public function __construct(&$theArray) { ENTER("minimenu::minimenu", __LINE__); $a = new config("gilles", $anElement); unset($anOption); foreach ($anElement as $a) { switch ($a->getType()) { case MINIMENU_CATEGORY: $anOption[] = "+ " . $a->name; break; case MINIMENU_PROGRAM: $anOption[] = "* " . $a->name; break; case MINIMENU_DOCUMENT: $anOption[] = $a->name; break; } } $this->_myTerminal = new enhancedTerminal(); if (!$this->_myTerminal->isBuild()) { $this->_myTerminal = new dumbTerminal($theTerminal); } $this->myDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aTitle = ""; $theText = NULL; $theSelectedOption = NULL; $theKeyIsDisplayed = false; $this->myDialog->menu($aTitle, $anOption, &$aResult, NULL, NULL, false); }
function mailConfig($theUser) { ENTER("mailConfig::mailConfig", __LINE__); parent::__construct(); SHOW("theUser={$theUser}, this={$this}"); $this->_myUser = $theUser; $this->_myFilename = sprintf($this->_myTemplateFilename, $theUser); if (!is_file($this->_myFilename)) { $fd = fopen($this->_myFilename, "w"); if ($fd == NULL) { $aError = sprintf("Error: can't open file: %s\n", $this->_myFilename); ErrorMessage($aError, __LINE__, __FILE__, '$Revision: 1.8 $'); return; } fwrite($fd, $this->_myInitialFile); fclose($fd); } if (!is_readable($this->_myFilename)) { $aError = sprintf("Error: file unreadable: %s\n", $this->_myFilename); ErrorMessage($aError, __LINE__, __FILE__, '$Revision: 1.8 $'); return; } $this->load($this->_myFilename); $this->_myXpath = new domxpath($this); $this->_myMailconfigContext = $this->_myXpath->query($this->_mailconfigPath)->item(0); $this->initMailSourceIndex(); $this->_my_object_is_build = true; }
function say($the_sentence_to_say) { ENTER("say"); $fd = fopen("/tmp/a.txt", "w"); fwrite($fd, "q \\{{$the_sentence_to_say}}\nd\n"); fclose($fd); system("eflite -f /tmp/a.txt"); echo $the_sentence_to_say; }
protected function getElement(&$theNode, &$theElement) { ENTER("config::getElement", __LINE__); SHOW("====== nodeName=" . $theNode->nodeName . " ======\n"); $theElement = NULL; $anArray = NULL; $aName = ""; $aElementIsHidden = false; if ($theNode->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } if ($theNode->hasAttributes()) { foreach ($theNode->attributes as $a) { $anArray[$a->name] = $a->value; } } if ($theNode->hasChildNodes()) { $a = $theNode->firstChild; while ($a != NULL) { if ($a->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $b = $a->firstChild; if ($b != NULL && $b->isSameNode($a->lastChild)) { $anArray[$a->nodeName] = $b->nodeValue; } } $a = $a->nextSibling; } } switch ($theNode->nodeName) { case MINIMENU_CATEGORY: $theElement = new category($anArray); break; case MINIMENU_PROGRAM: $theElement = new program($anArray); break; case MINIMENU_DOCUMENT: $theElement = new document($anArray); break; default: $aError = sprintf("Error: unknown element: %s\n", $aNode->nodeName); ErrorMessage($aError, __LINE__, __FILE__, '$Revision: 1.2 $'); break; } }
protected function _inputMailbox(&$theArray) { ENTER("mailMenu::_inputMailbox", __LINE__); $aFollowingKeyExists = true; reset($this->_myConf->myMailSourceFieldName); while ($aFollowingKeyExists) { // $aState=$this->_myConf->myMailSourceFieldName[$aKey]; $aState = current($this->_myConf->myMailSourceFieldName); $aKeyPressed = OkPressedValue; switch ($aState) { case "label": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the name of this mailbox, for example: My Mailbox"), $theArray[$aState], $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; case "host": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the name of the POP server, for example:"), $theArray[$aState], $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; case "port": $aPort = $theArray[$aState]; if (strlen($aPort) == 0 || !is_numeric($aPort)) { $aPort = "110"; } $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the port or press return"), $aPort, $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; case "login": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the login"), $theArray[$aState], $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; case "password": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the password"), $theArray[$aState], $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; case "keep": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aValue = $aDialog->yesNo(gettext("Do you want to keep the messages in the server once they have been fetched to your computer?")); unset($aDialog); if ($aKeyPressed != EscapePressedValue) { $theArray[$aState] = $aValue; } break; case "smtp": $aDialog = new cliDialog($this->_myTerminal, false); $aKeyPressed = $aDialog->inputBox(gettext("Enter the name of the S M T P server, for example:"), $theArray[$aState], $aValue); unset($aDialog); break; default: exit; break; } if ($aKeyPressed == OkPressedValue) { $theArray[$aState] = $aValue; } $aFollowingKeyExists = $this->_getWishedState($this->_myConf->myMailSourceFieldName, $aKeyPressed); } return $aKeyPressed; }
function apply(&$theInput) { ENTER("cliYesNo::apply", __LINE__); return $this->myCurrentValue; }
public function getType() { ENTER("document::getType", __LINE__); return MINIMENU_DOCUMENT; }
function getMessage($theMessageType, &$theMessage, $theValue = NULL) { ENTER("dumbTerminal::getMessage", __LINE__); switch ($theMessageType) { case MessageNavigationMenu: $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nPress return to read the next item. "); $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nAnd type yes to select your preferred item. "); break; case MessageNavigationRadio: $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nPress return to read the next option. "); $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nAnd type yes to select your preferred option. "); break; case MessageNavigationCheckbox: $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nPress return to read the next option. "); $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nAnd type yes to select an option, or type no to unselect it. "); $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nNote that you can select several options. "); break; case MessageNavigationInputBox: $theMessage[verbose][] = gettext("\nType your answer in this input field. "); $theMessage[notVerbose][] = gettext("\nInput. "); break; case MessageNavigationInputBoxDefaultButton: $theMessage[verbose][] = sprintf(gettext("\nJust type yes if you accept this proposal: %s. "), $theValue); $theMessage[notVerbose][] = sprintf(gettext("\nProposal: %s. "), $theValue); break; default: echo "\ndisplay: unknown message {$theMessage}. "; break; } }
function _LookForMyDirectory($thePath, &$theTarBalls, &$theOptionalDirectory) { ENTER("_LookForMyDirectory"); Debug("Input: {$thePath}"); $isDECtalkFound = FALSE; $aDirectoryPointer = opendir($thePath); while ($aFilename = readdir($aDirectoryPointer)) { if (@is_dir("{$thePath}/{$aFilename}")) { if ($aFilename == "DECtalk") { Debug("Dir = DECtalk"); $isDECtalkFound = TRUE; } else { if ($aFilename != "." && $aFilename != ".." && $aFilename != "emacspeak" && $aFilename != "oralux" && $aFilename != "dtk" && $aFilename != "usr" && $aFilename != "home" && $aFilename != "var") { // This might be a directory related to an optional language Debug("Optional Dir = {$aFilename}"); $theOptionalDirectory[] = $aFilename; } } } else { if (preg_match("/[lL][iI][nN][uU][xX].*.[gG][zZ]/", $aFilename, $b)) { // Yes, this looks like a DECtalk tarball! Debug("tarball={$aFilename}"); $theTarBalls[] = $aFilename; } } } closedir($aDirectoryPointer); Debug("theTarBalls="); Debug($theTarBalls); Debug("theOptionalDirectory="); Debug($theOptionalDirectory); return $isDECtalkFound; }