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/ grids Public archive

A Datagrid widget for laravel 5. It easily generate datatables from your entities.


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Grids is a datagrid widget for laravel 5. It easily generate datatables from your entities. The generated HTML use Twitter Bootstrap, but you can override templates.

Comming soon

  • A demo with more examples
  • CSV/Exel export
  • Possibility to extend the plugin, and add custom fields
  • Styling fields
  • And more...


First, add this in your composer.json

  "require": {
    "sygmaa/grids": "dev-master"

Then, add a new Service provider in your config/app.php :


And for the Facade :

'Grids' => 'Sygmaa\Grids\GridsFacade',

After, if you want override views or languages, you can run this command :

php artisan vendor:publish

Then, you must add these lines in your template :

    {!! Grids::head() !!}
    {!! Grids::styles() !!}
    {!! Grids::scripts() !!}

Simple example

In your controller :

$grid = Grids::make(new Model())
    // Pagination; 15 is the number of results to show by page
    // Show a reset button to clear filters (In the filter form)
    // You can add a condition...
    ->where('field', '<', 'content') 
    // ...Many conditions
    ->where('field', 'content') 
    // Where In SQL Statement is supported
    ->whereIn('field', ['content1', 'content2']) 
    // Order by SQL Statement is supported
    ->orderBy('field', 'ASC') 
    // Add a new field (name, Label)
    ->addField(Grids::text('id', 'ID')
        // Define the primary key (needed)
        // The field will be hidden
    // You can create a custom field with a callback
    ->addField(Grids::custom('custom', 'custom', function($row){ 
      // You can access to the data of the actual row
      return $row->name; 
    ->addField(Grids::text('name', 'Name')
        // An order by on this field will be available
        // We can search keywords in an input
    // Eloquent OneToMany/OneToOne relation
    // -> "entities" is your association method in your model ( entities() )
    // "name" is th name of the field in the associated model
    ->addField(Grids::oneRelation('', 'Label of entity', 'App\Models\EntityName')
         // You can filter the relation field
    // Eloquent ManyToMany relation
    // -> "entity" is your association method in your model ( entity() ), like oneRelation 
    // "name" is th name of the field in the associated model, like oneRelation
    // The result is a list (separated by comas)
    ->addField(Grids::manyRelation('', 'Label of entity', 'App\Models\EntityName') 
    // Date field
    ->addField(Grids::date('updated_at', 'Dernière modification', 'd/m/Y H:i:s')
        ->setFilterable() // You will have a bootstrap calendar to select period
    // Add a mass action (For example : to delete entries)
    ->addAction(Grids::massAction("Delete", URL::route('model.delete')))
    // Add a single action at the end of the row : you can for example return a button
    ->addAction(Grids::action("Edit", function($label, $row){
        $url = URL::route('model.edit', ['id' => $row->id]);
        return '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="'. $url .'">'. $label .'</a>';
    })); // Add 

And the template :

<div class="panel-body">
    <!-- Show the filter form -->
    {!! $grid->renderFilters() !!}
<div class="panel-body pn">
    <div id="datatable_wrapper" class="dataTables_wrapper form-inline dt-bootstrap no-footer">
        <!-- Show the grid -->
        {!! $grid->renderTable() !!}

        <div class="dt-panelfooter clearfix">
            <div class="dataTables_info" id="datatable_info" role="status" aria-live="polite">
                <!-- Show informations about pagination -->
                {{ $grid->renderPaginationInfos() }}
            <div class="dataTables_paginate paging_simple_numbers" id="datatable_paginate">
                <!-- Show the pagination -->
                {!! $grid->renderPagination() !!}


Grids in under a MIT License.


A Datagrid widget for laravel 5. It easily generate datatables from your entities.







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