Beispiel #1
function webStat($folderPath)
    $dateTime = '';
    $content = '';
    $splStr = '';
    $thisUrl = '';
    $goToUrl = '';
    $caiShu = '';
    $c = '';
    $fileName = '';
    $co = '';
    $ie = '';
    $xp = '';
    $goToUrl = serverVariables('HTTP_REFERER');
    $thisUrl = 'http://' . serverVariables('HTTP_HOST') . serverVariables('SCRIPT_NAME');
    $caiShu = serverVariables('QUERY_STRING');
    if ($caiShu != '') {
        $thisUrl = $thisUrl . '?' . $caiShu;
    $goToUrl = @$_REQUEST['GoToUrl'];
    $thisUrl = @$_REQUEST['ThisUrl'];
    $co = @$_GET['co'];
    $dateTime = now();
    $content = serverVariables('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
    $content = replace($content, 'MSIE', 'Internet Explorer');
    $content = replace($content, 'NT 5.0', '2000');
    $content = replace($content, 'NT 5.1', 'XP');
    $content = replace($content, 'NT 5.2', '2003');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content . ';;;;', ';');
    $ie = $splStr[1];
    $xp = aspTrim($splStr[2]);
    if (right($xp, 1) == ')') {
        $xp = mid($xp, 1, len($xp) - 1);
    $c = '来访' . $goToUrl . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . '当前:' . $thisUrl . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . '时间:' . $dateTime . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . 'IP:' . getIP() . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . 'IE:' . getBrType('') . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . 'Cookies=' . $co . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . 'XP=' . $xp . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . 'Screen=' . @$_REQUEST['screen'] . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . '用户信息=' . serverVariables('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . vbCrlf();
    $c = $c . '-------------------------------------------------' . vbCrlf();
    //c=c & "CaiShu=" & CaiShu & vbcrlf
    $fileName = $folderPath . Format_Time(now(), 2) . '.txt';
    CreateAddFile($fileName, $c);
    $c = $c . vbCrlf() . $fileName;
    $c = replace($c, vbCrlf(), '\\n');
    $c = replace($c, '"', '\\"');
    //Response.Write("eval(""var MyWebStat=\""" & C & "\"""")")
    $splxx = '';
    $nIP = '';
    $nPV = '';
    $ipList = '';
    $s = '';
    $ip = '';
    if (@$_REQUEST['stype'] == 'display') {
        $content = getFText($fileName);
        $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------------------------' . vbCrlf());
        $nIP = 0;
        $nPV = 0;
        $ipList = '';
        foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
            if (inStr($s, '当前:') > 0) {
                $s = vbCrlf() . $s . vbCrlf();
                $ip = ADSql(getStrCut($s, vbCrlf() . 'IP:', vbCrlf(), 0));
                $nPV = $nPV + 1;
                if (inStr(vbCrlf() . $ipList . vbCrlf(), vbCrlf() . $ip . vbCrlf()) == false) {
                    $ipList = $ipList . $ip . vbCrlf();
                    $nIP = $nIP + 1;
        Rw('document.write(\'网长统计 | 今日IP[' . $nIP . '] | 今日PV[' . $nPV . '] \')');
    $webStat = $c;
    return @$webStat;
Beispiel #2
function websiteDetail()
    $content = '';
    $splxx = '';
    $filePath = '';
    $s = '';
    $ip = '';
    $ipList = '';
    $nIP = '';
    $nPV = '';
    $i = '';
    $timeStr = '';
    $c = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 30; $i++) {
        $timeStr = getHandleDate(($i - 1) * -1);
        //format_Time(Now() - i + 1, 2)
        $filePath = $GLOBALS['adminDir'] . '/data/stat/' . $timeStr . '.txt';
        $content = getFText($filePath);
        $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------------------------' . vbCrlf());
        $nIP = 0;
        $nPV = 0;
        $ipList = '';
        foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
            if (inStr($s, '当前:') > 0) {
                $s = vbCrlf() . $s . vbCrlf();
                $ip = ADSql(getStrCut($s, vbCrlf() . 'IP:', vbCrlf(), 0));
                $nPV = $nPV + 1;
                if (inStr(vbCrlf() . $ipList . vbCrlf(), vbCrlf() . $ip . vbCrlf()) == false) {
                    $ipList = $ipList . $ip . vbCrlf();
                    $nIP = $nIP + 1;
        aspEcho($timeStr, 'IP(' . $nIP . ') PV(' . $nPV . ')');
        if ($i < 4) {
            $c = $c . $timeStr . ' IP(' . $nIP . ') PV(' . $nPV . ')' . '<br>';
    setConfigFileBlock($GLOBALS['WEB_CACHEFile'], $c, '#访客信息#');
    writeSystemLog('', '详细网站统计');
Beispiel #3
function XY_handleGetTableBody($action, $tableName, $fieldParamName, $defaultFileName, $adminUrl)
    $url = '';
    $content = '';
    $id = '';
    $sql = '';
    $addSql = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $fieldParamValue = '';
    $fieldNameList = '';
    $nLen = '';
    $delHtmlYes = '';
    $trimYes = '';
    $defaultStr = '';
    $noisonhtml = '';
    $intoFieldStr = '';
    $valuesStr = '';
    $nonull = '';
    $fieldName = RParam($action, 'fieldname');
    $noisonhtml = RParam($action, 'noisonhtml');
    $nonull = RParam($action, 'noisonhtml');
    //内容不能为空20160716 home
    if ($noisonhtml == 'true') {
        $intoFieldStr = ',isonhtml';
        $valuesStr = ',0';
    $fieldNameList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段列表');
    if ($fieldName == '' || inStr($fieldNameList, ',' . $fieldName . ',') == false) {
        $fieldName = $defaultFileName;
    $fieldName = lCase($fieldName);
    $fieldParamValue = RParam($action, $fieldParamName);
    $id = handleNumber(RParam($action, 'id'));
    $addSql = ' where ' . $fieldParamName . '=\'' . $fieldParamValue . '\'';
    if ($id != '') {
        $addSql = ' where id=' . $id;
    $content = getDefaultValue($action);
    $defaultStr = $content;
    $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . $addSql;
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        //自动添加 20160113
        if (RParam($action, 'autoadd') == 'true') {
            connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' (' . $fieldParamName . ',' . $fieldName . $intoFieldStr . ') values(\'' . $fieldParamValue . '\',\'' . ADSql($content) . '\'' . $valuesStr . ')');
    } else {
        $id = $rs['id'];
        $content = $rs[$fieldName];
        if (len($content) <= 0) {
            $content = $defaultStr;
            connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' set ' . $fieldName . '=\'' . $content . '\' where id=' . $rs['id']);
    $delHtmlYes = RParam($action, 'delHtml');
    if ($delHtmlYes == 'true') {
        $content = replace(delHtml($content), '<', '&lt;');
    $trimYes = RParam($action, 'trim');
    if ($trimYes == 'true') {
        $content = TrimVbCrlf($content);
    $nLen = RParam($action, 'len');
    $nLen = handleNumber($nLen);
    //If nLen<>"" Then ReplaceStr = CutStr(ReplaceStr,nLen,"null")' Left(ReplaceStr,nLen)
    if ($nLen != '') {
        $content = CutStr($content, $nLen, '...');
    if ($id == '') {
        $id = XY_AP_GetFieldValue('', $sql, 'id');
    $url = $adminUrl . '&id=' . $id . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
    if (@$_REQUEST['gl'] == 'edit') {
        $content = '<span>' . $content . '</span>';
    //call echo(sql,url)
    $content = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $content, '', 'span');
    $XY_handleGetTableBody = $content;
    return @$XY_handleGetTableBody;
function scanDomainHomePageSize()
    $url = '';
    $nSetTime = '';
    $isdomain = '';
    $htmlDir = '';
    $txtFilePath = '';
    $homePageList = '';
    $nThis = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $splstr = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $website = '';
    $nState = '';
    $websize = '';
    $content = '';
    $startTime = '';
    $webtitle = '';
    $webkeywords = '';
    $webdescription = '';
    $nThis = @$_REQUEST['nThis'];
    if ($nThis == '') {
        $nThis = 0;
    } else {
        $nThis = cint($nThis);
    $nSetTime = 3;
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webdomain where website<>\'\' and websize=0 and isdomain=true');
    $nCount = @$_REQUEST['nCount'];
    if ($nCount == '') {
        $nCount = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    while ($rs = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsObj)) {
        $nThis = $nThis + 1;
        aspEcho($nThis . '/' . $nCount, $rs['website']);
        $htmlDir = '/../网站UrlScan/域名首页大小/';
        $txtFilePath = $htmlDir . '/' . setFileName($rs['website']) . '.txt';
        if (CheckFile($txtFilePath) == true) {
            aspEcho('类型', '本地');
            $nSetTime = 1;
        } else {
            $website = getWebSite($rs['website']);
            if ($website == '') {
                Eerr('域名为空', $GLOBALS['httpurl']);
            $content = getHttpPage($website, $rs['charset']);
            $content = toGB2312Char($content);
            if ($content == '') {
                $content = ' ';
            createFile($txtFilePath, $content);
            aspEcho('类型', '网络');
        $content = getFText($txtFilePath);
        $webtitle = getHtmlValue($content, 'webtitle');
        $webkeywords = getHtmlValue($content, 'webkeywords');
        $webdescription = getHtmlValue($content, 'webdescription');
        $websize = getFSize($txtFilePath);
        aspEcho('webtitle', $webtitle);
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webdomain  set webtitle=\'' . ADSql($webtitle) . '\',webkeywords=\'' . $webkeywords . '\',webdescription=\'' . $webdescription . '\',websize=' . $websize . ',isthrough=false,updatetime=\'' . now() . '\'  where id=' . $rs['id'] . '');
        $startTime = @$_REQUEST['startTime'];
        if ($startTime == '') {
            $startTime = now();
        Rw(VBRunTimer($startTime) . '<hr>');
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?nThis=' . $nThis . '&nCount=' . $nCount . '&startTime=' . $startTime . '&N=' . getRnd(11), 'replace');
        Rw(jsTiming($url, $nSetTime));
    aspEcho('操作完成', '<a href=\'?act=dispalyManageHandle&actionType=WebDomain&addsql=order by id desc&lableTitle=网站域名\'>OK,共(' . $nThis . ')条</a>');