function SetTags($LID = 1)
           Author: Plottery Corp.
          Created: v1.0.0 - 2010-12-19
        Revisions: None
          Purpose: Saves category and type keywords
          Returns: Nothing
    global $Response;
    $Response->J = 'F5();';
    if (isset($_POST['Key'])) {
        if ($AKey = ValidAccessKey($_POST['Key'])) {
            $Response->J = 'EdtTag(true);';
            $TypeID = 0;
            $LastID = 0;
            $LastKey = '';
            $CategoryID = 0;
            foreach ($_POST as $Key => $Value) {
                if ($Key != 'Key') {
                    $ID = (int) substr($Key, 1);
                    switch (strtolower(substr($Key, 0, 1))) {
                        case 'c':
                            if ($ID < 0) {
                                //Create new category and matching string
                                if (!($StringID = CreateNewString($LID, 10000, 19999, 'Category', $Value))) {
                                if (!($CategoryID = InsertAndRetrieveID("INSERT INTO 2100_Store_Categories (CategoryName, StringID) VALUES ('" . Pacify($Value) . "'," . $StringID . ");", "category"))) {
                                $LastID = $ID;
                            } else {
                                //Find category ID
                                list($QR, $DR, $T) = QuerySingle("SELECT SC.CategoryID, SC.StringID FROM 2100_Store_Categories SC WHERE SC.CategoryID = " . (int) $ID . ";");
                                if ($QR < 1) {
                                    SysLogIt('Error retrieving category with ID of ' . $ID . '.', StatusError, ActionSelect);
                                if ($LID > 1) {
                                    //Update category
                                    if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2100_Store_Categories SET CategoryName = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE CategoryID = " . $DR['CategoryID'] . ";")) {
                                        SysLogIt('Updated category with ID of ' . $DR['CategoryID'] . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                    } else {
                                        SysLogIt('Error updating category with ID of ' . $DR['CategoryID'] . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                                //Update string
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 0200_Language_Strings SET StringText = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE StringID = " . $DR['StringID'] . " AND LanguageID = " . $LID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated string with ID of ' . $DR['CategoryID'] . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating string with ID of ' . $DR['StringID'] . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                        case 'x':
                            if ($ID < 0 && ($LastID = $ID && $CategoryID > 0)) {
                                //Create new category keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("INSERT INTO 2101_Store_Category_Keywords (CategoryID, LanguageID, Keywords) VALUES (" . $CategoryID . "," . $LID . ",'" . Pacify($Value) . "');")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Created keywords for category with ID of ' . $CategoryID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionInsert);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error creating keywords for category with ID ' . $CategoryID . '.', StatusError, ActionInsert);
                            } elseif ($ID > 0) {
                                //Update existing category keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2101_Store_Category_Keywords SET Keywords = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE KeywordsID = " . $ID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated category keywords with ID of ' . $ID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating category keywords with ID of ' . $ID . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                        case 'j':
                            $UpdateID = 0;
                            if ($ID < 0 && ($LastID = $ID && $CategoryID > 0)) {
                                $UpdateID = $CategoryID;
                            } else {
                                $UpdateID = $ID;
                            if ($UpdateID > 0 && trim($Value) != '') {
                                //Update existing category keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2100_Store_Categories SET Icon = '" . Pacify(trim($Value)) . "' WHERE CategoryID = " . $UpdateID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated icon for category with ID of ' . $UpdateID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating icon for category with ID of ' . $UpdateID . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                        case 't':
                            if (stripos($ID, '-', 1) !== false) {
                                $ID = (int) substr($ID, 0, stripos($ID, '-', 1));
                            if ($ID < 0) {
                                //Create new type and matching string
                                if (!($StringID = CreateNewString($LID, 10000, 19999, 'Type', $Value))) {
                                if (!($TypeID = InsertAndRetrieveID("INSERT INTO 2110_Store_Types (CategoryID, TypeName, StringID) VALUES (" . -$ID . ",'" . Pacify($Value) . "'," . $StringID . ");", "type"))) {
                                $LastID = $ID;
                                $LastKey = substr($Key, 1);
                            } else {
                                //Find type ID
                                list($QR, $DR, $T) = QuerySingle("SELECT TypeID, StringID FROM 2110_Store_Types WHERE TypeID = " . (int) $ID . ";");
                                if ($QR < 1) {
                                    SysLogIt('Error retrieving type with ID of ' . $ID . '.', StatusError, ActionSelect);
                                if ($LID > 1) {
                                    //Update type
                                    if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2110_Store_Types SET TypeName = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE TypeID = " . $DR['TypeID'] . ";")) {
                                        SysLogIt('Updated type with ID of ' . $DR['TypeID'] . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                    } else {
                                        SysLogIt('Error updating type with ID of ' . $DR['TypeID'] . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                                //Update string
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 0200_Language_Strings SET StringText = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE StringID = " . $DR['StringID'] . " AND LanguageID = " . $LID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated string with ID of ' . $DR['TypeID'] . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating string with ID of ' . $DR['StringID'] . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                        case 'k':
                            if (stripos($ID, '-', 1) !== false) {
                                $ID = (int) substr($ID, 0, stripos($ID, '-', 1));
                            if ($ID < 0 && substr($Key, 1) == $LastKey && $TypeID > 0) {
                                //Create new type keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("INSERT INTO 2111_Store_Type_Keywords (TypeID, LanguageID, Keywords) VALUES (" . $TypeID . "," . $LID . ",'" . Pacify($Value) . "');")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Created keywords for type with ID ' . $TypeID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionInsert);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error creating keywords for type with ID ' . $TypeID . '.', StatusError, ActionInsert);
                            } elseif ($ID > 0) {
                                //Update existing type keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2111_Store_Type_Keywords SET Keywords = '" . Pacify($Value) . "' WHERE KeywordsID = " . $ID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated type keywords with ID ' . $ID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating type keywords with ID of ' . $ID . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
                        case 'i':
                            if (stripos($ID, '-', 1) !== false) {
                                $ID = (int) substr($ID, 0, stripos($ID, '-', 1));
                            $UpdateID = 0;
                            if ($ID < 0 && substr($Key, 1) == $LastKey && $TypeID > 0) {
                                $UpdateID = $TypeID;
                            } else {
                                $UpdateID = $ID;
                            if ($UpdateID > 0 && trim($Value) != '') {
                                //Update existing type keywords
                                if (ExecCommand("UPDATE 2110_Store_Types SET Icon = '" . Pacify(trim($Value)) . "' WHERE TypeID = " . $UpdateID . ";")) {
                                    SysLogIt('Updated icon for type with ID of ' . $UpdateID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
                                } else {
                                    SysLogIt('Error updating icon for type with ID of ' . $UpdateID . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
            $Response->S = true;
Beispiel #2
function GetDealID($Source, $LanguageID, $CountryID, $StoreID, $D, $DoHist)
    //Find deal
    list($QR, $DR, $T) = QuerySingle("SELECT D.DealID, D.DealPrice, D.DealValue, D.DealStatus, D.StringID, LS.StringText AS Title, D.DealURL\n                                         FROM 4000_Deals D\n                                        INNER JOIN 0200_Language_Strings LS ON D.StringID = LS.StringID AND LS.LanguageID = " . $LanguageID . "\n                                        WHERE D.DealSourceID = " . $Source . "\n                                          AND ((D.RemoteID = '" . Pacify($D['DRID']) . "')\n                                           OR (LS.StringText = '" . Pacify($D['Title']) . "' AND LENGTH(LS.StringText) > 15))\n                                          AND D.DateEnds >= " . date('YmdHis') . ";");
    if ($QR < 0) {
        return SysLogIt('Error searching for deal.', StatusError, ActionSelect);
    if ($QR == 0) {
        if ($StringID = CreateNewString($LanguageID, $Source * 1000000, ($Source + 1) * 1000000 - 1, 'Title for deal with remote ID of ' . $D['DRID'], $D['Title'])) {
            $CID = $CountryID;
            if (array_key_exists("Country", $D)) {
                $CID = GetCountry($D['Country'], $CountryID);
            //Insert new deal
            if (!ExecCommand("INSERT INTO 4000_Deals (DealSourceID, CountryID, StoreID, StringID, RemoteID, DealURL, DateListed, DateEnds, DateExpiry, DealPrice, DealValue, DealStatus)\n                          VALUES (" . $Source . "," . $CID . "," . $StoreID . "," . $StringID . ",'" . Pacify($D['DRID']) . "','" . Pacify($D['URL']) . "'," . date('YmdHis', $D['SDate']) . "," . date('YmdHis', $D['EDate']) . "," . date('YmdHis', $D['VDate']) . "," . round((double) $D['Price']) . "," . round((double) $D['Value']) . "," . $D['Status'] . ");")) {
                return SysLogIt('Error creating new deal.', StatusError, ActionInsert);
            //Get new store record
            list($QR, $DR, $T) = QuerySingle("SELECT last_insert_id() AS ID;");
            if ($QR < 0) {
                return SysLogIt('Error retrieving newly inserted deal ID.', StatusError, ActionSelect);
            $DealID = $DR['ID'];
            SysLogIt('Created new deal with ID of ' . $DealID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionInsert);
            if ($DoHist) {
            DoQR($DealID, $StoreID, $D);
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        $DealID = $DR['DealID'];
        $StringID = $DR['StringID'];
        //Update deal data if necessary
        if ((int) $DR['DealPrice'] != (int) $D['Price'] || (int) $DR['DealValue'] != (int) $D['Value']) {
            // || ($DR['DealURL'] != $D['URL']) ) {
            if (!ExecCommand("UPDATE 4000_Deals SET DealPrice = " . (double) $D['Price'] . ", DealValue = " . (double) $D['Value'] . ", DealStatus = " . ($DR['DealStatus'] | $D['Status']) . ", DealURL = '" . Pacify($D['URL']) . "' WHERE DealID = " . $DR['DealID'] . ";")) {
                return SysLogIt('Error updating deal with ID of ' . $DR['DealID'] . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
            SysLogIt('Updated deal with ID of ' . $DR['DealID'] . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
            DoQR($DealID, $StoreID, $D, true);
        } else {
            SysLogIt('Deal already exists with ID of ' . $DealID . ' and no need to update.');
        //Update string if necessary
        if ($DR['Title'] != $D['Title']) {
            if (!ExecCommand("UPDATE 0200_Language_Strings SET StringText = '" . Pacify($D['Title']) . "' WHERE StringID = " . $StringID . " AND LanguageID = " . $LanguageID . ";")) {
                return SysLogIt('Error updating string with ID of ' . $StringID . '.', StatusError, ActionUpdate);
            SysLogIt('Updated string with ID of ' . $StringID . '.', StatusInfo, ActionUpdate);
    //Do translations
    if ($StringID > 0) {
        TranslateOtherLanguages($D, $LanguageID, $StringID);
    return $DealID;