Beispiel #1
                $properties->extents->miny = $oMin->GetY();
                $properties->extents->maxx = $oMax->GetX();
                $properties->extents->maxy = $oMax->GetY();
              } else { echo "<Message>no extents</Message>"; }

              //get properties for individual features
              $result->layers = array();
              for ($i=0; $i<$layers->GetCount(); $i++) {
                $layer = $layers->GetItem($i);
                $layerName = $layer->GetName();
                $layerClassName = $layer->GetFeatureClassName();
                $options = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
                $options->SetFilter($resultSel->GenerateFilter($layer, $layerClassName));
                $resourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($layer->GetFeatureSourceId());
                $featureReader = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($resourceId, $layerClassName, $options);
                $properties = BuildSelectionArray($featureReader, $layerName, $properties, false, NULL, false, $layer, true);
                array_push($result->layers, $layerName);
                array_push($properties->layers, $layerName);
                $count = $resultSel->GetSelectedFeaturesCount($layer, $layerClassName);
                $result->$layerName->featureCount = $count;

              /*save selection in the session*/
              $_SESSION['selection_array'] = $properties;
              echo str_replace("</FeatureSet>", "</FeatureSet></FeatureInformation>", str_replace("<FeatureSet", "<FeatureInformation><FeatureSet", $resultSel->ToXml()));
            } else { echo "<Message>layers false or 0</Message>"; }
          } else { echo "<Message>no resultsel</Message>"; }
        } else { echo "<Message>no fi</Message>"; }
      } else { echo "<Message>no multi geom</Message>"; }
    } else { echo "<Message>no layers</Message>"; }
Beispiel #2
             // exclude layer if:
             //  the map is non-arbitrary and the layer is arbitrary or vice-versa
             //     or
             //  layer and map are both arbitrary but have different units
             $bLayerSrsIsArbitrary = $srsLayer->GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType::Arbitrary;
             $bMapSrsIsArbitrary = $srsMap->GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType::Arbitrary;
             $bNeedsTransform = false;
             if ($bLayerSrsIsArbitrary != $bMapSrsIsArbitrary || $bLayerSrsIsArbitrary && $srsLayer->GetUnits() != $srsMap->GetUnits()) {
                 $bComputedProperties = false;
             } else {
                 $srsTarget = null;
                 $srsXform = null;
                 $bNeedsTransform = $srsLayer->GetUnitScale() != 1.0;
             $properties = BuildSelectionArray($featureReader, $layerName, $properties, $bComputedProperties, $srsLayer, $bNeedsTransform, $oLayer, true);
 $selection->Save($resourceService, $mapName);
 //echo "/* SelectionXML:".$selection->ToXML()."*/";
 header('Content-type: application/json');
 header('X-JSON: true');
 $layers = $selection->GetLayers();
 $result = NULL;
 $result->hasSelection = false;
 if ($layers && $layers->GetCount() >= 0) {
     $result->hasSelection = true;
     $oExtents = $selection->GetExtents($featureService);
Beispiel #3
        if ($srsLayerWkt == null) {
            $srsLayerWkt = $srsDefMap;
        /* create a coordinate system from the layer's SRS wkt */
        $srsLayer = $srsFactory->Create($srsLayerWkt);
        // exclude layer if:
        //  the map is non-arbitrary and the layer is arbitrary or vice-versa
        //     or
        //  layer and map are both arbitrary but have different units
        $bLayerSrsIsArbitrary = $srsLayer->GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType::Arbitrary;
        $bMapSrsIsArbitrary = $srsMap->GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType::Arbitrary;
        $bNeedsTransform = false;
        if ($bLayerSrsIsArbitrary != $bMapSrsIsArbitrary || $bLayerSrsIsArbitrary && $srsLayer->GetUnits() != $srsMap->GetUnits()) {
            $bComputedProperties = false;
        } else {
            $srsTarget = null;
            $srsXform = null;
            $bNeedsTransform = $srsLayer->GetUnitScale() != 1.0;
        $properties = BuildSelectionArray($featureReader, $layerName, $properties, true, $srsLayer, $bNeedsTransform, $layer, false);
    $response = json_encode($properties);
} catch (MgException $e) {
    echo "ERROR: " . $e->GetExceptionMessage() . "\n";
    echo $e->GetDetails() . "\n";
    echo $e->GetStackTrace() . "\n";
header('Content-Type: ' . $responseType);
echo trim($response);