Beispiel #1
*   Create a list of events
*   @param  integer $range          Range indicator (upcoming, past, etc)
*   @param  integer $category       Category to limit search
*   @param  string  $block_title    Title of block
*   @return string      HTML for list page
function EVLIST_listview($range = '', $category = '', $calendar = '', $block_title = '')
    global $_CONF, $_EV_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_EVLIST;
    EVLIST_setViewSession('list', $year, $month, $day);
    $retval = '';
    $T = new Template(EVLIST_PI_PATH . '/templates/');
    $T->set_file('index', 'index.thtml');
    if ($_EV_CONF['_can_add']) {
        $add_event_link = EVLIST_URL . '/event.php?edit=x';
    } else {
        $add_event_link = '';
    $T->set_var(array('action' => EVLIST_URL . '/index.php', 'range_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions($LANG_EVLIST['ranges'], $range), 'add_event_link' => $add_event_link, 'add_event_text' => $LANG_EVLIST['add_event'], 'rangetext' => $LANG_EVLIST['ranges'][$range]));
    $page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : (int) $_GET['page'];
    $opts = array('cat' => $category, 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $_EV_CONF['limit_list'], 'cal' => $calendar);
    switch ($range) {
        case 1:
            // past
            $start = EV_MIN_DATE;
            $end = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
            $opts['order'] = 'DESC';
        case 3:
            //this week
            $start = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
            $end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 week', $_EV_CONF['_today_ts']));
        case 4:
            //this month
            $start = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
            $end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month', $_EV_CONF['_today_ts']));
        case 2:
            $start = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
            $end = EV_MAX_DATE;
    $events = EVLIST_getEvents($start, $end, $opts);
    if (empty($events)) {
        //return empty list msg
        $T->set_var(array('title' => '', 'block_title' => $block_title, 'empty_listmsg' => $LANG_EVLIST['no_match']));
        if (!empty($range)) {
            $andrange = '&range=' . $range;
            $T->set_var('range', $range);
        } else {
            $andrange = '&range=2';
        if (!empty($category)) {
            $andcat = '&cat=' . $category;
            $T->set_var('category', $category);
        } else {
            $andcat = '';
    } else {
        //populate list
        // So we don't call SEC_hasRights inside the loop
        $isAdmin = SEC_hasRights('evlist.admin');
        $T->set_file(array('item' => 'list_item.thtml', 'editlinks' => 'edit_links.thtml', 'category_form' => 'category_dd.thtml'));
        if (!empty($range)) {
            $andrange = '&range=' . $range;
            $T->set_var('range', $range);
        } else {
            $andrange = '&range=2';
        if (!empty($category)) {
            $andcat = '&cat=' . $category;
            $T->set_var('category', $category);
        } else {
            $andcat = '';
        // Track events that have been shown so we show them only once.
        $already_shown = array();
        foreach ($events as $date => $daydata) {
            foreach ($daydata as $A) {
                if (array_key_exists($A['rp_id'], $already_shown)) {
                } else {
                    $already_shown[$A['rp_id']] = 1;
                $titlelink = COM_buildURL(EVLIST_URL . '/event.php?eid=' . $A['rp_id'] . $timestamp . $andrange . $andcat);
                $titlelink = '<a href="' . $titlelink . '">' . COM_stripslashes($A['title']) . '</a>';
                $summary = PLG_replaceTags(COM_stripslashes($A['summary']));
                $datesummary = sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['event_begins'], EVLIST_formattedDate(strtotime($A['rp_date_start'])));
                $morelink = COM_buildURL(EVLIST_URL . '/event.php?eid=' . $A['rp_id'] . $timestamp . $andrange . $andcat);
                $morelink = '<a href="' . $morelink . '">' . $LANG_EVLIST['read_more'] . '</a>';
                if (empty($A['email'])) {
                    $contactlink = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/profiles.php?uid=' . $A['owner_id'];
                } else {
                    $contactlink = 'mailto:' . EVLIST_obfuscate($A['email']);
                $contactlink = '<a href="' . $contactlink . '">' . $LANG_EVLIST['ev_contact'] . '</a>';
                $T->set_var(array('title' => $titlelink, 'date_summary' => $datesummary, 'summary' => $summary, 'more_link' => $morelink, 'contact_link' => $contactlink, 'contact_name' => $A['contact'], 'owner_name' => COM_getDisplayName($A['owner_id']), 'block_title' => $block_title, 'category_links' => EVLIST_getCatLinks($A['ev_id'], $andrange), 'cal_id' => $A['cal_id'], 'cal_name' => $A['cal_name'], 'cal_fgcolor' => $A['fgcolor'], 'cal_bgcolor' => $A['bgcolor']));
                $T->parse('event_item', 'item', true);
    $T->parse('output', 'index');
    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    // Set page navigation
    $retval .= EVLIST_pagenav($start, $end, $category, $page, $range, $calendar);
    return $retval;
*   Display a small monthly calendar for the current month.
*   Dates that have events scheduled are highlighted.
*   @param  integer $year   Year to display, default is current year
*   @param  integer $month  Starting month
*   @return string          HTML for calendar page
function EVLIST_smallmonth($year = 0, $month = 0, $opts = array())
    global $_CONF, $_EV_CONF, $LANG_MONTH, $_SYSTEM;
    $retval = '';
    // Default to the current year
    if ($year == 0) {
        $year = date('Y');
    if ($month == 0) {
        $month = date('m');
    $monthnum_str = sprintf("%02d", (int) $month);
    // Get all the dates in the period
    $starting_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
    $ending_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, 31, $year));
    $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarMonth($month, $year, '%Y-%m-%d');
    $events = EVLIST_getEvents($starting_date, $ending_date, $opts);
    $T = new Template(EVLIST_PI_PATH . '/templates');
    $T->set_file(array('smallmonth' => 'phpblock_month.thtml'));
    $T->set_var('thisyear', $year);
    $T->set_var('month', $month);
    $T->set_var('monthname', $LANG_MONTH[(int) $month]);
    // Set each day column header to the first letter of the day name
    $T->set_block('smallmonth', 'daynames', 'nBlock');
    $daynames = EVLIST_getDayNames(1);
    foreach ($daynames as $key => $dayname) {
        $T->set_var('dayname', $dayname);
        $T->parse('nBlock', 'daynames', true);
    $T->set_block('smallmonth', 'week', 'wBlock');
    $dt = new Date('now', $_CONF['timezone']);
    foreach ($calendarView as $weeknum => $weekdata) {
        list($weekYear, $weekMonth, $weekDay) = explode('-', $weekdata[0]);
        $T->set_var(array('weekyear' => $weekYear, 'weekmonth' => $weekMonth, 'weekday' => $weekDay));
        $T->set_block('smallmonth', 'day', 'dBlock');
        foreach ($weekdata as $daynum => $daydata) {
            list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $daydata);
            if ($daydata == $_EV_CONF['_today']) {
                $dayclass = 'monthtoday';
            } elseif ($m == $monthnum_str) {
                $dayclass = 'monthon';
            } else {
                $T->set_var('no_day_link', 'true');
                $dayclass = 'monthoff';
            $popup = '';
            if (isset($events[$daydata])) {
                // Create the tooltip hover text
                $daylinkclass = $dayclass == 'monthoff' ? 'nolink-events' : 'day-events';
                foreach ($events[$daydata] as $event) {
                    // Show event titles on different lines if more than one
                    if (!empty($popup)) {
                        $popup .= EVLIST_tooltip_newline();
                    // Don't show a time for all-day events
                    if ($event['allday'] == 0 && $event['rp_date_start'] == $event['rp_date_end']) {
                        $dt->setTimestamp(strtotime($event['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_start1']));
                        // Time is a localized string, not a timestamp, so
                        // don't adjust for the timezone
                        $popup .= $dt->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false) . ': ';
                    $popup .= htmlentities($event['title']);
                $T->set_var('popup', $popup);
            } else {
                $daylinkclass = 'day-noevents';
            $T->set_var(array('daylinkclass' => $daylinkclass, 'dayclass' => $dayclass, 'day' => substr($daydata, 8, 2), 'pi_url' => EVLIST_URL));
            $T->parse('dBlock', 'day', true);
        $T->parse('wBlock', 'week', true);
    $T->parse('output', 'smallmonth');
    return $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
Beispiel #3
/** Include core glFusion libraries */
require_once '../lib-common.php';
// Set up the period to export- now + 1 year
$start = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $start);
$end = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y + 1));
$opts = array('ical' => 1);
if (isset($_GET['cal']) && !empty($_GET['cal'])) {
    // Get only a specific calendar
    $opts['cal'] = (int) $_GET['cal'];
if (isset($_GET['rp_id']) && !empty($_GET['rp_id'])) {
    // Get a single event
    $opts['rp_id'] = (int) $_GET['rp_id'];
$events = EVLIST_getEvents($start, $end, $opts);
$ical = '';
$space = '      ';
$rp_shown = array();
foreach ($events as $day) {
    foreach ($day as $event) {
        // Check if this repeat is already shown.  We only want multi-day
        // events included once instead of each day
        if (array_key_exists($event['rp_id'], $rp_shown)) {
        $rp_shown[$event['rp_id']] = 1;
        $start_time = gmstrftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', strtotime($event['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_start1']));
        $end_time = gmstrftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', strtotime($event['rp_date_end'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_end1']));
        $summary = $event['title'];
        $permalink = COM_buildURL(EVLIST_URL . '/event.php?eid=' . $event['rp_id']);