Beispiel #1
  * @param $domains
  * @throws AcmeException
 private function checkDnsRecords($domains)
     $promises = [];
     foreach ($domains as $domain) {
         $promises[$domain] = \Amp\Dns\resolve($domain, ["types" => [Record::A], "hosts" => false]);
     list($errors) = (yield \Amp\any($promises));
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Couldn't resolve the following domains to an IPv4 record: " . implode(", ", array_keys($errors)));
Beispiel #2
function __doConnect($uri, array $options)
    $contextOptions = [];
    if (\stripos($uri, "unix://") === 0 || \stripos($uri, "udg://") === 0) {
        list($scheme, $path) = explode("://", $uri, 2);
        $isUnixSock = true;
        $resolvedUri = "{$scheme}:///" . \ltrim($path, "/");
    } else {
        $isUnixSock = false;
        // TCP/UDP host names are always case-insensitive
        if (!($uriParts = @\parse_url(strtolower($uri)))) {
            throw new \DomainException("Invalid URI: {$uri}");
        // $scheme, $host, $port, $path
        $scheme = empty($scheme) ? "tcp" : $scheme;
        if (!($scheme === "tcp" || $scheme === "udp")) {
            throw new \DomainException("Invalid URI scheme ({$scheme}); tcp, udp, unix or udg scheme expected");
        if (empty($host) || empty($port)) {
            throw new \DomainException("Invalid URI ({$uri}); host and port components required");
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600 && $scheme === "tcp") {
            // Prior to PHP 5.6 the SNI_server_name only registers if assigned to the stream
            // context at the time the socket is first connected (NOT with stream_socket_enable_crypto()).
            // So we always add the necessary ctx option here along with our own custom SNI_nb_hack
            // key to communicate our intent to the CryptoBroker if it's subsequently used
            $contextOptions = ["ssl" => ["SNI_server_name" => $host, "SNI_nb_hack" => true]];
        if ($inAddr = @\inet_pton($host)) {
            $isIpv6 = isset($inAddr[15]);
        } else {
            $records = (yield \Amp\Dns\resolve($host));
            list($host, $mode) = $records[0];
            $isIpv6 = $mode === \Amp\Dns\Record::AAAA;
        $resolvedUri = $isIpv6 ? "[{$host}]:{$port}" : "{$host}:{$port}";
    $timeout = 42;
    // <--- timeout not applicable for async connects
    $bindTo = empty($options["bind_to"]) ? "" : (string) $options["bind_to"];
    if (!$isUnixSock && $bindTo) {
        $contextOptions["socket"]["bindto"] = $bindTo;
    $ctx = \stream_context_create($contextOptions);
    if (!($socket = @\stream_socket_client($resolvedUri, $errno, $errstr, $timeout, $flags, $ctx))) {
        throw new ConnectException(\sprintf("Connection to %s failed: [Error #%d] %s", $uri, $errno, $errstr));
    \stream_set_blocking($socket, false);
    $promisor = new \Amp\Deferred();
    $promise = $promisor->promise();
    $watcherId = \Amp\onWritable($socket, [$promisor, "succeed"]);
    $timeout = empty($options["timeout"]) ? 30000 : $options["timeout"];
    try {
        (yield $timeout > 0 ? \Amp\timeout($promise, $timeout) : $promise);
        (yield new \Amp\CoroutineResult($socket));
    } catch (\Amp\TimeoutException $e) {
        throw new ConnectException("Connection to {$uri} failed: timeout exceeded ({$timeout} ms)", 0, $e);
Beispiel #3
 private function checkDnsRecords($domains)
     $errors = [];
     $domainChunks = array_chunk($domains, 10, true);
     foreach ($domainChunks as $domainChunk) {
         $promises = [];
         foreach ($domainChunk as $domain) {
             $promises[$domain] = \Amp\Dns\resolve($domain, ["types" => [Record::A, Record::AAAA], "hosts" => false]);
         list($chunkErrors) = (yield \Amp\any($promises));
         $errors += $chunkErrors;
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Couldn't resolve the following domains to an IPv4 nor IPv6 record: " . implode(", ", array_keys($errors)));