Beispiel #1
function GOTMLS_get_quarantine()
    $entries = GOTMLS_getfiles($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["quarantine_dir"]);
    $Q_Page = '
	<form method="POST" target="GOTMLS_iFrame" name="GOTMLS_Form_clean"><input type="hidden" id="GOTMLS_fixing" name="GOTMLS_fixing" value="1">';
    if (is_array($entries) && ($key = array_search(".htaccess", $entries))) {
    if (is_array($entries) && ($key = array_search("index.php", $entries))) {
    if (is_array($entries) && count($entries)) {
        $Q_Page .= '<p id="quarantine_buttons" style="display: none;"><input id="repair_button" type="submit" value="' . __("Restore selected files", 'gotmls') . '" class="button-primary" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . __("Are you sure you want to overwrite the previously cleaned files with the selected files in the Quarantine?", 'gotmls') . '\')) { setvalAllFiles(1); loadIframe(\'File Restoration Results\'); } else return false;" /><input id="delete_button" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __("Delete selected files", 'gotmls') . '" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . __("Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files in the Quarantine?", 'gotmls') . '\')) { setvalAllFiles(2); loadIframe(\'File Deletion Results\'); } else return false;" /></p><p><b>' . __("The following items have been found to contain malicious code, they have been cleaned, and the original infected file contents have been saved here in the Quarantine. The code is safe here and you do not need to do anything further with these files.", 'gotmls') . '</b></p><p>' . sprintf(__("FYI - these files are found in: %s", 'gotmls'), ' ' . $GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["quarantine_dir"]) . '</p>
		<ul name="found_Quarantine" id="found_Quarantine" class="GOTMLS_plugin known" style="background-color: #ccc; padding: 0;"><h3>' . (count($entries) > 1 ? '<input type="checkbox" onchange="checkAllFiles(this.checked); document.getElementById(\'quarantine_buttons\').style.display = \'block\';"> ' . sprintf(__("Check all %d", 'gotmls'), count($entries)) : "") . __(" Items in Quarantine", 'gotmls') . '<span class="GOTMLS_date">Date Quarantined</span><span class="GOTMLS_date">Date Infected</span></h3>';
        $root_path = implode(GOTMLS_slash(), array_slice(GOTMLS_explode_dir(__FILE__), 0, (2 + intval($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["settings_array"]["scan_level"])) * -1));
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $file = GOTMLS_trailingslashit($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["quarantine_dir"]) . $entry;
            $filetime = date("Y-m-d H:i", filemtime($file));
            $Q_Page .= '
			<li style="margin: 4px 12px;"><span class="GOTMLS_date">' . $filetime . '</span>';
            $infectime = 'Unknown';
            if (is_file($file) && GOTMLS_get_ext($entry) == "gotmls") {
                $file_date = explode(".", $entry);
                if (count($file_date) > 2 && strlen($file_date[0]) == 5 && $filetime != GOTMLS_sexagesimal($file_date[0])) {
                    $infectime = GOTMLS_sexagesimal($file_date[0]);
                } elseif (count($file_date) > 3 && strlen($file_date[1]) == 5 && $filetime != GOTMLS_sexagesimal($file_date[1])) {
                    $infectime = GOTMLS_sexagesimal($file_date[1]);
                } elseif (@rename($file, GOTMLS_trailingslashit($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["quarantine_dir"]) . GOTMLS_sexagesimal($filetime) . ".{$entry}")) {
                    $file = GOTMLS_trailingslashit($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["quarantine_dir"]) . GOTMLS_sexagesimal($filetime) . ".{$entry}";
                $Q_Page .= '<span class="GOTMLS_date">' . $infectime . '</span><input type="checkbox" name="GOTMLS_fix[]" value="' . GOTMLS_encode($file) . '" id="check_' . GOTMLS_encode($file) . '" onchange="document.getElementById(\'quarantine_buttons\').style.display = \'block\';" /><img src="' . GOTMLS_images_path . 'blocked.gif" height=16 width=16 alt="Q">' . preg_replace('/9000px;\\&quot;>(.+?)<\\/div>/', '9000px;&quot;>\\1' . GOTMLS_strip4java(GOTMLS_decode($file_date[count($file_date) - 2])) . ' (Quarantined)</div>', GOTMLS_error_link(__("View Quarantined File", 'gotmls'), $file)) . str_replace($root_path, "...", GOTMLS_decode($file_date[count($file_date) - 2]));
            } else {
                $Q_Page .= '<img src="' . GOTMLS_images_path . 'threat.gif" height=16 width=16 alt="?">' . GOTMLS_error_link(__("Foreign File in Quarantine", 'gotmls'), $file) . $entry;
            $Q_Page .= "</a></li>\n";
        $Q_Page .= "\n</ul>";
    } else {
        $Q_Page .= '<h3>' . __("No Items in Quarantine", 'gotmls') . '</h3>';
    return "{$Q_Page}\n</form>\n";
Beispiel #2
function GOTMLS_scandir($dir)
    echo "/*<!--*" . "/" . GOTMLS_update_status(sprintf(__("Scanning %s", 'gotmls'), str_replace(dirname($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["log"]["scan"]["dir"]), "...", $dir)));
    $li_js = "/*-->*" . "/\nscanNextDir(-1);\n/*<!--*" . "/";
    if (isset($_GET["GOTMLS_skip_dir"]) && $dir == GOTMLS_decode($_GET["GOTMLS_skip_dir"])) {
        if (isset($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"]) && strlen($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"])) {
            echo GOTMLS_return_threat("errors", "blocked", GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . GOTMLS_decode($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"]), GOTMLS_error_link("Failed to read this file!" . GOTMLS_read_error(GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . GOTMLS_decode($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"])), GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . GOTMLS_decode($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"])));
        } else {
            echo GOTMLS_return_threat("errors", "blocked", $dir, GOTMLS_error_link(__("Failed to read directory!", 'gotmls')) . GOTMLS_read_error($dir));
    } else {
        $files = GOTMLS_getfiles($dir);
        if (is_array($files)) {
            if (isset($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"])) {
                if (strlen($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"])) {
                    $path = GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . GOTMLS_decode($_GET["GOTMLS_only_file"]);
                    if (is_file($path)) {
                        echo GOTMLS_return_threat("dir", "checked", $path);
                } else {
                    foreach ($files as $file) {
                        $path = GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . $file;
                        if (is_file($path)) {
                            $file_ext = GOTMLS_get_ext($file);
                            $filesize = @filesize($path);
                            if (in_array($file_ext, $GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["skip_ext"]) && !preg_match('/social[0-9]*\\.png$/i', $file) || $filesize == 0 || $filesize > (isset($_GET["eli"]) && is_numeric($_GET["eli"]) ? $_GET["eli"] : 1234567)) {
                                echo GOTMLS_return_threat("skipped", "blocked", $path, GOTMLS_error_link(sprintf(__('Skipped because of file size (%1$s bytes) or file extention (%2$s)!', 'gotmls'), $filesize, $file_ext), $file, "potential"));
                            } else {
                                echo "/*-->*" . "/\nscanfilesArKeys.push('" . GOTMLS_encode($dir) . "&GOTMLS_only_file=" . GOTMLS_encode($file) . "');\nscanfilesArNames.push('Re-Checking " . GOTMLS_strip4java($path) . "');\n/*<!--*" . "/" . GOTMLS_return_threat("dirs", "wait", $path);
                    echo GOTMLS_return_threat("dir", "question", $dir);
            } else {
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $path = GOTMLS_trailingslashit($dir) . $file;
                    if (is_file($path)) {
                        if (isset($_GET["GOTMLS_skip_file"]) && is_array($_GET["GOTMLS_skip_file"]) && in_array($path, $_GET["GOTMLS_skip_file"])) {
                            $li_js .= "/*-->*" . "/\n//skipped {$path};\n/*<!--*" . "/";
                            if ($path == $_GET["GOTMLS_skip_file"][count($_GET["GOTMLS_skip_file"]) - 1]) {
                                echo GOTMLS_return_threat("errors", "blocked", $path, GOTMLS_error_link(__("Failed to read file!", 'gotmls'), $path));
                        } else {
                echo GOTMLS_return_threat("dir", "checked", $dir);
        } else {
            echo GOTMLS_return_threat("errors", "blocked", $dir, GOTMLS_error_link(GOTMLS_Failed_to_list_LANGUAGE . ' scandir:' . ($files === false ? ' (FALSE)' : $files)));
    echo GOTMLS_update_status(sprintf(__("Scanned %s", 'gotmls'), str_replace(dirname($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["log"]["scan"]["dir"]), "...", $dir)));
    GOTMLS_update_scan_log(array("scan" => array("finish" => time())));
    return $li_js;
function GOTMLS_display_header($optional_box = "")
    global $wp_version, $current_user;
    $GOTMLS_url_parts = explode('/', GOTMLS_siteurl);
    if (isset($_GET["check_site"]) && $_GET["check_site"]) {
        echo '<div id="check_site" style="z-index: 1234567;"><img src="' . GOTMLS_images_path . 'checked.gif" height=16 width=16 alt="&#x2714;"> ' . __("Tested your site. It appears we didn't break anything", 'gotmls') . ' ;-)</div><script type="text/javascript">window.parent.document.getElementById("check_site_warning").style.backgroundColor=\'#0C0\';</script><li>Please <a target="_blank" href="' . $wp_version . '&compatibility%5Btopic_version%5D=' . GOTMLS_Version . '&compatibility%5Bcompatible%5D=1#compatibility-works">Vote "Works"</a> or <a target="_blank" href="">write a "Five-Star" Reviews</a> on if you like this plugin.</li><style>#footer, #GOTMLS-metabox-container, #GOTMLS-right-sidebar, #admin-page-container, #wpadminbar, #adminmenuback, #adminmenuwrap, #adminmenu, .error, .updated, .update-nag {display: none !important;} #wpbody-content {padding-bottom: 0;} #wpbody, html.wp-toolbar {padding-top: 0 !important;} #wpcontent, #footer {margin-left: 5px !important;}';
    } else {
        echo '<style>#GOTMLS-right-sidebar {float: right; margin-right: 0px;}';
    $Update_Definitions = GOTMLS_plugin_home . 'definitions.js' . $GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["Definition"]["Updates"] . '&js=' . GOTMLS_Version . '&p=GOTMLS&wp=' . $wp_version . '&ts=' . date("YmdHis") . '&key=' . GOTMLS_installation_key . '&d=' . ur1encode(GOTMLS_siteurl);
    $Update_Link = '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="';
    $new_version = "";
    $file = basename(GOTMLS_plugin_path) . '/index.php';
    $current = get_site_transient("update_plugins");
    if (isset($current->response[$file]->new_version) && version_compare(GOTMLS_Version, $current->response[$file]->new_version, "<")) {
        $new_version = sprintf(__("Upgrade to %s now!", 'gotmls'), $current->response[$file]->new_version) . '<br /><br />';
        $Update_Link .= wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=') . $file, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $file);
    $Update_Link .= "\">{$new_version}</a></div>";
    $defLatest = is_numeric($Latest = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', "", GOTMLS_sexagesimal($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["Definition"]["Latest"]))) && is_numeric($Default = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', "", GOTMLS_sexagesimal($GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["Definition"]["Default"]))) && $Latest > $Default ? 1 : 0;
    $Update_Div = '<div id="findUpdates" style="display: none;"><center>' . __("Searching for updates ...", 'gotmls') . '<br /><img src="' . GOTMLS_images_path . 'wait.gif" height=16 width=16 alt="Wait..." /><br /><input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="cancelserver(\'findUpdates\');" /></center></div>';
    echo '
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<div id="main-page-title"><h1 style="vertical-align: middle;">Anti-Malware from&nbsp;GOTMLS.NET</h1></div>
<div id="admin-page-container">
<div id="GOTMLS-right-sidebar" style="width: 300px;" class="metabox-holder">
	' . GOTMLS_box(__("Updates & Registration", 'gotmls'), '<ul style=""><li>WordPress: <span class="GOTMLS_date">' . $wp_version . '</span></li>
<li>Plugin: <span class="GOTMLS_date">' . GOTMLS_Version . '</span></li>
<li>Definitions: <span class="GOTMLS_date">' . $GLOBALS["GOTMLS"]["tmp"]["Definition"]["Latest"] . '</span></li>
<li>' . (!$defLatest ? '<span style="color: #F00;" id="GOTMLS_No_Key">No Key! <input type="button" style="float: right;" value="' . __("Get FREE Key!", 'gotmls') . '" class="button-primary" onclick="showhide(\'GOTMLS_No_Key\');showhide(\'GOTMLS_Key\', true);check_for_updates(\'Definition_Updates\');" /></span><div id="GOTMLS_Key" style="display: none; ' : '<div style="') . 'margin: 0;">Key: <span style="float: right;">' . GOTMLS_installation_key . '</span></div></li></ul>
	<form id="updateform" method="post" name="updateform" action="' . str_replace("GOTMLS_mt=", "GOTMLS_last_mt=", GOTMLS_script_URI) . '&' . GOTMLS_set_nonce(__FUNCTION__ . "373") . '">
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		<div id="registerKeyForm" style="display: none;"><span style="color: #F00">' . __("<p>Get instant access to definition updates.</p>", 'gotmls') . '</span><p>
' . __("If you have not already registered your Key then register now using the form below.<br />* All registration fields are required<br />** I will NOT share your information.", 'gotmls') . '</p>
<form id="registerform" onsubmit="return sinupFormValidate(this);" action="' . GOTMLS_plugin_home . 'wp-login.php?action=register" method="post" name="registerform" target="GOTMLS_iFrame"><input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" id="register_redirect_to" value="/donate/"><input type="hidden" name="user_login" id="register_user_login" value="">
<div>' . __("Your Full Name:", 'gotmls') . '</div>
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;"><input style="width: 100%;" id="first_name" type="text" name="first_name" value="' . $current_user->user_firstname . '" /></div>
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<div style="clear: left; width: 100%;">
<div>' . __("A password will be e-mailed to this address:", 'gotmls') . '</div>
<input style="width: 100%;" id="user_email" type="text" name="user_email" value="' . $current_user->user_email . '" /></div>
<div>' . __("Your WordPress Site URL:", 'gotmls') . '</div>
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<div>' . __("Plugin Installation Key:", 'gotmls') . '</div>
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			<input type="radio" name="amount" value="86.00">$86
			<input type="radio" name="amount" value="133.70">$133.7
			<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Donation to Eli\'s Anti-Malware Plugin">
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				<ul class="GOTMLS-sidebar-links">
					<li style="float: right;"><b>on <a target="_blank" href=""></a></b><ul class="GOTMLS-sidebar-links">
						<li><a target="_blank" href="">Plugin FAQs</a></li>
						<li><a target="_blank" href="">Forum Posts</a></li>
						<li><a target="_blank" href="">Plugin Reviews</a></li>
					<li><img src="//" border="0" alt="Plugin site:"><b><a target="_blank" href="' . GOTMLS_plugin_home . '">GOTMLS.NET</a></b></li>
					<li><img src="//" border="0" alt="Developer site:"><b><a target="_blank" href="' . GOTMLS_blog_home . '/category/my-plugins/anti-malware/">Eli\'s Blog</a></b></li>
					<li><img src="" border="0" alt="mail:"><b><a target="_blank" href="">Email Eli</a></b></li>
					<li><iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=";show_count=false" style="width:125px; height:20px;"></iframe></li>
			<a target="_blank" href="' . urlencode(GOTMLS_siteurl) . '">Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic</a>', "stuffbox") . '
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