function fetchlastUpdateEndpoint() { return ARRAYfetchValue('DATESTAMP', 'ENDPOINT_CHANGE'); }
function fetchVocabularyData($vocabulary_id) { $sql = SQLdatosVocabulario($vocabulary_id); $array = $sql->FetchRow(); $arrayResponse["result"][vocabulary_id] = $array[vocabulario_id]; $arrayResponse["result"][title] = $array[titulo]; $arrayResponse["result"][author] = $array[autor]; $arrayResponse["result"][lang] = $array[idioma]; $arrayResponse["result"][scope] = $array[cobertura]; $arrayResponse["result"][keywords] = $array[keywords]; $arrayResponse["result"][uri] = $array[url_base]; $arrayResponse["result"][createDate] = $array[cuando]; $arrayResponse["result"][lastMod] = fetchlastMod(); $ARRAYfetchValues = ARRAYfetchValues('METADATA'); $ARRAYfetchContactMail = ARRAYfetchValue('CONTACT_MAIL'); $arrayResponse["result"]["contributor"] = $ARRAYfetchValues["dc:contributor"]["value"]; $arrayResponse["result"]["adminEmail"] = $ARRAYfetchContactMail["value"]; $arrayResponse["result"]["publisher"] = $ARRAYfetchValues["dc:publisher"]["value"]; $arrayResponse["result"]["rights"] = $ARRAYfetchValues["dc:rights"]["value"]; $cant_term = ARRAYcantTerms4Thes("1"); $arrayResponse["result"]["cant_terms"] = $cant_term["cant"]; return $arrayResponse; }
</select> </div> </div>'; $rows .= '<div class="form-group"> <label for="cobertura" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cobertura) . '</label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <textarea class="form-control" type="text" rows="3" name="' . FORM_LABEL_Cobertura . '" id="cobertura">' . $array_vocabulario["cobertura"] . '</textarea> </div> </div>'; //is main vocab if ($array_vocabulario[vocabulario_id] == 1) { $ARRAYcontactMail = ARRAYfetchValue('CONTACT_MAIL'); $rows .= '<div class="form-group"> <label for="dia" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Fecha) . '</label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaDia . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaDia . '"> <optgroup label="' . LABEL_dia . '"> ' . doSelectForm($array_dia, $fecha_crea["dia"]) . ' </optgroup> </select> <select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaMes . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaMes . '"> <optgroup label="' . LABEL_mes . '"> ' . doSelectForm($array_mes, $fecha_crea["mes"]) . ' </optgroup> </select> <select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaAno . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaAno . '"> <optgroup label="' . LABEL_ano . '">
function abm_vocabulario($do, $vocabulario_id = "") { global $DBCFG; global $DB; $arrayTesa = doArrayDatosTesauro($_POST); $POSTarrayUser[orga] = trim($POSTarrayUser[orga]); $arrayTesa[titulo] = trim($arrayTesa[titulo]); $arrayTesa[autor] = trim($arrayTesa[autor]); $arrayTesa[idioma] = trim($arrayTesa[idioma]); $arrayTesa[cobertura] = trim($arrayTesa[cobertura]); $arrayTesa[keywords] = trim($arrayTesa[keywords]); $arrayTesa[tipo] = trim($arrayTesa[tipo]); $arrayTesa[polijerarquia] = trim($arrayTesa[polijerarquia]); $arrayTesa[url_base] = trim($arrayTesa[url_base]); $arrayTesa[cuando] = trim($arrayTesa[cuando]); $POSTarrayUser[orga] = $DB->qstr($POSTarrayUser[orga], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[titulo] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[titulo], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[autor] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[autor], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[idioma] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[idioma], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[cobertura] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[cobertura], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[keywords] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[keywords], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[tipo] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[tipo], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[polijerarquia] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[polijerarquia], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[url_base] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[url_base], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa[cuando] = $DB->qstr($arrayTesa[cuando], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $arrayTesa["contact_mail"] = $_POST["contact_mail"]; $vocabulario_id = secure_data($vocabulario_id, "int"); switch ($do) { case 'A': //Alta de vocabulario de referencia $sql = SQL("insert", "into {$DBCFG['DBprefix']}config (titulo,autor,idioma,cobertura,keywords,tipo,polijerarquia,url_base,cuando)\r\n\tvalues\r\n\t({$arrayTesa['titulo']},{$arrayTesa['autor']},{$arrayTesa['idioma']},{$arrayTesa['cobertura']},{$arrayTesa['keywords']},{$arrayTesa['tipo']}, {$arrayTesa['polijerarquia']}, {$arrayTesa['url_base']},{$arrayTesa['cuando']})"); break; case 'M': //Modificacion de vocabulario de referencia y principal $sql = SQL("update", "{$DBCFG['DBprefix']}config SET titulo={$arrayTesa['titulo']},\r\n\t\t\t\tautor={$arrayTesa['autor']},\r\n\t\t\t\tidioma={$arrayTesa['idioma']},\r\n\t\t\t\tcobertura={$arrayTesa['cobertura']},\r\n\t\t\t\tkeywords= {$arrayTesa['keywords']},\r\n\t\t\t\ttipo= {$arrayTesa['tipo']},\r\n\t\t\t\tpolijerarquia= {$arrayTesa['polijerarquia']},\r\n\t\t\t\turl_base= {$arrayTesa['url_base']},\r\n\t\t\t\tcuando={$arrayTesa['cuando']}\r\n\t\t\t\twhere id= '{$vocabulario_id}'"); //It is the main vocabulary => change config values if ($vocabulario_id == '1') { $sql = SQL("select", "v.value_id,v.value_type,v.value,v.value_code,v.value_order\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom {$DBCFG['DBprefix']}values v\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere v.value_type='config'"); while ($array = $sql->FetchRow()) { $value_code = $_POST[$array["value"]] == '00' ? '0' : secure_data($_POST[$array[value]], "int"); $sql_update = SQL("update", "{$DBCFG['DBprefix']}values set value_code='{$value_code}' where value_type='config' and value='{$array['value']}'"); } //Update to 1.72=> check if CFG_SUGGESTxWORD is defined $ctrl = ARRAYfetchValueXValue('config', 'CFG_SUGGESTxWORD'); if (!$ctrl[value_id]) { $value_code = $_POST["CFG_SUGGESTxWORD"] == '00' ? '0' : secure_data($_POST["CFG_SUGGESTxWORD"], "int"); $sql1_6x1_7b = SQL("insert", "into `" . $DBCFG[DBprefix] . "values` (`value_type`, `value`, `value_order`, `value_code`) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t('config', 'CFG_SUGGESTxWORD', NULL, '{$value_code}')"); } //Update to 1.73=> check if CONTACT_MAIL is defined if (ARRAYfetchValue('CONTACT_MAIL')) { $ADDcontactMail = ABM_value("MOD_SINGLE_VALUE", array("value_type" => 'CONTACT_MAIL', "value_code" => 'NULL', "value" => $arrayTesa["contact_mail"])); } else { $ADDcontactMail = ABM_value("ADD_VALUE", array("value_type" => 'CONTACT_MAIL', "value_code" => 'NULL', "value" => $arrayTesa["contact_mail"])); } $MODdccontributor = ABM_value("MOD_VALUE", array("value_type" => 'METADATA', "value_code" => 'dc:contributor', "value" => $_POST["dccontributor"])); $MODdcpublisher = ABM_value("MOD_VALUE", array("value_type" => 'METADATA', "value_code" => 'dc:publisher', "value" => $_POST["dcpublisher"])); $MODdcrights = ABM_value("MOD_VALUE", array("value_type" => 'METADATA', "value_code" => 'dc:rights', "value" => $_POST["dcrights"])); } break; case 'B': //Eliminacion de un vocabulario de REFERENCIA //no es el vocabulario por defecto if ($vocabulario_id > 1) { $sql = SQLo("delete", "from {$DBCFG['DBprefix']}tema where tesauro_id=?", array($vocabulario_id)); $sql = SQLo("delete", "from {$DBCFG['DBprefix']}config where id=?", array($vocabulario_id)); } break; } return array("vocabulario_id" => $vocabulario_id); }
function HTMLformTargetVocabularySuggested($arrayTterm, $t_relation, $string_search, $arrayVocab, $tema_id) { //SEND_KEY to prevent duplicated session_start(); $_SESSION['SEND_KEY'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $label_relation = ucfirst(arrayReplace(array('0', '2', '3', '4'), array(LABEL_Termino, TR_termino, TE_termino, UP_termino), $t_relation)); $rows .= '<h3 id="suggestResult">' . FixEncoding($arrayVocab["tvocab_title"]) . '</h3>'; if (count($arrayTterm) > 0) { $rows .= '<form role="form" name="select_multi_term" action="index.php" method="post">'; $rows .= ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-10"> <legend class="alert alert-info"> ' . $label_relation . ': ' . count($arrayTterm) . ' ' . MSG_ResultBusca . ' <i>' . $string_search . '</i></legend> </div> <!-- panel --> <div class="col-lg-10"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body form-horizontal">'; $rows .= '<div><input id="filter" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_type2filter) . '"></div>'; $rows .= '<div class="table-responsive"> '; $rows .= '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th align="center"></th> <th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Termino) . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="searchable">'; foreach ($arrayTterm as $value) { $rows .= '<tr>'; $rows .= ' <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="selectedTerms[]" id="tterm_' . $value["term_id"] . '" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" value="' . $value["string"] . '|tterm_|' . $value["term_id"] . '" /> </td>'; $rows .= ' <td><label class="check_label" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" for="tterm_' . $value["term_id"] . '">' . $value["string"] . ' <span style="font-weight:normal;">[<a href="' . $arrayVocab["tvocab_url"] . '?tema=' . $value["source_term_id"] . '" title="' . $value["source_string"] . ' (' . $label_relation . ')" target="_blank">' . LABEL_Detalle . '</a>]</span></label></td>'; $rows .= '</tr>'; } $rows .= ' </tbody> </table>'; $rows .= ' </div>'; if ($t_relation !== "4") { $ARRAYuriReference = ARRAYfetchValue("URI_TYPE", "exactMatch"); $rows .= '<div class="form-group"> <input type="checkbox" name="addLinkReference" id="addLinkReference" value="' . $ARRAYuriReference["value_id"] . '" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addExactLink) . '" /> <div class="col-sm-4"> <label for="addLinkReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addExactLink) . '</label> </div> </div>'; $rows .= '<div class="form-group"> <input type="checkbox" name="addMappReference" id="addMappReference" value="1" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addMapLink) . ' (' . ucfirst($arrayVocab["tvocab_label"]) . '" checked /> <div class="col-sm-4"> <label for="addMappReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addMapLink) . '</label> </div> </div>'; $rows .= '<div class="form-group"> <input type="checkbox" name="addNoteReference" id="addNoteReference" value="1" alt="' . ucfirst(LABEL_addSourceNote) . '" checked /> <div class="col-sm-4"> <label for="addNoteReference">' . ucfirst(LABEL_addSourceNote) . '</label> </div> </div>'; } $rows .= ' <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-12 text-center"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="' . LABEL_Enviar . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn" name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- / panel -->'; $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="ks" id="ks" value="' . $_SESSION["SEND_KEY"] . '"/>'; $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="tema" value="' . $tema_id . '" />'; $rows .= '<input type="hidden" id="t_relation" name="t_relation" value="' . $t_relation . '"/>'; $rows .= '<input type="hidden" id="taskterm" name="taskterm" value="addSuggestedTerms"/>'; $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="tvocab_id" name="tvocab_id" value="' . $arrayVocab["tvocab_id"] . '"/>'; $rows .= '</form>'; } else { $rows .= '<p class="alert alert-danger"> ' . $label_relation . ': ' . count($arrayTterm) . ' ' . MSG_ResultBusca . ' <i>' . $string_search . '</i></p>'; } return $rows; }
function addTerm($skos, $node) { /* fectch hidden label ID */ $ARRAYhiddenLabelCode = ARRAYfetchValue("4", "H"); // Preferred label $prefLabels = $skos->xpath->query('./skos:prefLabel', $node); foreach ($prefLabels as $prefLabel) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $prefLabel); if (isset($value)) { // find URI $uri = $node->getAttributeNodeNS('', 'about'); if ($uri instanceof DOMAttr) { $source_uri = $uri->nodeValue; } $node_stringPreferedTerm = $value["value"]; $node_stringPreferedTermLang = $value["lang"]; //add term if ($node_stringPreferedTermLang == $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"]) { $ARRAYterm = ARRAYCode($source_uri); if ($ARRAYterm[tema_id]) { $term_id = $ARRAYterm[tema_id]; } else { $term_id = ALTAtema($node_stringPreferedTerm, "1", "13"); } } elseif (!$node_stringPreferedTermLang) { /* * What to do if the term is not in the same language of the controlled vocabulary ??? */ $ARRAYterm = ARRAYCode($source_uri); if ($ARRAYterm[tema_id]) { $term_id = $ARRAYterm[tema_id]; } else { $term_id = ALTAtema($node_stringPreferedTerm, "1", "13"); } } } } //This is a new term if (!$ARRAYterm[tema_id]) { edit_single_code($term_id, $source_uri); // Alternate labels foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:altLabel', $node) as $altLabel) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $altLabel); //the same language if (isset($value) && $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"] == $value["lang"]) { $node_alt_term[] = $value; $alt_term_id = ALTAtema($value["value"], "1", "13"); ALTArelacionXId($alt_term_id, $term_id, "4"); } } // Alternate hidden labels foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:hiddenLabel', $node) as $altLabel) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $altLabel); //the same language if (isset($value) && $_SESSION["CFGIdioma"] == $value["lang"]) { $node_alt_term[] = $value; $alt_term_id = ALTAtema($value["value"], "1", "13"); ALTArelacionXId($alt_term_id, $term_id, "4", $ARRAYhiddenLabelCode[value_id]); } } // Scope notes foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:scopeNote', $node) as $scopeNote) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $scopeNote); if (isset($value["value"]) && is_string($value["value"])) { $node_notes[] = $value; $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang; ALTAnota($term_id, "NA", $lang_nota, $value["value"]); } } // Definition notes foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:definition', $node) as $defNote) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $defNote); if (isset($value["value"])) { $node_defnotes[] = $value; $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang; ALTAnota($term_id, "NA", $lang_nota, $value["value"]); } } // changeNote foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:changeNote', $node) as $defNote) { $value = setI18nValue($skos, $defNote); if (isset($value["value"])) { $node_defnotes[] = $value; $lang_nota = $value["lang"] ? $value["lang"] : $node_stringPreferedTermLang; ALTAnota($term_id, "NH", $lang_nota, $value["value"]); } } //~ // exactMatch $sqlMatchTypes = SQLfetchValue('URI_TYPE'); while ($arrayMatchTypes = $sqlMatchTypes->FetchRow()) { foreach ($skos->xpath->query("./skos:{$arrayMatchTypes['value']}", $node) as $matchNode) { // find URI $uri_match = $matchNode->getAttributeNodeNS('', 'resource'); if ($uri_match instanceof DOMAttr) { abmURI("A", $term_id, array("uri" => $uri_match->nodeValue, "uri_type_id" => $arrayMatchTypes[value_id])); } } } // Find and add narrow terms // TODO: Merge broader/narrower relations for this term, as defining // inverse of relationship is not required by SKOS // if ($uri instanceof DOMAttr) { foreach ($skos->xpath->query('./skos:Concept[skos:broader[@rdf:resource="' . $uri->nodeValue . '"]]') as $narrower) { if (!$narrower instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } $NT_term_id = addTerm($skos, $narrower); if ($NT_term_id) { ALTArelacionXId($term_id, $NT_term_id, "3"); } } } //end if new term } return $term_id; }
?> " /> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </nav> <div class="container"> <?php $resumen = ARRAYresumen($_SESSION["id_tesa"], "G", ""); $fecha_crea = do_fecha($_SESSION["CFGCreacion"]); $fecha_mod = do_fecha($_SESSION["CFGlastMod"]); $ARRAYmailContact = ARRAYfetchValue('CONTACT_MAIL'); ?> <div class="container" id="bodyText"> <h1><?php echo $_SESSION[CFGTitulo]; ?> / <?php echo $_SESSION[CFGAutor]; ?> </h1> <dl class="dl-horizontal" id="sumario"> <dt><?php echo ucfirst(LABEL_URI); ?> </dt><dd><?php