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Icicle is a PHP library for writing asynchronous code using synchronous coding techniques.

Icicle uses Coroutines built with Awaitables to facilitate writing asynchronous code using techniques normally used to write synchronous code, such as returning values and throwing exceptions, instead of using nested callbacks typically found in asynchronous code.

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Library Components

  • Coroutines: Interruptible functions for building asynchronous code using synchronous coding patterns and error handling.
  • Awaitables: Placeholders for future values of asynchronous operations. Awaitables can be yielded in coroutines to define interruption points. Callbacks registered with awaitables may return values and throw exceptions.
  • Loop (event loop): Used to schedule functions, run timers, handle signals, and poll sockets for pending data or await for space to write.

Available Components

  • Stream: Common coroutine-based interface for reading and writing data.
  • Socket: Asynchronous stream socket server and client.
  • Concurrent: Provides an easy to use interface for parallel execution with non-blocking communication and task execution (under development).
  • DNS: Asynchronous DNS resolver and connector.
  • HTTP: Asynchronous HTTP server and client (under development).
  • React Adapter: Adapts the event loop and awaitables of Icicle to interfaces compatible with components built for React.
  • PHP 5.5+

The recommended way to install Icicle is with the Composer package manager. (See the Composer installation guide for information on installing and using Composer.)

Run the following command to use Icicle in your project:

composer require icicleio/icicle

You can also manually edit composer.json to add Icicle as a project requirement.

// composer.json
    "require": {
        "icicleio/icicle": "^0.9"
  • pcntl extension: Enables custom signal handling.
  • ev extension: Allows for the most performant event loop implementation.
  • event extension: Another extension allowing for event loop implementation with better performance (ev extension preferred).
  • libevent extension: Similar to the event extension, it allows for event loop implementation with better performance (ev extension preferred).


The example below uses the HTTP component (under development) to create a simple HTTP server that responds with Hello, world! to every request.

#!/usr/bin/env php

require '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Icicle\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Icicle\Http\Message\Response;
use Icicle\Http\Server\Server;
use Icicle\Loop;

$server = new Server(function (RequestInterface $request) {
    $response = new Response(200);
    yield $response->getBody()->end('Hello, world!');
    yield $response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');


echo "Server running at\n";


Documentation and Support


Awaitables API documentation

Icicle implements awaitables based on the Promises/A+ specification, adding support for cancellation.

Awaitables are objects that act as placeholders for the future value of an asynchronous operation. Pending awaitables may either be fulfilled with any value (including other awaitables, null, and exceptions) or rejected with any value (non-exceptions are encapsulated in an exception). Once an awaitable is fulfilled or rejected (resolved) with a value, the awaitable cannot becoming pending and the resolution value cannot change.

Awaitables are designed to be yielded in coroutines, defining an interruption point where the coroutine is interrupted until the awaitable has been resolved.

Callback functions are another way of accessing the resolution value of awaitables. Unlike other APIs that use callbacks, awaitables provide an execution context to callback functions, allowing callbacks to return values and throw exceptions.

All awaitable objects implement a common interface: Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable. While the primary awaitable implementation is Icicle\Awaitable\Promise, several other classes also implement Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable.

The Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable::then(callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null) method is the primary way to register callbacks that receive either the value used to fulfill the awaitable or the exception used to reject the awaitable. An awaitable is returned by then(), which is resolved with the return value of a callback or rejected if a callback throws an exception.

The Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable::done(callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null) method registers callbacks that should either consume resolution values or handle errors. No value is returned from done(). Values returned by callbacks registered using done() are ignored and exceptions thrown from callbacks are re-thrown in an uncatchable way.

More on using callbacks to interact with awaitables...

use Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine;
use Icicle\Dns\Executor\Executor;
use Icicle\Dns\Resolver\Resolver;
use Icicle\Loop;
use Icicle\Socket\Client\ClientInterface;
use Icicle\Socket\Client\Connector;

$resolver = new Resolver(new Executor(''));

// Method returning a Generator used to create a Coroutine (a type of awaitable)
$awaitable1 = new Coroutine($resolver->resolve(''));

$awaitable2 = $awaitable1->then(
    function (array $ips) { // Called if $awaitable1 is fulfilled.
        $connector = new Connector();
        return new Coroutine($connector->connect($ips[0], 80)); // Return another awaitable.
        // $awaitable2 will adopt the state of the awaitable returned above.

    function (ClientInterface $client) { // Called if $awaitable2 is fulfilled.
        echo "Asynchronously connected to\n";
    function (Exception $exception) { // Called if $awaitable1 or $awaitable2 is rejected.
        echo "Asynchronous task failed: {$exception->getMessage()}\n";


The example above uses the DNS component to resolve the IP address for a domain, then connect to the resolved IP address. The resolve() method of $resolver and the connect() method of $connector both return generators that are used to create coroutines (a type of awaitable). $awaitable1 created by resolve() will either be fulfilled or rejected:

  • If $awaitable1 is fulfilled, the callback function registered in the call to $awaitable1->then() is executed, using the fulfillment value of $awaitable1 as the argument to the function. The callback function then returns the awaitable created from connect(). The resolution of $awaitable2 will then be determined by the resolution of this returned awaitable ($awaitable2 will adopt the state of the awaitable created from connect()).
  • If $awaitable1 is rejected, $awaitable2 is rejected since no $onRejected callback was registered in the call to $awaitable1->then()

More on awaitable resolution and propagation...

Brief overview of awaitable API features
  • Asynchronous resolution (callbacks are not called before then() or done() return).
  • Convenience methods for registering special callbacks to handle awaitable resolution.
  • Lazy execution of awaitable-creating functions.
  • Operations on collections of awaitables to join, select, iterate, and map to other awaitables or values.
  • Support for cancellation.
  • Methods to convert synchronous functions or callback-based functions into functions accepting and returning awaitables.


Coroutine API documentation

Coroutines are interruptible functions implemented using Generators. A Generator usually uses the yield keyword to yield a value from a set to implement an iterator. Coroutines use the yield keyword to define interruption points. When a coroutine yields a value, execution of the coroutine is temporarily interrupted, allowing other tasks to be run, such as I/O, timers, or other coroutines.

When a coroutine yields an awaitable, execution of the coroutine is interrupted until the awaitable is resolved. If the awaitable is fulfilled with a value, the yield statement that yielded the awaitable will take on the resolved value. For example, $value = (yield Icicle\Awaitable\resolve(2.718)); will set $value to 2.718 when execution of the coroutine is resumed. If the awaitable is rejected, the exception used to reject the awaitable will be thrown into the function at the yield statement. For example, yield Icicle\Awaitable\reject(new Exception()); would behave identically to replacing the yield statement with throw new Exception();.

Note that no callbacks need to be registered with the awaitables yielded in a coroutine and errors are reported using thrown exceptions, which will bubble up to the calling context if uncaught in the same way exceptions bubble up in synchronous code.

The example below creates an Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine instance from a function returning a Generator. (Icicle\Dns\Connector\Connector in the DNS component uses a coroutine structured similarly to the one below, except it attempts to connect to other IPs returned from the resolver if the first one fails.)

use Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine;
use Icicle\Dns\Executor\Executor;
use Icicle\Dns\Resolver\Resolver;
use Icicle\Loop;
use Icicle\Socket\Client\Connector;

$generator = function () {
    try {
        $resolver = new Resolver(new Executor(''));
        // This coroutine pauses until yielded coroutine is fulfilled or rejected.
        $ips = (yield $resolver->resolve(''));
        $connector = new Connector();
        // This coroutine pauses again until yielded coroutine is fulfilled or rejected.
        $client = (yield $connector->connect($ips[0], 80));
        echo "Asynchronously connected to\n";
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        echo "Asynchronous task failed: {$exception->getMessage()}\n";

$coroutine = new Coroutine($generator());


The example above does the same thing as the example in the section on awaitables above, but instead uses a coroutine to structure asynchronous code like synchronous code. Fulfillment values of awaitables are accessed through simple variable assignments and exceptions used to reject awaitables are caught using a try/catch block, rather than creating and registering callback functions to each awaitable.

An Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine object is also an awaitable, implementing Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable. The awaitable is fulfilled with the last value yielded from the generator (or fulfillment value of the last yielded awaitable) or rejected if an exception is thrown from the generator. A coroutine may then yield other coroutines, suspending execution of the calling coroutine until the yielded coroutine has completed execution. If a coroutine yields a Generator, it will automatically be converted to a Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine and handled in the same way as a yielded awaitable.


Loop API documentation

The event loop schedules functions, runs timers, handles signals, and polls sockets for pending reads and available writes. There are several event loop implementations available depending on what PHP extensions are available. The Icicle\Loop\SelectLoop class uses only core PHP functions, so it will work on any PHP installation, but is not as performant as some of the other available implementations. All event loops implement Icicle\Loop\Loop and provide the same features.

The event loop should be accessed via functions defined in the Icicle\Loop namespace. If a program requires a specific or custom event loop implementation, Icicle\Loop\loop() can be called with an instance of Icicle\Loop\Loop before any other loop functions to use that instance as the event loop.

The Icicle\Loop\run() function runs the event loop and will not return until the event loop is stopped or no events are pending in the loop.

The following code demonstrates how timers can be created to execute functions after a number of seconds elapses using the Icicle\Loop\timer() function.

use Icicle\Loop;

Loop\timer(1, function () { // Executed after 1 second.
	echo "First.\n";
	Loop\timer(1.5, function () { // Executed after 1.5 seconds.
	    echo "Second.\n";
	echo "Third.\n";
	Loop\timer(0.5, function () { // Executed after 0.5 seconds.
		echo "Fourth.\n";
	echo "Fifth.\n";

echo "Starting event loop.\n";

The above code will output:

Starting event loop.


Icicle is a PHP library for writing asynchronous code using synchronous coding techniques







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