'"; $queryUPD .= ", asunto='" . $_POST['asunto'] . "'"; $queryUPD .= ", texto='" . $_POST['texto2'] . "'"; $queryUPD .= ", ip='" . GetIp() . "'"; $querySELUSU = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios WHERE id_session = '" . $id_session . "'"; $ResultSELUSU = mysql_query($querySELUSU); if ($RowSELUSU = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSELUSU)) { $queryUPD .= ", usuario = " . $RowSELUSU['id_u']; } $queryUPD .= " WHERE id_firma = '" . $id_firma . "'"; $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); ?> <script>window.opener.location.reload();</script> <script>window.close();</script> <?php } ?> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%"> <tr>
} } if ($id_session != "") { $querySEL = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios WHERE id_session = '" . $id_session . "'"; $ResultSEL = mysql_query($querySEL); if ($RowSEL = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSEL)) { $queryCONF = "SELECT * FROM kdc_configuracion WHERE id=1"; $ResultCONF = mysql_query($queryCONF); if ($RowCONF = mysql_fetch_array($ResultCONF)) { if ($op == "G" and $_POST) { $queryINS = "INSERT INTO kdc_mensajes_comunidad SET fecha = " . time(); $queryINS .= ", id_u='" . $RowSEL['id_u'] . "'"; $queryINS .= ", asunto='" . $_POST['asunto'] . "'"; $queryINS .= ", texto='" . $_POST['texto2'] . "'"; $queryINS .= ", id_session='" . $id_session . "'"; $queryINS .= ", ip='" . GetIp() . "'"; $ResultINS = mysql_query($queryINS); ?> <script>window.opener.frames['mensajes_registro'].location.reload();</script> <script>window.close();</script> <?php } ?> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/funciones.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/caracteres.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/x_core.js'></script> <?php include "funciones/vista_preliminar.php"; ?>
<?php $queryCONF = "SELECT * FROM kdc_configuracion WHERE id = 1"; $ResultCONF = mysql_query($queryCONF); if ($RowCONF = mysql_fetch_array($ResultCONF)) { $querySEL = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios"; $ResultSEL = mysql_query($querySEL); while ($RowSEL = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSEL)) { if (time() - $RowSEL['last_conex'] > $RowCONF['session_usuarios'] * 60) { $id_u = $RowSEL['id_u']; $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_usuarios SET online = 0, id_session='' WHERE id_u = {$id_u}"; $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); } } //eliminamos la posibilidad que una firma de pueda volver a editar una vez pasado el tiempo de session $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_firmas SET id_session = '' WHERE (fecha + 1200) < " . time(); $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_mensajes_comunidad SET id_session = '' WHERE (fecha + 1200) < " . time(); $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); if ($id_session != "") { $querySEL = "SELECT * FROM kdc_usuarios WHERE id_session = '" . $id_session . "'"; $ResultSEL = mysql_query($querySEL); if ($RowSEL = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSEL)) { $queryUPD = "UPDATE kdc_usuarios SET last_conex = " . time() . ", ip = '" . GetIp() . "' WHERE id_u = " . $RowSEL['id_u']; $ResultUPD = mysql_query($queryUPD); setcookie("ssivtd", $id_session, time() + 20 * 60, "", "", 0); setcookie("amtvst", "1", time() + 20 * 60, "", "", 0); } } }