Example #1
 * qPlanet.: Another free RSS planet.
 * @author Jorge Fuertes - jorge@jorgefuertes.com
 * @version 2.0
 * @package qPlanet
# Setup class autoload:
function __autoload($class)
    require_once "include/" . $class . ".class.php";
# General configuration, options and feeds:
$Config = new Config();
error_reporting($Config->getOpt('options', 'reporting'));
# Simplepie: 3rd-party rss processing:
# RSS init:
$rss = new Rss();
# Get the posts:
Debug::info("Getting the posts");
$posts = $rss->getPosts($Config->getFeeds());
# Write mode output openning:
Debug::info("Generating HTML output at " . OUTDIR . "/" . OUTFILE);
Debug::info("Generating RSS 2.0 output at " . OUTDIR . "/rss20.xml");
$fOutput = new Output();
# Output files generation: