Beispiel #1
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST, $Adminerlaubt, $user;
    if ($user['authlevel'] >= 1 and in_array($user['id'], $Adminerlaubt)) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            if (isset($_POST['angriffszone']) && $_POST['angriffszone'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['angriffszone'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['angriffszone'] = "0";
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['angriffszone'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'angriffszone';", 'config');
            AdminMessage($lang['speichern'][100], $lang['speichern'][101], '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['angriffszone'] = $game_config['angriffszone'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/einstellung/einstellung_az');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['system'][9000], $lang['system'][9001]);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #2
function DisplayGameSettingsPage()
    global $lang, $game_config;
    if ($_POST) {
        $game_config_keys = array_keys($game_config);
        $game_config_old = $game_config;
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if (in_array($key, $game_config_keys)) {
                $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
                $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
                $game_config[$key] = $value == 'on' ? '1' : $value;
        $checkboxArray = array('game_disable', 'OverviewNewsFrame', 'OverviewExternChat', 'OverviewBanner', 'debug');
        foreach ($checkboxArray as $checkbox) {
            if (is_null($_POST[$checkbox])) {
                $game_config[$checkbox] = '0';
        $game_config_newValues = array_diff_assoc($game_config, $game_config_old);
        $readConnection = Nova::getSingleton('core/database_connection_pool')->getConnection('core_read');
        foreach ($game_config_newValues as $key => $value) {
            $readConnection->update($readConnection->getDeprecatedTable('config'), array('config_value' => $value), array('config_name =?' => $key));
        AdminMessage($lang['GameSettings_SettingsChanged'], $lang['GameSettings_Success']);
    } else {
        $parse = $lang;
        foreach ($game_config as $key => $value) {
            $parse[$key] = $value;
        $parse['closed'] = $game_config['game_disable'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['newsframe'] = $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['chatframe'] = $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['googlead'] = $game_config['OverviewBanner'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['debug'] = $game_config['debug'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['bannerframe'] = $game_config['ForumBannerFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/options_body');
        $Page = parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
        display($Page, $lang['GameSettings_Title'], false, '', true);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #3

define('INSIDE', true);
define('INSTALL', false);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
$ugamela_root_path = '../';
include $ugamela_root_path . '';
include $ugamela_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx;
if ($user['authlevel'] >= 4) {
    $parse['phpinfo'] = phpinfo();
    $Page = parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
    display($Page, "PhpInfo", false, '', true);
} else {
    AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #4
     $parse['adm_sub_form3'] .= "<tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"c\">" . $lang['adm_technos'] . "</td></tr>";
     for ($Item = 100; $Item <= 199; $Item++) {
         if ($resource[$Item] != "") {
             $parse['adm_sub_form3'] .= "<tr><th>" . $lang['tech'][$Item] . "</th>";
             $parse['adm_sub_form3'] .= "<th>" . $SelUser[$resource[$Item]] . "</th></tr>";
     $parse['adm_sub_form3'] .= "</tbody></table>";
 case 'usr_level':
     $Player = $_GET['player'];
     $NewLvl = $_GET['authlvl'];
     $QryUpdate = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `authlevel` = '" . $NewLvl . "' WHERE `username` = '" . $Player . "';", 'users');
     $Message = $lang['adm_mess_lvl1'] . " " . $Player . " " . $lang['adm_mess_lvl2'];
     $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['adm_usr_level'][$NewLvl] . "</font>!";
     AdminMessage($Message, $lang['adm_mod_level']);
 case 'ip_search':
     $Pattern = $_GET['ip'];
     $SelUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `user_lastip` = '" . $ip . "' LIMIT 10;", 'users');
     $bloc = $lang;
     $bloc['adm_this_ip'] = $Pattern;
     while ($Usr = mysql_fetch_assoc($SelUser)) {
         $UsrMain = doquery("SELECT `name` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $Usr['id_planet'] . "';", 'planets', true);
         $bloc['adm_plyer_lst'] .= "<tr><th>" . $Usr['username'] . "</th><th>[" . $Usr['galaxy'] . ":" . $Usr['system'] . ":" . $Usr['planet'] . "] " . $UsrMain['name'] . "</th></tr>";
     $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_asw2');
     $parse['adm_sub_form2'] = parsetemplate($SubPanelTPL, $bloc);
Beispiel #5

 * admin/adm_log_main.php
 * @version 2.0 - full rewrote
 * @copyright 2014 by Gorlum for
define('INSIDE', true);
define('INSTALL', false);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
if ($user['authlevel'] < 3) {
if ($delete = sys_get_param_id('delete')) {
    doquery("DELETE FROM `{{logs}}` WHERE `log_id` = {$delete} LIMIT 1;");
} elseif (sys_get_param_str('delete_update_info')) {
    doquery("DELETE FROM `{{logs}}` WHERE `log_code` in (103, 180, 191);");
} elseif (sys_get_param_str('deleteall') == 'yes') {
    //  doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE `{{logs}}`");
if ($detail = sys_get_param_id('detail')) {
    $template = gettemplate('admin/adm_log_main_detail', true);
    $errorInfo = doquery("SELECT * FROM `{{logs}}` WHERE `log_id` = {$detail} LIMIT 1;", true);
    $error_dump = unserialize($errorInfo['log_dump']);
    if (is_array($error_dump)) {
        foreach ($error_dump as $key => $value) {
            $v = array('VAR_NAME' => $key, 'VAR_VALUE' => $key == 'query_log' ? $value : dump($value, $key));
            $template->assign_block_vars('vars', $v);
Beispiel #6

define('INSIDE', true);
define('INSTALL', false);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
$ugamela_root_path = '../';
include $ugamela_root_path . '';
include $ugamela_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx;
if ($user['authlevel'] != "4" && $user['authlevel'] != "1") {
    AdminMessage($lang['show_flying_access'], $lang['show_flying_titel']);
$PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/fleet_body');
$parse = $lang;
$parse['flt_table'] = BuildFlyingFleetTable();
$page = parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
display($page, $lang['flt_title'], false, '', true);
Beispiel #7
if ($IsUserChecked == false) {
    message($lang['check01'], $lang['check02']);
if ($user['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) {
    message($lang['Urlaub01'], $lang['Urlaub02']);
$mode = $_POST['mode'];
$PageTpl = gettemplate("add_declare");
$parse = $lang;
if ($mode == 'addit') {
    $declarator = $user['id'];
    $declarator_name = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($user['username']));
    $decl1 = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['dec1']));
    $decl2 = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['dec2']));
    $decl3 = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['dec3']));
    $reason1 = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['reason']));
    $QryDeclare = "INSERT INTO {{table}} SET ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`declarator` = '" . $declarator . "', ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`declarator_name` = '" . $declarator_name . "', ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`declared_1` = '" . $decl1 . "', ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`declared_2` = '" . $decl2 . "', ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`declared_3` = '" . $decl3 . "', ";
    $QryDeclare .= "`reason`     = '" . $reason1 . "' ";
    doquery($QryDeclare, "declared");
    doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET multi_validated ='1' WHERE username='******'username']}'", "users");
    AdminMessage("Danke fuer ihre Multispiel anmedung.", "Hinzufuegen");
$Page = parsetemplate($PageTpl, $parse);
display($Page, "Declaration d\\'IP partagee");
Beispiel #8
    for ($cPage = 1; $cPage <= $MaxPage; $cPage++) {
        $parse['mlst_data_pages'] .= "<option value=\"" . $cPage . "\"" . ($ViewPage == $cPage ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $cPage . "/" . $MaxPage . "</option>";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] = "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] .= "function f(target_url, win_name) {\n";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] .= "var new_win =,win_name,'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,width=550,height=280,top=0,left=0');\n";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] .= "new_win.focus();\n";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] .= "}\n";
    $parse['mlst_scpt'] .= "</script>\n";
    $parse['tbl_rows'] = "";
    $parse['mlst_title'] = $lang['mlst_title'];
    $StartRec = 1 + ($ViewPage - 1) * 25;
    $Messages = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_type` = '" . $Selected . "' ORDER BY `message_time` DESC LIMIT " . $StartRec . ",25;", 'messages');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Messages)) {
        $OwnerData = doquery("SELECT `username` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $row['message_owner'] . "';", 'users', true);
        $bloc['mlst_id'] = $row['message_id'];
        $bloc['mlst_from'] = $row['message_from'];
        $bloc['mlst_to'] = $OwnerData['username'] . " ID:" . $row['message_owner'];
        $bloc['mlst_text'] = $row['message_text'];
        $bloc['mlst_time'] = gmdate("d. M Y H:i:s", $row['message_time']);
        $parse['mlst_data_rows'] .= parsetemplate($RowsTpl, $bloc);
    $display = parsetemplate($BodyTpl, $parse);
    if (isset($_POST['delit'])) {
        doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_id` = '" . $_POST['delit'] . "';", 'messages');
        AdminMessage($lang['mlst_mess_del'] . " ( " . $_POST['delit'] . " )", $lang['mlst_title'], "./messagelist." . $phpEx, 3);
    display($display, $lang['mlst_title'], false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #9
        $buster_tech = $_POST['buster_tech'];
        $intergalactic_tech = $_POST['intergalactic_tech'];
        $expedition_tech = $_POST['expedition_tech'];
        $graviton_tech = $_POST['graviton_tech'];
        $QryUpdatePlanet = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`spy_tech` = `spy_tech` + '" . $spy_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`computer_tech` = `computer_tech` + '" . $computer_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`military_tech` = `military_tech` + '" . $military_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`defence_tech` = `defence_tech` + '" . $defence_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`shield_tech` = `shield_tech` + '" . $shield_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`energy_tech` = `energy_tech` + '" . $energy_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`hyperspace_tech` = `hyperspace_tech` + '" . $hyperspace_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`combustion_tech` = `combustion_tech` + '" . $combustion_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`impulse_motor_tech` = `impulse_motor_tech` + '" . $impulse_motor_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`hyperspace_motor_tech` = `hyperspace_motor_tech` + '" . $hyperspace_motor_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`laser_tech` = `laser_tech` + '" . $laser_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`ionic_tech` = `ionic_tech` + '" . $ionic_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`buster_tech` = `buster_tech` + '" . $buster_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`intergalactic_tech` = `intergalactic_tech` + '" . $intergalactic_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`expedition_tech` = `expedition_tech` + '" . $expedition_tech . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`graviton_tech` = `graviton_tech` + '" . $graviton_tech . "' ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' ";
        doquery($QryUpdatePlanet, "users");
        AdminMessage($lang['adm_addresearch2'], $lang['adm_addresearch1']);
    $Page = parsetemplate($PageTpl, $parse);
    display($Page, $lang['adm_am_ttle'], false, '', true);
} else {
    header('Location: indexGame.php');
Beispiel #10

define('INSIDE', true);
define('INSTALL', false);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
// if($user['authlevel'] < 2)
if ($user['authlevel'] < 3) {
AdminMessage('Временно не работает');
require "includes/" . DOT_PHP_EX;
$template = gettemplate('admin/admin_planet_edit', true);
$mode = admin_planet_edit_mode($template, $admin_planet_edit_mode_list);
$planet_id = sys_get_param_id('planet_id');
$unit_list = sys_get_param('unit_list');
if (sys_get_param('change_data') && !empty($unit_list)) {
    $query_string = array();
    foreach ($unit_list as $unit_id => $unit_amount) {
        if ($unit_query_string = admin_planet_edit_query_string($unit_id, $unit_amount, $mode)) {
            $query_string[] = $unit_query_string;
    if (!empty($query_string)) {
        db_planet_set_by_id($planet_id, implode(', ', $query_string));
if ($planet_id) {
    $edit_planet_row = db_planet_by_id($planet_id);
    admin_planet_edit_template($template, $edit_planet_row, $mode);
Beispiel #11
    while ($ActualPlanet = mysql_fetch_assoc($AffectedPlanets)) {
        $HangarQueue = explode(";", $ActualPlanet['b_hangar_id']);
        $bDelQueue = false;
        if (count($HangarQueue)) {
            for ($Queue = 0; $Queue < count($HangarQueue); $Queue++) {
                $InQueue = explode(",", $HangarQueue[$Queue]);
                if ($InQueue[1] > MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_PER_ROW) {
                    $bDelQueue = true;
        if ($bDelQueue) {
            $QryUpdatePlanet = "UPDATE {{table}} ";
            $QryUpdatePlanet .= "SET ";
            $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`b_hangar` = '0', ";
            $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`b_hangar_id` = '0' ";
            $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE ";
            $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = '" . $ActualPlanet['id'] . "';";
            doquery($QryUpdatePlanet, 'planets');
            $DeletedQueues += 1;
    if ($DeletedQueues > 0) {
        $QuitMessage = $lang['adm_cleaned'] . " " . $DeletedQueues;
    } else {
        $QuitMessage = $lang['adm_done'];
    AdminMessage($QuitMessage, $lang['adm_cleaner_title']);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #12
            $ally_id = $_GET['mail'];
            $sq = doquery("SELECT id FROM {{table}} WHERE ally_id='" . $ally_id . "'", "users");
            while ($u = mysql_fetch_array($sq)) {
                doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_owner`='{$u['id']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_sender`='Administrator' ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_time`='" . time() . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_type`='2',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_from`='" . $lang['alliancelist_from_admin'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_subject`='" . $_POST['subject'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`message_text`='" . $_POST['text'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t", "messages");
            AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">' . $lang['alliancelist_massmail_send'], $lang['alliancelist_massmail_send_title']);
    if (isset($_GET['leader'])) {
        $ally_id = $_GET['leader'];
        $query = doquery("SELECT `ally_owner` FROM {{table}}", "alliance");
        $u = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $users = doquery("SELECT `username` FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $u['ally_owner'] . "'", "users");
        $a = mysql_fetch_array($users);
        $leader = $a['username'];
        $parse['leader'] .= "<tr>" . "<td colspan=9 class=c>" . $lang['alliancelist_leader_change'] . "</td></tr>" . "<form action=alliancelist.php?leader=" . $ally_id . " method=POST>" . "<tr>" . "<th colspan=4><center><b>" . $lang['alliancelist_leader_current'] . "</b></center></th>   <th colspan=5><center><b>{$leader}</center></b></th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<th colspan=4><center><b>" . $lang['alliancelist_newleader_id'] . "</b></center></th>   <th colspan=5><center><b><input type=text size=8 name=leader></center></b></th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td class=b colspan=9><center><b><input type=submit value='" . $lang['alliancelist_button_save'] . "' /></b></center></td>" . "</form></tr>";
        if (isset($_POST['leader'])) {
            $sq = doquery("SELECT ally_id FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $_POST['leader'] . "'", "users");
            $a = mysql_fetch_array($sq);
            if ($a['ally_id'] == $_GET['leader']) {
                $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `ally_owner` = '" . $_POST['leader'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $_GET['leader'] . "'", 'alliance');
                AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">' . $lang['alliancelist_newleader_success'], $lang['alliancelist_success']);
            } else {
                AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">' . $lang['alliancelist_newleader_failed'], $lang['alliancelist_error']);
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/alliance_body'), $parse), $lang['alliancelist_title'], false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #13
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST;
    if ($CurrentUser['authlevel'] >= 3) {
        $parse = $lang;
        $parse['game_name'] = $game_config['game_name'];
        $parse['game_speed'] = $game_config['game_speed'];
        $parse['fleet_speed'] = $game_config['fleet_speed'];
        $parse['resource_multiplier'] = $game_config['resource_multiplier'];
        $parse['forum_url'] = $game_config['forum_url'];
        $parse['initial_fields'] = $game_config['initial_fields'];
        $parse['metal_basic_income'] = $game_config['metal_basic_income'];
        $parse['crystal_basic_income'] = $game_config['crystal_basic_income'];
        $parse['deuterium_basic_income'] = $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'];
        $parse['energy_basic_income'] = $game_config['energy_basic_income'];
        $parse['closed'] = $game_config['game_disable'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['close_reason'] = stripslashes($game_config['close_reason']);
        $parse['newsframe'] = $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['NewsTextVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewNewsText']);
        $parse['chatframe'] = $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['ExtTchatVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd']);
        $parse['googlead'] = $game_config['OverviewBanner'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['GoogleAdVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewClickBanner']);
        $parse['debug'] = $game_config['debug'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            //mensaje a mostrar
            $parse['mensaje'] .= "<tr>";
            $parse['mensaje'] .= "<td class=\"mensaje\" colspan=\"4\">Datos Guardaos Correctamente</td>";
            $parse['mensaje'] .= "</tr>";
            // Jeu Ouvert ou Ferm� !
            if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "1";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = addslashes($_POST['close_reason']);
            } else {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "0";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = "";
            // Y a un News Frame ? !
            if (isset($_POST['newsframe']) && $_POST['newsframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = addslashes($_POST['NewsText']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = "";
            // Y a un TCHAT externe ??
            if (isset($_POST['chatframe']) && $_POST['chatframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = addslashes($_POST['ExternChat']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['googlead']) && $_POST['googlead'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = addslashes($_POST['GoogleAds']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = "";
            // Mode Debug ou pas !
            if (isset($_POST['debug']) && $_POST['debug'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['debug'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['debug'] = "0";
            // Nom du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_name']) && $_POST['game_name'] != '') {
                $game_config['game_name'] = $_POST['game_name'];
            // Adresse du Forum
            if (isset($_POST['forum_url']) && $_POST['forum_url'] != '') {
                $game_config['forum_url'] = $_POST['forum_url'];
            // Vitesse du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['game_speed'])) {
                $game_config['game_speed'] = $_POST['game_speed'];
            // Vitesse des Flottes
            if (isset($_POST['fleet_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['fleet_speed'])) {
                $game_config['fleet_speed'] = $_POST['fleet_speed'];
            // Multiplicateur de Production
            if (isset($_POST['resource_multiplier']) && is_numeric($_POST['resource_multiplier'])) {
                $game_config['resource_multiplier'] = $_POST['resource_multiplier'];
            // Taille de la planete mère
            if (isset($_POST['initial_fields']) && is_numeric($_POST['initial_fields'])) {
                $game_config['initial_fields'] = $_POST['initial_fields'];
            // Revenu de base Metal
            if (isset($_POST['metal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['metal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['metal_basic_income'] = $_POST['metal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Cristal
            if (isset($_POST['crystal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] = $_POST['crystal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Deuterium
            if (isset($_POST['deuterium_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['deuterium_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] = $_POST['deuterium_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Energie
            if (isset($_POST['energy_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['energy_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['energy_basic_income'] = $_POST['energy_basic_income'];
            // Activation du jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_disable'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_disable';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['close_reason'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'close_reason';", 'config');
            // Configuration du Jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['forum_url'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'forum_url';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['fleet_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'fleet_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['resource_multiplier'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'resource_multiplier';", 'config');
            // Page Generale
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsFrame';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsText';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChatCmd';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewClickBanner';", 'config');
            // Options Planete
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['initial_fields'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'initial_fields';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['metal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'metal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'crystal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'deuterium_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['energy_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'energy_basic_income';", 'config');
            // Mode Debug
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['debug'] . "' WHERE `config_name` ='debug'", 'config');
        $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/options_body');
        $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
        display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #14
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST;
    if ($CurrentUser['authlevel'] >= 3) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            // Jeu Ouvert ou Ferm&iuml;¿½ !
            if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "1";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = addslashes($_POST['close_reason']);
            } else {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "0";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = "";
            // Y a un News Frame ? !
            if (isset($_POST['newsframe']) && $_POST['newsframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = addslashes($_POST['NewsText']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = "";
            // Y a un TCHAT externe ??
            if (isset($_POST['chatframe']) && $_POST['chatframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = addslashes($_POST['ExternChat']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['googlead']) && $_POST['googlead'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = addslashes($_POST['GoogleAds']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = "";
            // Y a un BANNER Frame ?
            if (isset($_POST['bannerframe']) && $_POST['bannerframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['ForumBannerFrame'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['ForumBannerFrame'] = "0";
            // Mode Debug ou pas !
            if (isset($_POST['debug']) && $_POST['debug'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['debug'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['debug'] = "0";
            // Nom du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_name']) && $_POST['game_name'] != '') {
                $game_config['game_name'] = $_POST['game_name'];
            // Adresse du Forum
            if (isset($_POST['forum_url']) && $_POST['forum_url'] != '') {
                $game_config['forum_url'] = $_POST['forum_url'];
            // Vitesse du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['game_speed'])) {
                $game_config['game_speed'] = $_POST['game_speed'];
            // Vitesse des Flottes
            if (isset($_POST['fleet_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['fleet_speed'])) {
                $game_config['fleet_speed'] = $_POST['fleet_speed'];
            // Multiplicateur de Production
            if (isset($_POST['resource_multiplier']) && is_numeric($_POST['resource_multiplier'])) {
                $game_config['resource_multiplier'] = $_POST['resource_multiplier'];
            // Taille de la planete mère
            if (isset($_POST['initial_fields']) && is_numeric($_POST['initial_fields'])) {
                $game_config['initial_fields'] = $_POST['initial_fields'];
            // Revenu de base Metal
            if (isset($_POST['metal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['metal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['metal_basic_income'] = $_POST['metal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Cristal
            if (isset($_POST['crystal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] = $_POST['crystal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Deuterium
            if (isset($_POST['deuterium_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['deuterium_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] = $_POST['deuterium_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Energie
            if (isset($_POST['energy_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['energy_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['energy_basic_income'] = $_POST['energy_basic_income'];
            // Revenu des débris de flotte
            if (isset($_POST['Fleet_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Fleet_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] = $_POST['Fleet_Cdr'];
            // Revenu des débris de defences
            if (isset($_POST['Defs_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Defs_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] = $_POST['Defs_Cdr'];
            // Configuration de la protection Noob off/on
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotection']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotection'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotection'] = $_POST['noobprotection'];
            // Configuration de la protection Noob valeur en temps
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectiontime']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectiontime'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] = $_POST['noobprotectiontime'];
            // Configuration de la protection Noob Multi
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectionmulti']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectionmulti'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] = $_POST['noobprotectionmulti'];
            //Prise d'information dans la DB  valeur LastSettedGalaxyPos dans la table config
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            // Prise d'information dans la DB  valeur LastSettedSystemPos dans la table config
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            //Prise d'information dans la DB  valeur LastSettedPlanetPos dans la table config
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            // Lien supplémentaire dans le menu
            if (isset($_POST['enable_link_']) && is_numeric($_POST['enable_link_'])) {
                $game_config['link_enable'] = $_POST['enable_link_'];
            // Texte de ce lien...
            $game_config['link_name'] = addslashes($_POST['name_link_']);
            // URL de ce lien...
            $game_config['link_url'] = $_POST['url_link_'];
            // Image de la bannière
            $game_config['banner_source_post'] = $_POST['banner_source_post'];
            // 1 point = ??? Ressources ?
            if (isset($_POST['stat_settings']) && is_numeric($_POST['stat_settings'])) {
                $game_config['stat_settings'] = $_POST['stat_settings'];
            // Activation -ou non- des annonces
            if (isset($_POST['enable_announces_']) && is_numeric($_POST['enable_announces_'])) {
                $game_config['enable_announces'] = $_POST['enable_announces_'];
            // Activation -ou non- du marchand
            if (isset($_POST['enable_marchand_']) && is_numeric($_POST['enable_marchand_'])) {
                $game_config['enable_marchand'] = $_POST['enable_marchand_'];
            // Activation -ou non- des notes
            if (isset($_POST['enable_notes_']) && is_numeric($_POST['enable_notes_'])) {
                $game_config['enable_notes'] = $_POST['enable_notes_'];
            // Nom du bot antimulti
            $game_config['bot_name'] = addslashes($_POST['name_bot']);
            // email du bot antimulti
            $game_config['bot_adress'] = addslashes($_POST['adress_bot']);
            // Activation -ou non- des notes
            if (isset($_POST['duration_ban']) && is_numeric($_POST['duration_ban'])) {
                $game_config['ban_duration'] = $_POST['duration_ban'];
            // Activation -ou non- du bot
            if (isset($_POST['bot_enable']) && is_numeric($_POST['bot_enable'])) {
                $game_config['enable_bot'] = $_POST['bot_enable'];
            // BBCode ou pas ?
            if (isset($_POST['bbcode_field']) && is_numeric($_POST['bbcode_field'])) {
                $game_config['enable_bbcode'] = $_POST['bbcode_field'];
            // Activation du jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_disable'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_disable';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['close_reason'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'close_reason';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['stat_settings'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'stat_settings';", 'config');
            // Configuration du Jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['forum_url'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'forum_url';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['fleet_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'fleet_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['resource_multiplier'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'resource_multiplier';", 'config');
            // Page Generale
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsFrame';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsText';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChatCmd';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewClickBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['ForumBannerFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'ForumBannerFrame';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['banner_source_post'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'banner_source_post';", 'config');
            // Lien supplémentaire dans le menu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['link_enable'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'link_enable';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['link_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'link_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['link_url'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'link_url';", 'config');
            // Options Planete
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['initial_fields'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'initial_fields';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['metal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'metal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'crystal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'deuterium_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['energy_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'energy_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Fleet_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Defs_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotection'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotection';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectiontime';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectionmulti';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedGalaxyPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedSystemPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedPlanetPos';", 'config');
            //Bot antimulti
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['bot_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'bot_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['bot_adress'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'bot_adress';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['ban_duration'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'ban_duration';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['enable_bot'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'enable_bot';", 'config');
            //Réglage du BBCode
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['enable_bbcode'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'enable_bbcode';", 'config');
            //Controle des pages
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['enable_announces'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'enable_announces';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['enable_marchand'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'enable_marchand';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['enable_notes'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'enable_notes';", 'config');
            // Mode Debug
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['debug'] . "' WHERE `config_name` ='debug'", 'config');
            AdminMessage('Options changees avec succes !', 'Succes', '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['game_name'] = $game_config['game_name'];
            $parse['game_speed'] = $game_config['game_speed'];
            $parse['fleet_speed'] = $game_config['fleet_speed'];
            $parse['resource_multiplier'] = $game_config['resource_multiplier'];
            $parse['forum_url'] = $game_config['forum_url'];
            $parse['initial_fields'] = $game_config['initial_fields'];
            $parse['metal_basic_income'] = $game_config['metal_basic_income'];
            $parse['crystal_basic_income'] = $game_config['crystal_basic_income'];
            $parse['deuterium_basic_income'] = $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'];
            $parse['energy_basic_income'] = $game_config['energy_basic_income'];
            $parse['Fleet_Cdr'] = $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'];
            $parse['Defs_Cdr'] = $game_config['Defs_Cdr'];
            $parse['noobprotection'] = $game_config['noobprotection'];
            $parse['noobprotectiontime'] = $game_config['noobprotectiontime'];
            $parse['noobprotectionmulti'] = $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'];
            $parse['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            $parse['enable_link'] = $game_config['link_enable'];
            $parse['name_link'] = $game_config['link_name'];
            $parse['url_link'] = $game_config['link_url'];
            $parse['enable_announces'] = $game_config['enable_announces'];
            $parse['enable_marchand'] = $game_config['enable_marchand'];
            $parse['enable_notes'] = $game_config['enable_notes'];
            $parse['bot_name'] = stripslashes($game_config['bot_name']);
            $parse['bot_adress'] = stripslashes($game_config['bot_adress']);
            $parse['ban_duration'] = stripslashes($game_config['ban_duration']);
            $parse['enable_bot'] = stripslashes($game_config['enable_bot']);
            $parse['enable_bbcode'] = stripslashes($game_config['enable_bbcode']);
            $parse['banner_source_post'] = $game_config['banner_source_post'];
            $parse['stat_settings'] = stripslashes($game_config['stat_settings']);
            $parse['closed'] = $game_config['game_disable'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['close_reason'] = stripslashes($game_config['close_reason']);
            $parse['newsframe'] = $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['NewsTextVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewNewsText']);
            $parse['chatframe'] = $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['ExtTchatVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd']);
            $parse['googlead'] = $game_config['OverviewBanner'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['GoogleAdVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewClickBanner']);
            $parse['debug'] = $game_config['debug'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['bannerframe'] = $game_config['ForumBannerFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/options_body');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #15
    $hyperspace_motor_tech = $_POST['hyperspace_motor_tech'];
    $laser_tech = $_POST['laser_tech'];
    $ionic_tech = $_POST['ionic_tech'];
    $buster_tech = $_POST['buster_tech'];
    $intergalactic_tech = $_POST['intergalactic_tech'];
    $expedition_tech = $_POST['expedition_tech'];
    $graviton_tech = $_POST['graviton_tech'];
    $QryUpdatePlanet = "UPDATE !!users!! SET ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`spy_tech` = `spy_tech` - '" . $spy_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`computer_tech` = `computer_tech` - '" . $computer_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`military_tech` = `military_tech` - '" . $military_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`defence_tech` = `defence_tech` - '" . $defence_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`shield_tech` = `shield_tech` - '" . $shield_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`energy_tech` = `energy_tech` - '" . $energy_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`hyperspace_tech` = `hyperspace_tech` - '" . $hyperspace_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`combustion_tech` = `combustion_tech` - '" . $combustion_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`impulse_motor_tech` = `impulse_motor_tech` - '" . $impulse_motor_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`hyperspace_motor_tech` = `hyperspace_motor_tech` - '" . $hyperspace_motor_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`laser_tech` = `laser_tech` - '" . $laser_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`ionic_tech` = `ionic_tech` - '" . $ionic_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`buster_tech` = `buster_tech` - '" . $buster_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`intergalactic_tech` = `intergalactic_tech` - '" . $intergalactic_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`expedition_tech` = `expedition_tech` - '" . $expedition_tech . "', ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`graviton_tech` = `graviton_tech` - '" . $graviton_tech . "' ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE ";
    $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' ";
    AdminMessage($lang['adm_delresearch2'], $lang['adm_delresearch1']);
$Page = parsetemplate($PageTpl, $parse);
display($Page, $lang['adm_am_ttle'], false, '', true);
Beispiel #16
$parse = $lang;
if ($user['authlevel'] >= 3 and in_array($user['id'], $Adminerlaubt)) {
    if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
        // Extended copyright is activated?
        if (isset($_POST['ExtCopyFrame']) && $_POST['ExtCopyFrame'] == 'on') {
            $game_config['ExtCopyFrame'] = "1";
            $game_config['ExtCopyOwner'] = $_POST['ExtCopyOwner'];
            $game_config['ExtCopyFunct'] = $_POST['ExtCopyFunct'];
        } else {
            $game_config['ExtCopyFrame'] = "0";
            $game_config['ExtCopyOwner'] = "";
            $game_config['ExtCopyFunct'] = "";
        // Update values
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['ExtCopyFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'ExtCopyFrame';", 'config');
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['ExtCopyOwner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'ExtCopyOwner';", 'config');
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['ExtCopyFunct'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'ExtCopyFunct';", 'config');
        AdminMessage($lang['cred_done'], $lang['cred_ext']);
    } else {
        //View values
        $parse['ExtCopyFrame'] = $game_config['ExtCopyFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
        $parse['ExtCopyOwnerVal'] = $game_config['ExtCopyOwner'];
        $parse['ExtCopyFunctVal'] = $game_config['ExtCopyFunct'];
        $BodyTPL = gettemplate('admin/credit_body');
        $page = parsetemplate($BodyTPL, $parse);
        display($page, $lang['cred_credit'], false);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #17
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST, $Adminerlaubt, $user;
    if ($user['authlevel'] >= 3 and in_array($user['id'], $Adminerlaubt)) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            if (isset($_POST['over_']) && is_numeric($_POST['over_'])) {
                $game_config['over'] = $_POST['over_'];
            if (isset($_POST['gala_']) && is_numeric($_POST['gala_'])) {
                $game_config['gala'] = $_POST['gala_'];
            if (isset($_POST['fleet_']) && is_numeric($_POST['fleet_'])) {
                $game_config['fleet'] = $_POST['fleet_'];
            if (isset($_POST['mess_']) && is_numeric($_POST['mess_'])) {
                $game_config['mess'] = $_POST['mess_'];
            if (isset($_POST['gebau_']) && is_numeric($_POST['gebau_'])) {
                $game_config['gebau'] = $_POST['gebau_'];
            if (isset($_POST['forsch_']) && is_numeric($_POST['forsch_'])) {
                $game_config['forsch'] = $_POST['forsch_'];
            if (isset($_POST['armada_']) && is_numeric($_POST['armada_'])) {
                $game_config['armada'] = $_POST['armada_'];
            if (isset($_POST['abwehr_']) && is_numeric($_POST['abwehr_'])) {
                $game_config['abwehr'] = $_POST['abwehr_'];
            if (isset($_POST['officier_']) && is_numeric($_POST['officier_'])) {
                $game_config['officier'] = $_POST['officier_'];
            if (isset($_POST['marchand_']) && is_numeric($_POST['marchand_'])) {
                $game_config['marchand'] = $_POST['marchand_'];
            if (isset($_POST['annonce_']) && is_numeric($_POST['annonce_'])) {
                $game_config['annonce'] = $_POST['annonce_'];
            if (isset($_POST['schrotti_']) && is_numeric($_POST['schrotti_'])) {
                $game_config['schrotti'] = $_POST['schrotti_'];
            if (isset($_POST['imperium_']) && is_numeric($_POST['imperium_'])) {
                $game_config['imperium'] = $_POST['imperium_'];
            if (isset($_POST['alliance_']) && is_numeric($_POST['alliance_'])) {
                $game_config['alliance'] = $_POST['alliance_'];
            if (isset($_POST['resources_']) && is_numeric($_POST['resources_'])) {
                $game_config['resources'] = $_POST['resources_'];
            if (isset($_POST['techtree_']) && is_numeric($_POST['techtree_'])) {
                $game_config['techtree'] = $_POST['techtree_'];
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['over'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'over';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['gala'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'gala';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['fleet'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'fleet';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['mess'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'mess';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['gebau'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'gebau';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['forsch'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'forsch';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['armada'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'armada';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['abwehr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'abwehr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['officier'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'officier';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['marchand'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'marchand';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['annonce'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'annonce';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['schrotti'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'schrotti';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['imperium'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'imperium';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['alliance'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'alliance';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['resources'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'resources';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['techtree'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'techtree';", 'config');
            AdminMessage('Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert', 'Einstellungs-Men&uuml;', '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['over'] = $game_config['over'];
            $parse['gala'] = $game_config['gala'];
            $parse['fleet'] = $game_config['fleet'];
            $parse['mess'] = $game_config['mess'];
            $parse['gebau'] = $game_config['gebau'];
            $parse['forsch'] = $game_config['forsch'];
            $parse['armada'] = $game_config['armada'];
            $parse['abwehr'] = $game_config['abwehr'];
            $parse['officier'] = $game_config['officier'];
            $parse['marchand'] = $game_config['marchand'];
            $parse['annonce'] = $game_config['annonce'];
            $parse['schrotti'] = $game_config['schrotti'];
            $parse['imperium'] = $game_config['imperium'];
            $parse['alliance'] = $game_config['alliance'];
            $parse['resources'] = $game_config['resources'];
            $parse['techtree'] = $game_config['techtree'];
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/einstellung/einstellung_menu01');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #18
            $ally_id = $_GET['mail'];
            $sq = doquery("SELECT id FROM {{table}} WHERE ally_id='" . $ally_id . "'", "users");
            while ($u = mysql_fetch_array($sq)) {
                doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\r\n                                `message_owner`='{$u['id']}',\r\n                                `message_sender`='Administrator' ,\r\n                                `message_time`='" . time() . "',\r\n                                `message_type`='2',\r\n                                `message_from`='Allianznachricht (Admin)',\r\n                                `message_subject`='" . $_POST['subject'] . "',\r\n                                `message_text`='" . $_POST['text'] . "'\r\n                                ", "messages");
            AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">Rundmail wurde verschickt!', 'Versendet');
    if (isset($_GET['leader'])) {
        $ally_id = $_GET['leader'];
        $query = doquery("SELECT `ally_owner` FROM {{table}}", "alliance");
        $u = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $users = doquery("SELECT `username` FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $u['ally_owner'] . "'", "users");
        $a = mysql_fetch_array($users);
        $leader = $a['username'];
        $parse['leader'] .= "<tr>" . "<td colspan=9 class=c>Leader &auml;ndern</td></tr>" . "<form action=alliancelist.php?leader=" . $ally_id . " method=POST>" . "<tr>" . "<th colspan=4><center><b>Aktueller Leader:</center></b></th>   <th colspan=5><center><b>{$leader}</center></b></th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<th colspan=4><center><b><u>ID</u> des neuen Leaders</center></b></th>   <th colspan=5><center><b><input type=text size=8 name=leader></center></b></th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td class=b colspan=9><center><b><input type=submit value=Speichern></center></b></td>" . "</form></tr>";
        if (isset($_POST['leader'])) {
            $sq = doquery("SELECT ally_id FROM {{table}} WHERE id='" . $_POST['leader'] . "'", "users");
            $a = mysql_fetch_array($sq);
            if ($a['ally_id'] == $_GET['leader']) {
                $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `ally_owner` = '" . $_POST['leader'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $_GET['leader'] . "'", 'alliance');
                AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">Der Allianzleader wurde erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert!', 'Erfolgreich');
            } else {
                AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=alliancelist.php">Der User befindet sich nicht in dieser Allianz!', 'Fehler');
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/alliance_body'), $parse), 'Allianceubersicht', false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #19
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST, $Adminerlaubt, $user;
    if ($user['authlevel'] >= 3 and in_array($user['id'], $Adminerlaubt)) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            if (isset($_POST['reco_']) && is_numeric($_POST['reco_'])) {
                $game_config['reco'] = $_POST['reco_'];
            if (isset($_POST['stat_']) && is_numeric($_POST['stat_'])) {
                $game_config['stat'] = $_POST['stat_'];
            if (isset($_POST['topk_']) && is_numeric($_POST['topk_'])) {
                $game_config['topk'] = $_POST['topk_'];
            if (isset($_POST['simu_']) && is_numeric($_POST['simu_'])) {
                $game_config['simu'] = $_POST['simu_'];
            if (isset($_POST['note_']) && is_numeric($_POST['note_'])) {
                $game_config['note'] = $_POST['note_'];
            if (isset($_POST['budd_']) && is_numeric($_POST['budd_'])) {
                $game_config['budd'] = $_POST['budd_'];
            if (isset($_POST['chat_']) && is_numeric($_POST['chat_'])) {
                $game_config['chat'] = $_POST['chat_'];
            if (isset($_POST['sear_']) && is_numeric($_POST['sear_'])) {
                $game_config['sear'] = $_POST['sear_'];
            if (isset($_POST['decl_']) && is_numeric($_POST['decl_'])) {
                $game_config['decl'] = $_POST['decl_'];
            if (isset($_POST['rule_']) && is_numeric($_POST['rule_'])) {
                $game_config['rule'] = $_POST['rule_'];
            if (isset($_POST['conn_']) && is_numeric($_POST['conn_'])) {
                $game_config['conn'] = $_POST['conn_'];
            if (isset($_POST['supp_']) && is_numeric($_POST['supp_'])) {
                $game_config['supp'] = $_POST['supp_'];
            if (isset($_POST['bann_']) && is_numeric($_POST['bann_'])) {
                $game_config['bann'] = $_POST['bann_'];
            if (isset($_POST['opti_']) && is_numeric($_POST['opti_'])) {
                $game_config['opti'] = $_POST['opti_'];
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['reco'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'reco';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['stat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'stat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['topk'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'topk';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['simu'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'simu';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['note'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'note';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['budd'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'budd';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['chat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'chat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['sear'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'sear';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['decl'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'decl';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['rule'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'rule';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['conn'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'conn';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['supp'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'supp';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['bann'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'bann';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['opti'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'opti';", 'config');
            AdminMessage('Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert', 'Einstellungs-Men&uuml;', '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['reco'] = $game_config['reco'];
            $parse['stat'] = $game_config['stat'];
            $parse['topk'] = $game_config['topk'];
            $parse['simu'] = $game_config['simu'];
            $parse['note'] = $game_config['note'];
            $parse['budd'] = $game_config['budd'];
            $parse['chat'] = $game_config['chat'];
            $parse['sear'] = $game_config['sear'];
            $parse['decl'] = $game_config['decl'];
            $parse['rule'] = $game_config['rule'];
            $parse['conn'] = $game_config['conn'];
            $parse['supp'] = $game_config['supp'];
            $parse['bann'] = $game_config['bann'];
            $parse['opti'] = $game_config['opti'];
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/einstellung/einstellung_menu02');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #20
    if ($i == 1) {
        $parse['moon'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=7>Es wurde 1 Mond gefunden</th></tr>";
    } else {
        $parse['moon'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=7>Es wurden {$i} Monde gefunden</th></tr>";
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=3 AND id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1", "planets");
        $planet = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $parse['show_edit_form'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/moon_edit_form'), $planet);
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $edit_id = intval($_POST['currid']);
        $planetname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mondname']);
        $fields_max = intval($_POST['felder']);
        $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name` \t\t\t\t= '" . $planetname . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`field_max` \t\t= '" . $fields_max . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`appolonium`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['appolonium']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_ship_cargo']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_ship_cargo']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`light_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['light_hunter']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`heavy_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['heavy_hunter']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crusher`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crusher']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battle_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battle_ship']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`colonizer`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['colonizer']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`recycler`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['recycler']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`spy_sonde`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['spy_sonde']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bomber_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['bomber_ship']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_satelit`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_satelit']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`destructor`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['destructor']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`dearth_star`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['dearth_star']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battleship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battleship']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`lune_noir`\t\t    = '" . intval($_POST['lune_noir']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ev_transporter`    = '" . intval($_POST['ev_transporter']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`star_crasher`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['star_crasher']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`giga_recykler`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['giga_recykler']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`misil_launcher`\t= '" . intval($_POST['misil_launcher']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_laser`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['small_laser']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_laser`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['big_laser']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gauss_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['gauss_canyon']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ionic_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ionic_canyon']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`buster_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['buster_canyon']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`Gravitonka`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['Gravitonka']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_protection_shield']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_protection_shield']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gig_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['gig_protection_shield']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`robot_factory`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['robot_factory']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`hangar`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['hangar']) . "',\n\t                        `nano_factory`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['nano_factory']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`appolonium_store`\t\t    = '" . intval($_POST['appolonium_store']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ally_deposit`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ally_deposit']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`phalanx`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['phalanx']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`mondbasis`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['mondbasis']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ressgate`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ressgate']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`sprungtor`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['sprungtor']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `id` = '" . $edit_id . "' LIMIT 1", 'planets');
        // AdminLOG - Helmchen
        $fp = @fopen('logs/adminlog_' . date('d.m.Y') . '.php', 'a');
        fwrite($fp, " <?php\n");
        fwrite($fp, "if(!defined(\"INSIDE\")){ die(\"attemp hacking\"); }\n");
        fwrite($fp, "\$Logtext = ' \n");
        fwrite($fp, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()) . " - " . $user['username'] . " - " . $user['user_lastip'] . " - " . __FILE__ . " - changed values from moon ID " . $id . " with user ID: " . $user['id'] . "';\n");
        fwrite($fp, " ?>\n");
        // AdminLOG ENDE
        AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=moonlist.php">Mond wurde erfolgreich geaendert', 'Mond anpassen');
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/moonlist_body'), $parse), 'Lunalist', false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #21
    $parse = $lang;
    $query = doquery("SELECT `id`, `id_owner`, `name`, `last_update`,  `field_current`, `field_max`, `diameter`, `galaxy`, `system`, `planet` FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=3 ORDER BY `" . $short . "` ASC", "planets");
    $i = 0;
    while ($u = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['id'] . "</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['id_owner'] . "</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['name'] . "</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['field_current'] . "/" . $u['field_max'] . "</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . pretty_number($u['diameter']) . " Km</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['galaxy'] . ":" . $u['system'] . ":" . $u['planet'] . "</a></center></td>" . "<td class=b><center><a href='moonlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . pretty_time(time() - $u['last_update']) . "</a></center></td>" . "</tr>";
    if ($i == "1") {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=7>Hay 1 luna creada</th></tr>";
    } else {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=7>Hay {$i} lunas creadas</th></tr>";
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=3 AND id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1", "planets");
        $planet = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $parse['show_edit_form'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/moon_edit_form'), $planet);
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $edit_id = intval($_POST['currid']);
        $planetname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['planetname']);
        $fields_max = intval($_POST['felder']);
        $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name` \t\t\t\t= '" . $planetname . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`field_max` \t\t\t= '" . $fields_max . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_POST['metal'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_POST['crystal'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_POST['deuterium'] . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_ship_cargo` \t\t= '" . intval($_POST['small_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_ship_cargo` \t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['big_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`light_hunter`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['light_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`heavy_hunter`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['heavy_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crusher`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crusher']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battle_ship`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battle_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`colonizer`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['colonizer']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`recycler`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['recycler']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`spy_sonde`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['spy_sonde']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bomber_ship`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['bomber_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_satelit`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_satelit']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`destructor`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['destructor']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`dearth_star`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['dearth_star']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battleship`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battleship']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`misil_launcher`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['misil_launcher']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_laser`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['small_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_laser`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['big_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gauss_canyon`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['gauss_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ionic_canyon`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ionic_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`buster_canyon`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['buster_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`robot_factory`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['robot_factory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`hangar`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['hangar']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal_store`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal_store`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium_store`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`mondbasis`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['mondbasis']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`phalanx`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['phalanx']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`sprungtor`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['sprungtor']) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE `id` = '" . $edit_id . "' LIMIT 1", 'planets');
        AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=moonlist.php">Los datos han sido modificados', 'Edicion de luna');
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/moonlist_body'), $parse), 'Planetlist', false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
// Created by e-Zobar. All rights reversed (C) XNova Team 2008
Beispiel #22
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST;
    if ($CurrentUser['authlevel'] >= 3) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "1";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = addslashes($_POST['close_reason']);
            } else {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "0";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['newsframe']) && $_POST['newsframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = addslashes($_POST['NewsText']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['chatframe']) && $_POST['chatframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = addslashes($_POST['ExternChat']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['googlead']) && $_POST['googlead'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = addslashes($_POST['GoogleAds']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['debug']) && $_POST['debug'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['debug'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['debug'] = "0";
            if (isset($_POST['game_name']) && $_POST['game_name'] != '') {
                $game_config['game_name'] = $_POST['game_name'];
            if (isset($_POST['forum_url']) && $_POST['forum_url'] != '') {
                $game_config['forum_url'] = $_POST['forum_url'];
            if (isset($_POST['game_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['game_speed'])) {
                $game_config['game_speed'] = $_POST['game_speed'];
            if (isset($_POST['fleet_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['fleet_speed'])) {
                $game_config['fleet_speed'] = $_POST['fleet_speed'];
            if (isset($_POST['resource_multiplier']) && is_numeric($_POST['resource_multiplier'])) {
                $game_config['resource_multiplier'] = $_POST['resource_multiplier'];
            if (isset($_POST['initial_fields']) && is_numeric($_POST['initial_fields'])) {
                $game_config['initial_fields'] = $_POST['initial_fields'];
            if (isset($_POST['metal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['metal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['metal_basic_income'] = $_POST['metal_basic_income'];
            if (isset($_POST['crystal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] = $_POST['crystal_basic_income'];
            if (isset($_POST['deuterium_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['deuterium_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] = $_POST['deuterium_basic_income'];
            if (isset($_POST['energy_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['energy_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['energy_basic_income'] = $_POST['energy_basic_income'];
            if (isset($_POST['Fleet_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Fleet_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] = $_POST['Fleet_Cdr'];
            if (isset($_POST['Defs_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Defs_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] = $_POST['Defs_Cdr'];
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotection']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotection'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotection'] = $_POST['noobprotection'];
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectiontime']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectiontime'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] = $_POST['noobprotectiontime'];
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectionmulti']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectionmulti'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] = $_POST['noobprotectionmulti'];
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            if (isset($_POST["urlaubs_modus_erz"]) && $_POST["urlaubs_modus_erz"] == 'on') {
                $game_config['urlaubs_modus_erz'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['urlaubs_modus_erz'] = "0";
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_disable'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_disable';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['close_reason'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'close_reason';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['forum_url'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'forum_url';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['fleet_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'fleet_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['resource_multiplier'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'resource_multiplier';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsFrame';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsText';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChatCmd';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewClickBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['initial_fields'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'initial_fields';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['metal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'metal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'crystal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'deuterium_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['energy_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'energy_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Fleet_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Defs_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotection'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotection';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectiontime';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectionmulti';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedGalaxyPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedSystemPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedPlanetPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['debug'] . "' WHERE `config_name` ='debug'", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET config_value='" . $game_config['urlaubs_modus_erz'] . "' WHERE `config_name` ='urlaubs_modus_erz'", 'config');
            AdminMessage('Options changees avec succes !', 'Succes', '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['game_name'] = $game_config['game_name'];
            $parse['game_speed'] = $game_config['game_speed'];
            $parse['fleet_speed'] = $game_config['fleet_speed'];
            $parse['resource_multiplier'] = $game_config['resource_multiplier'];
            $parse['forum_url'] = $game_config['forum_url'];
            $parse['initial_fields'] = $game_config['initial_fields'];
            $parse['metal_basic_income'] = $game_config['metal_basic_income'];
            $parse['crystal_basic_income'] = $game_config['crystal_basic_income'];
            $parse['deuterium_basic_income'] = $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'];
            $parse['energy_basic_income'] = $game_config['energy_basic_income'];
            $parse['Fleet_Cdr'] = $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'];
            $parse['Defs_Cdr'] = $game_config['Defs_Cdr'];
            $parse['noobprotection'] = $game_config['noobprotection'];
            $parse['noobprotectiontime'] = $game_config['noobprotectiontime'];
            $parse['noobprotectionmulti'] = $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'];
            $parse['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            $parse['closed'] = $game_config['game_disable'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['close_reason'] = stripslashes($game_config['close_reason']);
            $parse['newsframe'] = $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['NewsTextVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewNewsText']);
            $parse['chatframe'] = $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['ExtTchatVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd']);
            $parse['googlead'] = $game_config['OverviewBanner'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['GoogleAdVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewClickBanner']);
            $parse['debug'] = $game_config['debug'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/options_body');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #23
if ($mode == 'banit' && $action) {
    if ($player_banned_row) {
        $reas = $_POST['why'];
        $days = $_POST['days'];
        $hour = $_POST['hour'];
        $mins = $_POST['mins'];
        $secs = $_POST['secs'];
        //    $isVacation = $_POST['isVacation'];
        $BanTime = $days * 86400;
        $BanTime += $hour * 3600;
        $BanTime += $mins * 60;
        $BanTime += $secs;
        //    $BannedUntil = SN_TIME_NOW + $BanTime;
        sys_admin_player_ban($user, $player_banned_row, $BanTime, $is_vacation = sys_get_param_int('isVacation'), sys_get_param_str('why'));
        $DoneMessage = "{$lang['adm_bn_thpl']} {$name_output} {$lang['adm_bn_isbn']}";
        if ($is_vacation) {
            $DoneMessage .= $lang['adm_bn_vctn'];
        $DoneMessage .= $lang['adm_bn_plnt'];
    } else {
        $DoneMessage = sprintf($lang['adm_bn_errr'], $name_output);
    AdminMessage($DoneMessage, $lang['adm_ban_title']);
} elseif ($mode == 'unbanit' && $action) {
    sys_admin_player_ban_unset($user, $player_banned_row, ($reason = sys_get_param_str('why')) ? $reason : $lang['sys_unbanned']);
    $DoneMessage = $lang['adm_unbn_thpl'] . " " . $name_output . " " . $lang['adm_unbn_isbn'];
    AdminMessage($DoneMessage, $lang['adm_unbn_ttle']);
$parse['name'] = $name_output;
$parse['mode'] = $mode;
display(parsetemplate(gettemplate("admin/admin_ban", true), $parse), $lang['adm_ban_title'], false, '', true);
Beispiel #24
    while ($u = mysql_fetch_assoc($table)) {
        $inaktiv = time() - $u['onlinetime'];
        $time = gmdate("d", $inaktiv);
        $parse['liste'] .= "<tr>" . "<td class=b>" . $u['id'] . "</td>" . "<td class=b>" . $u['username'] . "</td>" . "<td class=b>vor <b>" . $time . " Tagen</b></td>" . "</tr>";
    $query = doquery("SELECT `id`, `onlinetime` FROM {{table}}", "users");
    $i = 0;
    while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $inaktive_zeit = time() - $a['onlinetime'];
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `inaktiv` = '" . $inaktive_zeit . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $a['id'] . "'", 'users');
    $query2 = doquery("SELECT `id`, `inaktiv` FROM {{table}} WHERE `authlevel` = '0'", "users");
    $g = 0;
    while ($del = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) {
        $config = doquery("SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM {{table}}", "config");
        if ($del['inaktiv'] < $config['inaktiv_time']) {
            doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $del['id'] . "'", "users");
    if (isset($_POST['inaktiv_time'])) {
        $time = $_POST['inaktiv_time'] * 24 * 60 * 60;
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $time . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'inaktiv_time'", 'config');
        AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=inactiv.php">Die Zeit wurde gespeichert!', 'Erfolgreich');
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/inaktiv'), $parse), 'Inaktive Spieler', false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #25
        $misil_launcher = $_POST['misil_launcher'];
        $small_laser = $_POST['small_laser'];
        $big_laser = $_POST['big_laser'];
        $gauss_canyon = $_POST['gauss_canyon'];
        $ionic_canyon = $_POST['ionic_canyon'];
        $buster_canyon = $_POST['buster_canyon'];
        $small_protection_shield = $_POST['small_protection_shield'];
        $big_protection_shield = $_POST['big_protection_shield'];
        $interceptor_misil = $_POST['interceptor_misil'];
        $interplanetary_misil = $_POST['interplanetary_misil'];
        $QryUpdatePlanet = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`misil_launcher` = `misil_launcher` - '" . $misil_launcher . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`small_laser` = `small_laser` - '" . $small_laser . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`big_laser` = `big_laser` - '" . $big_laser . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`gauss_canyon` = `gauss_canyon` - '" . $gauss_canyon . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`ionic_canyon` = `ionic_canyon` - '" . $ionic_canyon . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`buster_canyon` = `buster_canyon` - '" . $buster_canyon . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`small_protection_shield` = `small_protection_shield` - '" . $small_protection_shield . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`big_protection_shield` = `big_protection_shield` - '" . $big_protection_shield . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`interceptor_misil` = `interceptor_misil` - '" . $interceptor_misil . "', ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`interplanetary_misil` = `interplanetary_misil` - '" . $interplanetary_misil . "' ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE ";
        $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' ";
        doquery($QryUpdatePlanet, "planets");
        AdminMessage($lang['del_message'] . '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=?action=administrativeMats">', $lang['del_message_title']);
    $Page = parsetemplate($PageTpl, $parse);
    display($Page, $lang['adm_am_ttle'], false, '', true);
} else {
    header('Location: indexGame.php');
Beispiel #26
    if ($i == "1") {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=8>" . $lang['planetlist_total1'] . "</th></tr>";
    } else {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=8>" . str_replace('##planets##', $i, $lang['planetlist_total']) . "</th></tr>";
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=1 AND id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1", "planets");
        $planet = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $parse['show_edit_form'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/planet_edit_form'), $planet);
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $edit_id = intval($_POST['currid']);
        $planetname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['planetname']);
        $fields_max = intval($_POST['felder']);
        $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name` \t\t\t= '" . $planetname . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`field_max` \t\t= '" . $fields_max . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`light_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['light_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`heavy_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['heavy_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crusher`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crusher']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battle_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battle_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`colonizer`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['colonizer']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`recycler`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['recycler']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`spy_sonde`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['spy_sonde']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bomber_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['bomber_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_satelit`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_satelit']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`destructor`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['destructor']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`dearth_star`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['dearth_star']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battleship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battleship']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ownshipname`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ownshipname']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ev_transporter`\t= '" . intval($_POST['ev_transporter']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`star_crasher`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['star_crasher']) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`misil_launcher`\t= '" . intval($_POST['misil_launcher']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_laser`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['small_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_laser`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['big_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gauss_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['gauss_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ionic_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ionic_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`buster_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['buster_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_protection_shield`= '" . intval($_POST['small_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_protection_shield` = '" . intval($_POST['big_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gig_protection_shield` = '" . intval($_POST['gig_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`Gravitonka` \t\t= '" . intval($_POST['Gravitonka']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`interceptor_misil` \t= '" . intval($_POST['interceptor_misil']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`interplanetary_misil` \t= '" . intval($_POST['interplanetary_misil']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal_mine`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal_mine']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal_mine`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal_mine']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium_sintetizer`\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium_sintetizer']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_plant`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_plant']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fusion_plant`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['fusion_plant']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`robot_factory`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['robot_factory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nano_factory`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['nano_factory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`hangar`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['hangar']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal_store`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal_store`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium_store`\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`laboratory`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['laboratory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`terraformer`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['terraformer']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ally_deposit`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ally_deposit']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`silo`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['silo']) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . $edit_id . "' LIMIT 1", 'planets');
        // AdminLOG
        $fp = @fopen('logs/adminlog_' . date('d.m.Y') . '.txt', 'a');
        if ($fp) {
            fwrite($fp, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()) . " - " . $user['username'] . " - " . $user['user_lastip'] . " - " . __FILE__ . " - changed values from planet with ID: " . $edit_id . "\n");
        // AdminLOG ENDE
        AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=planetlist.php">' . $lang['planetlist_changed'], $lang['planetlist_title']);
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/planetlist_body'), $parse), $lang['planetlist_title'], false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
Beispiel #27
function DisplayGameSettingsPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $game_config, $_POST;
    if ($CurrentUser['authlevel'] >= 3) {
        if ($_POST['opt_save'] == "1") {
            // Jeu Ouvert ou Ferm� !
            if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "1";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = addslashes($_POST['close_reason']);
            } else {
                $game_config['game_disable'] = "0";
                $game_config['close_reason'] = "";
            // Y a un News Frame ? !
            if (isset($_POST['newsframe']) && $_POST['newsframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = addslashes($_POST['NewsText']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] = "";
            // Y a un TCHAT externe ??
            if (isset($_POST['chatframe']) && $_POST['chatframe'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = addslashes($_POST['ExternChat']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] = "";
            if (isset($_POST['googlead']) && $_POST['googlead'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "1";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = addslashes($_POST['GoogleAds']);
            } else {
                $game_config['OverviewBanner'] = "0";
                $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] = "";
            // Mode Debug ou pas !
            if (isset($_POST['debug']) && $_POST['debug'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['debug'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['debug'] = "0";
            // Nom du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_name']) && $_POST['game_name'] != '') {
                $game_config['game_name'] = $_POST['game_name'];
            // Game Adresse
            if (isset($_POST['gameurl']) && $_POST['gameurl'] != '') {
                $game_config['game_url'] = $_POST['gameurl'];
            // Adresse du Forum
            if (isset($_POST['forum_url']) && $_POST['forum_url'] != '') {
                $game_config['forum_url'] = $_POST['forum_url'];
            // Vitesse du Jeu
            if (isset($_POST['game_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['game_speed'])) {
                $game_config['game_speed'] = $_POST['game_speed'];
            // Vitesse des Flottes
            if (isset($_POST['fleet_speed']) && is_numeric($_POST['fleet_speed'])) {
                $game_config['fleet_speed'] = $_POST['fleet_speed'];
            // Multiplicateur de Production
            if (isset($_POST['resource_multiplier']) && is_numeric($_POST['resource_multiplier'])) {
                $game_config['resource_multiplier'] = $_POST['resource_multiplier'];
            // Taille de la planete mère
            if (isset($_POST['initial_fields']) && is_numeric($_POST['initial_fields'])) {
                $game_config['initial_fields'] = $_POST['initial_fields'];
            // Revenu de base Metal
            if (isset($_POST['metal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['metal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['metal_basic_income'] = $_POST['metal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Cristal
            if (isset($_POST['crystal_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['crystal_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] = $_POST['crystal_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Deuterium
            if (isset($_POST['deuterium_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['deuterium_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] = $_POST['deuterium_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de base Energie
            if (isset($_POST['energy_basic_income']) && is_numeric($_POST['energy_basic_income'])) {
                $game_config['energy_basic_income'] = $_POST['energy_basic_income'];
            // Revenu de Fleet ins Tr�mmerfeld
            if (isset($_POST['Fleet_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Fleet_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] = $_POST['Fleet_Cdr'];
            // Angriffssperre --> Flottensperre
            if (isset($_POST['attack_disabled']) && $_POST['attack_disabled'] == 'on') {
                $game_config['attack_disabled'] = "1";
            } else {
                $game_config['attack_disabled'] = "0";
            // Revenu de Def ins Tr�mmerfeld
            if (isset($_POST['Defs_Cdr']) && is_numeric($_POST['Defs_Cdr'])) {
                $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] = $_POST['Defs_Cdr'];
            // Revenu de Noobprotection Time
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectiontime']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectiontime'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] = $_POST['noobprotectiontime'];
            // Revenu de Noobprotection Multi
            if (isset($_POST['noobprotectionmulti']) && is_numeric($_POST['noobprotectionmulti'])) {
                $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] = $_POST['noobprotectionmulti'];
            // Revenu de LastSettedGalaxyPos
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            // Revenu de LastSettedSystemPos
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            // Revenu de LastSettedPlanetPos
            if (isset($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos']) && is_numeric($_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'])) {
                $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $_POST['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            // Activation du jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_disable'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_disable';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['close_reason'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'close_reason';", 'config');
            // Configuration du Jeu
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_name'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_name';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['forum_url'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'forum_url';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['game_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'game_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['fleet_speed'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'fleet_speed';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['resource_multiplier'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'resource_multiplier';", 'config');
            // Angrisssperre --> Flottensperre
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['attack_disabled'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'attack_disabled';", 'config');
            // Page Generale
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsFrame';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewNewsText'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewNewsText';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChat';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewExternChatCmd';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewBanner';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['OverviewClickBanner'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'OverviewClickBanner';", 'config');
            // Options Planete
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['initial_fields'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'initial_fields';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['metal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'metal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['crystal_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'crystal_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'deuterium_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['energy_basic_income'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'energy_basic_income';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Fleet_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['Defs_Cdr'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'Defs_Cdr';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectiontime'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectiontime';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'noobprotectionmulti';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedGalaxyPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedSystemPos';", 'config');
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'] . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'LastSettedPlanetPos';", 'config');
            // Mode Debug
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $game_config['debug'] . "' WHERE `config_name` ='debug'", 'config');
            AdminMessage($lang['settings_success'], $lang['settings_title'], '?');
        } else {
            $parse = $lang;
            $parse['game_name'] = $game_config['game_name'];
            $parse['game_speed'] = $game_config['game_speed'];
            $parse['fleet_speed'] = $game_config['fleet_speed'];
            $parse['resource_multiplier'] = $game_config['resource_multiplier'];
            $parse['forum_url'] = $game_config['forum_url'];
            $parse['initial_fields'] = $game_config['initial_fields'];
            $parse['metal_basic_income'] = $game_config['metal_basic_income'];
            $parse['crystal_basic_income'] = $game_config['crystal_basic_income'];
            $parse['deuterium_basic_income'] = $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'];
            $parse['energy_basic_income'] = $game_config['energy_basic_income'];
            $parse['Fleet_Cdr'] = $game_config['Fleet_Cdr'];
            $parse['Defs_Cdr'] = $game_config['Defs_Cdr'];
            $parse['noobprotectiontime'] = $game_config['noobprotectiontime'];
            $parse['noobprotectionmulti'] = $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'];
            $parse['attack_disabled'] = $game_config['attack_disabled'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['LastSettedGalaxyPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedGalaxyPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedSystemPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedSystemPos'];
            $parse['LastSettedPlanetPos'] = $game_config['LastSettedPlanetPos'];
            $parse['closed'] = $game_config['game_disable'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['close_reason'] = stripslashes($game_config['close_reason']);
            $parse['newsframe'] = $game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['NewsTextVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewNewsText']);
            $parse['chatframe'] = $game_config['OverviewExternChat'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['ExtTchatVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewExternChatCmd']);
            $parse['googlead'] = $game_config['OverviewBanner'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $parse['GoogleAdVal'] = stripslashes($game_config['OverviewClickBanner']);
            $parse['debug'] = $game_config['debug'] == 1 ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
            $PageTPL = gettemplate('admin/options_body');
            $Page .= parsetemplate($PageTPL, $parse);
            display($Page, $lang['adm_opt_title'], false, '', true);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #28
if ($user['authlevel'] >= "2") {
    $parse = $lang;
    $query = doquery("SELECT `id`, `id_owner`, `name`,  `field_current`, `field_max`, `galaxy`, `system`, `planet` FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=1 ORDER BY id ASC", "planets");
    $i = 0;
    while ($u = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['id'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['id_owner'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['name'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['field_max'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['field_current'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['galaxy'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['system'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "<td class=b><center><b><a href='planetlist.php?action=edit&id=" . $u['id'] . "'>" . $u['planet'] . "</a></center></b></td>" . "</tr>";
    if ($i == "1") {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=8>1nsgesamt 1 Planet</th></tr>";
    } else {
        $parse['planetes'] .= "<tr><th class=b colspan=8>Insgesamt {$i} Planeten</th></tr>";
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE planet_type=1 AND id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1", "planets");
        $planet = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $parse['show_edit_form'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/planet_edit_form'), $planet);
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $edit_id = intval($_POST['currid']);
        $planetname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['planetname']);
        $fields_max = intval($_POST['felder']);
        $query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name` \t\t\t\t= '" . $planetname . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`field_max` \t\t= '" . $fields_max . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_ship_cargo` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_ship_cargo']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`light_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['light_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`heavy_hunter`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['heavy_hunter']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crusher`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crusher']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battle_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battle_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`colonizer`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['colonizer']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`recycler`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['recycler']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`spy_sonde`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['spy_sonde']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bomber_ship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['bomber_ship']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_satelit`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_satelit']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`destructor`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['destructor']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`dearth_star`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['dearth_star']) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`battleship`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['battleship']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`misil_launcher`\t= '" . intval($_POST['misil_launcher']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_laser`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['small_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_laser`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['big_laser']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`gauss_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['gauss_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ionic_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ionic_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`buster_canyon`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['buster_canyon']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`small_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['small_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`big_protection_shield` \t= '" . intval($_POST['big_protection_shield']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`interceptor_misil` \t\t= '" . intval($_POST['interceptor_misil']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`interplanetary_misil` \t\t= '" . intval($_POST['interplanetary_misil']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal_mine`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal_mine']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal_mine`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal_mine']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium_sintetizer`\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium_sintetizer']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`solar_plant`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['solar_plant']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fusion_plant`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['fusion_plant']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`robot_factory`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['robot_factory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nano_factory`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['nano_factory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`hangar`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['hangar']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`metal_store`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['metal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`crystal_store`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['crystal_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`deuterium_store`\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['deuterium_store']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`laboratory`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['laboratory']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`terraformer`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['terraformer']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`ally_deposit`\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['ally_deposit']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`silo`\t\t\t\t\t\t= '" . intval($_POST['silo']) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE `id` = '" . $edit_id . "' LIMIT 1", 'planets');
        AdminMessage('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=planetlist.php">Planet wurde erfolgreich geändert', 'Planeten anpassen');
    display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/planetlist_body'), $parse), 'Planetlist', false, '', true);
} else {
    message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
// Created by e-Zobar. All rights reversed (C) XNova Team 2008
Beispiel #29
function XNovaResetUnivers($CurrentUser)
    global $lang;
    if ($CurrentUser['authlevel'] == 4) {
        // Copier la table users et planets vers des tables de replis !
        doquery("RENAME TABLE {{table}} TO {{table}}_s", 'planets');
        doquery("RENAME TABLE {{table}} TO {{table}}_s", 'users');
        // Recreer la structure des tables renommées
        doquery("CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{table}} ( LIKE {{table}}_s );", 'planets');
        doquery("CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{table}} ( LIKE {{table}}_s );", 'users');
        // Vider toutes les tables !
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'aks');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'alliance');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'annonce');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'banned');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'buddy');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'chat');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'galaxy');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'errors');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'fleets');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'iraks');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'lunas');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'messages');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'notes');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'rw');
        doquery("TRUNCATE TABLE {{table}}", 'statpoints');
        $AllUsers = doquery("SELECT `username`,`password`,`email`, `email_2`,`authlevel`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`, `sex`, `dpath`, `onlinetime`, `register_time`, `id_planet` FROM {{table}} WHERE 1;", 'users_s');
        $LimitTime = time() - 15 * (24 * (60 * 60));
        $TransUser = 0;
        while ($TheUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($AllUsers)) {
            if ($TheUser['onlinetime'] > $LimitTime) {
                $UserPlanet = doquery("SELECT `name` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $TheUser['id_planet'] . "';", 'planets_s', true);
                if ($UserPlanet['name'] != "") {
                    // Creation de l'utilisateur
                    $QryInsertUser = "******";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`username` = '" . $TheUser['username'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`email` = '" . $TheUser['email'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`email_2` = '" . $TheUser['email_2'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`sex` = '" . $TheUser['sex'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`id_planet` = '0', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`authlevel` = '" . $TheUser['authlevel'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`dpath` = '" . $TheUser['dpath'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`galaxy` = '" . $TheUser['galaxy'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`system` = '" . $TheUser['system'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`planet` = '" . $TheUser['planet'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`register_time` = '" . $TheUser['register_time'] . "', ";
                    $QryInsertUser .= "`password` = '" . $TheUser['password'] . "';";
                    doquery($QryInsertUser, 'users');
                    // On cherche le numero d'enregistrement de l'utilisateur fraichement cr��
                    $NewUser = doquery("SELECT `id` FROM {{table}} WHERE `username` = '" . $TheUser['username'] . "' LIMIT 1;", 'users', true);
                    CreateOnePlanetRecord($TheUser['galaxy'], $TheUser['system'], $TheUser['planet'], $NewUser['id'], $UserPlanet['name'], true);
                    // Recherche de la reference de la nouvelle planete (qui est unique normalement !
                    $PlanetID = doquery("SELECT `id` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $NewUser['id'] . "' LIMIT 1;", 'planets', true);
                    // Mise a jour de l'enregistrement utilisateur avec les infos de sa planete mere
                    $QryUpdateUser = "******";
                    $QryUpdateUser .= "`id_planet` = '" . $PlanetID['id'] . "', ";
                    $QryUpdateUser .= "`current_planet` = '" . $PlanetID['id'] . "' ";
                    $QryUpdateUser .= "WHERE ";
                    $QryUpdateUser .= "`id` = '" . $NewUser['id'] . "';";
                    doquery($QryUpdateUser, 'users');
        // while
        // Mise a jour du nombre de joueurs inscripts
        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `config_value` = '" . $TransUser . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'users_amount' LIMIT 1;", 'config');
        // Menage on vire les tables transitoires
        doquery("DROP TABLE {{table}}", 'planets_s');
        doquery("DROP TABLE {{table}}", 'users_s');
        AdminMessage($TransUser . $lang['adm_rz_done'], $lang['adm_rz_ttle']);
    } else {
        AdminMessage($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']);
    return $Page;
Beispiel #30
             $Pattern = $_GET['ip'];
             $SelUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `user_lastip` = '" . $ip . "' LIMIT 10;", 'users');
             $bloc = $lang;
             $bloc['adm_this_ip'] = $Pattern;
             while ($Usr = mysql_fetch_assoc($SelUser)) {
                 $UsrMain = doquery("SELECT `name` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $Usr['id_planet'] . "';", 'planets', true);
                 $bloc['adm_plyer_lst'] .= "<tr><th>" . $Usr['username'] . "</th><th>[" . $Usr['galaxy'] . ":" . $Usr['system'] . ":" . $Usr['planet'] . "] " . $UsrMain['name'] . "</th></tr>";
             $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_asw2');
             $parse['adm_sub_form2'] = parsetemplate($SubPanelTPL, $bloc);
         case 'usr_note':
             $Player = $_GET['player'];
             $Newnote = $_GET['NoteOp'];
             $QryUpdate = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `NoteOp` = '" . $Newnote . "' WHERE `username` = '" . $Player . "';", 'users');
             AdminMessage($Message, $lang['adm_mod_note']);
 // Traiter les reponses aux formulaires
 if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
     $bloc = $lang;
     switch ($_GET['action']) {
         case 'usr_search':
             $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_frm1');
         case 'usr_data':
             $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_frm4');