require_once "Page.php";
require_once "detection.php";
require_once "adapter.php";
require_once "page_tools.php";
require_once "counter.php";
$prefix = Device::templates();
$page = Page::factory($prefix);
// check to see if this is a deep link, if so redirect
// must be a webkit classified browser and missing the interal request [ir] var
// ir var is defined in jqtouch for GETs and as a hidden var in forms
if ($prefix == 'webkit' && (!$_REQUEST['ir'] || $_REQUEST['ir'] == '')) {
    header("location:/?redirect=" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// record stats for the section in the database
$section = Page::getSection($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
class DataServerException extends Exception
// use php default error handler for the dev version of the web site
// unccmment the line below to use the custom exception handler
// set_exception_handler("exception_handler");
function exception_handler($exception)
    if (is_a($exception, "DataServerException")) {
        $error_query = "code=data&url=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    } else {
        $error_query = "code=internal";
    $error_url = "../error-page/?{$error_query}";
Example #2

require_once 'libs/page.php';
$page = new Page();
include 'header.php';
include ($page->getSection() ?: '404') . '.php';
include 'footer.php';