Beispiel #1

        // Check ISBN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			$sqlBooks = sprintf("SELECT * FROM book WHERE isbn LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY isbn", $_POST['isbn']);
			$rsBooks = executeSqlQuery($sqlBooks);
			$NoOfBooks = mysql_num_rows($rsBooks);
			foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){ // Store page settings so that the form will be filled
				$_SESSION['page_state']['book_add'][$key] = $val;

        // Check Title /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			$sqlBooks = sprintf("SELECT * FROM book WHERE %s ORDER BY title", BuildSearchCriteriaString($_POST['title'],"title","AND"));
			$rsBooks = executeSqlQuery($sqlBooks);
			$NoOfBooks = mysql_num_rows($rsBooks);
			foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){ // Store page settings so that the form will be filled
				$_SESSION['page_state']['book_add'][$key] = $val;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>ULMS: Add New Book</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript" src="js/gen_validatorv2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Beispiel #2
			$SearchISBN = $_REQUEST['SearchISBN'];
			$LimitN = $_REQUEST['LimitN']; // Number of records per page
			$LimitI = $_REQUEST['LimitI']; // Number of records per page
			/// Retrieve a recordset from the database //////////////////////////////
			// Build the WHERE clause
			$WhereClause = "WHERE 1=1 AND"; // '1=1 AND' is for situations when there's no value in any field
			if($SearchTitle != ""){
					$WhereClause = $WhereClause . BuildSearchCriteriaString($SearchTitle,"title","AND") . " AND";
			if($SearchAuthors != ""){
					$WhereClause = $WhereClause . BuildSearchCriteriaString($SearchAuthors,"authors","AND") . " AND";
			if($SearchSubjects != ""){                        
					$WhereClause = $WhereClause . BuildSearchCriteriaString($SearchSubjects,"subjects","AND") . " AND";
			if($SearchISBN != ""){
					$WhereClause = $WhereClause . " isbn LIKE '%" . $SearchISBN . "%' AND";
			// remove the last AND
			$WhereClause = substr($WhereClause,0,strlen($WhereClause)-3);	
			// Calculate $TotalRecords
			if (!isset($_REQUEST['TotalRecords'])){
					$sqlTotal = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM book %s", $WhereClause);
					$recordsetTotal = executeSqlQuery($sqlTotal);
					$rowTotal = mysql_fetch_array($recordsetTotal);
					$TotalRecords = $rowTotal[0];
			} else {