Beispiel #1

include '';
require_once './benchmarks/';
$page_keywords = array('Benchmarks', 'Webpagetest', 'Website Speed Test', 'Page Speed');
$page_description = "WebPagetest benchmark details";
$aggregate = 'median';
if (array_key_exists('aggregate', $_REQUEST)) {
    $aggregate = $_REQUEST['aggregate'];
$benchmark = '';
if (array_key_exists('benchmark', $_REQUEST)) {
    $benchmark = $_REQUEST['benchmark'];
    $info = GetBenchmarkInfo($benchmark);
    if (array_key_exists('options', $info) && array_key_exists('median_run', $info['options'])) {
        $median_metric = $info['options']['median_run'];
$url = '';
if (array_key_exists('url', $_REQUEST)) {
    $url = $_REQUEST['url'];
if (array_key_exists('f', $_REQUEST)) {
    $out_data = array();
} else {
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>WebPagetest - Benchmark trended URL</title>
Beispiel #2
* Generate aggregate metrics for the given test
* @param mixed $benchmark
* @param mixed $state
function AggregateResults($benchmark, &$state, $options)
    global $logFile;
    if (!is_dir("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate")) {
        mkdir("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate", 0777, true);
    if (is_file("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json")) {
        $info = json_decode(file_get_contents("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json"), true);
    } else {
        $info = array('runs' => array());
    if (!array_key_exists('runs', $info)) {
        $info['runs'] = array();
    // store a list of metrics that we aggregate in the info block
    $info['metrics'] = array('TTFB', 'basePageSSLTime', 'bytesOut', 'bytesOutDoc', 'bytesIn', 'bytesInDoc', 'connections', 'requests', 'requestsDoc', 'render', 'fullyLoaded', 'docTime', 'domTime', 'score_cache', 'score_cdn', 'score_gzip', 'score_keep-alive', 'score_compress', 'gzip_total', 'gzip_savings', 'image_total', 'image_savings', 'domElements', 'titleTime', 'loadEvent-Time', 'domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domContentLoadedEvent-Time', 'visualComplete', 'lastVisualChange', 'js_bytes', 'js_requests', 'css_bytes', 'css_requests', 'image_bytes', 'image_requests', 'flash_bytes', 'flash_requests', 'html_bytes', 'html_requests', 'text_bytes', 'text_requests', 'other_bytes', 'other_requests', 'SpeedIndex', 'responses_404', 'responses_other', 'browser_version', 'server_rtt', 'docCPUms');
    require_once 'benchmarks/';
    $bmSettings = GetBenchmarkInfo($benchmark);
    if (isset($bmSettings) && is_array($bmSettings) && array_key_exists('metrics', $bmSettings) && is_array($bmSettings['metrics'])) {
        foreach ($bmSettings['metrics'] as $metric => $label) {
            $info['metrics'][] = $metric;
    // loop through all of the runs and see which ones we don't have aggregates for
    $runs = array_reverse($state['runs']);
    foreach ($runs as $run_time) {
        if (!array_key_exists($run_time, $info['runs'])) {
            $file_name = "./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/data/" . gmdate('Ymd_Hi', $run_time) . '.json';
            logMsg("Aggregating Results for {$file_name}", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
            if (gz_is_file($file_name)) {
                $data = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents($file_name), true);
                FilterRawData($data, $options);
                CreateAggregates($info, $data, $benchmark, $run_time, $options);
                $info['runs'][$run_time] = 1;
            } else {
                logMsg("Missing data file - {$file_name}", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
    file_put_contents("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json", json_encode($info));
    $state['needs_aggregation'] = false;
    logMsg("Agregation complete", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
Beispiel #3
* Load the test data and keep just the median run for each config
function LoadMedianData($benchmark, $test_time)
    global $median_data;
    global $raw_data;
    if (!isset($median_data)) {
        // see if we have a custom metric to use to calculate the median for the given benchmark
        $info = GetBenchmarkInfo($benchmark);
        $median_metric = 'docTime';
        if (isset($info) && is_array($info) && array_key_exists('options', $info) && array_key_exists('median_run', $info['options'])) {
            $median_metric = $info['options']['median_run'];
        $date = gmdate('Ymd_Hi', $test_time);
        $data_file = "./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/data/{$date}.json";
        $key = "{$benchmark}-{$date}";
        if (gz_is_file($data_file)) {
            if (!array_key_exists($key, $raw_data)) {
                $raw_data[$key] = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents($data_file), true);
                usort($raw_data[$key], 'RawDataCompare');
            if (count($raw_data[$key])) {
                $tests = array();
                // group the results by test ID
                foreach ($raw_data[$key] as &$row) {
                    if (array_key_exists($median_metric, $row) && ($row['result'] == 0 || $row['result'] == 99999)) {
                        $id = $row['id'];
                        $cached = $row['cached'];
                        $key = "{$id}-{$cached}";
                        if (!array_key_exists($key, $tests)) {
                            $tests[$key] = array();
                        $tests[$key][] = $row;
                // extract just the median runs
                $median_data = array();
                foreach ($tests as &$test) {
                    $times = array();
                    foreach ($test as $row) {
                        $times[] = $row[$median_metric];
                    $median_run_index = 0;
                    $count = count($times);
                    if ($count > 1) {
                        $medianIndex = (int) floor(((double) $count + 1.0) / 2.0);
                        $current = 0;
                        foreach ($times as $index => $time) {
                            if ($current == $medianIndex) {
                                $median_run_index = $index;
                    $row = $test[$median_run_index];
                    if (array_key_exists('cached', $row) && array_key_exists('url', $row) && array_key_exists('config', $row) && array_key_exists('location', $row)) {
                        $url = $row['url'];
                        if (array_key_exists('label', $row) && strlen($row['label'])) {
                            $url = $row['label'];
                        $config = $row['config'];
                        $location = $row['location'];
                        $cached = $row['cached'];
                        if (isset($loc_aliases) && count($loc_aliases)) {
                            foreach ($loc_aliases as $loc_name => &$aliases) {
                                foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                                    if ($location == $alias) {
                                        $location = $loc_name;
                                        break 2;
                        if (!array_key_exists($config, $median_data)) {
                            $median_data[$config] = array();
                        if (!array_key_exists($location, $median_data[$config])) {
                            $median_data[$config][$location] = array();
                        if (!array_key_exists($cached, $median_data[$config][$location])) {
                            $median_data[$config][$location][$cached] = array();
                        $median_data[$config][$location][$cached][$url] = $row;