Beispiel #1
function SSO_DisplayError($msg, $htmlmsg = "")
    global $sso_header, $sso_footer;
    if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_ajax"])) {
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($msg)) . $htmlmsg;
    } else {
        echo $sso_header;
        echo "<div class=\"sso_server_message_wrap" . ($htmlmsg == "" ? " sso_server_message_wrap_nosplit" : "") . "\"><div class=\"sso_server_error\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($msg)) . "</div></div>";
        echo $htmlmsg;
        if (isset($_COOKIE["sso_server_lastapp"]) && $_COOKIE["sso_server_lastapp"] !== "") {
            $url = @base64_decode($_COOKIE["sso_server_lastapp"]);
            if ($url !== false) {
                echo "<div class=\"sso_main_info\"><a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Return to the application")) . "</a></div>";
        echo $sso_footer;
Beispiel #2
    protected function Finalize(&$formvars)
        if (!$this->output["date"]) {
	<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(function() {
		if (jQuery.fn.datepicker)  jQuery('div.formfields div.formitem').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' });
		else  alert('<?php 
            echo BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Warning:  Missing jQuery UI for date field."));
            $this->output["date"] = true;
        if (!$this->output["accordion"]) {
	<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(function() {
		if (jQuery.fn.accordion)  jQuery('div.formaccordionwrap').accordion({ collapsible : true, active : false, heightStyle : 'content' });
		else  alert('<?php 
            echo BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Warning:  Missing jQuery UI for accordion."));
            $this->output["accordion"] = true;
Beispiel #3
 public function ProcessFrontend()
     global $sso_settings, $sso_rng, $sso_provider, $sso_target_url, $sso_session_info, $sso_session_id, $sso_db;
     if (isset($sso_session_info["setlogin_result"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["tryagain"])) {
         // Check the secret.
         if (!isset($_REQUEST["sso_setlogin_secret"]) || !isset($sso_session_info["setlogin_info"]) || $_REQUEST["sso_setlogin_secret"] !== $sso_session_info["setlogin_info"]["secret"]) {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Unable to authenticate the request."));
         // Should be nearly impossible to get here since browser redirects are executed almost immediately.
         if (CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($sso_session_info["setlogin_info"]["expires"]) < time()) {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Verification token has expired."));
         // The user is signed in.  Activate the account.
         $sso_db_sso_remote_users = SSO_DB_PREFIX . "p_sso_remote_users";
         try {
             $id = $sso_db->GetOne("SELECT", array("id", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "remote_id = ? AND user_id = ?"), $sso_db_sso_remote_users, $this->info["row"]->id, $sso_session_info["setlogin_result"]["user_id"]);
             if ($id === false) {
                 $sso_db->Query("INSERT", array($sso_db_sso_remote_users, array("remote_id" => $this->info["row"]->id, "user_id" => $sso_session_info["setlogin_result"]["user_id"], "created" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time())), "AUTO INCREMENT" => "id"));
                 $id = $sso_db->GetInsertID();
             $mapinfo = $sso_session_info["setlogin_result"]["protected_fields"];
             $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_remote"]["map_remote_id"]] = $this->info["row"]->id;
             SSO_ActivateUser($id, serialize($sso_session_info["setlogin_info"]), $mapinfo, false, $this->info["row_info"]["automate"]);
             // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("User activation failed."));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->DisplayError("A database error has occurred.  Most likely cause:  Bad SQL query.");
     } else {
         // Check the API key information.
         $info = unserialize($this->info["apirow"]->info);
         if ($info["type"] != "remote") {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("The target client API key is not a remote API key."));
         if ($info["url"] == "") {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("The target client API key URL is missing."));
         // Set up the session so that the endpoint works.
         $token = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
         $sso_session_info["setlogin_info"] = array("provider" => $sso_provider, "apikey_id" => $this->info["apirow"]->id, "redirect_url" => BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url, "token" => $token, "secret" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 30 * 60));
         if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Unable to save session information."));
         // Redirect to the remote host.
         $url = $info["url"] . (strpos($info["url"], "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "from_sso_server=1&sso_setlogin_id=" . urlencode($sso_session_id[1]) . "&sso_setlogin_token=" . urlencode($token) . (isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) ? "&sso_lang=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["lang"]) : "");
Beispiel #4
    public function ProcessBBAction()
        global $bb_widget, $bb_account, $bb_revision_num;
        $basepath = BB_GetRealPath(Str::ExtractPathname($bb_widget->_file) . "/base");
        if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget_new_layout_submit") {
            $found = false;
            $dirlist = BB_GetDirectoryList(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $basepath);
            foreach ($dirlist["files"] as $name) {
                $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
                if ($pos !== false && substr($name, $pos) == ".html" && substr($name, 0, $pos) == $_REQUEST["pattern"]) {
                    $found = true;
            if (!$found) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Invalid pattern specified.");
            $name = $_REQUEST["name"];
            if ($name == "") {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Name field not filled out.");
            $dirfile = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\\-]/', "_", $name);
            if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $dirfile . ".html")) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("A layout with that name already exists.");
            if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $dirfile . ".css")) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("A layout with that name already exists.");
            $data = file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $basepath . "/" . $_REQUEST["pattern"] . ".html");
            $data = str_replace(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["pattern"]), htmlspecialchars($dirfile), $data);
            if (BB_WriteFile(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $dirfile . ".html", $data) === false) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to create layout HTML.");
            if (!copy(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $basepath . "/" . $_REQUEST["pattern"] . ".css", ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $dirfile . ".css")) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to create layout CSS.");
<div class="success"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Layout created."));
<script type="text/javascript">
            echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_layout_configure_widget");
        } else {
            if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget_new_layout") {
                $desc = "<br />";
                $desc .= BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Back"), "bb_layout_configure_widget");
                $patterns = array();
                $dirlist = BB_GetDirectoryList(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $basepath);
                foreach ($dirlist["files"] as $name) {
                    $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
                    if ($pos !== false && substr($name, $pos) == ".html") {
                        $info = $this->ExtractFileInfo(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $basepath . "/" . $name);
                        if ($info !== false) {
                            $patterns[substr($name, 0, $pos)] = $info[""]["info"][0];
                $options = array("title" => BB_Translate("Configure %s - New Layout", $bb_widget->_f), "desc" => "Create a new layout.", "htmldesc" => $desc, "fields" => array(array("title" => "Pattern", "type" => "select", "name" => "pattern", "options" => $patterns, "desc" => "The pattern to use for the new layout."), array("title" => "Name", "type" => "text", "name" => "name", "value" => "", "desc" => "The name of the new layout.")), "submit" => "Create", "focus" => true);
                BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_layout_configure_widget_new_layout_options", $options);
            } else {
                if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget_activate_layout" && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("file")) {
                    $found = false;
                    $dirlist = BB_GetDirectoryList(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath);
                    foreach ($dirlist["files"] as $name) {
                        $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
                        if ($pos !== false && substr($name, $pos) == ".html" && $name == $_REQUEST["file"]) {
                            $info = $this->ExtractFileInfo(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name);
                            if ($info !== false) {
                                $bb_widget->layout = $name;
                                $found = true;
                    if (!$found) {
                        BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Invalid layout specified.");
                    if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
                        BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the layout activation.");
<div class="success"><?php 
                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Layout activated."));
<script type="text/javascript">
                    echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_layout_configure_widget");
                } else {
                    if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget_deactivate_layout") {
                        $bb_widget->layout = "";
                        if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
                            BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the layout deactivation.");
<div class="success"><?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Layout deactivated."));
<script type="text/javascript">
                        echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_layout_configure_widget");
                    } else {
                        if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget_delete_layout" && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("file")) {
                            $found = false;
                            $dirlist = BB_GetDirectoryList(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath);
                            foreach ($dirlist["files"] as $name) {
                                $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
                                if ($pos !== false && substr($name, $pos) == ".html" && $name == $_REQUEST["file"]) {
                                    $info = $this->ExtractFileInfo(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name);
                                    if ($info !== false) {
                                        if (!unlink(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name)) {
                                            BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Unable to delete the layout HTML.");
                                        foreach ($info as $profile => $data) {
                                            $filename = ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . substr($name, 0, $pos) . ($profile != "" ? "." . $profile : "") . ".css";
                                            if (file_exists($filename)) {
                                        if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name . ".dat")) {
                                            @unlink(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name . ".dat");
                                        if (isset($bb_widget->layout) && $bb_widget->layout == $name) {
                                        $found = true;
                            if (!$found) {
                                BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Invalid layout specified.");
                            if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
                                BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Unable to save the layout activation status.");
<div class="success"><?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Layout deleted."));
<script type="text/javascript">
                            echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_layout_configure_widget");
                        } else {
                            if (($bb_account["type"] == "dev" || $bb_account["type"] == "design") && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_layout_configure_widget") {
                                global $editmap, $extmap;
                                $editmap = array("ea_html" => array("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return EditFile('%%HTML_JS_DIR%%', '%%HTML_JS_FILE%%', '%%HTML_JS_syntax%%', '%%HTML_JS_LOADTOKEN%%', '%%HTML_JS_SAVETOKEN%%');\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Edit HTML")) . "</a>", "syntax"), "ea_css" => array("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return EditFile('%%HTML_JS_DIR%%', '%%HTML_JS_FILE%%', '%%HTML_JS_syntax%%', '%%HTML_JS_LOADTOKEN%%', '%%HTML_JS_SAVETOKEN%%');\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Edit CSS")) . "</a>", "syntax"));
                                $extmap = array(".html" => array("edit" => "ea_html", "syntax" => "html"), ".css" => array("edit" => "ea_css", "syntax" => "css"));
                                $desc = "<br />";
                                $desc .= BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("New Layout"), "bb_layout_configure_widget_new_layout");
                                if ($bb_widget->layout != "") {
                                    $desc .= " | " . BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Deactivate Current Layout"), "bb_layout_configure_widget_deactivate_layout");
                                $rows = array();
                                $dirlist = BB_GetDirectoryList(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath);
                                foreach ($dirlist["files"] as $name) {
                                    $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
                                    if ($pos !== false && substr($name, $pos) == ".html") {
                                        $info = $this->ExtractFileInfo(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name);
                                        if ($info !== false) {
                                            $rows[] = array("<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars(ROOT_URL . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</a>", BB_FileExplorer_GetActionStr(WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath, $name) . " | " . BB_FileExplorer_GetActionStr(WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath, substr($name, 0, $pos) . ".css") . " | " . ($bb_widget->layout != $name ? BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Activate"), "bb_layout_configure_widget_activate_layout", array("file" => $name)) : BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Deactivate"), "bb_layout_configure_widget_deactivate_layout")) . " | " . BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Delete"), "bb_layout_configure_widget_delete_layout", array("file" => $name), BB_Translate("Deleting the '%s' layout will immediately affect any pages that utilize the layout.  Continue?", $name)));
                                        } else {
                                            if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name)) {
                                                $rows[] = array(BB_Translate("%s (Broken layout)", "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars(ROOT_URL . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath . "/" . $name) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</a>"), BB_FileExplorer_GetActionStr(WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $this->layoutpath, $name));
                                $options = array("title" => BB_Translate("Configure %s", $bb_widget->_f), "desc" => "Select an existing layout or create a new layout.", "htmldesc" => $desc);
                                if (count($rows)) {
                                    $options["fields"] = array(array("type" => "table", "cols" => array("Layout", "Options"), "rows" => $rows));
                                BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_layout_configure_widget_options", $options);
Beispiel #5
 public function ProcessFrontend()
     global $sso_rng, $sso_provider, $sso_settings, $sso_session_info;
     $redirect_uri = BB_GetRequestHost() . SSO_ROOT_URL . "/index.php?sso_provider=" . urlencode($sso_provider) . "&sso_google_action=signin";
     if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_google_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_google_action"] == "signin") {
         // Recover the language settings.
         if (!isset($sso_session_info["sso_google_info"])) {
             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Unable to authenticate the request."));
         $url = BB_GetRequestHost() . SSO_ROOT_URL . "/index.php?sso_provider=" . urlencode($sso_provider) . "&sso_google_action=signin2";
         if (isset($_REQUEST["state"])) {
             $url .= "&state=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["state"]);
         if (isset($_REQUEST["code"])) {
             $url .= "&code=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["code"]);
         if (isset($_REQUEST["error"])) {
             $url .= "&error=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["error"]);
         $url .= "&lang=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_google_info"]["lang"]);
         header("Location: " . $url);
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_google_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_google_action"] == "signin2") {
             // Validate the token.
             if (!isset($_REQUEST["state"]) || !isset($sso_session_info["sso_google_info"]) || $_REQUEST["state"] !== $sso_session_info["sso_google_info"]["token"]) {
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Unable to authenticate the request."));
             // Check for token expiration.
             if (CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($sso_session_info["sso_google_info"]["expires"]) < time()) {
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Verification token has expired."));
             if (isset($_REQUEST["error"])) {
                 if ($_REQUEST["error"] == "access_denied") {
                     $message = BB_Translate("The request to sign in with Google was denied.");
                 } else {
                     $message = BB_Translate("The error message returned was '%s'.", $_REQUEST["error"]);
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  %s", $message));
             if (!isset($_REQUEST["code"])) {
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  Authorization code missing."));
             // Get an access token from the authorization code.
             require_once SSO_ROOT_PATH . "/" . SSO_SUPPORT_PATH . "/http.php";
             require_once SSO_ROOT_PATH . "/" . SSO_SUPPORT_PATH . "/web_browser.php";
             $url = "";
             $options = array("postvars" => array("code" => $_REQUEST["code"], "client_id" => $sso_settings["sso_google"]["client_id"], "client_secret" => $sso_settings["sso_google"]["client_secret"], "redirect_uri" => $redirect_uri, "grant_type" => "authorization_code"));
             $web = new WebBrowser();
             $result = $web->Process($url, "auto", $options);
             if (!$result["success"]) {
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  Error retrieving URL for Google access token.  %s", $result["error"]));
             } else {
                 if ($result["response"]["code"] != 200) {
                     $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  The Google access token server returned:  %s", $result["response"]["code"] . " " . $result["response"]["meaning"]));
                 } else {
                     // Get the access token.
                     $data = @json_decode($result["body"], true);
                     if ($data === false || !isset($data["access_token"])) {
                         $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  Error retrieving access token from Google."));
                     } else {
                         // Get the user's profile information.
                         $url = "" . urlencode($data["access_token"]);
                         $result = $web->Process($url);
                         if (!$result["success"]) {
                             $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  Error retrieving URL for Google profile information.  %s", $result["error"]));
                         } else {
                             if ($result["response"]["code"] != 200) {
                                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  The Google profile information server returned:  %s", $result["response"]["code"] . " " . $result["response"]["meaning"]));
                             } else {
                                 $profile = @json_decode($result["body"], true);
                                 if ($profile === false) {
                                     $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  Error retrieving profile information from Google."));
                                 $origprofile = $profile;
                                 // Remove unverified e-mail addresses.
                                 if (!isset($profile["verified_email"]) || !$profile["verified_email"]) {
                                 // Convert most profile fields into strings.
                                 foreach ($profile as $key => $val) {
                                     if (is_string($val)) {
                                     if (is_bool($val)) {
                                         $val = (string) (int) $val;
                                     } else {
                                         if (is_numeric($val)) {
                                             $val = (string) $val;
                                         } else {
                                             if (is_object($val) && isset($val->id) && isset($val->name)) {
                                                 $val = $val->name;
                                     $profile[$key] = $val;
                                 $mapinfo = array();
                                 foreach (self::$fieldmap as $key => $info) {
                                     $key2 = $sso_settings["sso_google"]["map_" . $key];
                                     if ($key2 != "" && isset($profile[$key])) {
                                         $mapinfo[$key2] = $profile[$key];
                                 SSO_ActivateUser($profile["id"], serialize($origprofile), $mapinfo);
                                 // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("User activation failed."));
         } else {
             // Create internal data packet.
             $token = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
             $sso_session_info["sso_google_info"] = array("lang" => isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) ? $_REQUEST["lang"] : "", "token" => $token, "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 30 * 60));
             if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                 $this->DisplayError(BB_Translate("Unable to save session information."));
             // Calculate the required scope.
             $scope = array("" => true);
             foreach (self::$fieldmap as $key => $info) {
                 if ($info["extra"] != "" && $sso_settings["sso_google"]["map_" . $key] != "") {
                     $scope[$info["extra"]] = true;
             // Get the login redirection URL.
             $options = array("response_type" => "code", "client_id" => $sso_settings["sso_google"]["client_id"], "redirect_uri" => $redirect_uri, "scope" => implode(" ", array_keys($scope)), "state" => $token);
             $options2 = array();
             foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                 $options2[] = urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($val);
             $url = "" . implode("&", $options2);
Beispiel #6
    public function ProcessFrontend()
        global $sso_provider, $sso_settings, $sso_target_url, $sso_header, $sso_footer, $sso_providers, $sso_selectors_url;
        require_once SSO_ROOT_PATH . "/" . SSO_PROVIDER_PATH . "/" . $sso_provider . "/facebook.php";
        $facebook = new SSO_FacebookSDK(array("appId" => $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["app_id"], "secret" => $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["app_secret"]));
        $id = $facebook->getUser();
        if ($id) {
            try {
                // Calculate the required fields.
                $fields = array("id" => true, "first_name" => true, "last_name" => true);
                foreach (self::$fieldmap as $key => $info) {
                    if ($sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key] != "" && !isset($info["pseudo"])) {
                        $fields[isset($info["parent"]) ? $info["parent"] : $key] = true;
                $profile = $facebook->api("/me", "GET", array("fields" => implode(",", array_keys($fields))));
            } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
                // Fall through here to go to the next step.
                $id = 0;
                $exceptionmessage = $e->getMessage();
        if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_facebook_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_facebook_action"] == "signin") {
            if ($id) {
                // Create a fake username based on available information.
                if ($sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_username"] != "") {
                    if (isset($profile["email"])) {
                        $profile["username"] = (string) @substr($profile["email"], 0, strpos($profile["email"], "@"));
                    } else {
                        if (isset($profile["first_name"]) && isset($profile["last_name"])) {
                            $profile["username"] = $profile["first_name"] . @substr($profile["last_name"], 0, 1);
                        } else {
                            if (isset($profile["name"])) {
                                $name = explode(" ", $name);
                                $profile["username"] = $name[0] . @substr($name[count($name) - 1], 0, 1);
                            } else {
                                $profile["username"] = (string) $id;
                    $profile["username"] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', "_", trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', " ", strtolower((string) $profile["username"]))));
                // Check username blacklist.
                $message = "";
                if (isset($profile["username"])) {
                    $blacklist = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["username_blacklist"]));
                    foreach ($blacklist as $word) {
                        $word = trim($word);
                        if ($word != "" && stripos($profile["username"], $word) !== false) {
                            $message = BB_Translate("Username contains a blocked word.");
                // Check e-mail domain blacklist.
                if (isset($profile["email"])) {
                    define("CS_TRANSLATE_FUNC", "BB_Translate");
                    require_once SSO_ROOT_PATH . "/" . SSO_SUPPORT_PATH . "/smtp.php";
                    $email = SMTP::MakeValidEmailAddress($profile["email"]);
                    if (!$email["success"]) {
                        $message = BB_Translate("Invalid e-mail address.  %s", $email["error"]);
                    } else {
                        $domain = strtolower(substr($email["email"], strrpos($email["email"], "@") + 1));
                        $y = strlen($domain);
                        $baddomains = explode("\n", strtolower($sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["email_bad_domains"]));
                        foreach ($baddomains as $baddomain) {
                            $baddomain = trim($baddomain);
                            if ($baddomain != "") {
                                $y2 = strlen($baddomain);
                                if ($domain == $baddomain || $y < $y2 && substr($domain, $y - $y2 - 1, 1) == "." && substr($domain, $y - $y2) == $baddomain) {
                                    $message = BB_Translate("E-mail address is in a blacklisted domain.");
                if ($message == "") {
                    // Fix birthday to be in international format YYYY-MM-DD.
                    if (isset($profile["birthday"])) {
                        $birthday = explode("/", $profile["birthday"]);
                        $year = array_pop($birthday);
                        array_unshift($birthday, $year);
                        $profile["birthday"] = implode("-", $birthday);
                    // Convert most profile fields into strings.
                    foreach ($profile as $key => $val) {
                        if (is_string($val)) {
                        if (is_bool($val)) {
                            $val = (string) (int) $val;
                        } else {
                            if (is_numeric($val)) {
                                $val = (string) $val;
                            } else {
                                if (is_object($val) && isset($val->id) && isset($val->name)) {
                                    $val = $val->name;
                        $profile[$key] = $val;
                    // Convert specialized fields into strings.
                    if (isset($profile["age_range"])) {
                        $profile["age_range"] = trim($item->min . "-" . $item->max);
                    if (isset($profile["education"])) {
                        $items = array();
                        foreach ($profile["education"] as $item) {
                            $items[] = trim($item->year . " " . $item->type . " " . $item->school->name);
                        $profile["education"] = implode("\n", $items);
                    if (isset($profile["work"])) {
                        $items = array();
                        foreach ($profile["work"] as $item) {
                            $items[] = trim($item->employer . ", " . $item->location . ", " . $item->position);
                        $profile["work"] = implode("\n", $items);
                    $mapinfo = array();
                    foreach (self::$fieldmap as $key => $info) {
                        $key2 = $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key];
                        if ($key2 != "" && isset($profile[$key])) {
                            $mapinfo[$key2] = $profile[$key];
                    // Process specialized fields.
                    if (isset($profile["birthday"])) {
                        $birthday = explode("-", $profile["birthday"]);
                        $key = "birthday_year";
                        $key2 = $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key];
                        if ($key2 != "") {
                            $mapinfo[$key2] = $birthday[0];
                        $key = "birthday_month";
                        $key2 = $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key];
                        if ($key2 != "") {
                            $mapinfo[$key2] = $birthday[1];
                        $key = "birthday_day";
                        $key2 = $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key];
                        if ($key2 != "") {
                            $mapinfo[$key2] = $birthday[2];
                    SSO_ActivateUser($profile["id"], serialize($profile), $mapinfo);
                    // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                    $message = BB_Translate("User activation failed.");
            } else {
                if (isset($_REQUEST["error"]) && $_REQUEST["error"] == "access_denied") {
                    $message = BB_Translate("The request to sign in with Facebook was denied.");
                } else {
                    if (isset($_REQUEST["error_description"])) {
                        $message = BB_Translate($_REQUEST["error_description"]);
                    } else {
                        $message = BB_Translate("An unknown error occurred.  %s", $exceptionmessage);
            $message = BB_Translate("Sign in failed.  %s", $message);
            echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
	<div class="sso_main_messages_wrap">
		<div class="sso_main_messages">
			<div class="sso_main_messageerror"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($message);

	<div class="sso_main_info"><a href="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Try again"));
            if (count($sso_providers) > 1) {
 | <a href="<?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($sso_selectors_url);
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Select another sign in method"));
            echo $sso_footer;
        } else {
            // Calculate the required scope.
            $scope = array();
            foreach (self::$fieldmap as $key => $info) {
                if ($info["extra"] != "" && $sso_settings["sso_facebook"]["map_" . $key] != "") {
                    $scope[$info["extra"]] = true;
            // Get the login redirection URL.
            $options = array("scope" => implode(",", array_keys($scope)), "redirect_uri" => BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_facebook_action=signin");
            $url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($options);
Beispiel #7
function BB_GeneratePage($title, $menuopts, $contentopts)
    global $bb_rootname, $bb_page_layout, $bb_menu_layout, $bb_menu_item_layout, $bb_message_layout;
    if (!isset($contentopts["title"])) {
        $contentopts["title"] = $title;
    if (isset($contentopts["hidden"]) && !isset($contentopts["hidden"]["bb_back"])) {
        $contentopts["hidden"]["bb_back"] = isset($_POST["bb_back"]) ? $_POST["bb_back"] : BB_GetBackQueryString();
    header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    // Process the header.
    if (defined("BB_ROOT_URL")) {
        $rooturl = BB_ROOT_URL;
    } else {
        if (defined("ROOT_URL")) {
            $rooturl = ROOT_URL;
        } else {
            $rooturl = BB_GetRequestURLBase();
            if (substr($rooturl, -1) != "/") {
                $rooturl = dirname($rooturl);
            if (substr($rooturl, -1) == "/") {
                $rooturl = substr($rooturl, 0, -1);
    if (defined("BB_SUPPORT_PATH")) {
        $supportpath = BB_SUPPORT_PATH;
    } else {
        if (defined("SUPPORT_PATH")) {
            $supportpath = SUPPORT_PATH;
        } else {
            $supportpath = "support";
    $data = str_replace("@ROOTURL@", htmlspecialchars($rooturl), $bb_page_layout);
    $data = str_replace("@SUPPORTPATH@", htmlspecialchars($supportpath), $data);
    // Process the title and message.
    $data = str_replace("@TITLE@", htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate(($bb_rootname != "" ? $bb_rootname . " | " : "") . $title)), $data);
    $data = str_replace("@ROOTNAME@", htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($bb_rootname)), $data);
    if (!isset($_REQUEST["bb_msg"])) {
        $data = str_replace("@MESSAGE@", "", $data);
    } else {
        if (!isset($_REQUEST["bb_msgtype"]) || $_REQUEST["bb_msgtype"] != "error" && $_REQUEST["bb_msgtype"] != "success") {
            $_REQUEST["bb_msgtype"] = "info";
        $data2 = str_replace("@MSGTYPE@", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["bb_msgtype"]), $bb_message_layout);
        $data2 = str_replace("@MESSAGE@", htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($_REQUEST["bb_msg"])), $data2);
        $data = str_replace("@MESSAGE@", $data2, $data);
    // Process the menu.
    $data2 = "";
    foreach ($menuopts as $title => $items) {
        $data3 = "";
        foreach ($items as $name => $opts) {
            if (!is_array($opts)) {
                $opts = array("href" => $opts);
            $data5 = array();
            foreach ($opts as $name2 => $val) {
                $data5[] = htmlspecialchars($name2) . "=\"" . htmlspecialchars($val) . "\"";
            $data4 = str_replace("@OPTS@", implode(" ", $data5), $bb_menu_item_layout);
            $data3 .= str_replace("@NAME@", htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($name)), $data4);
        $data3 = str_replace("@ITEMS@", $data3, $bb_menu_layout);
        $data2 .= str_replace("@TITLE@", htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($title)), $data3);
    $data = str_replace("@MENU@", $data2, $data);
    // Process and display the content.
    $pos = strpos($data, "@CONTENT@");
    echo substr($data, 0, $pos);
    echo substr($data, $pos + 9);
Beispiel #8
 public function SendTwoFactorCode(&$result, $userrow, $userinfo)
     // Send the two-factor authentication e-mail.
     $info = $this->GetInfo();
     $fromaddr = BB_PostTranslate($info["email_from"] != "" ? $info["email_from"] : SSO_SMTP_FROM);
     $subject = BB_Translate($info["email_subject"]);
     $twofactor = sso_login::GetTimeBasedOTP($userinfo["two_factor_key"], time() / $info["window"]);
     $htmlmsg = str_ireplace(array("@USERNAME@", "@EMAIL@", "@TWOFACTOR@"), array(htmlspecialchars($userrow->username), htmlspecialchars($userrow->email), htmlspecialchars($twofactor)), BB_PostTranslate($info["email_msg"]));
     $textmsg = str_ireplace(array("@USERNAME@", "@EMAIL@", "@TWOFACTOR@"), array($userrow->username, $userrow->email, $twofactor), BB_PostTranslate($info["email_msg_text"]));
     $result2 = SSO_SendEmail($fromaddr, $userrow->email, $subject, $htmlmsg, $textmsg);
     if (!$result2["success"]) {
         $result["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to send two-factor authentication e-mail.  %s", $result["error"]);
Beispiel #9
function SSO_CreateConfigLink($title, $action2, $extra = array(), $confirm = "")
    return "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars(SSO_CreateConfigURL($action2, $extra)) . "\"" . ($confirm != "" ? " onclick=\"return confirm('" . htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate($confirm))) . "');\"" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($title)) . "</a>";
Beispiel #10
 public function LoginCheck(&$result, $userinfo, $recoveryallowed)
     global $sso_ipaddr_info;
     if ($userinfo === false) {
         $this->UpdateIPAddrInfo(true, false, false);
         $info = $this->GetInfo();
         if ($sso_ipaddr_info["sso_login_modules"]["sso_ratelimit"]["sysreq"] >= $info["system_requests"]) {
             $result["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Request rate limit exceeded.");
         } else {
             if ($sso_ipaddr_info["sso_login_modules"]["sso_ratelimit"]["logins"] >= $info["login_attempts"]) {
                 $result["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Request rate limit exceeded.");
Beispiel #11
function BB_UpdateExtensionsCache($force = false)
    global $bb_extensions_info, $bb_paths;
    if ($force || $bb_extensions_info["nextcheck"] < time()) {
        $data = array();
        foreach ($bb_extensions_info["exts"] as $extinfo) {
            $data[] = (int) $extinfo["id"];
            $data[] = urlencode($extinfo["ver"]);
        $url = "" . implode(",", $data);
        BB_RunPluginActionInfo("pre_bb_updateextensionscache_url", $url);
        $info = BB_IsValidURL($url);
        if ($info["success"]) {
            $data = @json_decode(trim($info["data"]), true);
            if ($data["success"]) {
                if (defined("BB_CORE_VER") && $data["corever"] !== BB_CORE_VER) {
                    array_unshift($data["updates"], BB_Translate("<strong>New version of Barebones CMS available!</strong><br />Currently installed:  %s<br />New:  %s", BB_CORE_VER, htmlspecialchars($data["corever"])));
                $bb_extensions_info["updates"] = $data["updates"];
                $bb_extensions_info["vulnerabilities"] = $data["vulnerabilities"];
        $bb_extensions_info["nextcheck"] = time() + 24 * 60 * 60;
        $data = "<" . "?php\n\t\$bb_extensions_info = " . BB_CreatePHPStorageData($bb_extensions_info) . ";\n?" . ">";
        BB_WriteFile((isset($bb_paths) ? $bb_paths["ROOT_PATH"] : ROOT_PATH) . "/extensions_cache.php", $data);
Beispiel #12
    public function CustomFrontend()
        global $g_sso_login_modules, $sso_settings, $sso_header, $sso_footer, $sso_target_url, $sso_db, $sso_session_info, $sso_rng;
        $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
        $info = $this->GetInfo();
        if ($info["cookiekey"] != "" && $info["cookieiv"] != "" && $info["cookiekey2"] != "" && $info["cookieiv2"] != "") {
            // Initialize active modules.
            $this->activemodules = array();
            foreach ($g_sso_login_modules as $key => $info2) {
                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_a"]) {
                    $module = "sso_login_module_" . $key;
                    $this->activemodules[$key] = new $module();
            $sso_db_sso_login_users = SSO_DB_PREFIX . "p_sso_login_users";
            if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) && isset($_COOKIE["sso_l_rme"])) {
                // Decrypt data.
                $info2 = @base64_decode($_COOKIE["sso_l_rme"]);
                if ($info2 !== false) {
                    $info2 = Blowfish::ExtractDataPacket($info2, pack("H*", $info["cookiekey"]), array("mode" => "CBC", "iv" => pack("H*", $info["cookieiv"]), "key2" => pack("H*", $info["cookiekey2"]), "iv2" => pack("H*", $info["cookieiv2"]), "lightweight" => true));
                if ($info2 !== false) {
                    $info2 = @unserialize($info2);
                if ($info2 !== false) {
                    $id = (int) $_REQUEST["id"];
                    if (isset($info2[$id]) && is_array($info2[$id]) && count($info2[$id]) == 2) {
                        // Load database information and verify the sign in.
                        $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $id);
                        if ($userrow && (!isset($userrow->verified) || $userrow->verified)) {
                            $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                            if ($userinfo !== false && isset($userinfo["sso_remember_me"]) && isset($userinfo["sso_remember_me"][$info2[$userrow->id][0]])) {
                                $info3 = $userinfo["sso_remember_me"][$info2[$userrow->id][0]];
                                $ts = CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($info3["expires"]);
                                if ($ts > time()) {
                                    $data = $info3["salt"] . ":" . $info2[$userrow->id][1];
                                    if (sso_login::VerifyPasswordInfo($data, $info3["hash"], $info3["rounds"])) {
                                        // Sign in is now verified to be valid.
                                        if (!$info3["bypass"] && ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] || isset($userinfo["two_factor_method"]) && $userinfo["two_factor_method"] != "")) {
                                            // Go to two-factor authentication page.
                                            $methods = array();
                                            foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                                $name = $instance->GetTwoFactorName(false);
                                                if ($name !== false) {
                                                    $methods[$key] = true;
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] && (!isset($userinfo["two_factor_method"]) || !isset($methods[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]]))) {
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("A valid two-factor authentication method for this account is not available.  Use account recovery to restore access to the account.");
                                            } else {
                                                $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"] = array("id" => $userrow->id, "v" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 5 * 60));
                                                if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to save session information.");
                                                } else {
                                                    $this->activemodules[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]]->SendTwoFactorCode($messages, $userrow, $userinfo);
                                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                        header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=two_factor&sso_v=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["v"]));
                                        } else {
                                            // Login succeeded.  Activate the user.
                                            $mapinfo = array();
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_email"]] = $userrow->email;
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_username"]] = $userrow->username;
                                            $origuserinfo = $userinfo;
                                            foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                $instance->LoginAddMap($mapinfo, $userrow, $userinfo, false);
                                            // If a module updated $userinfo, then update the database.
                                            if (serialize($userinfo) !== serialize($origuserinfo)) {
                                                $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                                try {
                                                    $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                SSO_ActivateUser($userrow->id, $userinfo["extra"], $mapinfo, CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($userrow->created));
                                                // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User activation failed.");
            echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
	<div class="sso_main_messages_wrap">
		<div class="sso_main_messages">
            if (count($messages["errors"])) {
			<div class="sso_main_messageerror"><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($messages["errors"][0]);
			<div class="sso_main_messageerror"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("An error occurred while processing the remembered sign in.  You will have to sign in normally."));
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
            echo $sso_footer;
Beispiel #13
 public function LoginCheck(&$result, $userinfo, $recoveryallowed)
     global $sso_target_url;
     if ($userinfo !== false) {
         $info = $this->GetInfo();
         if ($info["expire"] > 0 && (!isset($userinfo["sso_password"]) || !isset($userinfo["sso_password"]["expires"]) || CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($userinfo["sso_password"]["expires"]) <= time())) {
             if (!$recoveryallowed) {
                 if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_info", "") != "yes") {
                     $result["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Password has expired.  Check the checkbox under 'Update Information' and sign in again to change your password.");
             } else {
                 header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover&sso_msg=sso_login_password_expired");
Beispiel #14
function UpgradeError($str)
    echo BB_Translate($str) . "<br />\n";
Beispiel #15
    public function GenerateLogin($messages)
        $info = $this->GetInfo();
        if ($info["cookiekey"] != "" && $info["cookieiv"] != "" && $info["cookiekey2"] != "" && $info["cookieiv2"] != "") {
            $phrase = "";
            if (isset($_COOKIE["sso_l_ap"])) {
                // Decrypt data.
                $phrase = @base64_decode($_COOKIE["sso_l_ap"]);
                if ($phrase !== false) {
                    $phrase = Blowfish::ExtractDataPacket($phrase, pack("H*", $info["cookiekey"]), array("mode" => "CBC", "iv" => pack("H*", $info["cookieiv"]), "key2" => pack("H*", $info["cookiekey2"]), "iv2" => pack("H*", $info["cookieiv2"]), "lightweight" => true));
                if ($phrase === false) {
                    $phrase = "";
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Anti-Phishing Phrase"));
            if ($phrase != "") {
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($phrase);
            } else {
				<div class="sso_main_formresult"><div class="sso_main_formwarning"><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("No anti-phishing phrase found."));
Beispiel #16
function SSO_ExternalRedirect($url, $final = false)
    SetCookieFixDomain("sso_server_er", base64_encode($url), 0, "", "", SSO_IsSSLRequest(), true);
    SetCookieFixDomain("sso_server_ern", md5(SSO_FrontendField("external_redirect") . ":" . $url), 0, "", "", SSO_IsSSLRequest(), true);
    $url = BB_GetRequestHost() . SSO_ROOT_URL . "/index.php?sso_action=sso_redirect" . ($final ? "&sso_final=1" : "") . (isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) ? "&lang=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["lang"]) : "");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
    echo BB_JSSafe($url);
    echo BB_Translate("Redirecting...");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($url);
" />
<div style="text-align: center;"><?php 
    echo BB_Translate("Redirecting...");
Beispiel #17
    public function ProcessFrontend()
        global $g_sso_login_modules, $sso_settings, $sso_rng, $sso_header, $sso_footer, $sso_target_url, $sso_db, $sso_ipaddr_info, $sso_session_info, $sso_providers;
        if (!isset($sso_ipaddr_info["sso_login_modules"])) {
            $sso_ipaddr_info["sso_login_modules"] = array();
        // Initialize active modules.
        $this->activemodules = array();
        foreach ($g_sso_login_modules as $key => $info) {
            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_a"]) {
                $module = "sso_login_module_" . $key;
                $this->activemodules[$key] = new $module();
        $sso_db_sso_login_users = SSO_DB_PREFIX . "p_sso_login_users";
        if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "module" && isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_module"]) && isset($this->activemodules[$_REQUEST["sso_login_module"]])) {
        } else {
            if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "verify" && $sso_settings["sso_login"]["open_reg"]) {
                $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                    if (!isset($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) || !isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_verify"])) {
                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid URL.  Verification missing.");
                    } else {
                        if (trim($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) !== $sso_session_info["sso_login_verify"]["v"]) {
                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid verification string specified.");
                        } else {
                            try {
                                $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("verified" => 1), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $sso_session_info["sso_login_verify"]["id"]);
                            } catch (Exception $e) {
                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Verification failed.  Database query error.");
                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_msg=verified");
                echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                $this->DisplayMessages($messages, false);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
                echo $sso_footer;
            } else {
                if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "signup_check" && $sso_settings["sso_login"]["open_reg"]) {
                    $result = $this->SignupUpdateCheck(true, false, false, false);
                    foreach ($result["errors"] as $error) {
                        echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formerror\">" . htmlspecialchars($error) . "</div>";
                    foreach ($result["warnings"] as $warning) {
                        echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formwarning\">" . htmlspecialchars($warning) . "</div>";
                    if (!count($result["errors"]) && !count($result["warnings"])) {
                        if ($result["success"] != "") {
                            echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formokay\">" . htmlspecialchars($result["success"]) . "</div>";
                        } else {
                            if (isset($result["htmlsuccess"]) && $result["htmlsuccess"] != "") {
                                echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formokay\">" . $result["htmlsuccess"] . "</div>";
                } else {
                    if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "signup" && $sso_settings["sso_login"]["open_reg"]) {
                        if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                            $messages = false;
                        } else {
                            $messages = $this->SignupUpdateCheck(false, false, false, false);
                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                // Create the account.
                                $username = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("username", "");
                                $email = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("email", "");
                                $verified = true;
                                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                    $result = SMTP::MakeValidEmailAddress($email);
                                    $email = $result["email"];
                                    $verified = $sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_verify_subject"] == "" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_verify_msg"] == "";
                                $salt = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
                                $data = $username . ":" . $email . ":" . $salt . ":" . SSO_FrontendFieldValue("createpass");
                                $passwordinfo = self::HashPasswordInfo($data, $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_mode"], $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_minrounds"]);
                                if (!$passwordinfo["success"]) {
                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Unexpected cryptography error.");
                                } else {
                                    $userinfo = array();
                                    $userinfo["extra"] = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
                                    $userinfo["two_factor_key"] = $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"];
                                    $userinfo["two_factor_method"] = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("two_factor_method", "");
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                        $instance->SignupAddInfo($userinfo, false);
                                    $userinfo["salt"] = $salt;
                                    $userinfo["rounds"] = (int) $passwordinfo["rounds"];
                                    $userinfo["password"] = bin2hex($passwordinfo["hash"]);
                                    $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                    try {
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username") {
                                            $sso_db->Query("INSERT", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("username" => $username, "email" => $email, "verified" => (int) $verified, "created" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time()), "info" => $userinfo2), "AUTO INCREMENT" => "id"));
                                        } else {
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                $sso_db->Query("INSERT", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("email" => $email, "verified" => (int) $verified, "created" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time()), "info" => $userinfo2), "AUTO INCREMENT" => "id"));
                                            } else {
                                                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                    $sso_db->Query("INSERT", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("username" => $username, "created" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time()), "info" => $userinfo2), "AUTO INCREMENT" => "id"));
                                                } else {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Fatal error:  Login system is broken.");
                                        // Send verification e-mail.
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            $userid = $sso_db->GetInsertID();
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"]) && !$verified) {
                                            $this->SendVerificationEmail($userid, $userinfo, $messages, $username, $email);
                                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                            $instance->SignupDone($userid, false);
                                        header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_msg=" . ($verified ? "verified" : "verify"));
                        echo $sso_header;
                        $this->OutputJS($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=signup_check&sso_ajax=1");
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_signup_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign up"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=signup");
" autocomplete="off">
                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Your E-mail Address"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="text" name="<?php 
                            echo SSO_FrontendField("email");
" value="<?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("email", ""));
" /></div>
                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Choose Username"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="text" name="<?php 
                            echo SSO_FrontendField("username");
" value="<?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("username", ""));
" /></div>
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Choose Password"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="password" name="<?php 
                        echo SSO_FrontendField("createpass");
" value="<?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("createpass", ""));
" /></div>
                        $outputmap = array();
                        // Two-factor authentication dropdown.
                        $outputmap2 = array();
                        $method = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("two_factor_method", "");
                        foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                            $name = $instance->GetTwoFactorName();
                            if ($name !== false) {
                                $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap2, $order, $key, "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "\"" . ($method == $key ? " selected" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</option>");
                        if (!$sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] && count($outputmap2)) {
                            SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap2, 0, "", "<option value=\"\"" . ($method == "" ? " selected" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("None")) . "</option>");
                        if (count($outputmap2)) {
                            if (!isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"])) {
                                $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Choose Two-Factor Authentication Method"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><select class="sso_main_dropdown sso_login_changehook_two_factor" name="<?php 
                            echo SSO_FrontendField("two_factor_method");
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] ? "Required.  Two-factor authentication vastly improves the security of your account." : "Optional.  Two-factor authentication vastly improves the security of your account."));
                            $order = $sso_settings["sso_login"]["two_factor_order"];
                            SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, "two_factor", ob_get_contents());
                        // Add active module output.
                        foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                            $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                            SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, $key, ob_get_contents());
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                        echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign up"));
" />
                        echo $sso_footer;
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "update_info") {
                            // Check the session and load the user account.
                            $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                            foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                $instance->UpdateInfoCheck($messages, false, false);
                            $userrow = false;
                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                if (!isset($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) || !isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"])) {
                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid URL.  Verification missing.");
                                } else {
                                    if (trim($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) !== $sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["v"]) {
                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid verification string specified.");
                                    } else {
                                        if (!isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["expires"]) || CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["expires"]) < time()) {
                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Update information is expired or invalid.");
                                        } else {
                                            try {
                                                $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["id"]);
                                                if ($userrow === false) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Update information is expired or invalid.");
                                                } else {
                                                    if (!isset($userrow->username)) {
                                                        $userrow->username = "";
                                                    if (!isset($userrow->email)) {
                                                        $userrow->email = "";
                                                    if (!isset($userrow->verified)) {
                                                        $userrow->verified = 1;
                                            } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User check failed.  Database query error.");
                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                if ($userinfo === false) {
                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Error loading user information.");
                            if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_ajax"])) {
                                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                    $messages = $this->SignupUpdateCheck(true, $userrow, $userinfo, false);
                                foreach ($messages["errors"] as $error) {
                                    echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formerror\">" . htmlspecialchars($error) . "</div>";
                                foreach ($messages["warnings"] as $warning) {
                                    echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formwarning\">" . htmlspecialchars($warning) . "</div>";
                                if (!count($messages["errors"]) && !count($messages["warnings"])) {
                                    if ($messages["success"] != "") {
                                        echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formokay\">" . htmlspecialchars($messages["success"]) . "</div>";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($messages["htmlsuccess"] != "") {
                                            echo "<div class=\"sso_main_formokay\">" . $messages["htmlsuccess"] . "</div>";
                            } else {
                                if (count($messages["errors"])) {
                                    echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                    $this->DisplayMessages($messages, false);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
                                    echo $sso_footer;
                                } else {
                                    $messagesheader = false;
                                    $messages = false;
                                    if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                                        if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_msg"])) {
                                            $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                            foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                    } else {
                                        $messages = $this->SignupUpdateCheck(false, $userrow, $userinfo, false);
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            // Update the account.
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["change_username"] && ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username")) {
                                                $username = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_username", "");
                                            } else {
                                                $username = $userrow->username;
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["change_email"] && ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email")) {
                                                $email = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_email", "");
                                                $result = SMTP::MakeValidEmailAddress($email);
                                                $email = $result["email"];
                                                $verified = $sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_verify_subject"] == "" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_verify_msg"] == "" || $userrow->email == $email;
                                            } else {
                                                $email = $userrow->email;
                                                $verified = $userrow->verified;
                                            if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_pass", "") != "") {
                                                $salt = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
                                                $data = $username . ":" . $email . ":" . $salt . ":" . SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_pass");
                                                $passwordinfo = self::HashPasswordInfo($data, $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_mode"], $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_minrounds"]);
                                                if (!$passwordinfo["success"]) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Unexpected cryptography error.");
                                                } else {
                                                    $numrounds = (int) $passwordinfo["rounds"];
                                                    $password = bin2hex($passwordinfo["hash"]);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($username != $userrow->username || $email != $userrow->email) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Please enter a new password.");
                                                } else {
                                                    $salt = $userinfo["salt"];
                                                    $numrounds = $userinfo["rounds"];
                                                    $password = $userinfo["password"];
                                            if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("reset_two_factor_key", "") == "yes") {
                                                $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Two-factor authentication security key has been reset.");
                                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                $userinfo["two_factor_key"] = $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"];
                                                $userinfo["two_factor_method"] = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_two_factor_method", "");
                                                foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                $userinfo["salt"] = $salt;
                                                $userinfo["rounds"] = $numrounds;
                                                $userinfo["password"] = $password;
                                                $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                                try {
                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username") {
                                                        $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("username" => $username, "email" => $email, "verified" => (int) $verified, "info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                            $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("email" => $email, "verified" => (int) $verified, "info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                                $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("username" => $username, "info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                            } else {
                                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Fatal error:  Login system is broken.");
                                                    // Send verification e-mail.
                                                    $userid = $userrow->id;
                                                    if (!count($messages["errors"]) && !$verified) {
                                                        $this->SendVerificationEmail($userid, $userinfo, $messages, $username, $email);
                                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                    header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_msg=" . ($verified ? "updated" : "verify"));
                                    echo $sso_header;
                                    $this->OutputJS($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=update_info&sso_v=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) . "&sso_ajax=1");
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_updateinfo_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Update Information"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=update_info&sso_v=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["sso_v"]));
" autocomplete="off">
                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Your E-mail Address"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><?php 
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["change_email"]) {
<input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="text" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("update_email");
" value="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_email", $userrow->email));
" /><?php 
                                        } else {
<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("update_email");
" value="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_email", $userrow->email));
" /><div class="sso_main_static"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($userrow->email);
                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Your Username"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><?php 
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["change_username"]) {
<input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="text" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("update_username");
" value="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_username", $userrow->username));
" /><?php 
                                        } else {
<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("update_username");
" value="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_username", $userrow->username));
" /><div class="sso_main_static"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($userrow->username);
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("New Password"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text sso_login_changehook" type="password" name="<?php 
                                    echo SSO_FrontendField("update_pass");
" value="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_pass", ""));
" /></div>
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Optional.  Will change the password for the account."));
			<script type="text/javascript">
                                    $outputmap = array();
                                    // Two-factor authentication dropdown.
                                    $outputmap2 = array();
                                    $method = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_two_factor_method", isset($updateinfo["two_factor_method"]) ? $updateinfo["two_factor_method"] : "");
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                        $name = $instance->GetTwoFactorName();
                                        if ($name !== false) {
                                            $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                            SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap2, $order, $key, "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "\"" . ($method == $key ? " selected" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</option>");
                                    if (!$sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] && count($outputmap2)) {
                                        SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap2, 0, "", "<option value=\"\"" . ($method == "" ? " selected" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("None")) . "</option>");
                                    if (count($outputmap2)) {
                                        if (!isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"])) {
                                            $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Choose Two-Factor Authentication Method"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><select class="sso_main_dropdown sso_login_changehook_two_factor" name="<?php 
                                        echo SSO_FrontendField("update_two_factor_method");
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] ? "Required.  Two-factor authentication vastly improves the security of your account." : "Optional.  Two-factor authentication vastly improves the security of your account."));
				<div class="sso_main_formtwofactorreset"><input id="sso_two_factor_reset" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                                        echo SSO_FrontendField("reset_two_factor_key");
" value="yes"> <label for="sso_two_factor_reset"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Reset two-factor authentication security key"));
                                        $order = $sso_settings["sso_login"]["two_factor_order"];
                                        SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, "two_factor", ob_get_contents());
                                    // Add active module output.
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                        $instance->GenerateUpdateInfo($userrow, $userinfo);
                                        $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                        SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, $key, ob_get_contents());
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                                    echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Update"));
" />
                        } else {
                            if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "recover2" && isset($_REQUEST["sso_method"]) && $this->IsRecoveryAllowed()) {
                                // Load and validate the recovery options.
                                $userrow = false;
                                if (isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_recover"]) && isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_recover"]["id"]) && isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_recover"]["method"]) && $sso_session_info["sso_login_recover"]["method"] == $_REQUEST["sso_method"]) {
                                    try {
                                        $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $sso_session_info["sso_login_recover"]["id"]);
                                        if ($userrow) {
                                            if (!isset($userrow->username)) {
                                                $userrow->username = "";
                                            if (!isset($userrow->email)) {
                                                $userrow->email = "";
                                            if (!isset($userrow->verified)) {
                                                $userrow->verified = 1;
                                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                                        header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover&sso_msg=recovery_db_error");
                                if ($userrow === false) {
                                    header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover&sso_msg=recovery_expired_invalid");
                                $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                if ($userinfo === false) {
                                    header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover&sso_msg=recovery_db_user_error");
                                $messagesheader = false;
                                $messages = false;
                                if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                                    if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_msg"])) {
                                        $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                } else {
                                    $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                        $instance->RecoveryCheck2($messages, false);
                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                            $instance->RecoveryCheck2($messages, $userinfo);
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            $sso_session_info["sso_login_update"] = array("id" => $userrow->id, "v" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 30 * 60));
                                            $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = isset($userinfo["two_factor_key"]) && $userinfo["two_factor_key"] != "" ? $userinfo["two_factor_key"] : self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
                                            if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                                                $result["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Recovery was successful but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to save session information.");
                                            } else {
                                                header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=update_info&sso_v=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["v"]));
                                echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                $this->DisplayMessages($messages, $messagesheader);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_recover_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Restore Access"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                                echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover2&sso_method=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["sso_method"]));
" autocomplete="off">
                                $outputmap = array();
                                foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                    $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                    SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, $key, ob_get_contents());
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                                echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Next"));
" />
                                echo $sso_footer;
                            } else {
                                if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "recover" && $this->IsRecoveryAllowed()) {
                                    $messagesheader = false;
                                    $messages = false;
                                    if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                                        if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_msg"])) {
                                            $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                            if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "recovery_db_error") {
                                                $messages["warnings"][] = BB_Translate("A database error occurred while attempting to load recovery information.");
                                            } else {
                                                if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "recovery_expired_invalid") {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Recovery information is expired or invalid.");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "recovery_db_user_error") {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User information in the database is corrupted.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                    } else {
                                        $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                        $user = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("user_recover");
                                        $method = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("recover_method");
                                        if ($user === false || $user == "" || $method === false || $method == "") {
                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Please fill in the fields.");
                                        } else {
                                            foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                $instance->RecoveryCheck($messages, false);
                                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                $userrow = false;
                                                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                    try {
                                                        $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "email = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $user);
                                                        if ($userrow) {
                                                            if (!isset($userrow->username)) {
                                                                $userrow->username = "";
                                                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User check failed.  Database query error.");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                        try {
                                                            $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "username = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $user);
                                                            if ($userrow) {
                                                                if (!isset($userrow->email)) {
                                                                    $userrow->email = "";
                                                                if (!isset($userrow->verified)) {
                                                                    $userrow->verified = 1;
                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User check failed.  Database query error.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login system is broken.");
                                                if ($userrow === false) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid login.");
                                                } else {
                                                    $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                                    if ($userinfo === false) {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Error loading user information.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                            $instance->RecoveryCheck($messages, $userinfo);
                                                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                    if ($method == "email" && $userrow->email != "") {
                                                        $sso_session_info["sso_login_update"] = array("id" => $userrow->id, "v" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 30 * 60));
                                                        $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = isset($userinfo["two_factor_key"]) && $userinfo["two_factor_key"] != "" ? $userinfo["two_factor_key"] : self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
                                                        if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to save session information.");
                                                        } else {
                                                            $fromaddr = BB_PostTranslate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_recover_from"] != "" ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_recover_from"] : SSO_SMTP_FROM);
                                                            $subject = BB_Translate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_recover_subject"]);
                                                            $verifyurl = BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_session"] == "all" ? "&sso_id=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["sso_id"]) : "") . "&sso_login_action=update_info&sso_v=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["v"]);
                                                            $htmlmsg = str_ireplace(array("@USERNAME@", "@EMAIL@", "@VERIFY@"), array(htmlspecialchars($userrow->username), htmlspecialchars($userrow->email), htmlspecialchars($verifyurl)), BB_PostTranslate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_recover_msg"]));
                                                            $textmsg = str_ireplace(array("@USERNAME@", "@EMAIL@", "@VERIFY@"), array($userrow->username, $userrow->email, $verifyurl), BB_PostTranslate($sso_settings["sso_login"]["email_recover_msg_text"]));
                                                            foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                                $instance->ModifyEmail($userinfo, $htmlmsg, $textmsg);
                                                            $result = SSO_SendEmail($fromaddr, $userrow->email, $subject, $htmlmsg, $textmsg);
                                                            if (!$result["success"]) {
                                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to send verification e-mail.  %s", $result["error"]);
                                                            } else {
                                                                foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                                    $instance->RecoveryDone($messages, $method, $userrow, $userinfo);
                                                                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                                    header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_msg=recovery_email_sent");
                                                    } else {
                                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                            $instance->RecoveryDone($messages, $method, $userrow, $userinfo);
                                    echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                    $this->DisplayMessages($messages, $messagesheader);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_recover_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Restore Access"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover");
" autocomplete="off">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("E-mail Address"));
                                    } else {
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Username"));
                                        } else {
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Login system is broken."));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="text" name="<?php 
                                    echo SSO_FrontendField("user_recover");
" /></div>
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Recovery Method"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><select class="sso_main_dropdown" name="<?php 
                                    echo SSO_FrontendField("recover_method");
                                    $method = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("recover_method", "");
                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                        echo "<option value=\"email\"" . ($method == "email" ? " selected" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("E-mail")) . "</option>";
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                    $outputmap = array();
                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                        $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                        SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, $key, ob_get_contents());
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                                    echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Next"));
" />
                                    echo $sso_footer;
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_login_action"]) && $_REQUEST["sso_login_action"] == "two_factor") {
                                        // Check the session and load the user account.
                                        $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                            $instance->TwoFactorCheck($messages, false);
                                        $userrow = false;
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            if (!isset($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) || !isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"])) {
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid URL.  Verification missing.");
                                            } else {
                                                if (trim($_REQUEST["sso_v"]) !== $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["v"]) {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid verification string specified.");
                                                } else {
                                                    if (!isset($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["expires"]) || CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["expires"]) < time()) {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Two-factor information is expired or invalid.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        try {
                                                            $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["id"]);
                                                            if ($userrow === false) {
                                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Two-factor information is expired or invalid.");
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (!isset($userrow->username)) {
                                                                    $userrow->username = "";
                                                                if (!isset($userrow->email)) {
                                                                    $userrow->email = "";
                                                                if (!isset($userrow->verified)) {
                                                                    $userrow->verified = 1;
                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User check failed.  Database query error.");
                                        $method = BB_Translate("Unknown/Invalid.");
                                        if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                            if ($userinfo === false) {
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Error loading user information.");
                                            } else {
                                                // Check the two-factor authentication method.
                                                $methods = array();
                                                foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                                    $name = $instance->GetTwoFactorName(false);
                                                    if ($name !== false) {
                                                        $methods[$key] = $name;
                                                if (isset($userinfo["two_factor_method"]) && isset($methods[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]])) {
                                                    $method = $methods[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]];
                                                } else {
                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("A valid two-factor authentication method for this account is not available.  Use account recovery to restore access to the account.");
                                        if (count($messages["errors"])) {
                                            echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                            $this->DisplayMessages($messages, false);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
                                            echo $sso_footer;
                                        } else {
                                            $messagesheader = false;
                                            $messages = false;
                                            if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                                                if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_msg"])) {
                                                    $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                            } else {
                                                $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                                foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                    $instance->TwoFactorCheck($messages, $userinfo);
                                                if (count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                        $instance->TwoFactorFailed($messages, $userinfo);
                                                } else {
                                                    // Login with two-factor authentication succeeded.  Activate the user.
                                                    $mapinfo = array();
                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                        $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_email"]] = $userrow->email;
                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                        $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_username"]] = $userrow->username;
                                                    $origuserinfo = $userinfo;
                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                        $instance->LoginAddMap($mapinfo, $userrow, $userinfo, false);
                                                    // If a module updated $userinfo, then update the database.
                                                    if (serialize($userinfo) !== serialize($origuserinfo)) {
                                                        $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                                        try {
                                                            $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                        SSO_ActivateUser($userrow->id, $userinfo["extra"], $mapinfo, CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($userrow->created));
                                                        // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User activation failed.");
                                            echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                            $this->DisplayMessages($messages, $messagesheader);
	<div class="sso_login_signin"><a href="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_recover_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Two-Factor Authentication"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=two_factor&sso_v=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["sso_v"]));
" autocomplete="off">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Enter Two-Factor Authentication Code"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="text" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("two_factor_code");
" /></div>
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("From %s.", $method));
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
" />
                                            echo $sso_footer;
                                    } else {
                                        $messagesheader = false;
                                        $messages = false;
                                        if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") === false) {
                                            if (isset($_REQUEST["sso_msg"])) {
                                                $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                                if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "verified") {
                                                    $messages["success"] = BB_Translate("Your account is ready to use.");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "verify") {
                                                        $messages["warnings"][] = BB_Translate("Account must be verified before it can be used.  Check your e-mail.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "recovery_email_sent") {
                                                            $messages["warnings"][] = BB_Translate("Account recovery URL sent.  Check your e-mail.");
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "updated") {
                                                                $messages["success"] = BB_Translate("Your account information has been updated and is ready to use.");
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($_REQUEST["sso_msg"] == "two_factor_auth_expired") {
                                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Two-factor authentication expired.  Sign in again.");
                                                                } else {
                                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                        } else {
                                            $messages = array("errors" => array(), "warnings" => array(), "success" => "");
                                            $user = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("user");
                                            $password = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("password");
                                            if ($user === false || $user == "" || $password === false || $password == "") {
                                                $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Please fill in the fields.");
                                            } else {
                                                $recoveryallowed = $this->IsRecoveryAllowed(false);
                                                foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                    $instance->LoginCheck($messages, false, $recoveryallowed);
                                                if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                    $userrow = false;
                                                    if (strpos($user, "@") !== false && ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email")) {
                                                        try {
                                                            $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "email = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $user);
                                                            if ($userrow) {
                                                                $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                                                if ($userinfo === false) {
                                                                    $userrow = false;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (!isset($userrow->username)) {
                                                                        $userrow->username = "";
                                                                    $data = $userrow->username . ":" . $userrow->email . ":" . $userinfo["salt"] . ":" . $password;
                                                                    if (!self::VerifyPasswordInfo($data, $userinfo["password"], $userinfo["rounds"])) {
                                                                        $userrow = false;
                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login failed.  Database query error.");
                                                    if ($userrow === false && ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username")) {
                                                        try {
                                                            $userrow = $sso_db->GetRow("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "WHERE" => "username = ?"), $sso_db_sso_login_users, $user);
                                                            if ($userrow) {
                                                                $userinfo = SSO_DecryptDBData($userrow->info);
                                                                if ($userinfo === false) {
                                                                    $userrow = false;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (!isset($userrow->email)) {
                                                                        $userrow->email = "";
                                                                    if (!isset($userrow->verified)) {
                                                                        $userrow->verified = 1;
                                                                    $data = $userrow->username . ":" . $userrow->email . ":" . $userinfo["salt"] . ":" . $password;
                                                                    if (!self::VerifyPasswordInfo($data, $userinfo["password"], $userinfo["rounds"])) {
                                                                        $userrow = false;
                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login failed.  Database query error.");
                                                    if ($userrow === false) {
                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Invalid login.");
                                                    } else {
                                                        // Make sure the password is stored securely.  If not, transparently update the hash information in the database.
                                                        if ($userinfo["rounds"] < $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_minrounds"]) {
                                                            $userinfo["salt"] = $sso_rng->GenerateString();
                                                            $data = $userrow->username . ":" . $userrow->email . ":" . $userinfo["salt"] . ":" . $password;
                                                            $passwordinfo = self::HashPasswordInfo($data, $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_mode"], $sso_settings["sso_login"]["password_minrounds"]);
                                                            if ($passwordinfo["success"]) {
                                                                $userinfo["rounds"] = (int) $passwordinfo["rounds"];
                                                                $userinfo["password"] = bin2hex($passwordinfo["hash"]);
                                                                $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                                                try {
                                                                    $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                            $instance->LoginCheck($messages, $userinfo, $recoveryallowed);
                                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                        // Go to two-factor authentication page.
                                                        $methods = array();
                                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                                            $name = $instance->GetTwoFactorName(false);
                                                            if ($name !== false) {
                                                                $methods[$key] = true;
                                                        // Resend the verification e-mail.
                                                        if (!$userrow->verified) {
                                                            $this->SendVerificationEmail($userrow->id, $userinfo, $messages, $userrow->username, $userrow->email);
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (!$recoveryallowed && SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_info", "") == "yes") {
                                                                $sso_session_info["sso_login_update"] = array("id" => $userrow->id, "v" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 30 * 60));
                                                                $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor_key"] = isset($userinfo["two_factor_key"]) && $userinfo["two_factor_key"] != "" ? $userinfo["two_factor_key"] : self::GenerateOTPKey(10);
                                                                if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                                                                    $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to save session information.");
                                                                } else {
                                                                    header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=update_info&sso_v=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_login_update"]["v"]));
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] || isset($userinfo["two_factor_method"]) && $userinfo["two_factor_method"] != "" && (count($methods) || ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email"))) {
                                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["require_two_factor"] && (!isset($userinfo["two_factor_method"]) || !isset($methods[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]]))) {
                                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("A valid two-factor authentication method for this account is not available.  Use account recovery to restore access to the account.");
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        $sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"] = array("id" => $userrow->id, "v" => $sso_rng->GenerateString(), "expires" => CSDB::ConvertToDBTime(time() + 5 * 60));
                                                                        if (!SSO_SaveSessionInfo()) {
                                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Login exists but a fatal error occurred.  Fatal error:  Unable to save session information.");
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            $this->activemodules[$userinfo["two_factor_method"]]->SendTwoFactorCode($messages, $userrow, $userinfo);
                                                                            if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                                                header("Location: " . BB_GetRequestHost() . $sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=two_factor&sso_v=" . urlencode($sso_session_info["sso_login_two_factor"]["v"]));
                                                                } else {
                                                                    // Login succeeded.  Activate the user.
                                                                    $mapinfo = array();
                                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                                        $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_email"]] = $userrow->email;
                                                                    if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username" || $sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                                        $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_login"]["map_username"]] = $userrow->username;
                                                                    $origuserinfo = $userinfo;
                                                                    foreach ($this->activemodules as &$instance) {
                                                                        $instance->LoginAddMap($mapinfo, $userrow, $userinfo, false);
                                                                    // If a module updated $userinfo, then update the database.
                                                                    if (serialize($userinfo) !== serialize($origuserinfo)) {
                                                                        $userinfo2 = SSO_EncryptDBData($userinfo);
                                                                        try {
                                                                            $sso_db->Query("UPDATE", array($sso_db_sso_login_users, array("info" => $userinfo2), "WHERE" => "id = ?"), $userrow->id);
                                                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                                            $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("Database query error.");
                                                                    if (!count($messages["errors"])) {
                                                                        SSO_ActivateUser($userrow->id, $userinfo["extra"], $mapinfo, CSDB::ConvertFromDBTime($userrow->created));
                                                                        // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                                                                        $messages["errors"][] = BB_Translate("User activation failed.");
                                        echo $sso_header;
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_login">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
                                        $this->DisplayMessages($messages, $messagesheader);
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["open_reg"]) {
	<div class="sso_login_signup"><a href="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=signup");
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign up"));
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_login_signin_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_login_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
" autocomplete="off">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                        if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email_username") {
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Username or E-mail Address"));
                                        } else {
                                            if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "username") {
                                                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Username"));
                                            } else {
                                                if ($sso_settings["sso_login"]["install_type"] == "email") {
                                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("E-mail Address"));
                                                } else {
                                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Login system is broken."));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="text" name="<?php 
                                        echo SSO_FrontendField("user");
" /></div>
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Password"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="password" name="<?php 
                                        echo SSO_FrontendField("password");
" /></div>
                                        $outputmap = array();
                                        foreach ($this->activemodules as $key => &$instance) {
                                            $order = isset($sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"]) ? $sso_settings["sso_login"]["modules"][$key]["_s"] : $instance->DefaultOrder();
                                            SSO_AddSortedOutput($outputmap, $order, $key, ob_get_contents());
                                        if (!$this->IsRecoveryAllowed(false)) {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Update Information"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input id="sso_norecovery_updateinfo" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                                            echo SSO_FrontendField("update_info");
" value="yes"<?php 
                                            if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("update_info", "") == "yes") {
                                                echo " checked";
 /> <label for="sso_norecovery_updateinfo">Change account information upon successful sign in</label></div>
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
                                        echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
" />
                                        if ($this->IsRecoveryAllowed()) {
	<div class="sso_login_recover_changeinfo"><a href="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url . "&sso_login_action=recover");
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Can't access your account?"));
                                        echo $sso_footer;
Beispiel #18
    public function ProcessBBAction()
        global $bb_widget, $bb_widget_id, $bb_account, $bb_revision_num;
        if (!BB_IsMemberOfPageGroup("_p")) {
        if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_code_edit_langmap_submit") {
            $bb_widget->langmap = $_REQUEST["langmap"];
            if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the language mapping.");
<div class="success"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Language mapping saved."));
<script type="text/javascript">
        } else {
            if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_code_edit_langmap") {
                $options = array("title" => BB_Translate("Edit %s Language Map", $bb_widget->_f), "desc" => "Edit the language map.  One mapping entry per line.  First character indicates the termination character of the key.  Empty keys are ignored.", "fields" => array(array("title" => "", "type" => "textarea", "name" => "langmap", "value" => $bb_widget->langmap, "desc" => "Example:  |key|value")), "submit" => "Save", "focus" => true);
                BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_code_edit_langmap_options", $options);
        if ($bb_account["type"] == "dev") {
            $types = array("init" => array("ltitle" => "init", "utitle" => "Init"), "action" => array("ltitle" => "action", "utitle" => "Action"), "prehtml" => array("ltitle" => "pre-HTML", "utitle" => "Pre-HTML"), "head" => array("ltitle" => "head", "utitle" => "Head"), "body" => array("ltitle" => "body", "utitle" => "Body"));
            foreach ($types as $key => $typeinfo) {
                if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_load") {
                    BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_load");
                    if (isset($bb_widget->{$key})) {
                        echo rawurlencode($bb_widget->{$key});
                    BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_load");
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_save") {
                        BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_save");
                        $bb_widget->{$key} = $_REQUEST["content"];
                        if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Unable to save " . $typeinfo["ltitle"] . " content.  Try again."));
                        } else {
                            echo "OK\n";
                            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">ReloadIFrame();</script>";
                        BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_save");
                    } else {
                        if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_code_edit_" . $key) {
                            BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_code_edit_" . $key);
<script type="text/javascript">
window.parent.LoadConditionalScript(Gx__RootURL + '/' + Gx__SupportPath + '/editfile.js?_=20140418', true, function(loaded) {
		return ((!loaded && typeof(window.CreateEditAreaInstance) == 'function') || (loaded && !IsConditionalScriptLoading()));
	}, function(params) {

		var fileopts = {
			loadurl : Gx__URLBase,
			loadparams : <?php 
                            echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_load", array(), true);
			id : 'wid_<?php 
                            echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget_id);
                            echo BB_JSSafe($key);
			display : '<?php 
                            echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget->_f . " - " . $typeinfo["utitle"]);
			saveurl : Gx__URLBase,
			saveparams : <?php 
                            echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_code_edit_" . $key . "_save", array(), true);
			syntax : 'php',
			aceopts : {
				'focus' : true,
				'theme' : 'crimson_editor'

		var editopts = {
			ismulti : true,
			closelast : ClosedAllFiles,
			width : '100%',
			height : '500px'

		CreateEditAreaInstance('fileeditor', fileopts, editopts);
                            BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_code_edit_" . $key);
        // Pass other requests onto the action handler.
        if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) {
                if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "bb_" || substr($key, 0, 2) == "g_") {
                    global ${$key};
            if (isset($bb_widget->action)) {
                eval("?" . ">" . $bb_widget->action);
Beispiel #19
    public function ProcessShortcodeBBAction($parent)
        global $bb_dir, $bb_pref_lang, $bb_revision_num, $bb_writeperms;
        $info = $this->GetInfo($parent->GetSID());
        if ($_REQUEST["sc_action"] == "bb_image_upload_ajaxupload") {
            $msg = BB_ValidateAJAXUpload();
            if ($msg != "") {
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($msg));
            // Use official magic numbers for each format to determine the real content type.
            $data = file_get_contents($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]);
            $type = BB_GetImageType($data);
            if ($type != "gif" && $type != "jpg" && $type != "png") {
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Uploaded file is not a valid web image.  Must be PNG, JPG, or GIF."));
            if (!is_dir($bb_dir . "/images")) {
                mkdir($bb_dir . "/images", 0777, true);
            $dirfile = preg_replace('/\\.+/', ".", preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]/', "_", $bb_pref_lang . "_" . ($bb_revision_num > -1 ? $bb_revision_num . "_" : "") . trim($_FILES["Filedata"]["name"])));
            if ($dirfile == ".") {
                $dirfile = "";
            if ($dirfile == "") {
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("A filename was not specified."));
            $pos = strrpos($dirfile, ".");
            if ($pos === false || substr($dirfile, $pos + 1) != $type) {
                $dirfile .= "." . $type;
            if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"], $bb_dir . "/images/" . $dirfile)) {
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Unable to move temporary file to final location.  Check the permissions of the target directory and destination file."));
            @chmod($bb_dir . "/images/" . $dirfile, 0444 | $bb_writeperms);
            $info["src"] = "images/" . $dirfile;
            if (!$parent->SaveShortcode($info)) {
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Unable to save the shortcode."));
            echo "OK";
        } else {
            if ($_REQUEST["sc_action"] == "bb_image_upload_submit") {
                $imginfo = BB_IsValidHTMLImage($_REQUEST["url"], array("protocol" => "http"));
                if (!$imginfo["success"]) {
                $dirfile = preg_replace('/\\.+/', ".", preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]/', "_", $_REQUEST["destfile"]));
                if ($dirfile == ".") {
                    $dirfile = "";
                // Automatically calculate the new filename based on the URL.
                if ($dirfile == "") {
                    $dirfile = $bb_pref_lang . "_" . ($bb_revision_num > -1 ? $bb_revision_num . "_" : "") . BB_MakeFilenameFromURL($imginfo["url"], $imginfo["type"]);
                if (!is_dir($bb_dir . "/images")) {
                    mkdir($bb_dir . "/images", 0777, true);
                if (BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/images/" . $dirfile, $imginfo["data"]) === false) {
                    BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the image.");
                $info["src"] = "images/" . $dirfile;
                if (!$parent->SaveShortcode($info)) {
                    BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the shortcode.");
<div class="success"><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Image transferred."));
<script type="text/javascript">
                echo $parent->CreateShortcodePropertiesJS("");
            } else {
                if ($_REQUEST["sc_action"] == "bb_image_upload") {
                    $parent->CreateShortcodeUploader("", array(), "Configure Image", "Image", "image", "*.png;*.jpg;*.gif", "Web Image Files");
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST["sc_action"] == "bb_image_configure_submit") {
                        $src = trim($_REQUEST["src"]);
                        if ($info["src"] != $src) {
                            if ($src != "") {
                                $imginfo = BB_IsValidHTMLImage($src, array("protocol" => "http"));
                                if (!$imginfo["success"] && function_exists("fsockopen")) {
                                    BB_PropertyFormError("'Image URL' field does not point to a valid image file.");
                            $info["src"] = $src;
                        $info["alt"] = $_REQUEST["alt"];
                        $info["opt-caption"] = $_REQUEST["opt-caption"] == "enable";
                        $info["opt-caption-width"] = (int) $_REQUEST["opt-caption-width"];
                        if ($info["opt-caption-width"] < 0) {
                            $info["opt-caption-width"] = 0;
                        if (!$parent->SaveShortcode($info)) {
                            BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the shortcode.");
<div class="success"><?php 
                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Options saved."));
<script type="text/javascript">
                    } else {
                        if ($_REQUEST["sc_action"] == "bb_image_configure") {
                            $desc = "<br />";
                            $desc .= $parent->CreateShortcodePropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Upload/Transfer Image"), "bb_image_upload");
                            $options = array("title" => "Configure Image", "desc" => "Configure the image or upload/transfer a new image.", "htmldesc" => $desc, "bb_action" => $_REQUEST["bb_action"], "hidden" => array("sid" => $parent->GetSID(), "sc_action" => "bb_image_configure_submit"), "fields" => array(array("title" => "Image URL", "type" => "text", "name" => "src", "value" => $info["src"], "desc" => "The URL of this image."), array("title" => "Alternate Text", "type" => "text", "name" => "alt", "value" => $info["alt"], "desc" => "The alternate text to display if images are not able to be seen (e.g. visually impaired visitors)."), array("title" => "Display Caption", "type" => "select", "name" => "opt-caption", "options" => array("enable" => "Enable", "disable" => "Disable"), "select" => $info["opt-caption"] ? "enable" : "disable", "desc" => "Display the alternate text as a caption below the image."), array("title" => "Caption Width", "type" => "text", "name" => "opt-caption-width", "value" => $info["opt-caption-width"], "desc" => "The width in pixels to constrain the caption to.  Typically the width of the image.")), "submit" => "Save", "focus" => true);
                            BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_content_shortcode_bb_image_configure_options", $options);
Beispiel #20
    public function ProcessFrontend()
        global $sso_provider, $sso_settings, $sso_target_url, $sso_header, $sso_footer, $sso_providers;
        $message = "";
        if (SSO_FrontendFieldValue("submit") !== false) {
            $username = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("username");
            $password = SSO_FrontendFieldValue("password");
            if ($username === false || $username == "" || $password === false || $sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["password"] && $password == "") {
                $message = BB_Translate("Please fill in the fields.");
            } else {
                $ldap = @ldap_connect($sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["server"]);
                if ($ldap === false) {
                    $message = BB_Translate("Unable to connect to the LDAP server.  Error:  %s", ldap_error($ldap));
                } else {
                    $replacemap = array("," => "\\,", "\\" => "\\\\", "/" => "\\/", "#" => "\\#", "+" => "\\+", "<" => "\\<", ">" => "\\>", ";" => "\\;", "\"" => "\\\"", "=" => "\\=");
                    $dnusername = str_replace(array_keys($replacemap), array_values($replacemap), $username);
                    if (substr($dnusername, 0, 1) === " ") {
                        $dnusername = "******" . $dnusername;
                    if (strlen($dnusername) > 2 && substr($dnusername, -1) === " ") {
                        $dnusername = substr($dnusername, 0, -1) . "\\ ";
                    $dn = str_replace("@USERNAME@", $dnusername, $sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["dn"]);
                    $userinfo = array();
                    @ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
                    $result = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn, $password);
                    if ($result === false && ldap_errno($ldap)) {
                        $extra = ldap_error($ldap);
                    } else {
                        $extra = "";
                        $result = @ldap_read($ldap, $dn, "objectClass=*");
                        if (!is_resource($result)) {
                            $extra = ldap_error($ldap);
                            $result = false;
                        } else {
                            $items = @ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
                            $result = $items["count"] > 0;
                            // Boil down the results to just key-value pairs.
                            if ($result === false) {
                                $extra = "Unable to retrieve entries";
                            } else {
                                foreach ($items[0] as $key => $val) {
                                    if (is_string($key) && $key != "count") {
                                        if (is_string($val)) {
                                            $userinfo[$key] = $val;
                                        } else {
                                            if (is_array($val) && $val["count"] > 0) {
                                                $userinfo[$key] = $val[0];
                                if ($sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["debug"]) {
                                    echo "LDAP fields:<br />";
                                    echo "<table>";
                                    foreach ($userinfo as $key => $val) {
                                        echo "<tr><td style=\"padding-right: 15px;\"><b>" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "</b></td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($val) . "</td></tr>";
                                    echo "</table>";
                    if ($result === false) {
                        $message = BB_Translate("Invalid username or password.  %s.", $extra);
                    } else {
                        $origusername = $username;
                        if ($sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["remove_domain"]) {
                            $username = str_replace("\\", "/", $username);
                            $pos = strrpos("/", $username);
                            if ($pos !== false) {
                                $username = substr($username, $pos + 1);
                        $mapinfo = array();
                        $lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", $sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["map_custom"]));
                        foreach ($lines as $line) {
                            $line = trim($line);
                            $pos = strpos($line, "=");
                            if ($pos !== false) {
                                $srcfield = substr($line, 0, $pos);
                                $destfield = substr($line, $pos + 1);
                                if (isset($userinfo[$srcfield]) && SSO_IsField($destfield)) {
                                    $mapinfo[$destfield] = $userinfo[$srcfield];
                        $mapinfo[$sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["map_username"]] = $username;
                        if ($sso_settings["sso_ldap"]["debug"]) {
                            echo "Mapped fields:<br />";
                            echo "<table>";
                            foreach ($mapinfo as $key => $val) {
                                echo "<tr><td style=\"padding-right: 15px;\"><b>" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "</b></td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($val) . "</td></tr>";
                            echo "</table>";
                        SSO_ActivateUser($dn, serialize($sso_settings["sso_ldap"]), $mapinfo);
                        // Only falls through on account lockout or a fatal error.
                        $message = BB_Translate("User activation failed.");
        echo $sso_header;
<script type="text/javascript">
SSO_Vars = {
	'showpassword' : '<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Show password")));
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_ROOT_URL . "/" . SSO_PROVIDER_PATH . "/sso_ldap/sso_ldap.js");
<div class="sso_main_wrap sso_ldap">
<div class="sso_main_wrap_inner">
        if ($message != "") {
	<div class="sso_main_messages_wrap">
		<div class="sso_main_messages">
			<div class="sso_main_messageerror"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($message);
	<div class="sso_main_form_wrap sso_ldap_signin_form">
		<div class="sso_main_form_header"><?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
		<form class="sso_main_form" name="sso_ldap_form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($sso_target_url);
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Username"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="text" name="<?php 
        echo SSO_FrontendField("username");
" /></div>
			<script type="text/javascript">
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Password"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="password" name="<?php 
        echo SSO_FrontendField("password");
" /></div>
			<div class="sso_main_formsubmit">
				<input type="submit" name="<?php 
        echo SSO_FrontendField("submit");
" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Sign in"));
" />
        echo $sso_footer;
Beispiel #21
    public function ProcessBBAction()
        global $bb_widget, $bb_widget_id, $bb_account, $bb_revision_num, $g_bb_content_shortcodes, $g_bb_content_security, $g_bb_content_security_path;
        if (!BB_IsMemberOfPageGroup("_p")) {
        if ($bb_account["type"] == "dev" && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_configure_security_submit") {
            // Rebuild the security context array.
            $g_bb_content_security = array();
            foreach ($g_bb_content_shortcodes as $sname => $info) {
                if (isset($info["security"])) {
                    foreach ($info["security"] as $key => $desc) {
                        $key2 = $sname . "|" . $key;
                        if (isset($_REQUEST[$key2]) && $_REQUEST[$key2] != "" && ($_REQUEST[$key2] == "content" || $_REQUEST[$key2] == "design" || $_REQUEST[$key2] == "dev")) {
                            if (!isset($g_bb_content_security[$sname])) {
                                $g_bb_content_security[$sname] = array();
                            $g_bb_content_security[$sname][$key] = $_REQUEST[$key2];
            // Save security contexts.
            $data = "<" . "?php\n\t\$g_bb_content_security = " . BB_CreatePHPStorageData($g_bb_content_security) . ";\n?" . ">";
            if (BB_WriteFile($g_bb_content_security_path, $data) === false) {
                BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to save the shortcode security options.");
<div class="success"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Global shortcode security options updated."));
<script type="text/javascript">
        } else {
            if ($bb_account["type"] == "dev" && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_configure_security") {
                $options = array("title" => "Configure Global Shortcode Security", "desc" => "Configure the global shortcode display options based on login account type.", "fields" => array(), "submit" => "Save", "focus" => true);
                foreach ($g_bb_content_shortcodes as $sname => $info) {
                    if (isset($info["security"])) {
                        foreach ($info["security"] as $key => $desc) {
                            if ($key == "") {
                                $options["fields"][] = array("title" => $desc[0], "type" => "select", "name" => $sname . "|" . $key, "options" => array("dev" => "Developers only", "design" => "Developers and Web Designers", "content" => "Everyone"), "select" => isset($g_bb_content_security[$sname]) && isset($g_bb_content_security[$sname][$key]) ? $g_bb_content_security[$sname][$key] : "", "desc" => $desc[1]);
                            } else {
                                $options["fields"][] = array("title" => $desc[0], "type" => "select", "name" => $sname . "|" . $key, "options" => array("" => "None", "content" => "Content Editors only", "design" => "Web Designers and Content Editors", "dev" => "Everyone"), "select" => isset($g_bb_content_security[$sname]) && isset($g_bb_content_security[$sname][$key]) ? $g_bb_content_security[$sname][$key] : "", "desc" => $desc[1]);
                BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_content_configure_security_options", $options);
            } else {
                if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_edit_load") {
                    if (isset($bb_widget->body)) {
                        echo rawurlencode(UTF8::ConvertToHTML($bb_widget->body));
                    } else {
                        echo rawurlencode("<p></p>");
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_edit_save") {
                        $options = array("shortcodes" => true, "shortcode_placeholder" => "bb_content_shortcode_placeholder", "shortcode_ids" => array());
                        $shortcodes = $bb_widget->shortcodes;
                        $base = "wid_" . htmlspecialchars($bb_widget_id) . "_";
                        foreach ($shortcodes as $num => $shortcode) {
                            $options["shortcode_ids"][$base . $num] = isset($shortcode["_sn"]) && isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$shortcode["_sn"]]) ? htmlspecialchars($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$shortcode["_sn"]]["mainicon"]) : "";
                        $bb_widget->body = BB_HTMLPurifyForWYMEditor($_REQUEST["content"], $options);
                        if (!$this->RegenerateContent(true)) {
                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Unable to save content.  Try again."));
                        } else {
                            echo "OK\n";
                            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">ReloadIFrame();</script>";
                    } else {
                        if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_edit_add_shortcode" && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("sname")) {
                            if (!isset($_REQUEST["sname"]) || !isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$_REQUEST["sname"]])) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                                echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Shortcode handler not found.")));
                            } else {
                                if (!$this->IsShortcodeAllowed($_REQUEST["sname"], "")) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Shortcode access denied.")));
                                } else {
                                    $sname = $_REQUEST["sname"];
                                    $sid = count($bb_widget->shortcodes);
                                    $bb_widget->shortcodes[] = array("_sn" => $sname, "_id" => $sid);
                                    if (!BB_SaveLangPage($bb_revision_num)) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe(BB_Translate("Unable to add a new %s.", $g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["name"])));
                                    } else {
<script type="text/javascript">
InsertWYMEditorContent('contenteditor', 'wid_<?php 
                                        echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget_id);
', '<img id="wid_<?php 
                                        echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget_id);
                                        echo $sid;
" class="bb_content_shortcode_placeholder" src="<?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["mainicon"]));
" />');
                        } else {
                            if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_edit_edit_shortcode" && (!isset($_REQUEST["sc_action"]) || BB_IsSecExtraOpt("sid") && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("sc_action"))) {
                                if (!isset($_REQUEST["sid"])) {
                                    BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Shortcode ID not specified.");
                                $sid = $_REQUEST["sid"];
                                $pos = strrpos($sid, "_");
                                if ($pos !== false) {
                                    $sid = substr($sid, $pos + 1);
                                $sid = (int) $sid;
                                if (!isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]) || !isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"])) {
                                    BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Invalid shortcode ID.");
                                $sname = $bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"];
                                if (!isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname])) {
                                    BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Shortcode handler not found.");
                                if (!$this->IsShortcodeAllowed($sname, "")) {
                                    BB_PropertyFormLoadError("Shortcode access denied.");
                                if (!isset($_REQUEST["sc_action"])) {
                                    $_REQUEST["sc_action"] = $sname . "_configure";
                                $shortcode = "bb_content_shortcode_" . $sname;
                                $shortcode = new $shortcode();
                                $this->currsid = $sid;
                            } else {
                                if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_content_edit") {
<script type="text/javascript">
html = '<style type="text/css">\n';
                                    foreach ($g_bb_content_shortcodes as $sname => $info) {
                                        $sname2 = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', "_", trim($sname));
html += '.wym_skin_barebones .wym_buttons li.wym_tools_custom_<?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($sname2));
 a  { background-image: url(<?php 
                                        echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($info["toolbaricon"]));
); background-repeat: no-repeat; }\n';
html += '</style>\n';

window.bb_content_WYMEditorPostInit = function(eid, id, wym) {
                                    foreach ($g_bb_content_shortcodes as $sname => $info) {
                                        if ($this->IsShortcodeAllowed($sname, "")) {
                                            $sname2 = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', "_", trim($sname));
	var html = '<li class="wym_tools_custom_<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($sname2));
"><a name="<?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($info["name"]));
" href="#"><?php 
                                            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_JSSafe($info["name"]));
	$(wym._box).find(wym._options.toolsSelector + wym._options.toolsListSelector).append(html);
                                            echo BB_JSSafe($sname2);
 a').click(function() {
		$('#' + eid + '_loader').load(Gx__URLBase, <?php 
                                            echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_content_edit_add_shortcode", array("sname" => $sname), true);

		return false;

	$(wym._doc).bind('dblclick', function(e) {
		if ( == 'IMG' && $('bb_content_shortcode_placeholder') && typeof( == 'string' && != '')
			window.parent.LoadProperties({ 'bb_action' : 'bb_content_edit_edit_shortcode', 'wid' : '<?php 
                                    echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget_id);
', 'sid' :, 'bbt' : '<?php 
                                    echo BB_JSSafe(BB_CreateSecurityToken("bb_content_edit_edit_shortcode", $bb_widget_id));
' });

if (typeof(window.parent.CreateWYMEditorInstance) != 'function')
	window.bb_content_ClosedAllContent = function(eid) {
		setTimeout(function() { DestroyWYMEditorInstance(eid);  $('#' + eid).hide(); }, 250);

window.parent.LoadConditionalScript(Gx__RootURL + '/' + Gx__SupportPath + '/editcontent.js?_=20090725', true, function(loaded) {
		return ((!loaded && typeof(window.CreateWYMEditorInstance) == 'function') || (loaded && !IsConditionalScriptLoading()));
	}, function(params) {

		var fileopts = {
			loadurl : Gx__URLBase,
			loadparams : <?php 
                                    echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_content_edit_load", array(), true);
			id : 'wid_<?php 
                                    echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget_id);
			display : '<?php 
                                    echo BB_JSSafe($bb_widget->_f);
			saveurl : Gx__URLBase,
			saveparams : <?php 
                                    echo BB_CreateWidgetPropertiesJS("bb_content_edit_save", array(), true);
			wymtoolbar : 'bold,italic,superscript,subscript,pasteword,undo,redo,createlink,unlink,insertorderedlist,insertunorderedlist,indent,outdent',
			wymeditorpostinit : bb_content_WYMEditorPostInit

		var editopts = {
			ismulti : true,
			closelast : bb_content_ClosedAllContent,
			width : '100%',
			height : '300px'

		CreateWYMEditorInstance('contenteditor', fileopts, editopts);
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) {
                                        // Pass other requests onto the shortcode action handler.
                                        if (isset($_REQUEST["sid"])) {
                                            $sid = (int) $_REQUEST["sid"];
                                            if (isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]) && isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"])) {
                                                $sname = $bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"];
                                                if (isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname])) {
                                                    $shortcode = "bb_content_shortcode_" . $sname;
                                                    $shortcode = new $shortcode();
                                                    $this->currsid = $sid;
Beispiel #22
    public function GenerateSignup($admin)
        if ($admin) {
            return false;
        $info = $this->GetInfo();
        if ($info["terms"] != "" || $info["privacy"] != "") {
            $terms = Str::ReplaceNewlines("\n", trim($info["terms"]));
            if ($terms != "") {
                if (strpos($terms, "\n") === false && (strtolower(substr($terms, 0, 7)) == "http://" || strtolower(substr($terms, 0, 8)) == "https://")) {
                    $termsurl = "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($terms) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Terms of Service")) . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $termsurl = htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Terms of Service"));
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Terms of Service"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><textarea class="sso_main_textarea"><?php 
                    echo htmlspecialchars($terms);
            $privacy = Str::ReplaceNewlines("\n", trim($info["privacy"]));
            if ($privacy != "") {
                if (strpos($privacy, "\n") === false && (strtolower(substr($privacy, 0, 7)) == "http://" || strtolower(substr($privacy, 0, 8)) == "https://")) {
                    $privacyurl = "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($privacy) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Privacy Policy")) . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $privacyurl = htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Privacy Policy"));
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
                    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Privacy Policy"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><textarea class="sso_main_textarea"><?php 
                    echo htmlspecialchars($privacy);
            if ($terms != "" && $privacy != "") {
                $display = BB_Translate("I agree to the %s and %s.", $termsurl, $privacyurl);
            } else {
                if ($terms != "") {
                    $display = BB_Translate("I agree to the %s.", $termsurl);
                } else {
                    $display = BB_Translate("I agree to the %s.", $privacyurl);
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_checkbox" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo SSO_FrontendField("sso_login_tos");
" name="<?php 
            echo SSO_FrontendField("sso_login_tos");
" value="yes"<?php 
            echo SSO_FrontendFieldValue("sso_login_tos") == "yes" ? " checked" : "";
 /> <label for="<?php 
            echo SSO_FrontendField("sso_login_tos");
            echo $display;
			<script type="text/javascript">
            echo SSO_FrontendField("sso_login_tos");
').parent().find('label a').click(function(e) {
Beispiel #23
    public function GenerateRecovery2($messages)
        if ($_REQUEST["sso_method"] == "sso_sms_recovery") {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Recovery Phrase"));
				<div class="sso_main_formdata"><input class="sso_main_text" type="text" name="<?php 
            echo SSO_FrontendField("sso_login_sms_recovery_phrase");
" value="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(SSO_FrontendFieldValue("sso_login_sms_recovery_phrase", ""));
" /></div>
				<div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Enter the recovery phrase that was sent via text message (SMS)."));
Beispiel #24
function BB_PropertyFormLoadError($message, $alt = false)
    BB_RunPluginActionInfo("pre_bb_propertyformloaderror", $message);
<div class="error"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($message));
<script type="text/javascript">
    if ($alt) {
        echo "2";
Beispiel #25
    private function DisplayreCAPTCHA($info)
        global $sso_session_info;
        if ($info["publickey"] != "" && $info["privatekey"] != "" && (!$info["remember"] || !isset($sso_session_info["sso_recaptcha_passed"]) || !$sso_session_info["sso_recaptcha_passed"])) {
			<div class="sso_main_formitem">
				<div class="sso_main_formtitle"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("Human Verification"));
				<script src=""></script>
				<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($info["publickey"]);
" data-theme="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars($info["theme2"]);
				<noscript><div class="sso_main_formdesc"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate("You must enable Javascript to use this page."));
 public function GetTwoFactorName()
     return BB_Translate("Google Authenticator");