Example #1
  * Add/update a page to wiki
  * @param string $pagename
  * @param string $text
  * @param boolean $hasSemanticInternal whether this text contains semanticInternal Object.
  * SemanticInternal Object needs some special handling. First there is a bug in current
  * SemanticInternal Object implemenattion: the semantic internal properties can not be
  * saved in the very first time. Second, if the semantic internal object saving is not from
  * a special page action, but a regular page saving action, the semantic internal object
  * is confused about the "CURRENT" page. So asynchronous saving through a task is needed.
  * @param $summary
 public static function addPage($pagename, $text, $force = true, $astask = false, $hasSemanticInternal = false, $summary = "Auto generation")
     global $wgUser;
     $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $pagename);
     $t = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_MAIN, $title);
     $article = new Article($t);
     if ($article->exists() && !$force) {
         return false;
     if (!$astask) {
         $e = $article->exists();
         //do adding inline
         $article->doEdit($text, $summary);
         if ($hasSemanticInternal && !$e) {
             //one more time
             $article->doEdit($text, $summary);
         return true;
     } else {
         //add article asynchronously.
         $jobs = array();
         $job_params = array();
         $job_params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
         $job_params['edit_summary'] = $summary;
         $job_params['text'] = $text;
         $jobs[] = new DTImportJob($t, $job_params);
         if ($hasSemanticInternal && !$article->exists()) {
             $jobs[] = new DTImportJob($t, $job_params);
Example #2
 public static function GetURI($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $p_issueNo = null, $p_sectionNo = null, $p_articleNo = null)
     $translator = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('translator');
     $languageObj = new Language($p_languageId);
     if (!$languageObj->exists()) {
         return new PEAR_Error($translator->trans('Language does not exist.'));
     $uri = '/' . $languageObj->getCode() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_issueNo) && is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $issueObj = new Issue($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $p_issueNo);
         if (!$issueObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error($translator->trans('Issue does not exist.'));
         $uri .= $issueObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_sectionNo) && is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $sectionObj = new Section($p_publicationId, $p_issueNo, $p_languageId, $p_sectionNo);
         if (!$sectionObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error($translator->trans('Section does not exist.'));
         $uri .= $sectionObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $articleObj = new Article($p_languageId, $p_articleNo);
         if (!$articleObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error($translator->trans('Article does not exist.'));
         $issueObj = new Issue($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $articleObj->getIssueNumber());
         $sectionObj = new Section($p_publicationId, $articleObj->getIssueNumber(), $p_languageId, $articleObj->getSectionNumber());
         $uri .= $issueObj->getUrlName() . '/';
         $uri .= $sectionObj->getUrlName() . '/';
         $uri .= $articleObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     return $uri;
Example #3
 function execute($par)
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUseTidy;
     // Having tidy on causes whitespace and <pre> tags to
     // be generated around the output of the CiteOutput
     // class TODO FIXME.
     $wgUseTidy = false;
     $page = isset($par) ? $par : $wgRequest->getText('page');
     $id = $wgRequest->getInt('id');
     $title = Title::newFromText($page);
     if ($title) {
         $article = new Article($title);
     $cform = new CiteForm($title);
     if (!$title || !$article->exists()) {
     } else {
         $cout = new CiteOutput($title, $article, $id);
Example #4
 function detail($title_none = NULL)
     $title_none = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $arrTitle = explode('.', $title_none);
     if ($arrTitle[1] == '' || $arrTitle[1] != 'html') {
     $title_none = $arrTitle[0];
     $news = new Article();
     $news->where('title_none', $title_none);
     if (!$news->exists()) {
     $dis['news'] = $news;
     //related news
     $related_news = new Article();
     $related_news->where('recycle', 0);
     $related_news->where('newscatalogue_id', $news->newscatalogue_id);
     $related_news->where("id !=", $news->id);
     $related_news->order_by('created', 'DESC');
     $related_news->get_paged(0, 10, TRUE);
     $dis['related_news'] = $related_news;
     $category = new Newscatalogue($news->newscatalogue_id);
     $dis['category'] = $category;
     $this->page_title = $news->{'title_vietnamese'};
     $this->page_description = $news->short_vietnamese;
     $this->page_keyword = $news->tag;
     $dis['base_url'] = base_url();
     $dis['link'] = base_url() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $dis['view'] = 'front/services/news_de';
 function execute()
     global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgArticle;
     $sitting_of = $wgRequest->getVal('sitting_of');
     $session_number = $wgRequest->getVal('session_number');
     $sitting_start_date_time = $wgRequest->getVal('sitting_start_date_and_time');
     $sitting_end_date_time = $wgRequest->getVal('sitting_end_date_and_time');
     $sitting_session_number = $wgRequest->getVal('sitting_session_number');
     $wpEditToken = $wgRequest->getVal('wpEditToken');
     $sitting_desc = $wgRequest->getVal('sitting_desc');
     $sitting_start_date = substr($sitting_start_date_time, 0, strpos($sitting_start_date_time, ' '));
     $sitting_start_time = substr($sitting_start_date_time, strpos($sitting_start_date_time, ' ') + 1);
     $sitting_end_date = substr($sitting_end_date_time, 0, strpos($sitting_end_date_time, ' '));
     $sitting_end_time = substr($sitting_end_date_time, strpos($sitting_end_date_time, ' ') + 1);
     $sitting_name = $sitting_of . '-' . $sitting_start_date;
     $title = Title::newFromText($sitting_name, MV_NS_SITTING);
     $wgArticle = new Article($title);
     $wgArticle->doEdit($sitting_desc, wfMsg('mv_summary_add_sitting'));
     $dbkey = $title->getDBKey();
     $sitting = new MV_Sitting(array('name' => $dbkey, 'start_date' => $sitting_start_date, 'start_time' => $sitting_start_time, 'end_date' => $sitting_end_date, 'end_time' => $sitting_end_time));
     if ($sitting->insertSitting()) {
         if ($wgArticle->exists()) {
         } else {
             $html .= 'Article ' . $sitting_name . ' does not exist';
     } else {
         $WgOut->addHTML('Error: Duplicate Sitting Name?');
Example #6
 public static function GetURI($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $p_issueNo = null, $p_sectionNo = null, $p_articleNo = null)
     $languageObj = new Language($p_languageId);
     if (!$languageObj->exists()) {
         return new PEAR_Error(getGS('Language does not exist.'));
     $uri = $GLOBALS['Campsite']['SUBDIR'] . '/' . $languageObj->getCode() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_issueNo) && is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $issueObj = new Issue($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $p_issueNo);
         if (!$issueObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error(getGS('Issue does not exist.'));
         $uri .= $issueObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_sectionNo) && is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $sectionObj = new Section($p_publicationId, $p_issueNo, $p_languageId, $p_sectionNo);
         if (!$sectionObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error(getGS('Section does not exist.'));
         $uri .= $sectionObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     if (!is_null($p_articleNo)) {
         $articleObj = new Article($p_languageId, $p_articleNo);
         if (!$articleObj->exists()) {
             return new PEAR_Error(getGS('Article does not exist.'));
         $issueObj = new Issue($p_publicationId, $p_languageId, $articleObj->getIssueNumber());
         $sectionObj = new Section($p_publicationId, $articleObj->getIssueNumber(), $p_languageId, $articleObj->getSectionNumber());
         $uri .= $issueObj->getUrlName() . '/';
         $uri .= $sectionObj->getUrlName() . '/';
         $uri .= $articleObj->getUrlName() . '/';
     return $uri;
 public function revertList($list, $revertUser)
     global $wgServer, $wgLanguageCode;
     $results = array();
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         if (preg_match('@^http://(.+)\\.wikihow\\.com/(.+)@', $l, $matches)) {
             if (!($wgLanguageCode == "en" && $matches[1] == "www" || $matches[1] == $wgLanguageCode)) {
                 $results[] = array('url' => $l, 'success' => false, 'msg' => "Invalid URL for language");
             } else {
                 $link = $matches[2];
                 $title = Title::newFromUrl($link);
                 $article = new Article($title);
                 if ($article && $article->exists()) {
                     $ret = $article->commitRollback($revertUser, wfMsg("mass-revert-message"), TRUE, $resultDetails);
                     if (empty($ret)) {
                         $results[] = array('url' => $l, 'success' => true);
                     } else {
                         $results[] = array('url' => $l, 'success' => false, 'msg' => $ret[0][0]);
                 } else {
                     $results[] = array('url' => $l, 'success' => false, 'msg' => "Article not found");
         } else {
             $results[] = array('url' => $l, 'success' => false, 'msg' => "Bad URL");
     return $results;
Example #8
 function detail($url)
     $urlcat = $this->uri->segment(1);
     $category = new Newscatalogue();
     $category->where(array('recycle' => 0, 'name_none' => $urlcat))->get();
     if (!$category->exists()) {
     $dis['category'] = $category;
     $url = geturlfromuri($this->uri->segment(2));
     $news = new Article();
     $news->where(array('title_none' => $url, 'recycle' => 0));
     if (!$news->exists()) {
     $dis['news'] = $news;
     $this->page_title = $news->title_vietnamese;
     $this->page_description = $news->short_vietnamese;
     $this->page_keyword = $news->tag;
     //related news
     $related_news = new Article();
     $related_news->where('recycle', 0);
     $related_news->where('newscatalogue_id', $news->newscatalogue_id);
     $related_news->where("id !=", $news->id);
     $related_news->order_by('created', 'DESC');
     $related_news->get_paged(0, 10, TRUE);
     $dis['related_news'] = $related_news;
     $dis['base_url'] = base_url();
     $dis['view'] = 'front/newsother/news_de';
 function convert($newFormat, $pageName, $calName, $redirect, $go)
     $search = "{$pageName}/{$calName}";
     $pages = PrefixSearch::titleSearch($search, 1000000);
     //search upto 1,000,000 events (no performace issue)
     $count = $erroredCount = 0;
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $retval = false;
         $newPage = $this->convertToNewPage($page, $newFormat);
         $article = new Article(Title::newFromText($page));
         if ($newPage != '') {
             $fromTitle = Title::newFromText($page);
             $toTitle = Title::newFromText($newPage);
             $articleNew = new Article(Title::newFromText($newPage));
             if (!$article->isRedirect() && !$articleNew->exists()) {
                 if ($go) {
                     $retval = $fromTitle->moveTo($toTitle, true, 'CalendarConversion', $redirect);
                 } else {
                     if ($count < 10) {
                         $testRun .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $page . '  &rarr;&rarr;  ' . $newPage . '<br>';
     if ($go) {
         $ret = "Conversion completed.";
     } else {
         $ret = "<b>Test Results, add '<i>go</i>' to the <i>dateConverter</i> tag to convert:</b><br>{$testRun}";
     return $ret;
     * Just render some simple 404 page
    public function doRender404()
        global $wgOut, $wgContLang, $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames;
         * check, maybe we have article with that title, if yes 301redirect to
         * this article
        $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        if (!preg_match('!^https?://!', $uri)) {
            $uri = 'http://unused' . $uri;
        $uri = substr(parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH), 1);
        Wikia::log(__METHOD__, false, isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "[no referer]");
        $title = $wgContLang->ucfirst(urldecode(ltrim($uri, "/")));
        $namespace = NS_MAIN;
         * first check if title is in namespace other than main
        $parts = explode(":", $title, 2);
        if (count($parts) == 2) {
            foreach ($wgCanonicalNamespaceNames as $id => $name) {
                $translated = $wgContLang->getNsText($id);
                if (strtolower($translated) === strtolower($parts[0]) || strtolower($name) === strtolower($parts[0])) {
                    $namespace = $id;
                    $title = $parts[1];
         * create title from parts
        $oTitle = Title::newFromText($title, $namespace);
        if (!is_null($oTitle)) {
            if ($namespace == NS_SPECIAL || $namespace == NS_MEDIA) {
                 * these namespaces are special and don't have articles
                header("X-Redirected-By: Our404Handler");
                header(sprintf("Location: %s", $oTitle->getFullURL()), true, 301);
            } else {
                $oArticle = new Article($oTitle);
                if ($oArticle->exists()) {
                    header("X-Redirected-By: Our404Handler");
                    header(sprintf("Location: %s", $oArticle->getTitle()->getFullURL()), true, 301);
         * but if doesn't exist, we eventually show 404page
        $info = wfMsgForContent('message404', $uri, urldecode($title));
        $wgOut->addHTML('<h2>' . wfMsg('our404handler-oops') . '</h2>
						<div>' . $wgOut->parse($info) . '</div>');
Example #11
 function article_unique_title($str)
     $this->form_validation->set_message('article_unique_title', 'Es existier bereits ein Artikel mit diesem Titel.');
     $article = new Article();
     $article->where('title', $str)->get();
     if ($article->exists()) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Example #12
	function test_article() {
		$article = new Article(9000001,9000002,9000003,9000004);

		// Test create
		$article->create("Unit Test Long Name",
						 "Unit Test Short Name",

		// Test SET functions
		$article->setTitle("Unit Test New Title");
		$article->setKeywords("Unit, Test");

		// Test GET functions
		$articleCopy = new Article(9000001, 9000002, 9000003, 9000004, $article->getArticleId());
		$this->assertEquals(9000001, $articleCopy->getPublicationId());
		$this->assertEquals(9000002, $articleCopy->getIssueNumber());
		$this->assertEquals(9000003, $articleCopy->getSectionNumber());
		$this->assertEquals(9000004, $articleCopy->getLanguageId());
		$this->assertEquals(9000005, $articleCopy->getCreatorId());
		$this->assertEquals("Unit Test New Title", $articleCopy->getTitle());
		$this->assertEquals(true, $articleCopy->onFrontPage());
		$this->assertEquals(true, $articleCopy->onSection());
		$this->assertEquals('Y', $articleCopy->getWorkflowStatus());
		$this->assertEquals("Unit, Test", $articleCopy->getKeywords());
		$this->assertEquals(true, $articleCopy->isIndexed());

		// Test DELETE functions
function checkForEmpty($t)
    $deleteComment = "Deleting unused profile box page";
    if ($t) {
        $a = new Article($t);
        if ($a->exists()) {
            $content = $a->getContent();
            if ($content == "") {
                if ($a->doDeleteArticle($deleteComment)) {
                    echo $deleteComment . " " . $t->getText() . "\n";
                    return true;
    return false;
 function showList()
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgContLang;
     $fname = "BookSourceList::showList()";
     # First, see if we have a custom list setup in
     # [[Wikipedia:Book sources]] or equivalent.
     $bstitle = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_PROJECT, wfMsg("booksources"));
     $bsarticle = new Article($bstitle);
     if ($bsarticle->exists()) {
         $bstext = $bsarticle->getContent(false);
         if ($bstext) {
             $bstext = str_replace("MAGICNUMBER", $this->mIsbn, $bstext);
     # Otherwise, use the list of links in the default Language.php file.
     $s = wfMsg("booksourcetext") . "<ul>\n";
     $bs = $wgContLang->getBookstoreList();
     $bsn = array_keys($bs);
     foreach ($bsn as $name) {
         $adr = $bs[$name];
         if (!$this->mIsbn) {
             $adr = explode(":", $adr, 2);
             $adr = explode("/", $adr[1]);
             $a = "";
             while ($a == "") {
                 $a = array_shift($adr);
             $adr = "http://" . $a;
         } else {
             $adr = str_replace("\$1", $this->mIsbn, $adr);
         $name = htmlspecialchars($name);
         $adr = htmlspecialchars($adr);
         $s .= "<li><a href=\"{$adr}\" class=\"external\">{$name}</a></li>\n";
     $s .= "</ul>\n";
  * Show the special page
  * @param $params Mixed: parameter(s) passed to the page or null
 public function execute($params)
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgMemc;
     // This feature is only available to logged-in users.
     if (!$wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
         throw new ErrorPageError('error', 'badaccess');
     // Show a message if the database is in read-only mode
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $s = $dbr->selectRow('user_profile', array('up_user_id'), array('up_user_id' => $wgUser->getID()), __METHOD__);
     if ($s === false) {
         $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
         $dbw->insert('user_profile', array('up_user_id' => $wgUser->getID()), __METHOD__);
     $profile = new UserProfile($wgUser->getName());
     $profile_data = $profile->getProfile();
     $user_page_type = $profile_data['user_page_type'] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->update('user_profile', array('up_type' => $user_page_type), array('up_user_id' => $wgUser->getID()), __METHOD__);
     $key = wfMemcKey('user', 'profile', 'info', $wgUser->getID());
     if ($user_page_type == 1 && !$wgUser->isBlocked()) {
         $user_page = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, $wgUser->getName());
         $article = new Article($user_page);
         $user_page_content = $article->getContent();
         $user_wiki_title = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER_WIKI, $wgUser->getName());
         $user_wiki = new Article($user_wiki_title);
         if (!$user_wiki->exists()) {
             $user_wiki->doEdit($user_page_content, 'import user wiki');
     $title = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, $wgUser->getName());
  * initialize article title
 protected function initializeTitle($postedTitle)
     if (!empty($postedTitle)) {
         $postedTitle = $this->getTitlePrefix() . $postedTitle;
     $requestedTitle = $this->loadTitleFromRequest();
     $requestedArticle = $requestedTitle ? new Article($requestedTitle) : null;
     if ($requestedTitle && ($this->titleNS == null || $requestedTitle->getNamespace() == $this->titleNS) && $requestedArticle && $requestedArticle->exists()) {
         // We are editing an existing article
         $this->mode = self::MODE_EDIT;
         return true;
     $title = $this->getDefaultTitle();
     $this->mode = self::MODE_NEW_SETUP;
     if ($this->request->wasPosted()) {
         $this->mode = self::MODE_NEW;
     if (empty($postedTitle)) {
         $this->titleStatus = self::STATUS_EMPTY;
     } else {
         // We are trying to create new article
         if ($this->titleNS == null) {
             $title = Title::newFromText($postedTitle);
         } else {
             $title = Title::newFromText($postedTitle, $this->titleNS);
         if (!$title || strlen($title->getFragment()) > 0) {
             $this->titleStatus = self::STATUS_INVALID;
         } else {
             $article = new Article($title);
             if ($article->exists()) {
                 $this->titleStatus = self::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS;
Example #17
 function article()
     if ($this->article) {
         return $this->article;
     if (!is_null($this->articleId)) {
         if (isset(self::$articleCacheById[$this->articleId])) {
             return self::$articleCacheById[$this->articleId];
         if (isset(self::$titleCacheById[$this->articleId])) {
             $title = self::$titleCacheById[$this->articleId];
         } else {
             $title = Title::newFromID($this->articleId);
         if ($title) {
             $article = new Article($title);
             self::$articleCacheById[$this->articleId] = $article;
     if (isset($article) && $article->exists()) {
         $this->article = $article;
         return $article;
     } else {
         $title = Title::makeTitle($this->articleNamespace, $this->articleTitle);
         return new Article($title);
Example #18
     * @param int $p_publicationId
     * @param int $p_languageId
     * @return mixed
     *      array of issue publication dates
     *      null if query does not match any issue
    public static function GetPublicationDates($p_publicationId,
                           $p_skipCache = false)
        global $g_ado_db;
        $queryStr = 'SELECT Number FROM Articles '
            . 'WHERE IdPublication = ' . $p_publicationId . ' AND '
            . 'IdLanguage = ' . $p_languageId . " AND Published = 'Y' "
            . 'GROUP BY PublishDate ORDER BY PublishDate';
        $rows = $g_ado_db->GetAll($queryStr);

        $dates = array();
        if (is_array($rows)) {
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $tmpObj = new Article($p_languageId, $row['Number']);
            if ($tmpObj->exists()) {
                $dates[] = $tmpObj->getPublishDate();
        if (empty($dates)) {
            return null;

        return array_unique($dates);
    } // fn GetPublicationDates
Example #19
  * main entry point
  * @access public
 public function run()
     global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgErrorLog;
     $oldValue = $wgErrorLog;
     $wgErrorLog = true;
      * overwrite $wgUser for ~~~~ expanding
     $sysop = trim(wfMsgForContent("welcome-user"));
     if (!in_array($sysop, array("@disabled", "-"))) {
         $tmpUser = $wgUser;
         $wgUser = User::newFromName(self::WELCOMEUSER);
         $flags = 0;
         $bot_message = trim(wfMsgForContent("welcome-bot"));
         if ($bot_message == '@bot' || $wgUser && $wgUser->isAllowed('bot')) {
             $flags = EDIT_FORCE_BOT;
         wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-user: "******"-talk: " . $talkPage->getFullUrl());
             if ($talkPage) {
                 $this->mSysop = $this->getLastSysop();
                 $gEG = $this->mSysop->getEffectiveGroups();
                 $isSysop = in_array('sysop', $gEG);
                 $isStaff = in_array('staff', $gEG);
                 $tmpTitle = $wgTitle;
                 $sysopPage = $this->mSysop->getUserPage()->getTalkPage();
                 $signature = $this->expandSig();
                 $wgTitle = $talkPage;
                 $welcomeMsg = false;
                 $talkArticle = new Article($talkPage, 0);
                 if (!self::isPosted($talkArticle, $this->mUser)) {
                     if ($this->mAnon) {
                         if ($this->isEnabled("message-anon")) {
                             if ($isStaff && !$isSysop) {
                                 $key = $this->getMessageKey("anon-staff");
                             } else {
                                 $key = $this->getMessageKey("anon");
                             $welcomeMsg = wfMsgNoTrans($key, array($this->getPrefixedText(), $sysopPage->getPrefixedText(), $signature, wfEscapeWikiText($this->mUser->getName())));
                         } else {
                             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-talk: message-anon disabled");
                     } else {
                          * now create user page (if not exists of course)
                         if ($this->isEnabled("page-user")) {
                             $userPage = $this->mUser->getUserPage();
                             if ($userPage) {
                                 $wgTitle = $userPage;
                                 $userArticle = new Article($userPage, 0);
                                 wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-userpage: " . $userPage->getFullUrl());
                                 if (!$userArticle->exists()) {
                                     $pageMsg = wfMsgForContentNoTrans('welcome-user-page', $this->mUser->getName());
                                     $userArticle->doEdit($pageMsg, false, $flags);
                             } else {
                                 wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-page: user page already exists.");
                         } else {
                             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-page: page-user disabled");
                         if ($this->isEnabled("message-user")) {
                             if ($isStaff && !$isSysop) {
                                 $key = $this->getMessageKey("user-staff");
                             } else {
                                 $key = $this->getMessageKey("user");
                             $welcomeMsg = wfMsgNoTrans($key, array($this->getPrefixedText(), $sysopPage->getPrefixedText(), $signature, wfEscapeWikiText($this->mUser->getName())));
                         } else {
                             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-talk: message-user disabled");
                     if ($welcomeMsg) {
                         $wgTitle = $talkPage;
                         /** is it necessary there? **/
                         //we posting it on talk page even when we have message wall
                         //hack for notification problem
                         global $wgCityId, $wgServer;
                         $wgServer = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgServer', $wgCityId);
                         $this->doPost($talkArticle, $flags, wfMsgForContent("welcome-message-log"), $welcomeMsg, $wgUser, $this->mUser, $this->mSysop);
                 $wgTitle = $tmpTitle;
         $wgUser = $tmpUser;
         $wgErrorLog = $oldValue;
     } else {
         wfDebug(__METHOD__ . "-disabled: " . $sysop);
     return true;
Example #20
  * Returns true if the article was translated in to the language
  * identified by the given language code
  * @param string $p_language - language code
  * @return bool
 public function translated_to($p_language) {
     if (is_string($p_language)) {
         $languages = Language::GetLanguages(null, $p_language);
         if (sizeof($languages) == 0) {
             return (int)false;
         $language = $languages[0];
     } else {
         $language = $p_language;
     $article = new Article($language->getLanguageId(),
     return (int)$article->exists()
     && ($article->isPublished() || CampTemplate::singleton()->context()->preview);
Example #21
if (!Input::IsValid()) {
    camp_html_display_error(getGS('Invalid input: $1', Input::GetErrorString()));
$articleObj = new Article($languageId, $articleNumber);
if (!$articleObj->exists()) {
    camp_html_display_error(getGS('Article does not exist.'));
$translationLanguageObj = new Language($f_translation_language);
if (!$translationLanguageObj->exists()) {
    camp_html_display_error(getGS('Language does not exist.'));
$translationArticle = new Article($f_translation_language, $articleNumber);
if ($translationArticle->exists()) {
    camp_html_add_msg(getGS("The article has already been translated into \$1.", $translationLanguageObj->getNativeName()));
$f_publication_id = $articleObj->getPublicationId();
// Only create the translated issue and section if the article has been
// categorized.
if ($f_publication_id > 0) {
    $publicationObj = new Publication($f_publication_id);
    if (!$publicationObj->exists()) {
        camp_html_display_error(getGS('Publication does not exist.'), $backLink);
    $f_issue_number = $articleObj->getIssueNumber();
    $issueObj = new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);
    if (!$issueObj->exists()) {
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
$res = $dbr->query('select * from Comments join page on Comment_Page_ID = page_id where page_namespace = 500');
while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
    $content = $row->Comment_Text;
    $user = User::newFromName($row->Comment_Username);
    $cTitle = $row->page_title;
    $cNamespace = 500;
    $cContent = $row->Comment_Text;
    try {
        $date = new DateTime($row->Comment_Date);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
    $date_suffix = $date->format('YmdGis');
    $newTitle = $cTitle . '/' . '@comment-' . $row->Comment_Username . '-' . $date_suffix;
    $wTitle = Title::newFromText($newTitle, 500 + 1);
    $parentTitle = Title::newFromText($cTitle, $cNamespace);
    $wArticle = new Article($wTitle);
    if (!$wArticle->exists() && is_object($parentTitle) && $parentTitle->exists()) {
        $wArticle->doEdit($content, 'Importing comments from old armchair', EDIT_FORCE_BOT, false, $user);
    } else {
        echo "skipped one: ID {$row->Comment_ID}\n";
    if ($i % 10 == 0) {
        echo $i . "\n";
Example #23
$f_language_id = Input::Get('f_language_id', 'int', 0, true);
$f_language_selected = Input::Get('f_language_selected', 'int', 0);
$f_article_number = Input::Get('f_article_number', 'int', 0);
$f_attachment_id = Input::Get('f_attachment_id', 'int', 0);
if (!Input::IsValid()) {
    camp_html_display_error($translator->trans('Invalid input: $1', array('$1' => Input::GetErrorString())), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true);
if ($f_publication_id > 0) {
    $publicationObj = new Publication($f_publication_id);
    $issueObj = new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);
    $sectionObj = new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);
$articleObj = new Article($f_language_selected, $f_article_number);
$attachmentObj = new Attachment($f_attachment_id);
if (!$articleObj->exists()) {
    camp_html_display_error($translator->trans("Article does not exist."), null, true);
$isDisabled = '';
$isReadOnly = '';
if (!$g_user->hasPermission('ChangeFile')) {
    $isDisabled = 'disabled';
    $isReadOnly = 'readonly';
    $title = $translator->trans('File information', array(), 'article_files');
} else {
    $title = $translator->trans('Change file information', array(), 'article_files');
// Add extra breadcrumb for image list.
if ($f_publication_id > 0) {
    $extraCrumbs = array($translator->trans("Attachments", array(), 'article_files') => "");
  * Show the special page
  * @param $section Mixed: parameter passed to the page or null
 public function execute($section)
     global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUserProfileScripts, $wgUpdateProfileInRecentChanges, $wgSupressPageTitle;
     $wgSupressPageTitle = true;
     $wgOut->setHTMLTitle(wfMsg('pagetitle', wfMsg('edit-profile-title')));
     // This feature is only available for logged-in users.
     if (!$wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
         $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsgForContent('user-profile-update-notloggedin-text', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin')->escapeFullURL(), SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin', 'signup')->escapeFullURL()));
     // No need to allow blocked users to access this page, they could abuse it, y'know.
     if ($wgUser->isBlocked()) {
         return false;
     // Database operations require write mode
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
     // Add CSS & JS
     $wgOut->addExtensionStyle($wgUserProfileScripts . '/UserProfile.css');
     $wgOut->addScriptFile($wgUserProfileScripts . '/UpdateProfile.js');
     if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) {
         if (!$section) {
             $section = 'basic';
         switch ($section) {
             case 'basic':
             case 'personal':
             case 'custom':
             case 'preferences':
         $log = new LogPage(wfMsgForContent('user-profile-update-profile'));
         if (!$wgUpdateProfileInRecentChanges) {
             $log->updateRecentChanges = false;
         $log->addEntry(wfMsgForContent('user-profile-update-profile'), $wgUser->getUserPage(), wfMsgForContent('user-profile-update-log-section') . " '{$section}'");
         $wgOut->addHTML('<span class="profile-on">' . wfMsg('user-profile-update-saved') . '</span><br /><br />');
         // create user page if not exists
         $title = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, $wgUser->getName());
         $article = new Article($title);
         if (!$article->exists()) {
             $article->doEdit('', 'create user page', EDIT_SUPPRESS_RC);
     if (!$section) {
         $section = 'basic';
     switch ($section) {
         case 'basic':
         case 'personal':
         case 'custom':
         case 'preferences':
 function buildCurrentSlide($page, $notoc)
     global $wgScript, $wgParser;
     if (trim($page) == "") {
         return "";
     $link = $wgScript . "?title={$page}";
     $article = new Article(Title::newFromText($page));
     while ($article->isRedirect()) {
         $redirectedArticleTitle = Title::newFromRedirect($article->getContent());
         $article = new Article($redirectedArticleTitle);
     if ($article->exists()) {
         $slideBody = $article->getContent() . $notoc . " __NOEDITSECTION__";
     } else {
         $slideBody = "The [[{$page}]] slide does not exist. Did you want to <b>[[{$page} | create]]</b> it?";
     $this->currentPageLink = "<a href='{$link}'>{$page}</a>";
     $this->slideBody = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse($slideBody);
     //wiki markup converted to html
	function execute( $par ) {
		global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgMemc, $wgDBname;
		global $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode;
		global $wgFilterCallback, $wgWhitelistEdit;

		//echo "topic: " . $wgRequest->getVal("topic_name") . "<br />";
		//echo "title: " . $wgRequest->getVal("title") . "<br />";
		//echo "comment: " . $wgRequest->getVal("comment_text") . "<br />";
		//echo "new_topic id " . $wgRequest->getVal("new_topic") . "<br />";

		if ( wfReadOnly() ) {

		$t = Title::newFromDBKey( $wgRequest->getVal( 'target' ) );

		if ( $t == null ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'postcomment', 'postcomment_invalidrequest' );

		$errors = $t->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'edit', $wgUser );
		if ( count( $errors ) ) {
			$wgOut->showPermissionsErrorPage( $errors, 'edit' );

		if ( $wgUser->pingLimiter() ) {

		$article = new Article( $t );
		$update = $article->exists();

		$comment = $wgRequest->getVal( 'comment_text' );
		$topic = $wgRequest->getVal( 'topic_name' );

		if ( trim( $comment ) == '' ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'postcomment', 'postcomment_nopostingtoadd' );

		$user = $wgUser->getName();
		$real_name = $wgUser->getRealName();
		if ( $real_name == '' ) {
			$real_name = $user;
		$dateStr = $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestampNow() );

		$formattedComment = "
	<div id=\"discussion_entry\"><table width=\"100%\">
		<tr><td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"discussion_entry_user\">" .
			wfMsgExt( 'postcomment-userwrote', array( 'parsemag' ), $user, $real_name ) . "
</td><td align=\"right\" width=\"50%\" class=\"discussion_entry_date\">" . wfMsg( 'postcomment_on', $dateStr ) . "<br />
<td colspan=2 class=\"discussion_entry_comment\">
	<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"discussion_entry_date\" padding=5>[[User_talk:$user#post|" . wfMsg('postcomment_replyto', $real_name) . "]]</td></tr>

		$text = '';

		if ( $update ) {
			$r = Revision::newFromTitle( $t );
			$text = $r->getText();

		$text .= "\n\n$formattedComment\n\n";

		$tmp = "";
		if ( $wgFilterCallback && $wgFilterCallback( $t, $text, $tmp) ) {
			# Error messages or other handling should be performed by the filter function

		$article->doEdit( $text, '' );
  * testUseTableFalseExistsCheck method
  * @return void
 public function testUseTableFalseExistsCheck()
     $Article = new Article();
     $Article->id = 1337;
     $result = $Article->exists();
     $Article->useTable = false;
     $Article->id = null;
     $result = $Article->exists();
     // An article with primary key of '1' has been loaded by the fixtures.
     $Article->useTable = false;
     $Article->id = 1;
     $result = $Article->exists();
 private function getArticle($number, $language, $user)
     $em = $this->container->get('em');
     $languageObject = $em->getRepository('Newscoop\\Entity\\Language')->findOneByCode($language);
     // Fetch article
     $articleObj = new \Article($languageObject->getId(), $number);
     if (!$articleObj->exists()) {
         throw new NewscoopException('Article does not exist');
     if (!$articleObj->userCanModify($user)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException('User cannot modify article.');
     // Only users with a lock on the article can change it.
     if ($articleObj->isLocked() && $user->getUserId() != $articleObj->getLockedByUser()) {
         $lockTime = new \DateTime($articleObj->getLockTime());
         $now = new \DateTime('now');
         $difference = $now->diff($lockTime);
         $ago = $difference->format('%R%H:%I:%S');
         $lockUser = new \User($articleObj->getLockedByUser());
         throw new NewscoopException(sprintf('Article locked by %s (%s ago)', $lockUser->getRealName(), $ago));
     return $articleObj;
Example #29



// create an article
echo "Creating article...<br>";
$newArticle = new Article(1, 1, 1, 1);
$newArticle->create('fastnews', 'autopublish test '.rand());
if (!$newArticle->exists()) {
    echo "failed to create article.<br>";


// create an article event in the past
echo "Creating event to publish the article...<br>";
$datetime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00");
$articlePublishObj = new ArticlePublish($newArticle->getArticleId(), 1, $datetime);

echo "Getting events...<br>";
$events = ArticlePublish::GetPendingActions();
Example #30
 function warranty()
     $news = new Article();
     $news->where('id', 166);
     if (!$news->exists()) {
     $dis['news'] = $news;
     $this->page_title = $news->{'title_vietnamese'} . " - " . $this->page_title;
     $dis['base_url'] = base_url();
     $dis['view'] = 'singlepage';