Beispiel #1
function Show_Main()
    global $db;
    global $game;
    $pow_factor = 2;
    ///////////////////////// 1st Build in Progress
    if ($game->planet['unittrainid_nexttime'] > 0) {
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="350" class="style_outer"><tr><td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="350" class="style_inner"><tr><td>');
        if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . $game->planet['unittrain_actual']] <= 6) {
            $game->out(constant($game->sprache("Text1")) . ' <b>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$game->planet['unittrainid_' . $game->planet['unittrain_actual']] - 1] . '</b><br>
	' . constant($game->sprache("Text2")));
            if ($game->planet['unittrain_error'] == 0) {
                $game->out('<b id="timer3" title="time1_' . ($NEXT_TICK + TICK_DURATION * 60 * ($game->planet['unittrainid_nexttime'] - $ACTUAL_TICK)) . '_type1_1">&nbsp;</b>');
            } else {
                if ($game->planet['unittrain_error'] == 1) {
                    $game->out('<b>' . constant($game->sprache("Text3")) . '</b>');
                } else {
                    $game->out('<b>' . constant($game->sprache("Text36")) . '</b>');
        } else {
            $text = constant($game->sprache("Text26"));
            if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . $game->planet['unittrain_actual']] == 11) {
                $text = constant($game->sprache("Text27"));
            if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . $game->planet['unittrain_actual']] == 12) {
                $text = constant($game->sprache("Text28"));
            $game->out(constant($game->sprache("Text4")) . '- <b>' . $text . '</b><br>' . constant($game->sprache("Text5")) . '
<b id="timer3" title="time1_' . ($NEXT_TICK + TICK_DURATION * 60 * ($game->planet['unittrainid_nexttime'] - $ACTUAL_TICK)) . '_type1_1">&nbsp;</b>');
        $game->set_autorefresh($NEXT_TICK + TICK_DURATION * 60 * ($game->planet['unittrainid_nexttime'] - $ACTUAL_TICK));
    //////////////////////// 2nd Buildmenu
    $game->out('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400" class="style_outer">
  <tr><td width=100%><span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("Text6")) . '</span><br>
  <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=398 class="style_inner">');
    for ($t = 0; $t < 6; $t++) {
        if (UnitMetRequirements($t)) {
            $game->out('<tr height=20><td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . ($t + 1) . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . constant($game->sprache("Text8")) . GetAttackUnit($t) . constant($game->sprache("Text9")) . $UNIT_DATA[$t][5] . constant($game->sprache("Text10")) . GetDefenseUnit($t) . constant($game->sprache("Text9")) . $UNIT_DATA[$t][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . ' (' . $game->planet['unit_' . ($t + 1) . ''] . ')</a></b></td><td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_metal_small.gif"> ' . UnitPrice($t, 0) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_mineral_small.gif">' . UnitPrice($t, 1) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_latinum_small.gif"> ' . UnitPrice($t, 2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_worker_small.gif"> ' . UnitPrice($t, 3) . '</td><td>' . UnitTime($t) . '</td></tr>');
    $game->out('<br><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("Text11")) . HelpPopup('academy_1') . ' :</span><br><br>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400" class="style_outer"><tr><td width=100%><span class="sub_caption2">');
    if ($game->planet['unittrainid_nexttime'] > 0) {
    } else {
    $game->out('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400" class="style_inner">
<tr><td align="center">
<form name="academy" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=academy') . '"><input type="submit" name="start_list" class="button_nosize" value="' . constant($game->sprache("Text23")) . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="stop_list" class="button_nosize" value="' . constant($game->sprache("Text24")) . '"></form>

    $game->out('<br><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("Text14")) . ' ' . HelpPopup('academy_2') . ' :</span><br>');
    $game->out('<script language="JavaScript">
function UpdateTroops() {
    var tmpl = document.getElementById("templates_list");
    var units = tmpl.options[tmpl.selectedIndex].value.split(\',\',7);
    for (t=1;t<=6;t++)
        document.getElementById( "unit"+t ).firstChild.nodeValue = units[t];
    $game->out('<br><form name="academy" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=academy') . '">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400" class="style_outer">
  <tr><td width=100%><span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("Text38")) . '</span><br>
  <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=398 class="style_inner">');
    $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`name`,`min_unit_1`,`min_unit_2`,`min_unit_3`,
            `min_unit_4`,`unit_5` AS min_unit_5, `unit_6` AS min_unit_6
        FROM ship_templates
        WHERE removed <> 1 AND owner = ' . $game->player['user_id'];
    $templates = $db->query($sql);
    $game->out('<tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("Text39")) . '<select name="templates_list" id="templates_list" class="Select" size="1" onChange="UpdateTroops();"><option value="-1,0,0,0,0,0,0">' . constant($game->sprache("Text25")) . '</option>');
    while ($template = $db->fetchrow($templates)) {
        $game->out('<option value="' . $template['id'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_1'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_2'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_3'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_4'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_5'] . ',' . $template['min_unit_6'] . '">' . $template['name'] . '</option>');
    for ($t = 0; $t < 6; $t++) {
        $game->out('<td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . ($t + 1) . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<b id="unit' . ($t + 1) . '">0</b></td>');
    $game->out('<td><input type="submit" name="apply_template" class="button_nosize" value="' . constant($game->sprache("Text40")) . '"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form>');
    $game->out('<br><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400" class="style_outer"><tr><td width=100%>
<span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("Text15")) . '</span><br>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=398 class="style_inner">
<tr><td align="center">
<form name="academy" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=academy') . '">
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=280><tr><td>&nbsp;</td>' . constant($game->sprache("Text16")) . '</tr>');
    for ($t = 0; $t < 10; $t++) {
        if ($game->planet['unittrain_actual'] != $t + 1) {
            $game->out('<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td width=40>' . ($t + 1) . ':</td>');
        } else {
            $game->out('<tr><td><img src="' . $game->PLAIN_GFX_PATH . 'arrow_right.png"></td><td width=40><b><u>' . ($t + 1) . '</u></b>:</td>');
        $game->out('<td width=150><select name="listid_' . $t . '" class="Select" size="1"><option value="-1">' . constant($game->sprache("Text25")) . '</option>');
        if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . ($t + 1)] == 10) {
        } else {
        if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . ($t + 1)] == 11) {
        } else {
        if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . ($t + 1)] == 12) {
        } else {
        for ($u = 0; $u < 6; $u++) {
            if (UnitMetRequirements($u)) {
                if ($game->planet['unittrainid_' . ($t + 1)] == $u + 1) {
                    $game->out('<option value="' . ($u + 1) . '" selected>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$u] . '</option>');
                } else {
                    $game->out('<option value="' . ($u + 1) . '">' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$u] . '</option>');
        $number = $game->planet['unittrainnumber_' . ($t + 1)];
        if ($game->planet['unittrainendless_' . ($t + 1)] != 1) {
            $number = $game->planet['unittrainnumberleft_' . ($t + 1)];
<input type="text" name="listnumber_' . $t . '" value="' . $number . '" class="Field_nosize" size="10" maxlength="5">
<input type="checkbox" name="listendless_' . $t . '" value="1" ' . ($game->planet['unittrainendless_' . ($t + 1)] ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '>

    $game->out('</table>' . constant($game->sprache("Text19")) . '&nbsp;<img src="' . $game->PLAIN_GFX_PATH . 'arrow_right.png">&nbsp;' . constant($game->sprache("Text19a")) . '<br>
<input type="submit" name="exec_list" class="button_nosize" value="' . constant($game->sprache("Text22")) . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="submit" name="reset_list" class="button_nosize" value="' . constant($game->sprache("Text35")) . '"></form></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>');
				<td align=center ' . $style . '>
					<b>(' . $game->planet['building_' . $blt . ''] . ')</b>
$game->out('<fieldset><legend><span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ':</span></legend>
<table border=0 width=210>');
for ($t = 0; $t < 6; $t++) {
    $style = $t < 5 ? 'style="border-bottom-color:A0A0A0; border-bottom-style:dotted; border-bottom-width:1px"' : '';
			<td ' . $style . '>
				<img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . ($t + 1) . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . '<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT56")) . '</u> ' . GetAttackUnit($t) . ' (Standard: ' . $UNIT_DATA[$t][5] . ')<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT57")) . '</u> ' . GetDefenseUnit($t) . ' (Standard: ' . $UNIT_DATA[$t][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$t] . '</a>
			<td align=center ' . $style . '>
				<b>(' . $game->planet['unit_' . ($t + 1) . ''] . ')</b>
<td valign=top>
<fieldset><legend><span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52")) . ':</span></legend>
<table border=0 width=210>');
for ($tech = 0; $tech < 5; $tech++) {
    $style = $tech < 4 ? 'style="border-bottom-color:A0A0A0; border-bottom-style:dotted; border-bottom-width:1px"' : '';
Beispiel #3
function UnitFight($atk_units, $atk_race, $dfd_units, $dfd_race, $move_id)
    global $RACE_DATA;
    $atk_alive = $atk_units;
    $dfd_alive = $dfd_units;
    $total_dmg[0] = $atk_alive[0] * GetAttackUnit(0, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[1] * GetAttackUnit(1, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[2] * GetAttackUnit(2, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[3] * GetAttackUnit(3, $atk_race) + $RACE_DATA[$atk_race][21] * $atk_alive[4] * 0.2;
    $total_dmg[1] = $dfd_alive[0] * GetAttackUnit(0, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[1] * GetAttackUnit(1, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[2] * GetAttackUnit(2, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[3] * GetAttackUnit(3, $dfd_race) + $RACE_DATA[$dfd_race][21] * $dfd_alive[4];
    $total_dfd[0] = $atk_alive[0] * GetDefenseUnit(0, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[1] * GetDefenseUnit(1, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[2] * GetDefenseUnit(2, $atk_race) + $atk_alive[3] * GetDefenseUnit(3, $atk_race) + $RACE_DATA[$atk_race][21] * $atk_alive[4] * 0.25;
    $total_dfd[1] = $dfd_alive[0] * GetDefenseUnit(0, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[1] * GetDefenseUnit(1, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[2] * GetDefenseUnit(2, $dfd_race) + $dfd_alive[3] * GetDefenseUnit(3, $dfd_race) + $RACE_DATA[$dfd_race][21] * $dfd_alive[4] * 1.3;
    // Defenders and attackers should never be zero, but since
    // it happened one time let's add a little check here...
    if ($total_dfd[1] == 0) {
        $total_dfd[1] = 1;
    if ($total_dfd[0] == 0) {
        $total_dfd[0] = 1;
    if ($total_dmg[0] / $total_dfd[1] > $total_dmg[1] / $total_dfd[0]) {
        // Attacker Wins:
        $percent = $total_dfd[1] / $total_dmg[0];
        $total_dmg[1] *= $percent;
        // Dfd Dmg on Worker:
        if ($total_dmg[1] >= $RACE_DATA[$atk_race][21] * 2 * $atk_alive[4]) {
            $total_dmg[1] -= $RACE_DATA[$atk_race][21] * 2 * $atk_alive[4];
            $atk_alive[4] = 0;
        } else {
            $atk_alive[4] -= $total_dmg[1] / ($RACE_DATA[$atk_race][21] * 2);
            $total_dmg[1] = 0;
        // Dfd Dmg:
        for ($t = 0; $t < 4; $t++) {
            if ($total_dmg[1] <= 0) {
            if ($total_dmg[1] >= GetDefenseUnit($t, $atk_race) * $atk_alive[$t]) {
                $total_dmg[1] -= GetDefenseUnit($t, $atk_race) * $atk_alive[$t];
                $atk_alive[$t] = 0;
            } else {
                $atk_alive[$t] -= $total_dmg[1] / GetDefenseUnit($t, $atk_race);
                $total_dmg[1] = 0;
        $dfd_alive = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
        $percent = $total_dmg[0] / $total_dmg[1];
        $total_dmg[0] *= $percent;
        // Atk Dmg on Worker:
        if ($total_dmg[0] >= $RACE_DATA[$dfd_race][21] * 2 * $dfd_alive[4]) {
            $total_dmg[0] -= $RACE_DATA[$dfd_race][21] * 2 * $dfd_alive[4];
            $dfd_alive[4] = 0;
        } else {
            $dfd_alive[4] -= $total_dmg[0] / ($RACE_DATA[$dfd_race][21] * 2);
            $total_dmg[0] = 0;
        // Atk Dmg:
        for ($t = 0; $t < 4; $t++) {
            if ($total_dmg[0] <= 0) {
            if ($total_dmg[0] >= GetDefenseUnit($t, $dfd_race) * $dfd_alive[$t]) {
                $total_dmg[0] -= GetDefenseUnit($t, $dfd_race) * $dfd_alive[$t];
                $dfd_alive[$t] = 0;
            } else {
                $dfd_alive[$t] -= $total_dmg[0] / GetDefenseUnit($t, $dfd_race);
                $total_dmg[0] = 0;
        $atk_alive = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    for ($t = 0; $t < 5; $t++) {
        if ($dfd_alive[$t] < 0) {
            $dfd_alive[$t] = 0;
        if ($atk_alive[$t] < 0) {
            $atk_alive[$t] = 0;
        if ($dfd_alive[$t] > $dfd_units[$t]) {
            $dfd_alive[$t] = $dfd_units[$t];
        if ($atk_alive[$t] > $atk_units[$t]) {
            $atk_alive[$t] = $atk_units[$t];
        $dfd_alive[$t] = round($dfd_alive[$t]);
        $atk_alive[$t] = round($atk_alive[$t]);
    return array(0 => $atk_alive, 1 => $dfd_alive);
Beispiel #4
function Show_Build()
    global $db;
    global $game;
    if ($_REQUEST['count'] <= 0) {
    ///////////////////////// 3rd Ship template menu
    $game->out('<span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT45")) . ' ' . HelpPopup('shipyard_2') . ':</span><br><br>');
    $game->out('<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=400 class="style_outer"><tr><td>');
    $templatequery = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ship_templates WHERE (owner="' . $game->player['user_id'] . '") AND (removed=0) AND (id="' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '")');
    if (($template = $db->fetchrow($templatequery)) != true) {
    $maxunit[0] = $maxunit[1] = $maxunit[2] = $maxunit[3] = 0;
    if ($game->planet['unit_1'] > 0) {
        $maxunit[0] = floor($game->planet['unit_1'] / $_REQUEST['count']);
    } else {
        $maxunit[0] = 0;
    if ($game->planet['unit_2'] > 0) {
        $maxunit[1] = floor($game->planet['unit_2'] / $_REQUEST['count']);
    } else {
        $maxunit[1] = 0;
    if ($game->planet['unit_3'] > 0) {
        $maxunit[2] = floor($game->planet['unit_3'] / $_REQUEST['count']);
    } else {
        $maxunit[2] = 0;
    if ($game->planet['unit_4'] > 0) {
        $maxunit[3] = floor($game->planet['unit_4'] / $_REQUEST['count']);
    } else {
        $maxunit[3] = 0;
    if ($maxunit[0] > $template['max_unit_1']) {
        $maxunit[0] = $template['max_unit_1'];
    if ($maxunit[1] > $template['max_unit_2']) {
        $maxunit[1] = $template['max_unit_2'];
    if ($maxunit[2] > $template['max_unit_3']) {
        $maxunit[2] = $template['max_unit_3'];
    if ($maxunit[3] > $template['max_unit_4']) {
        $maxunit[3] = $template['max_unit_4'];
    $game->out('<span class="sub_caption2">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . ' "' . $_REQUEST['count'] . 'x <a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . CreateInfoText($template) . '\', CAPTION, \'' . addslashes($template['name']) . '\', WIDTH, 500, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><span class="sub_caption2">' . $template['name'] . '</span></a>" ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT47")) . '</span><br>

<form name="send" method="post" action="index.php?a=shipyard&a2=start_build&id=' . $template['id'] . '" onSubmit="return document.send.submit.disabled = true;">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function maximum()
document.getElementsByName("count1")[0].value=' . $maxunit[0] . ';
document.getElementsByName("count2")[0].value=' . $maxunit[1] . ';
document.getElementsByName("count3")[0].value=' . $maxunit[2] . ';
document.getElementsByName("count4")[0].value=' . $maxunit[3] . ';

<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_inner" width=400>


<td width=200><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . 1 . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][0] . '<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</u> ' . GetAttackUnit(0) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[0][5] . ')<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</u> ' . GetDefenseUnit(0) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[0][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][0] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><b>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][0] . ' </b></a>

&nbsp;(' . $template['min_unit_1'] . '-' . $template['max_unit_1'] . ')


<td width=200><input type="text" name="count1" size="6" class="field_nosize" value="' . $template['min_unit_1'] . '"></td>



<td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . 2 . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][1] . '<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</u> ' . GetAttackUnit(1) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[1][5] . ')<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</u> ' . GetDefenseUnit(1) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[1][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][1] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><b>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][1] . ' </b></a>

&nbsp;(' . $template['min_unit_2'] . '-' . $template['max_unit_2'] . ')


<td><input type="text" name="count2" size="6" class="field_nosize" value="' . $template['min_unit_2'] . '"></td>



<td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . 3 . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][2] . '<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</u> ' . GetAttackUnit(2) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[2][5] . ')<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</u> ' . GetDefenseUnit(2) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[2][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][2] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><b>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][2] . ' </b></a>

&nbsp;(' . $template['min_unit_3'] . '-' . $template['max_unit_3'] . ')


<td><input type="text" name="count3" size="6" class="field_nosize" value="' . $template['min_unit_3'] . '"></td>



<td><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit' . 4 . '_small.gif">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $UNIT_DESCRIPTION[$game->player['user_race']][3] . '<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</u> ' . GetAttackUnit(3) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[3][5] . ')<br><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</u> ' . GetDefenseUnit(3) . ' (' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . ' ' . $UNIT_DATA[3][6] . ')\', CAPTION, \'' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][3] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><b>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][3] . ' </b></a>

&nbsp;(' . $template['min_unit_4'] . '-' . $template['max_unit_4'] . ')


<td><input type="text" name="count4" size="6" class="field_nosize" value="' . $template['min_unit_4'] . '"></td>


<td colspan=2 align="center">

</b><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</i>
<br><a href="javascript:maximum();"><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT49")) . '</u></a>

<input type="hidden" name="correct_start" value="1">

<input type="hidden" name="count" value="' . $_REQUEST['count'] . '">

<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="line_request" value=' . $_REQUEST['line_request'] . '><br>

<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value ="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT50")) . '">




