<?php if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } $DefaultHomeTitle = $HomeTitle; $DefaultHomeDescription = $HomeDesc; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = FilterData($value); } foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $_GET[$key] = FilterData($value); } include OS_PAGE_PATH . "registration_login_page.php"; include OS_PAGE_PATH . "add_comment_page.php"; //Update last_login on active sessions after 15 min. if (os_is_logged() and isset($_SESSION["logged"]) and $_SESSION["logged"] + 60 * 15 <= time()) { $LastLogin = $db->update(OSDB_USERS, array("user_last_login" => (int) time()), "user_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION["user_id"] . "'"); } //If "u" is not a number, found in the database this user (if exists) if (isset($_GET["u"]) and !is_numeric($_GET["u"])) { $uid = OS_StrToUTF8(trim($_GET["u"])); $sql = ""; if (isset($_GET["game_type"])) { $game_type = (int) $_GET["game_type"]; $sql = "AND alias_id = '" . $game_type . "' "; } else { $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_ALIASES . " WHERE default_alias = 1 LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) {
case 'select': // Leer el archivo de texto en un string $users = file_get_contents($filename); // separar por saltos de linea en una array $users = explode("\n", $users); // recorrer el array de usuario include '../modules/Application/views/user/select.phtml'; break; case 'insert': if ($_POST) { // echo "<pre>Post: "; // print_r($_POST); // echo "</pre>"; include '../modules/Utils/src/Utils/Form/FilterData.php'; $formdef = "../modules/Application/src/Application/Forms/register.json"; $data = FilterData($_POST, $formdef); // echo "<pre>data: "; // print_r($data); // echo "</pre>"; $validate = ValidateData($data, $formdef); // echo "<pre>validate: "; // print_r($validate); // echo "</pre>"; // die; if ($validate['result'] === true) { // Write to repo $array = $_POST; $array['photo'] = $_FILES['photo']['name']; Save($array, $filename); header("Location: /user/select"); } else {
?> <img src="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> img/warn.png" alt="" class="imgvalign" /> <?php echo $lang["gl_no_accesss"]; ?> <?php //$_SESSION["die"] = true; die; } require_once 'inc/class.db.PDO.php'; require_once 'inc/db_connect.php'; require_once 'inc/live_games_functions.php'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = FilterData($value); } //GET GAME LISTS if (isset($_POST["refresh"]) and $_POST["refresh"] == "gamelist") { if ($LiveGamesLimit >= 1) { $LIMIT = "LIMIT {$LiveGamesLimit}"; } if (isset($_POST["gameid"]) and $_POST["gameid"] >= 1) { $selectedGameID = (int) $_POST["gameid"]; } else { $selectedGameID = ""; } $sql = " "; //if (os_is_logged() AND $_SESSION["level"]>=9 ) $sql = " "; //else $sql = " AND botid = 1"; if (isset($_POST["alias_id"]) and is_numeric($_POST["alias_id"])) {