Beispiel #1
 *  Create a category listing page showing the categories in block styling.
 *  @return string      HTML for category listing page
function CLASSIFIEDS_catList_blocks()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADVT, $_CONF_ADVT;
    global $CatListcolors;
    $T = new Template(CLASSIFIEDS_PI_PATH . '/templates');
    $T->set_file('page', 'catlist_blocks.thtml');
    $T->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
    $T->set_var('site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
    // Get all the root categories
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['ad_category']} \n            WHERE papa_id='' " . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2) . " ORDER BY cat_name ASC";
    //echo $sql;die;
    $cats = DB_query($sql);
    if (!$cats) {
        return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['database_error'], 'alert');
    // If no root categories exist, display just return a message
    if (DB_numRows($cats) == 0) {
        $T->set_var('no_cat_found', "<p align=\"center\" class=\"headmsg\">\n            {$LANG_ADVT['no_cat_found']}</p>\n");
        $T->parse('output', 'page');
        return $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    $max = count($CatListcolors);
    $i = 0;
    while ($catsrow = DB_fetchArray($cats)) {
        if ($catsrow['fgcolor'] == '' || $catsrow['bgcolor'] == '') {
            if ($i >= $max) {
                $i = 0;
            $bgcolor = $CatListcolors[$i][0];
            $fgcolor = $CatListcolors[$i][1];
            $hdcolor = $CatListcolors[$i][2];
        } else {
            $fgcolor = $catsrow['fgcolor'];
            $bgcolor = $catsrow['bgcolor'];
        // For each category, find the total ad count (including subcats)
        // and display the subcats below it.
        $T->set_block('page', 'CatDiv', 'Div');
        $T->set_var('bgcolor', $bgcolor);
        $T->set_var('fgcolor', $fgcolor);
        //$T->set_var('hdcolor', $hdcolor);
        $T->set_var('cat_url', CLASSIFIEDS_makeUrl('home', $catsrow['cat_id']));
        $T->set_var('cat_name', $catsrow['cat_name']);
        $T->set_var('cat_desc', $catsrow['description']);
        $T->set_var('cat_ad_count', findTotalAds($catsrow['cat_id']));
        if ($catsrow['image']) {
            $T->set_var('cat_image', CLASSIFIEDS_thumbUrl('cat/' . $catsrow['image']));
        } else {
            $T->set_var('cat_image', '');
        $T->parse('Div', 'CatDiv', true);
    $T->parse('output', 'page');
    return $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
  *   Create an edit form for a category
  *   @param  int     $catid  Category ID, zero for a new entry
  *   @return string      HTML for edit form
 public function Edit($cat_id = 0)
     $cat_id = (int) $cat_id;
     if ($cat_id > 0) {
         // Load the requested category
         $this->cat_id = $cat_id;
     $T = new Template(CLASSIFIEDS_PI_PATH . '/templates/admin');
     $T->set_file('modify', 'catEditForm.thtml');
     // create a dropdown list of only master categories
     //$T->set_var('sel_parent_cat', COM_optionList($_TABLES['ad_category'],
     //    'cat_id,cat_name', $parentcat, 1, "cat_id <> $catid AND papa_id=0"));
     // this code creates a complete dropdown including subcategories
     $T->set_var('sel_parent_cat', self::buildSelection($this->papa_id, 0, '', 'NOT', $this->cat_id));
     if (!$this->isNew) {
         // If this is an existing category, load the template with the
         // categories values.
         $T->set_var(array('permissions_editor' => SEC_getPermissionsHTML($this->perm_owner, $this->perm_group, $this->perm_members, $this->perm_anon), 'ownername' => COM_getDisplayName($this->owner_id), 'owner_id' => $this->owner_id, 'group_dropdown' => SEC_getGroupDropdown($this->group_id, 3)));
     } else {
         // A new category gets default values
         $T->set_var(array('txt_sub_btn' => $LANG_ADVT['add_cat'], 'permissions_editor' => SEC_getPermissionsHTML($_CONF_ADVT['default_perm_cat'][0], $_CONF_ADVT['default_perm_cat'][1], $_CONF_ADVT['default_perm_cat'][2], $_CONF_ADVT['default_perm_cat'][3]), 'ownername' => COM_getDisplayName($_USER['uid']), 'owner_id' => $_USER['uid'], 'group_dropdown' => SEC_getGroupDropdown($_CONF_ADVT['defgrpcat'], 3)));
     $T->set_var(array('location' => self::BreadCrumbs($this->cat_id, true), 'catname' => $this->cat_name, 'keywords' => $this->keywords, 'description' => $this->description, 'fgcolor' => $this->fgcolor, 'bgcolor' => $this->bgcolor, 'cat_id' => $this->cat_id, 'cancel_url' => CLASSIFIEDS_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php?admin=cat'));
     if ($this->image != '') {
         $T->set_var('existing_image', CLASSIFIEDS_thumbUrl($this->image));
     $T->parse('output', 'modify');
     $display .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
     return $display;