Example #1
function wiki_get_timestamp($widgetName, &$widgetTimestamp, &$smarty_obj)
    $widgetTitle = Title::newFromText($widgetName, NS_WIDGET);
    if ($widgetTitle && $widgetTitle->exists()) {
        $widgetArticle = new Article($widgetTitle);
        $widgetTimestamp = $widgetArticle->getTouched();
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #2
  * Retrieve the ParserOutput from ParserCache.
  * false if not found or outdated.
  * @param WikiPage|Article $article
  * @param ParserOptions $popts
  * @param bool $useOutdated (default false)
  * @return ParserOutput|bool False on failure
 public function get($article, $popts, $useOutdated = false)
     global $wgCacheEpoch;
     $canCache = $article->checkTouched();
     if (!$canCache) {
         // It's a redirect now
         return false;
     $touched = $article->getTouched();
     $parserOutputKey = $this->getKey($article, $popts, $useOutdated);
     if ($parserOutputKey === false) {
         return false;
     $value = $this->mMemc->get($parserOutputKey);
     if (!$value) {
         wfDebug("ParserOutput cache miss.\n");
         return false;
     wfDebug("ParserOutput cache found.\n");
     // The edit section preference may not be the appropiate one in
     // the ParserOutput, as we are not storing it in the parsercache
     // key. Force it here. See bug 31445.
     $wikiPage = method_exists($article, 'getPage') ? $article->getPage() : $article;
     if (!$useOutdated && $value->expired($touched)) {
         $cacheTime = $value->getCacheTime();
         wfDebug("ParserOutput key expired, touched {$touched}, " . "epoch {$wgCacheEpoch}, cached {$cacheTime}\n");
         $value = false;
     } elseif ($value->isDifferentRevision($article->getLatest())) {
         $revId = $article->getLatest();
         $cachedRevId = $value->getCacheRevisionId();
         wfDebug("ParserOutput key is for an old revision, latest {$revId}, cached {$cachedRevId}\n");
         $value = false;
     } elseif (Hooks::run('RejectParserCacheValue', array($value, $wikiPage, $popts)) === false) {
         wfDebug("ParserOutput key valid, but rejected by RejectParserCacheValue hook handler.\n");
         $value = false;
     } else {
     return $value;

$lang = 'meta';
// notify MWMultiVersion
require '/srv/mediawiki/w/MWVersion.php';
require getMediaWiki('includes/WebStart.php');
$allowed_templates = array('Www.wikimedia.org_template', 'Www.wikipedia.org_template', 'Www.wikinews.org_template', 'Www.wiktionary.org_template', 'Www.wikiquote.org_template', 'Www.wikiversity.org_template', 'Www.wikibooks.org_template', 'Www.wikivoyage.org_template', 'API_listing_template');
$template = $wgRequest->getText('template', 'Www.wikipedia.org_template');
if (!in_array($template, $allowed_templates)) {
    header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
    echo 'Invalid parameters...';
$wgTitle = Title::newFromText($template);
$wgArticle = new Article($wgTitle);
$rawHtml = $wgArticle->getContent(false);
$lastmod = gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $wgArticle->getTouched())) . ' GMT';
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Cache-Control: s-maxage=3600, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
header("Last-modified: {$lastmod}");
echo $rawHtml;
Example #4
  * Send ETag header with article's last modification timestamp and cache buster
  * See BAC-1227 for details
  * @param WikiPage $article
  * @param ParserOptions $popts
  * @param $eTag
  * @author macbre
 static function onParserCacheGetETag(Article $article, ParserOptions $popts, &$eTag)
     global $wgStyleVersion, $wgUser, $wgCacheEpoch;
     $touched = $article->getTouched();
     // don't emit the default touched value set in WikiPage class (see CONN-430)
     if ($touched === '19700101000000') {
         $eTag = '';
         return true;
     // use the same rules as in OutputPage::checkLastModified
     $timestamps = ['page' => $touched, 'user' => $wgUser->getTouched(), 'epoch' => $wgCacheEpoch];
     $eTag = sprintf('%s-%s', max($timestamps), $wgStyleVersion);
     return true;
  * Collects metadata and additional resources for this page
  * @param Title $oTitle
  * @param DOMDocument $oPageDOM
  * @param array $aParams
  * @return array array( 'meta' => ..., 'resources' => ...);
 private static function collectData($oTitle, $oPageDOM, $aParams)
     $aMeta = array();
     $aResources = array('ATTACHMENT' => array(), 'STYLESHEET' => array(), 'IMAGE' => array());
     // TODO RBV (01.02.12 13:51): Handle oldid
     $aCategories = array();
     if ($oTitle->exists()) {
         // TODO RBV (27.06.12 11:47): Throws an exception. Maybe better use try ... catch instead of $oTitle->exists()
         $aAPIParams = new FauxRequest(array('action' => 'parse', 'page' => $oTitle->getPrefixedText(), 'prop' => 'images|categories|links'));
         $oAPI = new ApiMain($aAPIParams);
         if (defined('ApiResult::META_CONTENT')) {
             $aResult = $oAPI->getResult()->getResultData(null, array('BC' => array(), 'Types' => array(), 'Strip' => 'all'));
         } else {
             $aResult = $oAPI->getResultData();
         foreach ($aResult['parse']['categories'] as $aCat) {
             $aCategories[] = $aCat['*'];
     		//For future use...
     		foreach($aResult['parse']['images'] as $sFileName ) {
     			$oImage = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->newFile( Title::newFromText( $sFileName, NS_FILE ) );
     			if( $oImage->exists() ) {
     				$sAbsoluteFileSystemPath = $oImage->getFullPath();
     //Dublin Core:
     $aMeta['DC.title'] = $oTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $aMeta['DC.date'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601);
     // TODO RBV (14.12.10 14:01): Check for conformity. Maybe there is a better way to acquire than wfTimestamp()?
     global $wgLang;
     $sCurrentTS = $wgLang->userAdjust(wfTimestampNow());
     $aMeta['title'] = $oTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $aMeta['exportdate'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('d.m.Y', $sCurrentTS);
     $aMeta['exporttime'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('H:i', $sCurrentTS);
     $aMeta['exporttimeexact'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('H:i:s', $sCurrentTS);
     //Custom - Categories->Keywords
     $aMeta['keywords'] = implode(', ', $aCategories);
     $oDOMXPath = new DOMXPath($oPageDOM);
     $oMetadataElements = $oDOMXPath->query("//div[@class='bs-universalexport-meta']");
     foreach ($oMetadataElements as $oMetadataElement) {
         if ($oMetadataElement->hasAttributes()) {
             foreach ($oMetadataElement->attributes as $oAttribute) {
                 if ($oAttribute->name !== 'class') {
                     $aMeta[$oAttribute->name] = $oAttribute->value;
     //If it's a normal article
     if (!in_array($oTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_SPECIAL, NS_IMAGE, NS_CATEGORY))) {
         $oArticle = new Article($oTitle);
         $aMeta['author'] = $oArticle->getUserText();
         // TODO RBV (14.12.10 12:19): Realname/Username -> DisplayName
         $aMeta['date'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('d.m.Y', $oArticle->getTouched());
     wfRunHooks('BSUEModulePDFcollectMetaData', array($oTitle, $oPageDOM, &$aParams, $oDOMXPath, &$aMeta));
     $aMetaDataOverrides = json_decode(BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::MetadataOverrides'), true);
     $aMeta = array_merge($aMeta, $aMetaDataOverrides);
     return array('meta' => $aMeta, 'resources' => $aResources);
Example #6
  * Retrieve the ParserOutput from ParserCache.
  * false if not found or outdated.
  * @param Article $article
  * @param ParserOptions $popts
  * @param bool $useOutdated (default false)
  * @return ParserOutput|bool False on failure
 public function get($article, $popts, $useOutdated = false)
     global $wgCacheEpoch;
     $canCache = $article->checkTouched();
     if (!$canCache) {
         // It's a redirect now
         return false;
     $touched = $article->getTouched();
     $parserOutputKey = $this->getKey($article, $popts, $useOutdated);
     if ($parserOutputKey === false) {
         return false;
     $value = $this->mMemc->get($parserOutputKey);
     if (!$value) {
         wfDebug("ParserOutput cache miss.\n");
         return false;
     wfDebug("ParserOutput cache found.\n");
     // The edit section preference may not be the appropiate one in
     // the ParserOutput, as we are not storing it in the parsercache
     // key. Force it here. See bug 31445.
     if (!$useOutdated && $value->expired($touched)) {
         $cacheTime = $value->getCacheTime();
         wfDebug("ParserOutput key expired, touched {$touched}, " . "epoch {$wgCacheEpoch}, cached {$cacheTime}\n");
         $value = false;
     } elseif ($value->isDifferentRevision($article->getLatest())) {
         $revId = $article->getLatest();
         $cachedRevId = $value->getCacheRevisionId();
         wfDebug("ParserOutput key is for an old revision, latest {$revId}, cached {$cachedRevId}\n");
         $value = false;
     } else {
     return $value;
require_once './MWVersion.php';
require getMediaWiki('includes/WebStart.php');
$wgTitle = Title::newFromText('Mediawiki:robots.txt');
$wgArticle = new Article($wgTitle, 0);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
header('X-Article-ID: ' . $wgArticle->getID());
header('X-Language: ' . $lang);
header('X-Site: ' . $site);
header('Vary: X-Subdomain');
$robotsfile = '/srv/mediawiki/robots.txt';
$robots = fopen($robotsfile, 'rb');
$robotsfilestats = fstat($robots);
$mtime = $robotsfilestats['mtime'];
$extratext = '';
$zeroRated = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SUBDOMAIN']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SUBDOMAIN'] === 'ZERO';
header('Cache-Control: s-maxage=3600, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
$dontIndex = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
if ($zeroRated) {
    echo $dontIndex;
} elseif ($wgArticle->getID() != 0) {
    $extratext = $wgArticle->getContent(false);
    // Take last modified timestamp of page into account
    $mtime = max($mtime, wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $wgArticle->getTouched()));
} elseif ($wmfRealm == 'labs') {
    echo $dontIndex;
$lastmod = gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . ' GMT';
header("Last-modified: {$lastmod}");
echo "#\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------#\n#\n#\n#\n";
echo $extratext;