Beispiel #1
        for ($n = 0; $n < $Ath4Target; $n++) {
            $tab[0][sprintf('%c', $n + 65)] = '';
            // foto
            $tab[1][sprintf('%c', $n + 65)] = '';
            // bib num, divisione e classe
            $tab[2][sprintf('%c', $n + 65)] = '';
            // Nome
            $tab[3][sprintf('%c', $n + 65)] = '';
            // società
    // recupera se si tratta di A, B, eccetera
    $Num = substr($MyRow->TargetNo, -1);
    $tab[0][$Num] = '<img class="athletephoto" src="Photos/' . $TourCode . '-En-' . $MyRow->EnId . '.jpg" width="' . $fotow . '" alternate=""/>';
    $tab[1][$Num] = $MyRow->TargetNo . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $MyRow->DivCode . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $MyRow->ClassCode;
    $tab[2][$Num] = $MyRow->FirstName . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($MyRow->Name) : $MyRow->Name);
    $tab[3][$Num] = $MyRow->NationCode . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $MyRow->Nation : '');
    $oldTarget = intval($MyRow->TargetNo);
    $oldSession = $MyRow->Session;
if ($tab) {
    // cambio di paglione, scarico le righe
    $tmpRow = '';
    foreach ($tab as $row => $cols) {
        $tmpRow .= '<tr valign="top">';
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
            if ($col) {
                $tmpRow .= '<td align="center">' . $col . '</td>';
            } else {
                $tmpRow .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
Beispiel #2
             if ($Record['gap'] and $item['recordGap'] < $Record['tot'] and ($RecCode == 'WA' or $RecCode == $item['contAssoc'])) {
                 //						$RecClass='Rec-'.$RecType;
                 $RecColumns .= '<td class="Rec-Bg-' . $RecType . '">&nbsp;</td>';
             } else {
                 $RecColumns .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
 $tmp .= '<tr' . ($key % 2 == 0 ? '' : ' class="Next"') . '>';
 $tmp .= '<th class="Title ' . $RecClass . '">' . $item['rank'] . '</th>';
 if (!empty($comparedTo)) {
     $tmp .= '<td class="Center ' . $RecClass . '" style="' . ($item['oldRank'] ? 'background: url(\'' . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Common/Images/' . ($item['rank'] == $item['oldRank'] ? 'Minus' : ($item['rank'] < $item['oldRank'] ? 'Up' : 'Down')) . '.png\'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-position:center;' : '') . 'color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:60%; ">' . ($item['oldRank'] && $item['oldRank'] != $item['rank'] ? $item['oldRank'] : '&nbsp;') . '</th>';
 $tmp .= $RecColumns;
 $tmp .= '<td><span class="piccolo">' . $item['target'] . '</span> ' . $item['familynameUpper'] . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($item['givenname']) : $item['givenname']) . '</td>';
 if ($ViewTeams) {
     $tmp .= '<td style="font-size:80%">' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $item['countryName'] : $item['countryCode']) . '</td>';
 if ($ViewDists) {
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $rankData['meta']['numDist']; ++$i) {
         list($rank, $score) = explode('|', $item['dist_' . $i]);
         $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . str_pad($score, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</td>';
 $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign Grassetto ' . $RecClass . '">' . $item['completeScore'] . '</td>';
 if ($View10s) {
     $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign' . $Class10 . '">' . $item[$Field10] . '</td>';
 if ($ViewX9s) {
     $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . $item[$FieldX9] . '</td>';
Beispiel #3
        // 		$col[]=6;
        $tmp .= '<th>' . get_text('Session') . '</th>';
        $col[] = 25;
        $tmp .= '</tr>' . "\n";
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['head'] = $tmp;
        $SumCol = array_sum($col);
        $cols = '';
        foreach ($col as $w) {
            $cols .= '<col width="' . round(100 * $w / $SumCol, 0) . '%"></col>';
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['cols'] = $cols;
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['fissi'] = '';
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['basso'] = '';
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['type'] = 'DB';
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['style'] = $ST;
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['js'] = $JS;
        $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'GetNewContent.php?Quadro=%1$s&Rule=' . $RULE->TVRId . '&Tour=' . $RULE->TVRTournament . '&Segment=' . $TVsettings->TVPId . '&Session=' . $MyRow->Initial . "';\n";
    $tmp = '';
    if ($oldTarget != intval($MyRow->TargetNo)) {
        if ($oldTarget != 'x') {
            $tmp .= '<tr style="height:2px;"><th colspan="' . $NumCol . '"></th></tr>';
        $oldTarget = intval($MyRow->TargetNo);
        $Class = $Class ? '' : ' class="Next"';
    $tmp .= '<tr' . $Class . '>' . '<td class="NumberAlign">' . ltrim($MyRow->TargetNo, '0') . '&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>' . $MyRow->FirstName . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($MyRow->Name) : $MyRow->Name) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $MyRow->NationCode . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $MyRow->Nation : '') . '</td>' . '<td class="Center">' . ($MyRow->SesName ? $MyRow->SesName : get_text('Session') . ' ' . $MyRow->Session) . '</td>' . '</tr>' . "\n";
    $ret[$MyRow->Initial]['basso'] .= $tmp;
Beispiel #4
 $SumCol = array_sum($col);
 $cols = '';
 foreach ($col as $w) {
     $cols .= '<col width="' . round(100 * $w / $SumCol, 0) . '%"></col>';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['cols'] = $cols;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['fissi'] = '';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['basso'] = '';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['type'] = 'DB';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['style'] = $ST;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['js'] = $JS;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'GetNewContent.php?Quadro=%1$s&Rule=' . $RULE->TVRId . '&Tour=' . $RULE->TVRTournament . '&Segment=' . $TVsettings->TVPId . '&Event=' . $data['meta']['trueEvent'] . '&SubClass=' . $IdEvent . "';\n";
 // Inserisci adesso le singole righe
 foreach ($data['items'] as $key => $archer) {
     // al 4° devo interrompere la tabella e aprire il resto in un div separato
     $tmp = '<tr' . ($key % 2 == 0 ? '' : ' class="Next"') . '>' . '<th class="Title">' . $archer['rank'] . '</th>' . (empty($comparedTo) ? '' : '<td class="Center" style="' . ($archer['oldRank'] ? 'background: url(\'' . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Common/Images/' . ($archer['rank'] == $archer['oldRank'] ? 'Minus' : ($archer['rank'] < $archer['oldRank'] ? 'Up' : 'Down')) . '.png\'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-position:center;' : '') . 'color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:60%; ">' . ($archer['oldRank'] && $archer['oldRank'] != $archer['rank'] ? $archer['oldRank'] : '&nbsp;') . '</td>') . '<td><span class="piccolo">' . $archer['target'] . '</span> ' . $archer['familynameUpper'] . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($archer['givenname']) : $archer['givenname']) . '</td>';
     if ($ViewTeams) {
         $tmp .= '<td style="font-size:80%">' . $archer['countryCode'] . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $archer['countryName'] : '') . '</td>';
     if ($ViewDists) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $rankData['meta']['numDist']; ++$i) {
             if ($data['meta']['fields']['dist_' . $i] == '-') {
             $bits = explode('|', $archer['dist_' . $i]);
             $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . str_pad($bits[1], 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<span class="piccolo">/' . str_pad($TourType != 14 ? $bits[0] : $bits[3], 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</span></td>';
     $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign Grassetto">' . $archer['score'] . '</td>';
     if ($View10s) {
         $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . $archer['gold'] . '</td>';
Beispiel #5
 if (in_array($MyRow->EnId, $GUYS)) {
     // lo include nelle schede da ritornare
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['head'] = '';
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['cols'] = '';
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['fissi'] = '';
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['type'] = 'DB';
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['style'] = $ST;
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['js'] = $JS;
     $ret[$MyRow->EnId]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'\';' . "\n";
     $tmp = '<table width="100%" height="' . ($_SESSION['WINHEIGHT'] - 35) . '">';
     // prima riga, a destra ci va la foto, a sinistra i dati
     $tmp .= '<tr>';
     $tmp .= '<td rowspan="5"><img class="athletephoto" src="Photos/' . $TourCode . '-En-' . $MyRow->EnId . '.jpg" width="' . $fotow . '" alternate=""/></td>';
     $tmp .= '<td width="100%" align="center">' . $MyRow->FirstName . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($MyRow->Name) : $MyRow->Name) . '</td>';
     $tmp .= '</tr>';
     $tmp .= '<tr><td align="center" class="piccolo"><span class="piccolo">' . get_text('RankingPosition', 'Tournament') . '</span><br/>' . $MyRank . '<span class="piccolo">';
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $MyRow->NumDist; ++$i) {
         $tmp .= '<br/>' . $MyRow->{'Td' . $i} . ': ';
         if ($SnapDistance == 0) {
             $tmp .= str_pad($MyRow->{'QuD' . $i . 'Score'}, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<span class="piccolo">/' . str_pad($MyRow->ToType != 14 ? $MyRow->{'QuD' . $i . 'Rank'} : $MyRow->{'QuD' . $i . 'Xnine'}, 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</span>';
         } else {
             if ($i < $SnapDistance) {
                 $tmp .= str_pad($MyRow->{'QuD' . $i . 'Score'}, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
             } else {
                 if ($i == $SnapDistance) {
                     $tmp .= str_pad($MyRow->{'EqScore'}, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 } else {
                     $tmp .= str_pad("0", 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
Beispiel #6
     $TeamSx = $item['countryCode'];
     $TeamDx = $item['oppCountryCode'];
 $NameSx = array();
 $NameDx = array();
 if ($ViewAthls) {
     for ($n = 0; $n < $colspan; $n++) {
         if (!empty($section['athletes'][$item['teamId']][0][$n])) {
             $at = $section['athletes'][$item['teamId']][0][$n];
             $NameSx[] = $TVsettings->TVPNameComplete ? $at['athlete'] : $at['familyName'] . ' ' . FirstLetters($at['givenName']);
         } else {
             $NameSx[] = '&nbsp;';
         if (!empty($section['athletes'][$item['oppTeamId']][0][$n])) {
             $at = $section['athletes'][$item['oppTeamId']][0][$n];
             $NameDx[] = $TVsettings->TVPNameComplete ? $at['athlete'] : $at['familyName'] . ' ' . FirstLetters($at['givenName']);
         } else {
             $NameDx[] = '&nbsp;';
 if ($item['tie'] == 2) {
     // it is a bye
     $tmp .= '<td>' . ltrim($item['target'], '0') . '</td>' . ($ViewFlags ? '<td class="flagphoto">' . $FotoSx . '</td>' : '') . '<td>' . $TeamSx . '</td>' . ($ViewAthls ? '<td class="bottom">' . implode('<br/>', $NameSx) . '</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign bottom"><span class="piccolo">' . get_text('Bye') . '</span></td>' . "\n";
 } elseif ($item['countryCode']) {
     // archer is there
     $tmp .= '<td>' . ltrim($item['target'], '0') . '</td>' . ($ViewFlags ? '<td class="flagphoto">' . $FotoSx . '</td>' : '') . '<td>' . $TeamSx . '</td>' . ($ViewAthls ? '<td class="bottom">' . implode('<br/>', $NameSx) . '</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign bottom">' . $item[$section['meta']['matchMode'] ? 'setScore' : 'score'] . ($item['tie'] == 1 ? '*' : ($item['oppTie'] == 1 ? '<tt>&nbsp;</tt>' : '')) . '</td>' . "\n";
     // 					if($item['tie']==1) debug_svela($item);
 } else {
     // it is the bye's opponent?
     $tmp .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . ($ViewFlags ? '<td class="flagphoto">&nbsp;</td>' : '') . '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . ($ViewAthls ? '<td class="bottom">' . implode('<br/>', $NameSx) . '</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign bottom">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
Beispiel #7
 $SumCol = array_sum($col);
 $cols = '';
 foreach ($col as $w) {
     $cols .= '<col width="' . round(100 * $w / $SumCol, 0) . '%"></col>';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['cols'] = $cols;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['fissi'] = '';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['basso'] = '';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['type'] = 'DB';
 $ret[$IdEvent]['style'] = $ST;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['js'] = $JS;
 $ret[$IdEvent]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'GetNewContent.php?Quadro=%1$s&Rule=' . $RULE->TVRId . '&Tour=' . $RULE->TVRTournament . '&Segment=' . $TVsettings->TVPId . '&Event=' . $IdEvent . "';\n";
 foreach ($section['items'] as $key => $item) {
     // Dati della tabella aperta in (1)
     // al 4° devo interrompere la tabella e aprire il resto in un div separato
     $tmp = '<tr' . ($key % 2 == 0 ? '' : ' class="Next"') . '>' . '<th class="Title">' . $item['rank'] . '</th>' . '<td><span class="piccolo">' . $item['target'] . '</span> ' . $item['familynameUpper'] . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($item['givenname']) : $item['givenname']) . '</td>';
     if ($ViewTeams) {
         $tmp .= '<td style="font-size:80%">' . $item['countryCode'] . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $item['countryName'] : '') . '</td>';
     if ($ViewDists) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $rankData['meta']['numDist']; ++$i) {
             list($rank, $score, $gold, $xnine) = explode('|', $item['dist_' . $i]);
             if ($section['meta']['snapDistance'] == 0) {
                 $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . str_pad($score, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<span class="piccolo">/' . str_pad($TourType != 14 ? $rank : $xnine, 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</span></td>';
             } else {
                 if ($i < $section['meta']['snapDistance']) {
                     $tmp .= '<td class="NumberAlign">' . str_pad($score, 3, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</td>';
                 } else {
                     if ($i == $section['meta']['snapDistance']) {
                         list($rank, $score) = explode('|', $item['dist_Snap']);
Beispiel #8
        $col[] = 8;
        $tmp .= '<th>' . get_text('Class') . '</th>';
        $col[] = 8;
        $tmp .= '</tr>' . "\n";
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['head'] = $tmp;
        $SumCol = array_sum($col);
        $cols = '';
        foreach ($col as $w) {
            $cols .= '<col width="' . round(100 * $w / $SumCol, 0) . '%"></col>';
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['cols'] = $cols;
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['fissi'] = '';
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['basso'] = '';
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['type'] = 'DB';
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['style'] = $ST;
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['js'] = $JS;
        $ret[$MyRow->Session]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'GetNewContent.php?Quadro=%1$s&Rule=' . $RULE->TVRId . '&Tour=' . $RULE->TVRTournament . '&Segment=' . $TVsettings->TVPId . '&Session=' . $MyRow->Session . "';\n";
    $tmp = '';
    if ($oldTarget != intval($MyRow->TargetNo)) {
        if ($oldTarget != 'x') {
            $tmp .= '<tr style="height:2px;"><th colspan="' . $NumCol . '"></th></tr>';
        $oldTarget = intval($MyRow->TargetNo);
        $Class = $Class ? '' : ' class="Next"';
    $tmp .= '<tr' . $Class . '>' . '<td class="NumberAlign">' . ltrim($MyRow->TargetNo, '0') . '&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>' . $MyRow->FirstName . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPNameComplete == 0 ? FirstLetters($MyRow->Name) : $MyRow->Name) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $MyRow->NationCode . ' ' . ($TVsettings->TVPViewNationName == 1 ? $MyRow->Nation : '') . '</td>' . '<td class="Center">' . (HideCols && $MyRow->DivDescription ? $MyRow->DivDescription : $MyRow->DivCode) . '</td>' . '<td class="Center">' . (HideCols && $MyRow->ClDescription ? $MyRow->ClDescription : $MyRow->ClassCode) . '</td>' . '</tr>' . "\n";
    $ret[$MyRow->Session]['basso'] .= $tmp;
Beispiel #9
 $ret["{$IdEvent} - {$IdPhase}"]['type'] = 'DB';
 $ret["{$IdEvent} - {$IdPhase}"]['style'] = $ST;
 $ret["{$IdEvent} - {$IdPhase}"]['js'] = $JS;
 $ret["{$IdEvent} - {$IdPhase}"]['js'] .= 'FreshDBContent[%1$s]=\'GetNewContent.php?Quadro=%1$s&Rule=' . $RULE->TVRId . '&Tour=' . $RULE->TVRTournament . '&Segment=' . $TVsettings->TVPId . '&Event=' . $IdEvent . "&Phase={$IdPhase}';\n";
 $ii = 0;
 $Style = '';
 foreach ($phase['items'] as $key => $item) {
     // Dati della tabella aperta in (1)
     $tmp = '<tr' . $Style . '>';
     $NamSx = $item['athlete'];
     $NamDx = $item['oppAthlete'];
     $TeamSx = $item['countryCode'] . '&nbsp;' . $item['countryName'];
     $TeamDx = $item['oppCountryCode'] . '&nbsp;' . $item['oppCountryName'];
     if (!$TVsettings->TVPNameComplete) {
         $NamSx = $item['familyName'] . ' ' . FirstLetters($item['givenName']);
         $NamDx = $item['oppFamilyName'] . ' ' . FirstLetters($item['oppGivenName']);
     if (!$TVsettings->TVPViewNationName) {
         $TeamSx = $item['countryCode'];
         $TeamDx = $item['oppCountryCode'];
     if ($item['tie'] == 2) {
         // it is a bye
         $tmp .= '<td>' . get_text('Bye') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $NamSx . '</td>' . ($ViewTeams ? '<td>' . $TeamSx . '</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
     } elseif ($item['athlete']) {
         // archer is there
         $tmp .= '<td>' . ltrim($item['target'], '0') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $NamSx . '</td>' . ($ViewTeams ? '<td>' . $TeamSx . '</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign" id="match_' . $IdEvent . '_' . $item['matchNo'] . '">' . $item[$section['meta']['matchMode'] ? 'setScore' : 'score'] . ($item['tie'] == 1 ? '*' : ($item['oppTie'] == 1 ? '<tt>&nbsp;</tt>' : '')) . '</td>' . "\n";
     } else {
         // it is the bye's opponent?
         $tmp .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . ($ViewTeams ? '<td>&nbsp;</td>' : '') . '<td class="NumberAlign">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";