Beispiel #1
echo "\n//-->\n</SCRIPT></head><body onLoad=\"format_all_messages(false);";
if ($CheckForMoves or $PlayControls and @$NormalMoveForm) {
    if ($PlayControls and @$NormalMoveForm) {
        echo ' SetupForm();';
    if ($CheckForMoves) {
        echo ' IntervalID = setInterval(ajaxFunction,current_interval_length);" onUnload="clearInterval(IntervalID);"';
    } else {
        echo '"';
} else {
    echo '"';
echo '>';
EchoLoginForm(array('Location' => 1, 'GameID' => $GameID));
echo $GameName_Page;
if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
    $QR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'SELECT "User" FROM "WatchedGame" WHERE "User" = :user: AND "Game" = :game:', 'user', $_SESSION['MyUserID'], 'game', $GameID);
    if ($QR === 'NONE') {
        echo ' - <a href="watch.php?Add=1&ReturnWhere=2&GameID=' . $GameID . '">' . transtext('gbClickToWatch') . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo ' - ' . transtext('gbYouAreWatching') . ' <a href="watch.php?ReturnWhere=2&GameID=' . $GameID . '">' . transtext('gbStopWatching') . '</a>';
echo '<p>' . $VersionName . ' (' . $Creators . ')' . '<p>';
if ($RailPhase) {
    $PhaseName = 'Rail';
    $phasename = 'rail';
} else {
    $PhaseName = 'Canal';
Beispiel #2
        $TtlText .= ' <font color="#FF0000">(CLEARED)</font>';
} else {
    if ($TitleDeletedByAdmin) {
        $TtlText = 'The title of this thread has been cleared by an Administrator';
    } else {
        $TtlText = $Title;
if ($TitleDeletedByAdmin) {
    $TtlBarText = 'The title of this thread has been cleared by an Administrator';
} else {
    $TtlBarText = $Title;
echo DOCTYPE_ETC . '<script type="text/javascript" src="formatmessage.js"></script><title>' . $TtlBarText . '</title></head><body onload="format_all_messages(false);">';
EchoLoginForm(array('Location' => 3, 'ThreadID' => $ThreadID));
if ($OriginalBoard == $Board) {
    $OriginalLocationText = '';
} else {
    $OLQR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'SELECT "AdminOnly", "BName" FROM "Board" WHERE "BoardID" = :board:', 'board', $OriginalBoard);
    if ($OLQR === 'NONE' or $OLQR['AdminOnly']) {
        $OriginalLocationText = '';
    } else {
        $OriginalLocationText = '<p>(Moved from ' . $OLQR['BName'] . ')</p>';
echo '<h1><a href="boardview.php?BoardID=' . $Board . '">' . $BName . '</a></h1><h3>' . $TtlText . '</h3>' . $OriginalLocationText;
if ($Administrator) {
    if ($Sticky) {
        $CSticky = ' checked';
    } else {