Beispiel #1

/* Increase the size of the language field in www_users to enable
 * utf languages to be accepted
ChangeColumnSize('language', 'www_users', 'varchar(10)', 'NOT NULL', 'en_GB.utf8', 10, $db);
UpdateDBNo(6, $db);
Beispiel #2
DropPrimaryKey('orderdeliverydifferenceslog', array('orderno', 'invoiceno', 'stockid'), $db);
/* Chenge received quantity to a type of double as stock
 * quantities are not necessarily integers
ChangeColumnType('recqty', 'loctransfers', 'double', 'NOT NULL', 0.0, $db);
/* New system type needed for contract work
/* Add extra columns to reports
for ($i = 9; $i <= 20; $i++) {
    AddColumn('col' . $i . 'width', 'reports', 'int(3)', 'NOT NULL', '25', 'col' . ($i - 1) . 'width', $db);
/* Increase the size of the fieldname field to accomodate all field names
ChangeColumnSize('fieldname', 'reportfields', 'varchar(80)', 'NOT NULL', '', 80, $db);
/* Addin extra fields to stockcatproperties table
AddColumn('maximumvalue', 'stockcatproperties', 'Double', 'NOT NULL', 999999999, 'defaultvalue', $db);
AddColumn('minimumvalue', 'stockcatproperties', 'Double', 'NOT NULL', -999999999, 'maximumvalue', $db);
AddColumn('numericvalue', 'stockcatproperties', 'tinyint', 'NOT NULL', 0, 'minimumvalue', $db);
/* Lots of database changes required for the move from fixed
 * asset manager v2 to v3
DropTable('assetmanager', 'lifetime', $db);
/* Creates the version 2 assetmanager table */
CreateTable("assetmanager", "CREATE TABLE `assetmanager` (\n  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n  `stockid` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\n  `serialno` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\n  `location` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',\n  `cost` double NOT NULL default '0',\n  `depn` double NOT NULL default '0',\n  `datepurchased` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',\n  `disposalvalue` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)\n)", $db);
CreateTable("fixedassetlocations", "CREATE TABLE `fixedassetlocations` (\n\t`locationid` char(6) NOT NULL default '',\n\t`locationdescription` char(20) NOT NULL default '',\n\t`parentlocationid` char(6) DEFAULT '',\n\tPRIMARY KEY  (`locationid`)\n)", $db);
RenameTable('assetmanager', 'fixedassets', $db);
AddColumn('assetcategoryid', 'fixedassets', 'varchar(6)', 'NOT NULL', '', 'disposalvalue', $db);
AddColumn('description', 'fixedassets', 'varchar(50)', 'NOT NULL', '', 'assetcategoryid', $db);
Beispiel #3

ChangeColumnSize('areacode', 'areas', 'CHAR(3)', 'NOT NULL', '', 3, $db);
UpdateDBNo(basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $db);
Beispiel #4

/* Change the size of the fieldname field in the report writer as
 * the previous size was not big enough to hold all field names
ChangeColumnSize('fieldname', 'reportfields', 'varchar(60)', 'NOT NULL', "''", 60, $db);
UpdateDBNo(17, $db);
Beispiel #5

ChangeColumnSize('host', 'emailsettings', 'VARCHAR(50)', 'NOT NULL', '', 50, $db);
ChangeColumnSize('username', 'emailsettings', 'VARCHAR(50)', 'NOT NULL', '', 50, $db);
ChangeColumnSize('password', 'emailsettings', 'VARCHAR(50)', 'NOT NULL', '', 50, $db);
UpdateDBNo(basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $db);
Beispiel #6

/* Increase the size of the salesType field to 40 characters
ChangeColumnSize('sales_type', 'salestypes', 'varchar(40)', 'NOT NULL', '', 40, $db);
UpdateDBNo(26, $db);
Beispiel #7

/* Split the cash sales customer field into debtorno and branchcode
 * fields
ChangeColumnSize('cashsalecustomer', 'locations', 'varchar(10)', 'NOT NULL', '', 10, $db);
AddColumn('cashsalebranch', 'locations', 'varchar(10)', 'NOT NULL', '', 'cashsalecustomer', $db);
$sql = "SELECT loccode, cashsalecustomer FROM locations WHERE cashsalecustomer!=''";
$result = DB_query($sql, $db);
while ($myrow = DB_fetch_array($result, $db)) {
    $CustArray = explode('-', $myrow['cashsalecustomer']);
    $UpdateSQL = "UPDATE locations\n\t\t\t\tSET cashsalecustomer='" . $CustArray[0] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tcashsalebranch='" . $CustArray[1] . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE loccode='" . $myrow['loccode'] . "'";
    $UpdateRow = DB_query($UpdateSQL, $db);
UpdateDBNo(55, $db);
Beispiel #8

ChangeColumnSize('reference', 'stockmoves', 'VARCHAR(100)', 'NOT NULL', '', 100, $db);
UpdateDBNo(basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $db);