public function connect() { if ($this->flags & SOCK_PROXY) { \Cherry\debug('Proxied connection, creating proxy'); $proxy = new \cherry\net\proxy\SocksProxy('', 8088); $this->proxyConnect($proxy); } }
public static function __php_handleAssert($file, $line, $code, $desc = null) { \Cherry\debug("Assertion failed in %s on line %d", $file, $line); $log = DebugLog::getDebugLog(); $str = sprintf("in %s on line %d", $file, $line); $bt = Debug::getBacktrace(1); self::showError($ca, 'Assertion failed', $str, $file, $line, $log, $bt); exit(1); }
protected function wnd($renew = false) { if ($renew) { if ($this->window) { ncurses_delwin($this->window); } $this->window = null; } if (!$this->window) { $this->window = ncurses_newwin($this->height, $this->width, $this->top, $this->left); \Cherry\debug('New window: %dx%d+%d+%d', $this->left, $this->top, $this->width, $this->height); } return $this->window; }
public function checkRoute(Request $request) { \Cherry\debug('Checking static route for request: %s', $request); $ru = explode('/', $request->getRequestUrl()); foreach ($this->routes as $url => $target) { $call_controller = $target[0]; $call_method = 'index'; $call_args = array(); $uu = explode('/', $url); $matched = true; for ($n = 0; $n < count($ru); $n++) { if ($uu[$n] == '') { // } else { if ($uu[$n][0] == ':') { switch ($uu[$n]) { case ':method': $call_method = $ru[$n]; break; case ':controller': $call_controller = $ru[$n]; break; case ':args': $call_args = array_slice($ru, $n + 1); break; } } else { if ($ru[$n] != $uu[$n]) { $matched = false; break; } } } } if ($matched) { \Cherry\debug('Request %s matched static route %s', $request, $url); // Extract method from the call if present, and if not use call_method list($cclass, $cmethod) = explode(':', $call_controller . ':' . $call_method); \Cherry\debug('Controller: %s, Action: %s', $cclass, $cmethod); $ci = \Cherry\Mvc\Controller\Base::factory($cclass, $request); $ci->method = $cmethod; $ci->args = $call_args; return $ci; } } }
public function draw() { static $drawqueue = array(); if ($this->resized) { \Cherry\debug("Viewport has been resized, recalculating layout..."); $alloc = 0; $numfill = 0; $layout = explode(',', $this->layout); for ($n = 0; $n < count($layout); $n++) { if ($layout[$n] == -1) { $numfill++; } else { $alloc += $layout[$n]; } } if ($numfill > 0) { $sizefill = ($this->height - $alloc) / $numfill; } $keys = explode(',', $this->keys); $drawqueue = array(); for ($n = 0; $n < count($layout); $n++) { if ($layout[$n] == -1) { $drawqueue[$keys[$n]] = $sizefill; } else { $drawqueue[$keys[$n]] = $layout[$n]; } } } $row = 0; foreach ($drawqueue as $key => $height) { $this->curlayout[$key] = $height; $ctl = $this->{$key}; if ($ctl) { if ($this->resized) { $ctl->moveTo(0, $row, $this->width, $height); } $ctl->draw(); } $row += $height; } $this->resized = false; }
public function listen($bind = '*', $port = null) { if (!$port) { $port = $this->port; } if ($this->flags & SOCK_PROXY) { \Cherry\debug('Proxied connection, creating proxy'); $proxy = new \cherry\net\proxy\SocksProxy('', 8088); $this->proxyListen($proxy); } else { $this->hsocket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (!socket_bind($this->hsocket, $bind == '*' ? 0 : $bind, $this->port)) { throw new SocketException("Call to socket_bind failed."); } if (!socket_listen($this->hsocket)) { throw new SocketException("Call to socket_listen failed."); } $this->setState('listening'); } }
function __destruct() { $dur = microtime(true) - $this->tstart; \Cherry\debug('%s: %fus', $this->info, $dur); }
private function setCacheRecord() { assert(!empty($this->objecturi)); list($type, $cache, $id) = explode(':', $this->objecturi); if ($this->state != self::CS_UPDATED) { \Cherry\debug("Cache entry not updated for {$id}"); return; } \Cherry\debug("Updating cache entry for {$id}"); $key_cache = 'entry:' . $id; $key_meta = 'meta:' . $id; if (!$this->expires) { $this->expires = App::config()->get('cache.default-expiry', '30m'); } if ($type == 'cache') { if ($cache == 'disk') { // Check cache dir for object $path = $this->cachepath; if (!is_dir($path) && !mkdir($path)) { user_error("Cache directory {$path} does not exist and mkdir failed!"); } $header = ['content-type' => $this->contenttype, 'content-length' => strlen($this->content), 'expires' => Duration::toSeconds($this->expires, time())]; if ($this->flags & self::CO_COMPRESS) { $header['compressed'] = 'gzip'; $content = gzcompress($this->content); } else { $content = $this->content; } $blob = serialize($header) . _CACHE_SEP_ . $content; file_put_contents($path . _DS_ . $id, $blob); } elseif ($cache == 'ram') { // check memcache } elseif ($cache == 'auto') { // check memcache for metadata, then read entry from disk or // memcache. $max_blob = App::config()->get('cache.max-blob-size'); } } }