  * Initialise the sitewide admin panel: register actions and filters
 function init()
     if (is_null($this->settings)) {
         $this->settings = AA_settings();
     if (function_exists('is_network_admin')) {
         // Wordpress 3.1
         add_action('network_admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_submenu'));
     } else {
         add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_submenu'));
  * The shortcode handler for the [authoravatars] shortcode.
 function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = null)
     require_once 'UserList.class.php';
     $this->userlist = new UserList();
     $settings = AA_settings();
     // roles
     $roles = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['roles'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['roles'])) {
             $roles = explode(',', $atts['roles']);
         } else {
             $roles = $atts['roles'];
         $roles = array_map('trim', $roles);
     $this->userlist->roles = $roles;
     // blogs
     $blogs = array();
     // default value: empty -> only current blog
     if ($settings->blog_selection_allowed() && !empty($atts['blogs'])) {
         if (strtolower($atts['blogs']) == 'all') {
             $blogs = array(-1);
         } else {
             if (!is_array($atts['blogs'])) {
                 $blogs = explode(',', $atts['blogs']);
             } else {
                 $blogs = array_map('trim', $blogs);
             $blogs = array_map('intval', $blogs);
     $this->userlist->blogs = $blogs;
     // grouping
     $group_by = '';
     if (isset($atts['group_by'])) {
         if (AA_is_wpmu() && $atts['group_by'] == 'blog') {
             $group_by = 'blog';
     $this->userlist->group_by = $group_by;
     // hidden users
     $hiddenusers = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['hiddenusers'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['hiddenusers'])) {
             $hiddenusers = explode(',', $atts['hiddenusers']);
     $this->userlist->hiddenusers = array_map('trim', $hiddenusers);
     // just these users
     $onlyusers = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['onlyusers'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['onlyusers'])) {
             $onlyusers = explode(',', $atts['onlyusers']);
     $this->userlist->onlyusers = array_map('trim', $onlyusers);
     // link to author page? (deprecated)
     if (isset($atts['link_to_authorpage']) && strlen($atts['link_to_authorpage']) > 0) {
         // by default always true, has to be set explicitly to not link the users
         $set_to_false = $atts['link_to_authorpage'] == 'false' || (bool) $atts['link_to_authorpage'] == false;
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->user_link = false;
     if (!empty($atts['user_link'])) {
         $this->userlist->user_link = $atts['user_link'];
     $display = array();
     if (!empty($atts['display'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['display'])) {
             $display = explode(',', $atts['display']);
         } else {
             $display = $atts['display'];
     $display = apply_filters('aa_shortcode_display_list', $display);
     // support for all style shortcode
     $default_display_options = array('show_name', 'show_postcount', 'show_email', 'show_biography', 'show_last_post', 'show_bbpress_post_count');
     // loop the old name=true settings and add them to the new array format
     foreach ($default_display_options as $default_display_option) {
         if (isset($atts[$default_display_option]) && strlen($atts[$default_display_option]) > 0) {
             if (true == $atts[$default_display_option] && !in_array($default_display_option, $display)) {
                 $display[] = $default_display_option;
     // the defaults array and set the globals if found
     foreach ($default_display_options as $default_display_option) {
         if (in_array($default_display_option, $display)) {
             $this->userlist->{$default_display_option} = true;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->{$default_display_option} = false;
     $this->userlist->display_extra = array_diff($display, $default_display_options);
     // avatar size
     if (!empty($atts['avatar_size'])) {
         $size = intval($atts['avatar_size']);
         if ($size > 0) {
             $this->userlist->avatar_size = $size;
     // max. number of avatars
     if (!empty($atts['limit'])) {
         $limit = intval($atts['limit']);
         if ($limit > 0) {
             $this->userlist->limit = $limit;
     // max. number of avatars
     $this->userlist->bio_length = -1;
     if (!empty($atts['max_bio_length'])) {
         $bio_length = intval($atts['max_bio_length']);
         if (0 < $bio_length) {
             $this->userlist->bio_length = $bio_length;
     // min. number of posts
     if (!empty($atts['min_post_count'])) {
         $min_post_count = intval($atts['min_post_count']);
         if (0 < $min_post_count) {
             $this->userlist->min_post_count = $min_post_count;
     // get page size
     if (!empty($atts['page_size'])) {
         $page_size = intval($atts['page_size']);
         if (0 < $page_size) {
             $this->userlist->page_size = $page_size;
     // get page size
     if (!empty($atts['aa_page'])) {
         $page_size = intval($atts['aa_page']);
         if (0 < $page_size) {
             $this->userlist->aa_page = $page_size;
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['aa_page']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['aa_page'])) {
         $page_size = intval($_REQUEST['aa_page']);
         if (0 < $page_size) {
             $this->userlist->aa_page = $page_size;
     // display order
     $sort_direction = 'asc';
     if (!empty($atts['order'])) {
         $order = $atts['order'];
         if (strpos($order, ',') !== false) {
             list($order, $sort_direction) = explode(',', $order, 2);
         $this->userlist->order = $order;
     if (!empty($atts['sort_direction'])) {
         $sort_direction = $atts['sort_direction'];
     $valid_directions = array('asc', 'ascending', 'desc', 'descending');
     if (in_array($sort_direction, $valid_directions)) {
         $this->userlist->sort_direction = $sort_direction;
     // render as a list?
     if (isset($atts['render_as_list'])) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['render_as_list'] == 'false';
         if (!$set_to_false) {
     return '<div class="shortcode-author-avatars">' . $this->userlist->get_output() . $content . $this->userlist->pagingHTML . '</div>';
  * Constructor
 function AuthorAvatarsForm()
     require_once 'FormHelper.class.php';
     $this->settings = AA_settings();
     $this->tabs = array();
  * The shortcode handler for the [authoravatars] shortcode.
 function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = null)
     require_once 'UserList.class.php';
     $this->userlist = new UserList();
     $settings = AA_settings();
     // roles
     $roles = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['roles'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['roles'])) {
             $roles = explode(',', $atts['roles']);
         } else {
             $roles = $atts['roles'];
         $roles = array_map('trim', $roles);
     $this->userlist->roles = $roles;
     // blogs
     $blogs = array();
     // default value: empty -> only current blog
     if ($settings->blog_selection_allowed() && !empty($atts['blogs'])) {
         if (strtolower($atts['blogs']) == 'all') {
             $blogs = array(-1);
         } else {
             if (!is_array($atts['blogs'])) {
                 $blogs = explode(',', $atts['blogs']);
             } else {
                 $blogs = array_map('trim', $blogs);
             $blogs = array_map('intval', $blogs);
     $this->userlist->blogs = $blogs;
     // grouping
     $group_by = '';
     if (isset($atts['group_by'])) {
         if (AA_is_wpmu() && $atts['group_by'] == 'blog') {
             $group_by = 'blog';
     $this->userlist->group_by = $group_by;
     // hidden users
     $hiddenusers = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['hiddenusers'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['hiddenusers'])) {
             $hiddenusers = explode(',', $atts['hiddenusers']);
     $this->userlist->hiddenusers = array_map('trim', $hiddenusers);
     // just these users
     $onlyusers = array();
     // default value: no restriction -> all users
     if (!empty($atts['onlyusers'])) {
         if (!is_array($atts['onlyusers'])) {
             $onlyusers = explode(',', $atts['onlyusers']);
     $this->userlist->onlyusers = array_map('trim', $onlyusers);
     // link to author page? (deprecated)
     if (isset($atts['link_to_authorpage']) && strlen($atts['link_to_authorpage']) > 0) {
         // by default always true, has to be set explicitly to not link the users
         $set_to_false = $atts['link_to_authorpage'] == 'false' || (bool) $atts['link_to_authorpage'] == false;
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->user_link = false;
     if (!empty($atts['user_link'])) {
         $this->userlist->user_link = $atts['user_link'];
     // show author name?
     if (isset($atts['show_name']) && strlen($atts['show_name']) > 0) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['show_name'] == 'false';
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->show_name = false;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->show_name = true;
     // show post count?
     if (isset($atts['show_postcount']) && strlen($atts['show_postcount']) > 0) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['show_postcount'] == 'false';
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->show_postcount = false;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->show_postcount = true;
     // show email?
     if (isset($atts['show_email']) && strlen($atts['show_email']) > 0) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['show_email'] == 'false';
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->show_email = false;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->show_email = true;
     // show biography?
     if (isset($atts['show_biography']) && strlen($atts['show_biography']) > 0) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['show_biography'] == 'false';
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->show_biography = false;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->show_biography = true;
     // show show_bbpress_post_count?
     if (isset($atts['show_bbpress_post_count']) && strlen($atts['show_bbpress_post_count']) > 0) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['show_bbpress_post_count'] == 'false';
         if ($set_to_false) {
             $this->userlist->show_bbpress_post_count = false;
         } else {
             $this->userlist->show_bbpress_post_count = true;
     // avatar size
     if (!empty($atts['avatar_size'])) {
         $size = intval($atts['avatar_size']);
         if ($size > 0) {
             $this->userlist->avatar_size = $size;
     // max. number of avatars
     if (!empty($atts['limit'])) {
         $limit = intval($atts['limit']);
         if ($limit > 0) {
             $this->userlist->limit = $limit;
     // min. number of posts
     if (!empty($atts['min_post_count'])) {
         $min_post_count = intval($atts['min_post_count']);
         if ($min_post_count > 0) {
             $this->userlist->min_post_count = $min_post_count;
     // get page size
     if (!empty($atts['page_size'])) {
         $page_size = intval($atts['page_size']);
         if ($page_size > 0) {
             $this->userlist->page_size = $page_size;
     // get page size
     if (!empty($atts['aa_page'])) {
         $page_size = intval($atts['aa_page']);
         if ($page_size > 0) {
             $this->userlist->aa_page = $page_size;
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['aa_page']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['aa_page'])) {
         $page_size = intval($_REQUEST['aa_page']);
         if ($page_size > 0) {
             $this->userlist->aa_page = $page_size;
     // display order
     $sort_direction = 'asc';
     if (!empty($atts['order'])) {
         $order = $atts['order'];
         if (strpos($order, ',') !== false) {
             list($order, $sort_direction) = explode(',', $order, 2);
         $this->userlist->order = $order;
     if (!empty($atts['sort_direction'])) {
         $sort_direction = $atts['sort_direction'];
     $valid_directions = array('asc', 'ascending', 'desc', 'descending');
     if (in_array($sort_direction, $valid_directions)) {
         $this->userlist->sort_direction = $sort_direction;
     // render as a list?
     if (isset($atts['render_as_list'])) {
         $set_to_false = $atts['render_as_list'] == 'false';
         if (!$set_to_false) {
     return '<div class="shortcode-author-avatars">' . $this->userlist->get_output() . $content . $this->userlist->pagingHTML . '</div>';