Beispiel #1
 * Process our request
 * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code
 *               array[]
function _GalleryMain($embedded = false)
    global $gallery;
    $main = array();
    $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator();
    /* Figure out the target view/controller */
    list($viewName, $controllerName) = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('view', 'controller');
    $gallery->debug("controller {$controllerName}, view {$viewName}");
    /* Check if core module needs upgrading */
    list($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core', true);
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    $installedVersions = $core->getInstalledVersions();
    if ($installedVersions['core'] != $core->getVersion()) {
        if ($redirectUrl = @$gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) {
            /* Maintenance mode -- redirect if given url, else simple message */
            if ($redirectUrl === true) {
                print $core->translate('Site is temporarily down for maintenance.');
        } else {
            $gallery->debug('Redirect to the upgrade wizard, core module version is out of date');
            $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->getCurrentUrlDir(true) . 'upgrade/index.php';
        return array(null, _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl));
    $ret = GalleryInitSecondPass();
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    /* Load and run the appropriate controller */
    $results = array();
    if (!empty($controllerName)) {
        list($ret, $controller) = GalleryController::loadController($controllerName);
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
        if (!$embedded && $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only') && !$controller->isAllowedInEmbedOnly()) {
            /* Lock out direct access when embed-only is set */
            return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED, __FILE__, __LINE__), null);
        if ($gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance') && !$controller->isAllowedInMaintenance()) {
            /* Maintenance mode - allow admins, else redirect to given or standard url */
            list($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
            if (!$isAdmin) {
                if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) === true) {
                    $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('view' => 'core.MaintenanceMode'), array('forceFullUrl' => true));
                return array(null, _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl));
        /* Get our form and return variables */
        $form = GalleryUtilities::getFormVariables('form');
        /* Let the controller handle the input */
        list($ret, $results) = $controller->handleRequest($form);
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
        /* Check to make sure we got back everything we want */
        if (!isset($results['status']) || !isset($results['error']) || !isset($results['redirect']) && !isset($results['delegate']) && !isset($results['return'])) {
            return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'Controller results are missing status, ' . 'error, (redirect, delegate, return)'), null);
        /* Try to return if the controller instructs it */
        if (!empty($results['return'])) {
            list($ret, $navigationLinks) = $urlGenerator->getNavigationLinks(1);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
            if (count($navigationLinks) > 0) {
                /* Go back to the previous navigation point in our history */
                $redirectUrl = $navigationLinks[0]['url'];
            } else {
                $redirectUrl = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('return');
                if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
                    $redirectUrl = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('formUrl');
        /* Failing that, redirect if so instructed */
        if (empty($redirectUrl) && !empty($results['redirect'])) {
             * If we have a status, store its data in the session and attach it
             * to the URL.
            if (!empty($results['status'])) {
                $session =& $gallery->getSession();
                $results['redirect']['statusId'] = $session->putStatus($results['status']);
            $urlToGenerate = $results['redirect'];
            /* Keep our navId in the URL */
            $navId = $urlGenerator->getNavigationId();
            if (!empty($navId)) {
                $urlToGenerate['navId'] = $navId;
            $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl($urlToGenerate, array('forceFullUrl' => true));
        /* If we have a redirect url.. use it */
        if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
            return array(null, _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, $controllerName));
        /* Let the controller specify the next view */
        if (!empty($results['delegate'])) {
            /* Load any errors into the request */
            if (!empty($results['error'])) {
                foreach ($results['error'] as $error) {
                    GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable($error, 1);
            /* Save the view name, put the rest into the request so the view can get it */
            foreach ($results['delegate'] as $key => $value) {
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'view':
                        $viewName = $value;
                        GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable($key, $value);
    /* Load and run the appropriate view */
    if (empty($viewName)) {
        $viewName = GALLERY_DEFAULT_VIEW;
        GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable('view', $viewName);
    list($ret, $view) = GalleryView::loadView($viewName);
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    if ($gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance') && !$view->isAllowedInMaintenance()) {
        /* Maintenance mode - allow admins, else redirect to given url or show standard view */
        list($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup();
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
        if (!$isAdmin) {
            if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) !== true) {
                return array(null, _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl));
            $viewName = 'core.MaintenanceMode';
            list($ret, $view) = GalleryView::loadView($viewName);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    if (!$embedded && $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only') && !$view->isAllowedInEmbedOnly()) {
        /* Lock out direct access when embed-only is set */
        return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED, __FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    /* Check if the page is cached and return the cached version, else generate the page */
    list($ret, $shouldCache) = GalleryDataCache::shouldCache('read', 'full');
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    $html = '';
    if ($shouldCache) {
        $session =& $gallery->getSession();
        list($ret, $html) = GalleryDataCache::getPageData('page', $urlGenerator->getCacheableUrl());
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
    if (!empty($html)) {
         * TODO: If we cache all the headers and replay them here, we could send a 304 not
         * modified back
        $session =& $gallery->getSession();
        $html = $session->replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary($html);
        /* Set the appropriate charset in our HTTP header */
        if (!headers_sent()) {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
        print $html;
        $data['isDone'] = true;
    } else {
        /* Initialize our container for template data */
         * If we render directly to the browser, we need get a session before,
         * or no session at all
        if ($view->isImmediate() || $viewName == 'core.ProgressBar') {
             * Session: Find out whether we need to send a cookie & get a new sessionId and save it
             * (make sure there's a sessionId before starting to render, but only if we need a
             * session)
            $session =& $gallery->getSession();
            $ret = $session->start();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
            /* From now on, don't add navid / sessionId to URLs if there's no persistent session */
         * If this is an immediate view, it will send its own output directly.  This is
         * used in the situation where we want to send back data that's not controlled by the
         * layout.  That's usually something that's not user-visible like a binary file.
        $data = array();
        if ($view->isImmediate()) {
            $status = isset($results['status']) ? $results['status'] : array();
            $error = isset($results['error']) ? $results['error'] : array();
            $ret = $view->renderImmediate($status, $error);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
            $data['isDone'] = true;
        } else {
            $template = new GalleryTemplate(dirname(__FILE__));
            list($ret, $results, $theme) = $view->doLoadTemplate($template);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
            if (isset($results['redirect']) || isset($results['redirectUrl'])) {
                if (isset($results['redirectUrl'])) {
                    $redirectUrl = $results['redirectUrl'];
                } else {
                    $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl($results['redirect'], array('forceFullUrl' => true));
                return array(null, _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, $template));
            if (empty($results['body'])) {
                return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'View results are missing body file'), null);
            $templatePath = 'gallery:' . $results['body'];
            $template->setVariable('l10Domain', $theme->getL10Domain());
            $template->setVariable('isEmbedded', $embedded);
            if ($viewName == 'core.ProgressBar') {
                /* Render progress bar pages immediately so that the user sees the bar moving */
                $ret = $template->display($templatePath);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                $data['isDone'] = true;
            } else {
                list($ret, $html) = $template->fetch($templatePath);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                $html = preg_replace('/^\\s+/m', '', $html);
                list($ret, $shouldCache) = GalleryDataCache::shouldCache('write', 'full');
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                if ($shouldCache && $results['cacheable']) {
                    $htmlForCache = $html;
                 * Session: Find out whether we need to send a cookie & need a new session
                 * (only if we don't have one yet)
                $session =& $gallery->getSession();
                $ret = $session->start();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                $html = $session->replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary($html);
                if ($embedded) {
                    $data = $theme->splitHtml($html, $results);
                    $data['themeData'] =& $template->getVariableByReference('theme');
                    $data['isDone'] = false;
                } else {
                    /* Set the appropriate charset in our HTTP header */
                    if (!headers_sent()) {
                        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
                    print $html;
                    if ($shouldCache && $results['cacheable']) {
                        $session =& $gallery->getSession();
                        if ($session->getId() != SESSION_TEMP_ID) {
                            $htmlForCache = str_replace($session->getId(), SESSION_TEMP_ID, $htmlForCache);
                        $ret = GalleryDataCache::putPageData('page', $results['cacheable'], $urlGenerator->getCacheableUrl(), $htmlForCache);
                        if ($ret) {
                            return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                    $data['isDone'] = true;
    return array(null, $data);
 function getTree(&$xmap, &$parent, $params)
     if (!file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_g2bridge' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'g2bridgecore.class.php')) {
         return false;
     require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_g2bridge' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'g2bridgecore.class.php';
     $link_query = parse_url($parent->link);
     parse_str(html_entity_decode($link_query['query']), $link_vars);
     $view = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($link_vars, 'view', 'gallery');
     $rootAlbum = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($link_vars, 'g2_itemId', -1);
     if (!G2BridgeCore::loadSettings()) {
         return false;
     global $gallery;
     $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator();
     $ret = GalleryInitSecondPass();
     if ($ret) {
         return false;
     $menu =& JSite::getMenu();
     $g2params = $menu->getParams($parent->id);
     if ($rootAlbum == -1) {
         // If the album id is not in the url of the parent item, then look at the menu params
         // ItemID of the root album
         $rootAlbum = $g2params->get("alb_id", -1);
     if ($rootAlbum != -1) {
         $rootId = $rootAlbum;
     } else {
         $rootId = 7;
     // Fetch all items contained in the root album
     list($ret, $rootItems) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildItemIdsWithPermission($rootId, 'core.view');
     if ($ret) {
         return null;
     //  init params
     $include_items = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($params, 'include_items', 1);
     $include_items = $include_items == 1 || $include_items == 2 && $xmap->view == 'xml' || $include_items == 3 && $xmap->view == 'html' || $xmap->view == 'navigator';
     $params['include_items'] = $include_items;
     $priority = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($params, 'cat_priority', $parent->priority);
     $changefreq = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($params, 'cat_changefreq', $parent->changefreq);
     if ($priority == '-1') {
         $priority = $parent->priority;
     if ($changefreq == '-1') {
         $changefreq = $parent->changefreq;
     $params['cat_priority'] = $priority;
     $params['cat_changefreq'] = $changefreq;
     $priority = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($params, 'item_priority', $parent->priority);
     $changefreq = xmap_com_g2bridge::getParam($params, 'item_changefreq', $parent->changefreq);
     if ($priority == '-1') {
         $priority = $parent->priority;
     if ($changefreq == '-1') {
         $changefreq = $parent->changefreq;
     $params['item_priority'] = $priority;
     $params['item_changefreq'] = $changefreq;
     // Recurse through the whole album tree
     xmap_com_g2bridge::getG2Tree($xmap, $parent, $params, $rootItems, $urlGenerator);
Beispiel #3
 * Process our request.
 * @return array GalleryStatus a status code
 *               array
function _GalleryMain($embedded = false, $template = null)
    global $gallery;
    $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator();
    /* Figure out the target view/controller */
    list($controllerName, $viewName) = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('controller', 'view');
    $controllerName = is_string($controllerName) ? $controllerName : null;
    $viewName = is_string($viewName) ? $viewName : null;
    $gallery->debug("controller {$controllerName}, view {$viewName}");
    /* Check if core module needs upgrading */
    list($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core', true);
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret, null);
    $installedVersions = $core->getInstalledVersions();
    if ($installedVersions['core'] != $core->getVersion()) {
        if ($redirectUrl = @$gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) {
            /* Maintenance mode - redirect if given URL, else simple message */
            if ($redirectUrl === true) {
                header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
                print $core->translate('Site is temporarily down for maintenance.');
        } else {
            $gallery->debug('Redirect to the upgrade wizard, core module version is out of date');
            $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->getCurrentUrlDir(true) . 'upgrade/index.php';
        list($ignored, $results) = _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, null, true);
        return array(null, $results);
    $ret = GalleryInitSecondPass();
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret, null);
    /* Load and run the appropriate controller */
    $results = array();
    if (!empty($controllerName)) {
        list($ret, $controller) = GalleryController::loadController($controllerName);
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);
        if (!$embedded && $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only') && !$controller->isAllowedInEmbedOnly()) {
            /* Lock out direct access when embed-only is set */
            if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only')) === true) {
                return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED), null);
            list($ignored, $results) = _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, null, true);
            return array(null, $results);
        if ($gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance') && !$controller->isAllowedInMaintenance()) {
            /* Maintenance mode - allow admins, else redirect to given or standard URL */
            list($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
            if (!$isAdmin) {
                if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) === true) {
                    $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('view' => 'core.MaintenanceMode'), array('forceFullUrl' => true));
                list($ignored, $results) = _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, null, true);
                return array(null, $results);
        /* Get our form and return variables */
        $form = GalleryUtilities::getFormVariables('form');
        /* Verify the genuineness of the request */
        if (!$controller->omitAuthTokenCheck()) {
            $ret = GalleryController::assertIsGenuineRequest();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
        /* Let the controller handle the input */
        list($ret, $results) = $controller->handleRequest($form);
        if ($ret) {
            list($ret, $results) = $controller->permissionCheck($ret);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
        /* Check to make sure we got back everything we want */
        if (!isset($results['status']) || !isset($results['error']) || !isset($results['redirect']) && !isset($results['delegate']) && !isset($results['return'])) {
            return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'Controller results are missing status, error, (redirect, delegate, return)'), null);
        /* Try to return if the controller instructs it */
        if (!empty($results['return'])) {
            $redirectUrl = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('return');
            if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
                $redirectUrl = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('formUrl');
        /* Failing that, redirect if so instructed */
        if (empty($redirectUrl) && !empty($results['redirect'])) {
            /* If we have a status, store its data in the session */
            if (!empty($results['status'])) {
                $session =& $gallery->getSession();
            $urlToGenerate = $results['redirect'];
            $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl($urlToGenerate, array('forceFullUrl' => true));
        /* If we have a redirect URL use it */
        if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
            return _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, $controllerName);
        /* Let the controller specify the next view */
        if (!empty($results['delegate'])) {
            /* Load any errors into the request */
            if (!empty($results['error'])) {
                foreach ($results['error'] as $error) {
                    GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable($error, 1);
            /* Save the view name, put the rest into the request so the view can get it */
            foreach ($results['delegate'] as $key => $value) {
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'view':
                        $viewName = $value;
                        GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable($key, $value);
    /* Load and run the appropriate view */
    if (empty($viewName)) {
        $viewName = GALLERY_DEFAULT_VIEW;
        GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable('view', $viewName);
    list($ret, $view) = GalleryView::loadView($viewName);
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret, null);
    if ($gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance') && !$view->isAllowedInMaintenance()) {
        /* Maintenance mode - allow admins, else redirect to given url or show standard view */
        list($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup();
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);
        if (!$isAdmin) {
            if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.maintenance')) !== true) {
                list($ignored, $results) = _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, null, null, true);
                return array(null, $results);
            $viewName = 'core.MaintenanceMode';
            list($ret, $view) = GalleryView::loadView($viewName);
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
    if (!$embedded && $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only') && !$view->isAllowedInEmbedOnly()) {
        /* Lock out direct access when embed-only is set */
        if (($redirectUrl = $gallery->getConfig('mode.embed.only')) === true) {
            return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED), null);
        return _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl);
    /* Check if the page is cached and return the cached version, else generate the page */
    list($ret, $shouldCache) = GalleryDataCache::shouldCache('read', 'full');
    if ($ret) {
        return array($ret, null);
    $html = '';
    if ($shouldCache) {
        $session =& $gallery->getSession();
        list($ret, $html) = GalleryDataCache::getPageData('page', $urlGenerator->getCacheableUrl());
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);
        if (!empty($html) && $embedded) {
            /* Also get the theme data */
            list($ret, $themeData) = GalleryDataCache::getPageData('theme', $urlGenerator->getCacheableUrl());
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
    if (!empty($html) && (!$embedded || !empty($themeData))) {
        /* TODO: If we cache all the headers and replay them here, we could send a 304 back */
        $session =& $gallery->getSession();
        if (!$embedded) {
            /* Set the appropriate charset in our HTTP header */
            if (!headers_sent()) {
                header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
            print $session->replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary($html);
            $data['isDone'] = true;
        } else {
            $html = unserialize($html);
            $themeData = unserialize($themeData);
            $data = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($html);
            $data['themeData'] = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($themeData);
            $data['isDone'] = false;
    } else {
        /* Initialize our container for template data */
        if ($view->isControllerLike()) {
            /* Verify the genuineness of the request */
            $ret = GalleryController::assertIsGenuineRequest();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
        /* If we render directly to the browser, we need a session before, or no session at all */
        if ($view->isImmediate() || $viewName == 'core.ProgressBar') {
             * Session: Find out whether we need to send a cookie & get a new sessionId and save it
             * (make sure there's a sessionId before starting to render, but only if we need a
             * session)
            $session =& $gallery->getSession();
            $ret = $session->start();
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret, null);
            /* From now on, don't add sessionId to URLs if there's no persistent session */
         * If this is an immediate view, it will send its own output directly.  This is used in the
         * situation where we want to send back data that's not controlled by the layout.  That's
         * usually something that's not user-visible like a binary file.
        $data = array();
        if ($view->isImmediate()) {
            if ($view->autoCacheControl()) {
                /* r17660 removed the default on the $template parameter */
                $null = null;
                $ret = $view->setCacheControl($null);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
            $status = isset($results['status']) ? $results['status'] : array();
            $error = isset($results['error']) ? $results['error'] : array();
            $ret = $view->renderImmediate($status, $error);
            if ($ret) {
                list($ret2, $inGroup) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup();
                if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT && ($ret2 || !$inGroup)) {
                    /* Normalize error to GalleryView::_permissionCheck() */
                return array($ret, null);
            $data['isDone'] = true;
        } else {
            if (!isset($template)) {
                $template = new GalleryTemplate(dirname(__FILE__));
            list($ret, $results, $theme) = $view->doLoadTemplate($template);
            if ($ret) {
                list($ret, $results) = $view->_permissionCheck($ret);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
            if (isset($results['redirect']) || isset($results['redirectUrl'])) {
                if (isset($results['redirectUrl'])) {
                    $redirectUrl = $results['redirectUrl'];
                } else {
                    $redirectUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl($results['redirect'], array('forceFullUrl' => true));
                return _GalleryMain_doRedirect($redirectUrl, $template);
            if (empty($results['body'])) {
                return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'View results are missing body file'), null);
            $templatePath = 'gallery:' . $results['body'];
            $template->setVariable('l10Domain', $theme->getL10Domain());
            $template->setVariable('isEmbedded', $embedded);
            if ($viewName == 'core.ProgressBar') {
                @ini_set('output_buffering', '0');
                 * Try to prevent Apache's mod_deflate from gzipping the output since that
                 * can interfere with streamed output.
                if (function_exists('apache_setenv') && !@$gallery->getConfig('apacheSetenvBroken')) {
                    @apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
                /* Render progress bar pages immediately so that the user sees the bar moving */
                $ret = $template->display($templatePath);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $data['isDone'] = true;
            } else {
                $event = GalleryCoreApi::newEvent('Gallery::BeforeDisplay');
                $event->setData(array('templatePath' => $templatePath, 'view' => $view));
                list($ret, $ignored) = GalleryCoreApi::postEvent($event);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list($ret, $html) = $template->fetch($templatePath);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                 * Session: Find out whether we need to send a cookie & need a new session (only if
                 * we don't have one yet)
                $session =& $gallery->getSession();
                $ret = $session->start();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list($ret, $shouldCache) = GalleryDataCache::shouldCache('write', 'full');
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                if ($embedded) {
                    $html = $theme->splitHtml($html, $results);
                if ($shouldCache && $results['cacheable']) {
                    $htmlForCache = $html;
                    if ($embedded) {
                        $themeDataForCache = $template->getVariable('theme');
                if ($embedded) {
                    $data = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($html);
                    $data['themeData'] =& $template->getVariableByReference('theme');
                    $data['themeData'] = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($data['themeData']);
                    $data['isDone'] = false;
                } else {
                    /* Set the appropriate charset in our HTTP header */
                    if (!headers_sent()) {
                        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
                    print $session->replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary($html);
                    $data['isDone'] = true;
                if ($shouldCache && $results['cacheable']) {
                    $session =& $gallery->getSession();
                    $cacheKey = $urlGenerator->getCacheableUrl();
                    $sessionId = $session->getId();
                    if (!empty($sessionId) && $sessionId != SESSION_TEMP_ID) {
                        $htmlForCache = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($htmlForCache, $sessionId, SESSION_TEMP_ID);
                        if ($embedded) {
                            $data['themeData'] = $session->replaceSessionIdInData($data['themeData'], $sessionId, SESSION_TEMP_ID);
                    if ($embedded) {
                        $htmlForCache = serialize($htmlForCache);
                        $ret = GalleryDataCache::putPageData('theme', $results['cacheable'], $cacheKey, serialize($data['themeData']));
                        if ($ret) {
                            return array($ret, null);
                    $ret = GalleryDataCache::putPageData('page', $results['cacheable'], $cacheKey, $htmlForCache);
                    if ($ret) {
                        return array($ret, null);
    return array(null, $data);