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Revision history for text-centric models. Currently, only available for Sprig (ORM to be implemented in the future).

Creating a Versioned Model

In order to create a versioned model (such as a blog article model, or a page content model), two models must be defined.

The "entry" model

The main entry model must extend Versioned_Sprig (or Versioned_ORM when it is implemented) and define the revisions has-many field. The field for which diffs are stored should be a Sprig_Field_Versioned field type and a field for which changes are tracked (and stored as revision comments) should be a Sprig_Field_Tracked field type. For example:

class Model_Article extends Versioned_Sprig {
    public function _init() {
        $this->_fields += array(
            'title'     => new Sprig_Field_Tracked(array(
                'empty' => FALSE,
            'text'      => new Sprig_Field_Versioned,
            'revisions' => new Sprig_Field_HasMany(array(
                'model' => 'Article_Revision',

The "revision" model

Every versioned model must have a corresponding model to represent its revisions. This model must extend Versioned_Revision and define the entry belongs-to field. For example:

class Model_Article_Revision extends Versioned_Revision {
    public function _init() {
        $this->_fields += array(
            'entry' => new Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(array(
                'model' => 'Article',

Obviously, the entry model's revisions field must reference the corresponding revision model, while the revision model's entry field must reference the corresponding entry model.

Using a Versioned Model

Basic Operations

A versioned model is treated no differently than a normal Sprig (or ORM) model. Values can be set and the model can be created or updated.

The following fields are provided by Versioned_Sprig: version, comment, editor. Obviously, version will contain the current version number. text contains the main entry body, and is version controlled (ie, changes to the text field result in a new revision and version number increment). The comment field can be set with a string to be recorded along with the new revision. This can be useful for requiring users to record why they are changing a versioned entry. The editor field can be set with the user ID of the current user making the modification (each revision has an editor).

If a Sprig_Field_Tracked field has been specified, Versioned_Sprig will track changes to that field, creating a revision comment indicating the change. For example,

$entry = Sprig::factory('article', array('id'=>4))->load();
$entry->text = "Some modification to text.";
$entry->title = "Versioned Entry #2";            // Previously "Versioned Entry #1"
$entry->comment = "Fixed spelling error";
$entry->editor = 3;

Will result in the comments, "Fixed spelling error" and "Title changed from 'Versioned Entry #1' to 'Versioned Entry #2'", to be recorded along with the revision.

When a versioned entry is deleted, all of its revisions are deleted from the database as well.

Revision History

To retrieve a specific version of an entry, the version() method is provided by Versioned_Sprig. The integer argument indicates which version to retrieve. For example,

$entry = Sprig::factory('article', array('id'=>3))->load();
echo $entry->text;      // echoes "Article text for version 5"
echo $entry->version;   // echoes "5"
echo $entry->text;      // echoes "Article text for version 2"
echo $entry->version;   // echoes "2"

Note: the text and version fields are the only fields modified by a version() call.

The revisions of a versioned entry can be accessed by the revisions field of the entry. This can be used for printing out a list of changes made to the entry. For example,

$entry = Sprig::factory('article', array('id'=>6))->load();
$revisions = $entry->revisions;
foreach($revisions as $revision) {
    echo $revision->version;
    echo $revision->date;
    echo $revision->editor->name;
    echo implode("\n", $revision->comments);

Working with the Version Library

The Version library included with the Versioned Module can assist with showing differences between versions of text.

Inline difference (uses <ins> and <del> tags to mark up the text): $entry = Sprig::factory('article', array('id'=>2))->load(); $new_text = $entry->text; $entry->version($entry->version - 1); $old_text = $entry->text; echo Version::inline_diff($old_text, $new_text);

Side-by-side difference (produces two arrays, showing added/deleted lines between two versions): $entry = Sprig::factory('article', array('id'=>2))->load(); $new_text = $entry->text; $entry->version($entry->version - 1); $old_text = $entry->text; $diff = Version::side_diff($old_text, $new_text);

echo '<ul class="old_text">';
foreach($diff['old'] as $line) {
    echo $line;
echo '</ul>';

echo '<ul class="new_text">';
foreach($diff['new'] as $line) {
    echo $line;
echo '</ul>';

Database Schemas

Entries Table

    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 
    `version` int(4) NOT NULL, 
    `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL, 
    `text` text NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 

Revisions Table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `entry_revisions` ( 
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 
    `entry_id` int(11) NOT NULL, 
    `version` int(4) NOT NULL, 
    `date` int(10) NOT NULL, 
    `editor_id` int(11) NOT NULL, 
    `diff` text NOT NULL, 
    `comment` text NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 


Module for revision tracking of Kohana PHP models







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