Beispiel #1
<h1 class="H"><?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($this->User->Name);
echo '<span class="Gloss">';
if ($this->User->Title) {
    echo ' ' . Bullet() . ' ' . Wrap(htmlspecialchars($this->User->Title), 'span', array('class' => 'User-Title'));
echo '</span>';
Beispiel #2

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
<div class="DataListWrap">
<h1 class="H">
echo $this->Participants;
if ($this->Data('Conversation.Subject')) {
    echo Bullet(' ') . '<span class="Gloss">' . htmlspecialchars($this->Data('Conversation.Subject')) . '</span>';
if ($this->Data('Conversation.Type')) {
    $this->FireEvent('Conversation' . str_replace('_', '', $this->Data('Conversation.Type')));
if ($this->Data('_HasDeletedUsers')) {
    echo '<div class="Info">', T('One or more users have left this conversation.', 'One or more users have left this conversation. They won\'t receive any more messages unless you add them back in to the conversation.'), '</div>';
echo $this->Pager->ToString('less');
<ul class="DataList MessageList Conversation">
$MessagesViewLocation = $this->FetchViewLocation('messages');
include $MessagesViewLocation;
  * Write the accept/reject buttons.
  * @staticvar null $DiscussionModel
  * @staticvar boolean $InformMessage
  * @param type $Sender
  * @param type $Args
  * @return type
 public function DiscussionController_AfterCommentBody_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     $Discussion = $Sender->Data('Discussion');
     $Comment = GetValue('Comment', $Args);
     if (!$Comment) {
     $CommentID = GetValue('CommentID', $Comment);
     if (!is_numeric($CommentID)) {
     if (!$Discussion) {
         static $DiscussionModel = NULL;
         if ($DiscussionModel === NULL) {
             $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
         $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetID(GetValue('DiscussionID', $Comment));
     if (!$Discussion || strtolower(GetValue('Type', $Discussion)) != 'question') {
     // Check permissions.
     $CanAccept = Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage');
     $CanAccept |= Gdn::Session()->UserID == GetValue('InsertUserID', $Discussion) && Gdn::Session()->UserID != GetValue('InsertUserID', $Comment);
     if (!$CanAccept) {
     $QnA = GetValue('QnA', $Comment);
     if ($QnA) {
     // Write the links.
     //      $Types = GetValue('ReactionTypes', $Sender->EventArguments);
     //      if ($Types)
     //         echo Bullet();
     $Query = http_build_query(array('commentid' => $CommentID, 'tkey' => Gdn::Session()->TransientKey()));
     echo '<div class="ActionBlock QnA-Feedback">';
     //      echo '<span class="FeedbackLabel">'.T('Feedback').'</span>';
     echo '<span class="DidThisAnswer">' . T('Did this answer the question?') . '</span> ';
     echo '<span class="QnA-YesNo">';
     echo Anchor(T('Yes'), '/discussion/qna/accept?' . $Query, array('class' => 'React QnA-Yes', 'title' => T('Accept this answer.')));
     echo ' ' . Bullet() . ' ';
     echo Anchor(T('No'), '/discussion/qna/reject?' . $Query, array('class' => 'React QnA-No', 'title' => T('Reject this answer.')));
     echo '</span>';
     echo '</div>';
     //      static $InformMessage = TRUE;
     //      if ($InformMessage && Gdn::Session()->UserID == GetValue('InsertUserID', $Discussion) && in_array(GetValue('QnA', $Discussion), array('', 'Answered'))) {
     //         $Sender->InformMessage(T('Click accept or reject beside an answer.'), 'Dismissable');
     //         $InformMessage = FALSE;
     //      }
Beispiel #4
  * Call before starting a row of bullet-seperated items.
  * @param strng|bool $Sep The seperator used to seperate each section.
  * @since 2.1
 public static function bulletRow($Sep = false)
     if (!$Sep) {
         if (!self::$_BulletSep) {
             self::$_BulletSep = ' ' . Bullet() . ' ';
     } else {
         self::$_BulletSep = $Sep;
     self::$_BulletSection = false;
 protected function OutputButton($ButtonType, $Context, $Sender)
     // Signed in users only. No guest reporting!
     if (!Gdn::Session()->UserID) {
     // Reporting permission checks
     if (!is_object($Sender->EventArguments['Author'])) {
         $ElementAuthorID = 0;
         $ElementAuthor = 'Unknown';
     } else {
         $ElementAuthorID = $Sender->EventArguments['Author']->UserID;
         $ElementAuthor = $Sender->EventArguments['Author']->Name;
     switch ($Context) {
         case 'comment':
             $ElementID = $Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->CommentID;
             $URL = "/discussion/comment/{$ElementID}/#Comment_{$ElementID}";
         case 'discussion':
             $ElementID = $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->DiscussionID;
             $URL = "/discussion/{$ElementID}/" . Gdn_Format::Url($Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->Name);
         case 'conversation':
     $ButtonTitle = T(ucfirst($ButtonType));
     $ContainerCSS = $ButtonTitle . 'Post';
     $EncodedURL = str_replace('=', '-', base64_encode($URL));
     $EventUrl = "plugin/reporting/{$ButtonType}/{$Context}/{$ElementID}/{$EncodedURL}";
     //$Sender->EventArguments['CommentOptions'][$ButtonTitle] = array('Label' => $ButtonTitle, 'Url' => "plugin/reporting/{$ButtonType}/{$Context}/{$ElementID}/{$EncodedURL}", $ContainerCSS.' ReportContent Popup');
     $SpriteType = "React" . ucfirst($ButtonType);
     $Text = Anchor(Sprite($SpriteType, 'ReactSprite') . $ButtonTitle, $EventUrl, "ReactButton React {$ContainerCSS} Popup");
     echo Bullet();
     echo $Text;
Beispiel #6
                <div class="Item-Body Media">
    $Photo = userPhoto($Row, array('LinkClass' => 'Img'));
    if ($Photo) {
        echo $Photo;
                    <div class="Media-Body">
                        <div class="Meta">
    echo ' <span class="MItem-Author">' . sprintf(t('by %s'), userAnchor($Row)) . '</span>';
    echo Bullet(' ');
    echo ' <span clsss="MItem-DateInserted">' . Gdn_Format::date($Row['DateInserted'], 'html') . '</span> ';
    if (isset($Row['Breadcrumbs'])) {
        echo Bullet(' ');
        echo ' <span class="MItem-Location">' . Gdn_Theme::Breadcrumbs($Row['Breadcrumbs'], false) . '</span> ';
    if (isset($Row['Notes'])) {
        echo ' <span class="Aside Debug">debug(' . $Row['Notes'] . ')</span>';
                        <div class="Summary">
    echo $Row['Summary'];
    $Count = val('Count', $Row);
    //            $i = 0;
Beispiel #7
        if ($Session->checkPermission(array('Garden.Settings.Manage', 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Moderation.ModerationQueue.Manage'), false)) {
            echo wrap(Anchor(sprite('SpMod') . ' ' . t('Moderation Queue') . $CModeration, '/dashboard/log/moderation'), 'li', array('class' => 'link-moderation'));
        if ($Session->checkPermission(array('Garden.Settings.View', 'Garden.Settings.Manage'), false)) {
            echo wrap(Anchor(sprite('SpDashboard') . ' ' . t('Dashboard'), '/dashboard/settings'), 'li', array('class' => 'link-dashboard'));
    echo wrap('<hr />' . anchor(sprite('SpSignOut') . ' ' . t('Sign Out'), SignOutUrl()), 'li', array('class' => 'SignInOutWrap SignOutWrap link-signout'));
    echo '</ul>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</span>';
    // Sign Out
    // echo anchor(sprite('SpSignOut', 'Sprite16').Wrap(t('Sign Out'), 'em'), SignOutUrl(), 'MeButton', array('title' => t('Sign Out')));
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="MeBox MeBox-SignIn' . $CssClass . '">';
    echo '<div class="SignInLinks">';
    echo anchor(t('Sign In'), SignInUrl($this->_Sender->SelfUrl), SignInPopup() ? ' SignInPopup' : '', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
    $Url = RegisterUrl($this->_Sender->SelfUrl);
    if (!empty($Url)) {
        echo Bullet(' ') . anchor(t('Register'), $Url, 'ApplyButton', array('rel' => 'nofollow')) . ' ';
    echo '</div>';
    echo ' <div class="SignInIcons">';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
  * Call before starting a row of bullet-seperated items.
  * @param strng|bool $Sep The seperator used to seperate each section.
  * @since 2.1
 public static function BulletRow($Sep = FALSE)
     if (!$Sep) {
         if (!self::$_BulletSep) {
             self::$_BulletSep = ' ' . Bullet() . ' ';
     } else {
         self::$_BulletSep = $Sep;
     self::$_BulletSection = FALSE;