Beispiel #1
 public function runTests($test_paths, $source_path)
     if (empty($test_paths)) {
         return array();
     $futures = array();
     $tmpfiles = array();
     foreach ($test_paths as $test_path) {
         $xunit_tmp = new TempFile();
         $cover_tmp = new TempFile();
         $future = $this->buildTestFuture($test_path, $xunit_tmp, $cover_tmp);
         $futures[$test_path] = $future;
         $tmpfiles[$test_path] = array('xunit' => $xunit_tmp, 'cover' => $cover_tmp);
     $results = array();
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(4) as $test_path => $future) {
         try {
             list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolvex();
         } catch (CommandException $exc) {
             if ($exc->getError() > 1) {
                 // 'nose' returns 1 when tests are failing/broken.
                 throw $exc;
         $xunit_tmp = $tmpfiles[$test_path]['xunit'];
         $cover_tmp = $tmpfiles[$test_path]['cover'];
         $this->parser = new ArcanistXUnitTestResultParser();
         $results[] = $this->parseTestResults($source_path, $xunit_tmp, $cover_tmp);
     return array_mergev($results);
Beispiel #2
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $program = false;
     $ret_value = 0;
     $last_line = system("which checkCpp", $ret_value);
     if ($ret_value == 0) {
         $program = $last_line;
     } else {
         if (file_exists(self::PROGRAM)) {
             $program = self::PROGRAM;
     if ($program) {
         $futures = array();
         foreach ($paths as $p) {
             $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s --lint %s 2>&1", $program, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
         foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $p => $f) {
             list($stdout, $stderr) = $f->resolvex();
             $raw = json_decode($stdout, true);
             if (!is_array($raw)) {
                 throw new Exception("checkCpp returned invalid JSON!" . "Stdout: {$stdout} Stderr: {$stderr}");
             foreach ($raw as $err) {
                 $this->addLintMessage(ArcanistLintMessage::newFromDictionary(array('path' => $err['file'], 'line' => $err['line'], 'char' => 0, 'name' => $err['name'], 'description' => $err['info'], 'code' => $this->getLinterName(), 'severity' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_WARNING)));
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (array_key_exists($path, $this->trees)) {
         $futures[$path] = xhpast_get_parser_future($this->getData($path));
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $path => $future) {
         $this->trees[$path] = null;
         try {
             $this->trees[$path] = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture($this->getData($path), $future->resolve());
             $root = $this->trees[$path]->getRootNode();
         } catch (XHPASTSyntaxErrorException $ex) {
             $this->raiseLintAtLine($ex->getErrorLine(), 1, self::LINT_PHP_SYNTAX_ERROR, 'This file contains a syntax error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $this->raiseLintAtPath(self::LINT_UNABLE_TO_PARSE, 'XHPAST could not parse this file, probably because the AST is too ' . 'deep. Some lint issues may not have been detected. You may safely ' . 'ignore this warning.');
 private function renderGrepResults(array $results)
     $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
     // NOTE: This can be wrong because we may find the string inside the
     // comment. But it's correct in most cases and highlighting the whole file
     // would be too expensive.
     $futures = array();
     $engine = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::newEngine();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         list($path, $line, $string) = $result;
         $futures["{$path}:{$line}"] = $engine->getHighlightFuture($engine->getLanguageFromFilename($path), ltrim($string));
     try {
     } catch (PhutilSyntaxHighlighterException $ex) {
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         list($path, $line, $string) = $result;
         $href = $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'browse', 'path' => $path, 'line' => $line));
         try {
             $string = $futures["{$path}:{$line}"]->resolve();
         } catch (PhutilSyntaxHighlighterException $ex) {
         $string = phutil_tag('pre', array('class' => 'PhabricatorMonospaced'), $string);
         $path = Filesystem::readablePath($path, $drequest->getPath());
         $rows[] = array(phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $href), $path), $line, $string);
     $table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows))->setClassName('remarkup-code')->setHeaders(array(pht('Path'), pht('Line'), pht('String')))->setColumnClasses(array('', 'n', 'wide'))->setNoDataString(pht('The pattern you searched for was not found in the content of any ' . 'files.'));
     return $table;
Beispiel #5
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $futures = array();
     $ret_value = 0;
     $last_line = system("which cpplint", $ret_value);
     $CPP_LINT = false;
     if ($ret_value == 0) {
         $CPP_LINT = $last_line;
     } else {
         if (file_exists(self::CPPLINT)) {
             $CPP_LINT = self::CPPLINT;
     if ($CPP_LINT) {
         foreach ($paths as $p) {
             $lpath = $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p);
             $lpath_file = file($lpath);
             if (preg_match('/\\.(c)$/', $lpath) || preg_match('/-\\*-.*Mode: C[; ].*-\\*-/', $lpath_file[0]) || preg_match('/vim(:.*)*:\\s*(set\\s+)?filetype=c\\s*:/', $lpath_file[0])) {
                 $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s %s 2>&1", $CPP_LINT, self::C_FLAG, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
             } else {
                 $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s 2>&1", $CPP_LINT, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
         foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $p => $f) {
             $this->rawLintOutput[$p] = $f->resolvex();
 public final function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $limit = $this->getFuturesLimit();
     $this->futures = Futures(array())->limit($limit);
     foreach ($this->buildFutures($paths) as $path => $future) {
         $this->futures->addFuture($future, $path);
 public function execute(HarbormasterBuild $build, HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target)
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     $variables = $build_target->getVariables();
     $artifact = $build->loadArtifact($settings['hostartifact']);
     $lease = $artifact->loadDrydockLease();
     $this->platform = $lease->getAttribute('platform');
     $command = $this->mergeVariables(array($this, 'escapeCommand'), $settings['command'], $variables);
     $this->platform = null;
     $interface = $lease->getInterface('command');
     $future = $interface->getExecFuture('%C', $command);
     $log_stdout = $build->createLog($build_target, 'remote', 'stdout');
     $log_stderr = $build->createLog($build_target, 'remote', 'stderr');
     $start_stdout = $log_stdout->start();
     $start_stderr = $log_stderr->start();
     $build_update = 5;
     // Read the next amount of available output every second.
     $futures = Futures(array($future));
     foreach ($futures->setUpdateInterval(1) as $key => $future_iter) {
         if ($future_iter === null) {
             // Check to see if we should abort.
             if ($build_update <= 0) {
                 if ($this->shouldAbort($build, $build_target)) {
                     throw new HarbormasterBuildAbortedException();
                 } else {
                     $build_update = 5;
             } else {
                 $build_update -= 1;
             // Command is still executing.
             // Read more data as it is available.
             list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->read();
         } else {
             // Command execution is complete.
             // Get the return value so we can log that as well.
             list($err) = $future->resolve();
             // Retrieve the last few bits of information.
             list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->read();
     if ($err) {
         throw new HarbormasterBuildFailureException();
 public function run()
     $this->projectRoot = $this->getWorkingCopy()->getProjectRoot();
     $this->affectedTests = array();
     foreach ($this->getPaths() as $path) {
         $path = Filesystem::resolvePath($path, $this->projectRoot);
         // TODO: add support for directories
         // Users can call phpunit on the directory themselves
         if (is_dir($path)) {
         // Not sure if it would make sense to go further if
         // it is not a .php file
         if (substr($path, -4) != '.php') {
         if (substr($path, -8) == 'Test.php') {
             // Looks like a valid test file name.
             $this->affectedTests[$path] = $path;
         if ($test = $this->findTestFile($path)) {
             $this->affectedTests[$path] = $test;
     if (empty($this->affectedTests)) {
         throw new ArcanistNoEffectException('No tests to run.');
     $futures = array();
     $tmpfiles = array();
     foreach ($this->affectedTests as $class_path => $test_path) {
         if (!Filesystem::pathExists($test_path)) {
         $json_tmp = new TempFile();
         $clover_tmp = null;
         $clover = null;
         if ($this->getEnableCoverage() !== false) {
             $clover_tmp = new TempFile();
             $clover = csprintf('--coverage-clover %s', $clover_tmp);
         $config = $this->configFile ? csprintf('-c %s', $this->configFile) : null;
         $stderr = '-d display_errors=stderr';
         $futures[$test_path] = new ExecFuture('%C %C %C --log-json %s %C %s', $this->phpunitBinary, $config, $stderr, $json_tmp, $clover, $test_path);
         $tmpfiles[$test_path] = array('json' => $json_tmp, 'clover' => $clover_tmp);
     $results = array();
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(4) as $test => $future) {
         list($err, $stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolve();
         $results[] = $this->parseTestResults($test, $tmpfiles[$test]['json'], $tmpfiles[$test]['clover'], $stderr);
     return array_mergev($results);
Beispiel #9
 public function testMultipleTimeoutsTestShouldRunLessThan1Sec()
     $futures = array();
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < 4; $ii++) {
         $futures[] = id(new ExecFuture('sleep 32000'))->setTimeout(0.01);
     foreach (Futures($futures) as $future) {
         list($err) = $future->resolve();
         $this->assertEqual(true, $err > 0);
         $this->assertEqual(true, $future->getWasKilledByTimeout());
Beispiel #10
 public function run()
     $paths = $this->getPaths();
     $affected_tests = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $absolute_path = Filesystem::resolvePath($path);
         if (is_dir($absolute_path)) {
             $absolute_test_path = Filesystem::resolvePath("tests/" . $path);
             if (is_readable($absolute_test_path)) {
                 $affected_tests[] = $absolute_test_path;
         if (is_readable($absolute_path)) {
             $filename = basename($path);
             $directory = dirname($path);
             // assumes directory layout: tests/<package>/test_<module>.py
             $relative_test_path = "tests/" . $directory . "/test_" . $filename;
             $absolute_test_path = Filesystem::resolvePath($relative_test_path);
             if (is_readable($absolute_test_path)) {
                 $affected_tests[] = $absolute_test_path;
     if (empty($affected_tests)) {
         return array();
     $futures = array();
     $tmpfiles = array();
     foreach ($affected_tests as $test_path) {
         $xunit_tmp = new TempFile();
         $cover_tmp = new TempFile();
         $future = $this->buildTestFuture($test_path, $xunit_tmp, $cover_tmp);
         $futures[$test_path] = $future;
         $tmpfiles[$test_path] = array('xunit' => $xunit_tmp, 'cover' => $cover_tmp);
     $results = array();
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(4) as $test_path => $future) {
         try {
             list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolvex();
         } catch (CommandException $exc) {
             if ($exc->getError() > 1) {
                 // 'nose' returns 1 when tests are failing/broken.
                 throw $exc;
         $xunit_tmp = $tmpfiles[$test_path]['xunit'];
         $cover_tmp = $tmpfiles[$test_path]['cover'];
         $results[] = $this->parseTestResults($test_path, $xunit_tmp, $cover_tmp);
     return array_mergev($results);
 public function testManyWriters()
     $root = phutil_get_library_root('phutil') . '/../';
     $bin = $root . 'scripts/test/deferred_log.php';
     $n_writers = 3;
     $n_lines = 8;
     $tmp = new TempFile();
     $futures = array();
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < $n_writers; $ii++) {
         $futures[] = new ExecFuture('%s %d %s', $bin, $n_lines, (string) $tmp);
     $this->assertEqual(str_repeat("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n", $n_writers * $n_lines), Filesystem::readFile($tmp));
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $script = $this->getConfiguredScript();
     $root = $this->getEngine()->getWorkingCopy()->getProjectRoot();
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $future = new ExecFuture('%C %s', $script, $path);
         $futures[$path] = $future;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(4) as $path => $future) {
         list($stdout) = $future->resolvex();
         $this->output[$path] = $stdout;
Beispiel #13
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $phpcs_bin = $this->getPhpcsPath();
     $phpcs_options = $this->getPhpcsOptions();
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $filepath = $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($path);
         $this->reports[$path] = new TempFile();
         $futures[$path] = new ExecFuture('%C %C --report=xml --report-file=%s %s', $phpcs_bin, $phpcs_options, $this->reports[$path], $filepath);
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $path => $future) {
         $this->results[$path] = $future->resolve();
 public function willParseFiles(array $file_map)
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('javelin-diviner'));
     $bin = $root . '/jsast/jsast';
     if (!Filesystem::pathExists($bin)) {
         throw new Exception("You must build the 'jsast' binary before you can generate " . "Javelin documentation.");
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($file_map as $file => $data) {
         $future = new ExecFuture($bin);
         $futures[$file] = $future;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $file => $future) {
         $this->trees[$file] = $future->resolveJSON();
 public final function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (!$this->shouldLintPath($path)) {
         $changed = $this->changedLines[$path];
         if (!isset($changed)) {
             // do not run linter if there are no changes
         $futures[$path] = $this->getFormatFuture($path, $changed);
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $p => $f) {
         $this->rawLintOutput[$p] = $f->resolvex();
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     if ($this->haveSymbolsBinary === null) {
         $binary = $this->getSymbolsBinaryPath();
         $this->haveSymbolsBinary = Filesystem::pathExists($binary);
         if (!$this->haveSymbolsBinary) {
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $future = $this->newSymbolsFuture($path);
         $futures[$path] = $future;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $path => $future) {
         $this->symbols[$path] = $future->resolvex();
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     if (!$this->getBinaryPath()) {
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     require_once $root . '/scripts/__init_script__.php';
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if ($this->shouldIgnorePath($path)) {
         $future = $this->newSymbolsFuture($path);
         $futures[$path] = $future;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $path => $future) {
         $this->symbols[$path] = $future->resolvex();
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     require_once $root . '/scripts/__init_script__.php';
     if ($this->haveSymbolsBinary === null) {
         $binary = $this->getSymbolsBinaryPath();
         $this->haveSymbolsBinary = Filesystem::pathExists($binary);
         if (!$this->haveSymbolsBinary) {
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $future = $this->newSymbolsFuture($path);
         $futures[$path] = $future;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $path => $future) {
         $this->symbols[$path] = $future->resolvex();
Beispiel #19
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     if (!file_exists(self::FLINT)) {
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($paths as $p) {
         $lpath = $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p);
         $lpath_file = file($lpath);
         if (preg_match('/\\.(c)$/', $lpath) || preg_match('/-\\*-.*Mode: C[; ].*-\\*-/', $lpath_file[0]) || preg_match('/vim(:.*)*:\\s*(set\\s+)?filetype=c\\s*:/', $lpath_file[0])) {
             $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s %s 2>&1", self::FLINT, self::C_FLAG, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
         } else {
             $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s 2>&1", self::FLINT, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $p => $f) {
         $this->rawLintOutput[$p] = $f->resolvex();
require_once $root . '/scripts/__init_script__.php';
if ($argc !== 1 || posix_isatty(STDIN)) {
    echo phutil_console_format("usage: find . -type f -name '*.php' | ./generate_php_symbols.php\n");
$input = file_get_contents('php://stdin');
$input = trim($input);
$input = explode("\n", $input);
$data = array();
$futures = array();
foreach ($input as $file) {
    $file = Filesystem::readablePath($file);
    $data[$file] = Filesystem::readFile($file);
    $futures[$file] = xhpast_get_parser_future($data[$file]);
foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $file => $future) {
    $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture($data[$file], $future->resolve());
    $root = $tree->getRootNode();
    $scopes = array();
    $functions = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_DECLARATION');
    foreach ($functions as $function) {
        $name = $function->getChildByIndex(2);
        print_symbol($file, 'function', $name);
    $classes = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_DECLARATION');
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
        $class_name = $class->getChildByIndex(1);
        print_symbol($file, 'class', $class_name);
        $scopes[] = array($class, $class_name);
    $interfaces = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_INTERFACE_DECLARATION');
 private function loadRevisions(array $branches)
     $ids = array();
     $hashes = array();
     foreach ($branches as $branch) {
         if ($branch['revisionID']) {
             $ids[] = $branch['revisionID'];
         $hashes[] = array('gtcm', $branch['hash']);
         $hashes[] = array('gttr', $branch['tree']);
     $calls = array();
     if ($ids) {
         $calls[] = $this->getConduit()->callMethod('differential.query', array('ids' => $ids));
     if ($hashes) {
         $calls[] = $this->getConduit()->callMethod('differential.query', array('commitHashes' => $hashes));
     $results = array();
     foreach (Futures($calls) as $call) {
         $results[] = $call->resolve();
     return array_mergev($results);
 private function loadMessagesForTags(array $tags)
     assert_instances_of($tags, 'DiffusionRepositoryTag');
     $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
     $repository = $drequest->getRepository();
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $futures[$key] = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('cat-file tag %s', $tag->getName());
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $future = $futures[$key];
         list($err, $stdout) = $future->resolve();
         $message = null;
         if ($err) {
             // Not all tags are actually "tag" objects: a "tag" object is only
             // created if you provide a message or sign the tag. Tags created with
             // `git tag x [commit]` are "lightweight tags" and `git cat-file tag`
             // will fail on them. This is fine: they don't have messages.
         } else {
             $parts = explode("\n\n", $stdout, 2);
             if (count($parts) == 2) {
                 $message = last($parts);
     return $tags;
Beispiel #23
phutil_require_module('arcanist', 'parser/phutilmodule');
$data = array();
$futures = array();
foreach (Filesystem::listDirectory($dir, $hidden_files = false) as $file) {
    if (!preg_match('/.php$/', $file)) {
    $data[$file] = Filesystem::readFile($dir . '/' . $file);
    $futures[$file] = xhpast_get_parser_future($data[$file]);
$requirements = new PhutilModuleRequirements();
$doc_parser = new PhutilDocblockParser();
$has_init = false;
$has_files = false;
foreach (Futures($futures) as $file => $future) {
    try {
        $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture($data[$file], $future->resolve());
    } catch (XHPASTSyntaxErrorException $ex) {
        echo "Syntax Error! In '{$file}': " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
    $root = $tree->getRootNode();
    if ($file == '__init__.php') {
        $has_init = true;
        $calls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_CALL');
        foreach ($calls as $call) {
            $name = $call->getChildByIndex(0);
            $call_name = $name->getConcreteString();
            if ($call_name == 'phutil_require_source') {
 protected function primeSubversionWorkingCopyData($paths)
     $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
     $futures = array();
     $targets = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path => $mask) {
         $futures[] = $repository_api->buildDiffFuture($path);
         $targets[] = array('command' => 'diff', 'path' => $path);
         $futures[] = $repository_api->buildInfoFuture($path);
         $targets[] = array('command' => 'info', 'path' => $path);
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $key => $future) {
         $target = $targets[$key];
         if ($target['command'] == 'diff') {
             $repository_api->primeSVNDiffResult($target['path'], $future->resolve());
         } else {
             $repository_api->primeSVNInfoResult($target['path'], $future->resolve());
Beispiel #25
  * Run the xUnit test runner on each of the assemblies and parse the
  * resulting XML.
  * @param  array   Array of test assemblies.
  * @return array   Array of test results.
 private function testAssemblies(array $test_assemblies)
     $results = array();
     // Build the futures for running the tests.
     $futures = array();
     $outputs = array();
     $coverages = array();
     foreach ($test_assemblies as $test_assembly) {
         list($future_r, $xunit_temp, $coverage) = $this->buildTestFuture($test_assembly['assembly']);
         $futures[$test_assembly['assembly']] = $future_r;
         $outputs[$test_assembly['assembly']] = $xunit_temp;
         $coverages[$test_assembly['assembly']] = $coverage;
     // Run all of the tests.
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $test_assembly => $future) {
         list($err, $stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolve();
         if (file_exists($outputs[$test_assembly])) {
             $result = $this->parseTestResult($outputs[$test_assembly], $coverages[$test_assembly]);
             $results[] = $result;
         } else {
             // FIXME: There's a bug in Mono which causes a segmentation fault
             // when xUnit.NET runs; this causes the XML file to not appear
             // (depending on when the segmentation fault occurs). See
             // for more information.
             // Since it's not possible for the user to correct this error, we
             // ignore the fact the tests didn't run here.
     return array_mergev($results);
  * Analyze the library, generating the file and symbol maps.
  * @return void
 private function analyzeLibrary()
     // Identify all the ".php" source files in the library.
     $this->log("Finding source files...\n");
     $source_map = $this->loadSourceFileMap();
     $this->log("Found " . number_format(count($source_map)) . " files.\n");
     // Load the symbol cache with existing parsed symbols. This allows us
     // to remap libraries quickly by analyzing only changed files.
     $this->log("Loading symbol cache...\n");
     $symbol_cache = $this->loadSymbolCache();
     // Build out the symbol analysis for all the files in the library. For
     // each file, check if it's in cache. If we miss in the cache, do a fresh
     // analysis.
     $symbol_map = array();
     $futures = array();
     foreach ($source_map as $file => $hash) {
         if (!empty($symbol_cache[$hash])) {
             $symbol_map[$file] = $symbol_cache[$hash];
         $futures[$file] = $this->buildSymbolAnalysisFuture($file);
     $this->log("Found " . number_format(count($symbol_map)) . " files in cache.\n");
     // Run the analyzer on any files which need analysis.
     if ($futures) {
         $limit = $this->subprocessLimit;
         $count = number_format(count($futures));
         $this->log("Analyzing {$count} files with {$limit} subprocesses...\n");
         $progress = new PhutilConsoleProgressBar();
         if ($this->quiet) {
         foreach (Futures($futures)->limit($limit) as $file => $future) {
             $result = $future->resolveJSON();
             if (empty($result['error'])) {
                 $symbol_map[$file] = $result;
             } else {
                 throw new XHPASTSyntaxErrorException($result['line'], $file . ': ' . $result['error']);
     $this->fileSymbolMap = $symbol_map;
     // We're done building the cache, so write it out immediately. Note that
     // we've only retained entries for files we found, so this implicitly cleans
     // out old cache entries.
     $this->writeSymbolCache($symbol_map, $source_map);
     // Our map is up to date, so either show it on stdout or write it to disk.
     $this->log("Building library map...\n");
     $this->librarySymbolMap = $this->buildLibraryMap($symbol_map);
Beispiel #27
 public function runUnitTests()
     // Build any unit tests
     // Now find all the test programs
     $root = $this->getProjectRoot();
     $futures = array();
     $cg_files = array();
     $obj_files = array();
     $coverage = $this->getEnableCoverage();
     $tests = $this->getTestsToRun();
     foreach ($tests as $relname => $test) {
         if ($coverage) {
             $cg = new TempFile();
             $cg_files[$relname] = $cg;
             $obj_files[] = $test;
             $test = 'valgrind --tool=callgrind --collect-jumps=yes ' . '--callgrind-out-file=' . $cg . ' ' . $test;
         $futures[$relname] = new ExecFuture($test);
     $results = array();
     // Use a smaller limit for SunOS because my test VM has crappy
     // timing characteristics and that causes timer.t to fail
     $limit = PHP_OS == 'SunOS' ? 1 : 4;
     foreach (Futures($futures)->limit($limit) as $test => $future) {
         list($err, $stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolve();
         $results[$test] = $this->parseTestResults($test, $err, $stdout, $stderr);
     if ($coverage) {
         // Find all executables, not just the test executables.
         // We need to do this because the test executables may not
         // include all of the possible code (linker decides to omit
         // it from the image) so we see a skewed representation of
         // the source lines.
         $fp = popen("find {$root} -type f -name \\*.a -o -name \\*.so -o -name \\*.dylib", "r");
         while (true) {
             $line = fgets($fp);
             if ($line === false) {
             $obj_files[] = trim($line);
         // Parse line information from the objects
         foreach ($obj_files as $object) {
         // Now process coverage data files
         foreach ($cg_files as $relname => $cg) {
             $CG = new PhenomCallgrindFile((string) $cg);
             $source_files = array();
             foreach ($CG->getSourceFiles() as $filename) {
                 if (Filesystem::isDescendant($filename, $root) && !preg_match("/(thirdparty|tests)/", $filename)) {
                     $source_files[$filename] = $filename;
             $cov = array();
             foreach ($source_files as $filename) {
                 $relsrc = substr($filename, strlen($root) + 1);
                 $cov[$relsrc] = PhenomCallgrindFile::mergeSourceLineData($filename, array($CG));
             // Update the coverage data for that test.
             // arcanist will merge the final results
     return $results;
 private function uploadFilesForChanges(array $changes)
     assert_instances_of($changes, 'ArcanistDiffChange');
     // Collect all the files we need to upload.
     $need_upload = array();
     foreach ($changes as $key => $change) {
         if ($change->getFileType() != ArcanistDiffChangeType::FILE_BINARY) {
         if ($this->getArgument('skip-binaries')) {
         $name = basename($change->getCurrentPath());
         $need_upload[] = array('type' => 'old', 'name' => $name, 'data' => $change->getOriginalFileData(), 'change' => $change);
         $need_upload[] = array('type' => 'new', 'name' => $name, 'data' => $change->getCurrentFileData(), 'change' => $change);
     if (!$need_upload) {
     // Determine mime types and file sizes. Update changes from "binary" to
     // "image" if the file is an image. Set image metadata.
     $type_image = ArcanistDiffChangeType::FILE_IMAGE;
     foreach ($need_upload as $key => $spec) {
         $change = $need_upload[$key]['change'];
         $type = $spec['type'];
         $size = strlen($spec['data']);
         $change->setMetadata("{$type}:file:size", $size);
         if ($spec['data'] === null) {
             // This covers the case where a file was added or removed; we don't
             // need to upload it. (This is distinct from an empty file, which we
             // do upload.)
         $mime = $this->getFileMimeType($spec['data']);
         if (preg_match('@^image/@', $mime)) {
         $change->setMetadata("{$type}:file:mime-type", $mime);
     echo pht("Uploading %d files...", count($need_upload)) . "\n";
     // Now we're ready to upload the actual file data. If possible, we'll just
     // transmit a hash of the file instead of the actual file data. If the data
     // already exists, Phabricator can share storage. Check if we can use
     // "file.uploadhash" yet (i.e., if the server is up to date enough).
     // TODO: Drop this check once we bump the protocol version.
     $conduit_methods = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous('conduit.query', array());
     $can_use_hash_upload = isset($conduit_methods['file.uploadhash']);
     if ($can_use_hash_upload) {
         $hash_futures = array();
         foreach ($need_upload as $key => $spec) {
             $hash_futures[$key] = $this->getConduit()->callMethod('file.uploadhash', array('name' => $spec['name'], 'hash' => sha1($spec['data'])));
         foreach (Futures($hash_futures)->limit(8) as $key => $future) {
             $type = $need_upload[$key]['type'];
             $change = $need_upload[$key]['change'];
             $name = $need_upload[$key]['name'];
             $phid = null;
             try {
                 $phid = $future->resolve();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Just try uploading normally if the hash upload failed.
             if ($phid) {
                 $change->setMetadata("{$type}:binary-phid", $phid);
                 echo pht("Uploaded '%s' (%s).", $name, $type) . "\n";
     $upload_futures = array();
     foreach ($need_upload as $key => $spec) {
         $upload_futures[$key] = $this->getConduit()->callMethod('file.upload', array('name' => $spec['name'], 'data_base64' => base64_encode($spec['data'])));
     foreach (Futures($upload_futures)->limit(4) as $key => $future) {
         $type = $need_upload[$key]['type'];
         $change = $need_upload[$key]['change'];
         $name = $need_upload[$key]['name'];
         try {
             $phid = $future->resolve();
             $change->setMetadata("{$type}:binary-phid", $phid);
             echo pht("Uploaded '%s' (%s).", $name, $type) . "\n";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "Failed to upload {$type} binary '{$name}'.\n";
             if (!phutil_console_confirm('Continue?', $default_no = false)) {
                 throw new ArcanistUsageException('Aborted due to file upload failure. You can use --skip-binaries ' . 'to skip binary uploads.');
     echo pht("Upload complete.") . "\n";
Beispiel #29
 protected function buildUncommittedStatus()
     $diff_options = $this->getDiffBaseOptions();
     if ($this->repositoryHasNoCommits) {
         $diff_base = self::GIT_MAGIC_ROOT_COMMIT;
     } else {
         $diff_base = 'HEAD';
     // Find uncommitted changes.
     $uncommitted_future = $this->buildLocalFuture(array('diff %C --raw %s --', $diff_options, $diff_base));
     $untracked_future = $this->buildLocalFuture(array('ls-files --others --exclude-standard'));
     // Unstaged changes
     $unstaged_future = $this->buildLocalFuture(array('diff-files --name-only'));
     $futures = array($uncommitted_future, $untracked_future);
     // We're clear to start the `git diff-files` now.
     $result = new PhutilArrayWithDefaultValue();
     list($stdout) = $uncommitted_future->resolvex();
     $uncommitted_files = $this->parseGitStatus($stdout);
     foreach ($uncommitted_files as $path => $mask) {
         $result[$path] |= $mask | self::FLAG_UNCOMMITTED;
     list($stdout) = $untracked_future->resolvex();
     $stdout = rtrim($stdout, "\n");
     if (strlen($stdout)) {
         $stdout = explode("\n", $stdout);
         foreach ($stdout as $path) {
             $result[$path] |= self::FLAG_UNTRACKED;
     list($stdout, $stderr) = $unstaged_future->resolvex();
     $stdout = rtrim($stdout, "\n");
     if (strlen($stdout)) {
         $stdout = explode("\n", $stdout);
         foreach ($stdout as $path) {
             $result[$path] |= self::FLAG_UNSTAGED;
     return $result->toArray();
 public function process()
     $old = array();
     $new = array();
     $n = 0;
     $this->old = array_reverse($this->old);
     $this->new = array_reverse($this->new);
     $whitelines = false;
     $changed = false;
     $skip_intra = array();
     while (count($this->old) || count($this->new)) {
         $o_desc = array_pop($this->old);
         $n_desc = array_pop($this->new);
         $oend = end($this->old);
         if ($oend) {
             $o_next = $oend['type'];
         } else {
             $o_next = null;
         $nend = end($this->new);
         if ($nend) {
             $n_next = $nend['type'];
         } else {
             $n_next = null;
         if ($o_desc) {
             $o_type = $o_desc['type'];
         } else {
             $o_type = null;
         if ($n_desc) {
             $n_type = $n_desc['type'];
         } else {
             $n_type = null;
         if ($o_type != null && $n_type == null) {
             $old[] = $o_desc;
             $new[] = null;
             if ($n_desc) {
                 array_push($this->new, $n_desc);
             $changed = true;
         if ($n_type != null && $o_type == null) {
             $old[] = null;
             $new[] = $n_desc;
             if ($o_desc) {
                 array_push($this->old, $o_desc);
             $changed = true;
         if ($this->whitespaceMode != self::WHITESPACE_SHOW_ALL) {
             $similar = false;
             switch ($this->whitespaceMode) {
                 case self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_TRAILING:
                     if (rtrim($o_desc['text']) == rtrim($n_desc['text'])) {
                         if ($o_desc['type']) {
                             // If we're converting this into an unchanged line because of
                             // a trailing whitespace difference, mark it as a whitespace
                             // change so we can show "This file was modified only by
                             // adding or removing trailing whitespace." instead of
                             // "This file was not modified.".
                             $whitelines = true;
                         $similar = true;
                     // In this case, the lines are similar if there is no change type
                     // (that is, just trust the diff algorithm).
                     if (!$o_desc['type']) {
                         $similar = true;
             if ($similar) {
                 $o_desc['type'] = null;
                 $n_desc['type'] = null;
                 $skip_intra[count($old)] = true;
             } else {
                 $changed = true;
         } else {
             $changed = true;
         $old[] = $o_desc;
         $new[] = $n_desc;
     $this->old = $old;
     $this->new = $new;
     $unchanged = false;
     if ($this->subparser) {
         $unchanged = $this->subparser->isUnchanged();
         $whitelines = $this->subparser->isWhitespaceOnly();
     } else {
         if (!$changed) {
             $filetype = $this->changeset->getFileType();
             if ($filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT || $filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) {
                 $unchanged = true;
     $this->specialAttributes = array(self::ATTR_UNCHANGED => $unchanged, self::ATTR_DELETED => array_filter($this->old) && !array_filter($this->new), self::ATTR_WHITELINES => $whitelines);
     if ($this->isSubparser) {
         // The rest of this function deals with formatting the diff for display;
         // we can exit early if we're a subparser and avoid doing extra work.
     if ($this->subparser) {
         // Use this parser's side-by-side line information -- notably, the
         // change types -- but replace all the line text with the subparser's.
         // This lets us render whitespace-only changes without marking them as
         // different.
         $old = $this->old;
         $new = $this->new;
         $old_text = ipull($this->subparser->old, 'text', 'line');
         $new_text = ipull($this->subparser->new, 'text', 'line');
         foreach ($old as $k => $desc) {
             if (empty($desc)) {
             $old[$k]['text'] = idx($old_text, $desc['line']);
         foreach ($new as $k => $desc) {
             if (empty($desc)) {
             $new[$k]['text'] = idx($new_text, $desc['line']);
             // If there's a corresponding "old" text and the line is marked as
             // unchanged, test if there are internal whitespace changes between
             // non-whitespace characters, e.g. spaces added to a string or spaces
             // added around operators. If we find internal spaces, mark the line
             // as changed.
             // We only need to do this for "new" lines because any line that is
             // missing either "old" or "new" text certainly can not have internal
             // whitespace changes without also having non-whitespace changes,
             // because characters had to be either added or removed to create the
             // possibility of internal whitespace.
             if (isset($old[$k]['text']) && empty($new[$k]['type'])) {
                 if (trim($old[$k]['text']) != trim($new[$k]['text'])) {
                     // The strings aren't the same when trimmed, so there are internal
                     // whitespace changes. Mark this line changed.
                     $old[$k]['type'] = '-';
                     $new[$k]['type'] = '+';
         $this->old = $old;
         $this->new = $new;
     $min_length = min(count($this->old), count($this->new));
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < $min_length; $ii++) {
         if ($this->old[$ii] || $this->new[$ii]) {
             if (isset($this->old[$ii]['text'])) {
                 $otext = $this->old[$ii]['text'];
             } else {
                 $otext = '';
             if (isset($this->new[$ii]['text'])) {
                 $ntext = $this->new[$ii]['text'];
             } else {
                 $ntext = '';
             if ($otext != $ntext && empty($skip_intra[$ii])) {
                 $this->intra[$ii] = ArcanistDiffUtils::generateIntralineDiff($otext, $ntext);
     $lines_context = self::LINES_CONTEXT;
     $max_length = max(count($this->old), count($this->new));
     $old = $this->old;
     $new = $this->new;
     $visible = false;
     $last = 0;
     for ($cursor = -$lines_context; $cursor < $max_length; $cursor++) {
         $offset = $cursor + $lines_context;
         if (isset($old[$offset]) && $old[$offset]['type'] || isset($new[$offset]) && $new[$offset]['type']) {
             $visible = true;
             $last = $offset;
         } else {
             if ($cursor > $last + $lines_context) {
                 $visible = false;
         if ($visible && $cursor > 0) {
             $this->visible[$cursor] = 1;
     // NOTE: Micro-optimize a couple of ipull()s here since it gives us a
     // 10% performance improvement for certain types of large diffs like
     // Phriction changes.
     $old_corpus = array();
     foreach ($this->old as $o) {
         $old_corpus[] = $o['text'];
     $old_corpus_block = implode("\n", $old_corpus);
     $new_corpus = array();
     foreach ($this->new as $n) {
         $new_corpus[] = $n['text'];
     $new_corpus_block = implode("\n", $new_corpus);
     $old_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($old_corpus_block);
     $new_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($new_corpus_block);
     $futures = array('old' => $old_future, 'new' => $new_future);
     foreach (Futures($futures) as $key => $future) {
         try {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'old':
                     $this->oldRender = $this->processHighlightedSource($this->old, $future->resolve());
                 case 'new':
                     $this->newRender = $this->processHighlightedSource($this->new, $future->resolve());
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw $ex;
     $this->applyIntraline($this->oldRender, ipull($this->intra, 0), $old_corpus);
     $this->applyIntraline($this->newRender, ipull($this->intra, 1), $new_corpus);
     $generated = strpos($new_corpus_block, '@' . 'generated') !== false;
     $this->specialAttributes[self::ATTR_GENERATED] = $generated;