<?php require "utils.php"; require "convert.php"; require "steamauth/steamauth.php"; if (isset($_SESSION["steamid"])) { if (CanUpload($_SESSION["steamid"])) { if (isset($_FILES["musicfile"])) { $type = $_FILES["musicfile"]["type"]; $sid = $_SESSION["steamid"]; $name = ""; if (isset($_POST["musicname"]) and !($_POST["musicname"] == "")) { $name = urlencode($_POST["musicname"]); } else { $name = "Untitled"; } if ($type == "audio/mp3" or $type == "audio/mpeg") { $uid = uniqid(); $url = $uid . ".mp3"; move_uploaded_file($_FILES["musicfile"]["tmp_name"], "/home/sam/sterling/upload/" . $url); Query("INSERT INTO tracks (steamid, name, url) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$name}', '{$url}');"); header("Location: https://the-sterling.co.uk/index.php"); } else { $converted = Convert($_FILES["musicfile"]["tmp_name"], $type); if ($converted == FALSE) { echo "You must upload an MP3, WAV, M4A, FLAC, OGG or WMA file. Go back and upload a compatible file instead of whatever you uploaded this time. You uploaded a " . $type; } else { Query("INSERT INTO tracks (steamid, name, url) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$name}', '{$converted}');"); header("Location: https://the-sterling.co.uk/index.php"); } //header("Location: http://the-sterling.co.uk/index.php");
require_once "security_utils.php"; require_once "page_blocks.php"; require_once "security.php"; require_once "not_a_power_user.php"; if (HasNoSpecificRights()) { die(GetNotAPowerUserPage()); } $tpl = new HTML_Template_IT("./"); $tpl->loadTemplatefile("admin.tpl.html", true, true); SetCommonLoginStatus($tpl); SetAdminToolbar($tpl); SetCommonFooter($tpl); $projects = GetProjectsInfos(); $AtLeastOneSection = false; // if user has rights to add files, then we show the section if (CanUpload()) { $AtLeastOneSection = true; $tpl->setCurrentBlock("add_file_section"); if (is_array($projects)) { $tpl->setCurrentBlock("add_file_project_list_section"); foreach ($projects as $project) { // Assign data to the search option block $tpl->setCurrentBlock("add_file_project_name_section"); $tpl->setVariable("PROJECT_ID", $project["Id"]); $tpl->setVariable("PROJECT_NAME", $project["Name"]); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock("add_file_project_name_section"); } $tpl->parseCurrentBlock("add_file_project_list_section"); } else { $tpl->setCurrentBlock("add_file_no_projects_section"); $tpl->setVariable("NO_PROJECTS_MESSAGE", "There are no projects in the system. You must have at least one project to be able to add files.");
<?php require_once "pear/HTML/Template/IT.php"; require_once "pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"; require_once "data_access.php"; require_once "security.php"; require_once "security_utils.php"; require_once "utils.php"; require_once "page_blocks.php"; require_once "not_a_power_user.php"; require_once "not_allowed.php"; if (!CanUpload()) { die(GetNotAllowedPage("You are not authorized to upload files")); } define("FILE_COOKIE_NAME", "jh_filecookie"); define("FILES_PER_ITERATION", 5); $tpl = new HTML_Template_IT("./"); $tpl->loadTemplatefile("addfile.tpl.html", true, true); SetCommonLoginStatus($tpl); SetAdminToolbar($tpl); SetCommonFooter($tpl); // From the comments on php.net for sys_get_temp_dir if (!function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { function sys_get_temp_dir() { if (!empty($_ENV['TMP'])) { return realpath($_ENV['TMP']); } if (!empty($_ENV['TMPDIR'])) { return realpath($_ENV['TMPDIR']); }